@skrishna@wandering.shop avatar



#space | #science | #startrek | #gaming | #scicomm | #tech | #scifi
Freelance space editor, Inverse. Occasionally: Fast Company, Wired, NPR, Science Friday, StarTrek dot com
Author of A POCKET GUIDE TO STARGAZING (Chronicle Books, 2023) and co-editor of SWORD STONE TABLE (Vintage, 2021).

I live outside Philly.

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revengeday, to random
@revengeday@corteximplant.com avatar

Folks, I need your help, quickly! @JoMendacium mentioned cleaning up "the cable box." You know what kind of box that is, everyone has one! I need quick excuses why it doesn't need to be done now - hurry!

@skrishna@wandering.shop avatar

@revengeday @gnomon @JoMendacium This was April 23! We're good now, no space weather alerts today from NOAA.

skrishna, to space
@skrishna@wandering.shop avatar

This week’s space news from Ad Astra is here!

  • Voyager 1 is communicating with Earth!
  • Four solar flares on the sun at once
  • A near-earth asteroid may be a chunk of the moon

and more!

Newsletter at 11 am ET, subscribe: adastraspace.com


@skrishna@wandering.shop avatar

@mina 🚀🚀🚀

skrishna, to random
@skrishna@wandering.shop avatar

A few people have pointed out that it's worth mentioning that my newsletter is on Beehiiv, not on Substack.

I chose a service that doesn't platform hate speech, and the tradeoff was I gave up on the other service's internal algorithm and tools for helping people find your publication.

Hence why I'm doing this push. Beehiiv is GREAT, they have been really good to me, and I very much recommend their service.

@skrishna@wandering.shop avatar
@skrishna@wandering.shop avatar

@mattmaison It’s under social media on the dropdown menu, but I’m limited by what the website designer allows me to do in terms of the icons.

@skrishna@wandering.shop avatar

@mattmaison Yeah I have a ticket in to them to try and get them to add it!!!

reillypascal, to space
@reillypascal@hachyderm.io avatar

@skrishna is super cool and I love this newsletter! https://wandering.shop/@skrishna/112332886203206306

It's about the latest news in space and astronomy, and the RSS link is here: https://rss.beehiiv.com/feeds/BX2SPZ0naG.xml

@skrishna@wandering.shop avatar

@reillypascal Thank you!!

skrishna, to space
@skrishna@wandering.shop avatar

Hi all! I'm still in a newsletter subscription push mode -- with the demise of the bird app, it's gotten really hard to get the word out about projects like this that don't have an internal algorithm to help people find it.

If you like , , , or just want to support a woman of color doing STEM stuff -- please subscribe! Ad Astra is a weekly newsletter that tells you what's going on in space science and spaceflight.


@skrishna@wandering.shop avatar

And because this is Mastodon, and I know you all -- yes there is an RSS link!


@skrishna@wandering.shop avatar

@laimis Thank you!!!!

@skrishna@wandering.shop avatar

@oh_that_courtney It was a deliberate choice on my part to give up that algorithm that helps you find subscribers, because of exactly that!!!

@skrishna@wandering.shop avatar

@eco_amandine Thank you!!!

@skrishna@wandering.shop avatar

@chiraag Thank you!

@skrishna@wandering.shop avatar

@richard Thank you so much!! It's the same content as the videos, just in written form (with links and stuff for further reading, plus it can be hard to digest things in video vs print!!)

@skrishna@wandering.shop avatar

@colo_lee You're not the first person to mention this, thank you!

@skrishna@wandering.shop avatar
@skrishna@wandering.shop avatar

@paris Of course!

skrishna, to space
@skrishna@wandering.shop avatar

NASA found something weird at the edge of the solar system.

Let’s talk about what New Horizons found in the Kuiper Belt, and why we know so little about this part of our solar system:


skrishna, to space
@skrishna@wandering.shop avatar

In this week’s space news from Ad Astra:

  • NASA addresses space junk issues
  • Gaia found a stellar-mass black hole in our galactic neighborhood
  • We’re sending a quadcopter to Saturn’s moon Titan
    and more!

Newsletter coming at 11 am ET, sign up: adastraspace.com


@skrishna@wandering.shop avatar

@reillypascal Yes, there's an RSS link at the bottom of every newsletter but I'm fighting with the website builder to make it more visible on the website.


skrishna, to space
@skrishna@wandering.shop avatar

I’m doing a newsletter subscription push, so:

If you want one newsletter per week rounding up the biggest spaceflight + space science news, please sign up for Ad Astra! Weekly newsletter will go out tomorrow morning.


sundogplanets, to random
@sundogplanets@mastodon.social avatar

I'm talking to a journalist in a bit about NASA's new "space sustainability strategy" and this one sentence from the abstract seems to sum it up:

"Given the substantial upfront expenditures required to develop and deploy remediation capabilities and the potential delay in receiving benefits, these motivations do not appear to be sufficient to incentivize immediate action"

I'm going to have to read this more carefully, but did NASA just say they don't care about orbit?!


@skrishna@wandering.shop avatar

@sundogplanets I was actually going to reach out and see what you thought, and then I read the report and was like this doesn't even feel worth covering because it feels so lackluster

@skrishna@wandering.shop avatar

@sundogplanets Do you mind if I use this? I think I'll briefly mention it this week

skrishna, to space
@skrishna@wandering.shop avatar

NASA made a big announcement about a flagship Mars mission yesterday and well…it was a little odd.

Here’s everything you need to know about what’s happening with Mars Sample Return:

#space #science #nasa #mars #msr


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