@yon@sakurajima.social avatar



Been watching anime on and off since the 90s and love the amount of content that can be accessed these days. Into all sorts of genres, but currently on a #gundam kick as well as Spy x Family, Buddy Daddies, Kuma kuma kuma bear, etc. So many good shows!

Recently got into #gunpla, and hoping to post a bit about that going forward. Got a giant pile of The Witch From Mercury boxes here waiting to be built!

Trying to learn a little Japanese for the umpteenth time, but this time with #duolingo. If you are also trying that and we have interacted at least a little, feel free to shoot me a DM with your username and I'll add you:)

Also into video games, from retro to the latest.

I can code.


This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

yon, to random
@yon@sakurajima.social avatar

@chikorita157 Read rumors of Apple "adding" ChatGPT to iOS18. Would be insanely disappointing if that's true. I don't want anything of mine to be sent out and processed, especially without my consent/knowledge.

Damn I miss old Apple:( Not strange that it's very common to see ex-Apple people starting new things here and there.

yon, to random
@yon@sakurajima.social avatar

@anianimalsmoe So I checked it out, but I can’t say I understood how the bubble timeline works. Got a TL;DR or a link perhaps?

NaraMoore, to random
@NaraMoore@sakurajima.moe avatar

NewMast Report

> Conversations are driven by a small number of regular posters. 18% of users post once a week or more, making up 83% of the posts per month.

Oh, dear. I post just under 20 posts a day and that doesn't include my two pixelfed accounts. A small portion of it shit posting, but still.

@yon@sakurajima.social avatar

@chikorita157 @yon @NaraMoore I am very much not a supporter of EU’s “open everything up” type laws. I feel that on a surface level they sound all well and good, but I fear the reason why see them has more to do with the big players not liking not getting access to everyone else’s users (and by that I mean data).

I don’t want interoperability with iMessage, nor the fediverse, etc to the big players. I don’t see everything getting swallowed up as a positive in the end. Because a big rich company with competent developers can eat any small entities unless they are incompetent.

I think the fediverse is better off on its own, to grow in its own ways. There’s still so much potential for something more unique and new. Something more privacy and user centric.

yon, to random
@yon@sakurajima.social avatar

How is IPv6 working so poorly with Linux? Gaaah.

(And no, not talking about small fringe software either.)

yon, to random
@yon@sakurajima.social avatar

If I have bad taste in anime, will that be held against me?

neatchee, to random
@neatchee@urusai.social avatar


How has it taken them this long though?

@yon@sakurajima.social avatar

@neatchee They recently swapped out their client software completely (on the AppleTV at least, where I watch most my TV, I think the iOS client followed suite). So my guess is that that's the reason.

And with reports here in the comments that some have had it, this is probably the reason. A software revamp that's taking time.

Sadly I don't think they invest a lot in clients in general:( Can't remember I've used a single one I liked.

chikorita157, to random
@chikorita157@sakurajima.moe avatar

It’s kind of sad that Lunchables are considered acceptable as children’s school lunches. This is just as bad as considering pizza as a vegetable.

Still, school lunches when I was going to school was not that healthy either.


Archive Link: https://archive.md/qcnTI

@yon@sakurajima.social avatar

@chikorita157 US School kids couldn't name half the things we were fed. But we always got actual food. Big kitchen stuff, but food.

And we got milk. Normal actual milk. Not sugary weird chemical "chocolate" milk or something in a carton. Real milk into a glass.

The absolute refusal to fund public schools due to ideological reasons will be our damn undoing. Propaganda instead of school books, unhealthy processed crap if you even get lunch, big classes, no order, underpaid and overworked teachers :(

chikorita157, to random
@chikorita157@sakurajima.moe avatar

It’s not too surprising that most anime figures are dropping after their release. It does reduce the incentive to preorder them even if the USD/Yen is being just as weak compared to last year.

With rising interest rates and sticky inflation, I don’t think many in the hobby have discretionary income to buy or continue to do so like they used to.

Also, I feel that the anime figure market is saturated at this point. People aren’t buying new figures at the new high prices plus with QC issues?

I haven’t preordered many new ones, maybe perhaps 5 so far compared to several last year, but that is about it. Also, I need a display case or shelf since I don’t have room, so I don’t have any incentive to do any more preorders right now, unless it’s something I really want.


@yon@sakurajima.social avatar

@chikorita157 Future crash incoming with full warehouses and no buyers?

NaraMoore, to random
@NaraMoore@sakurajima.moe avatar

It's started. YouTube just got worse.

@yon@sakurajima.social avatar

@NaraMoore Lack of competition and relying on an unsustainable model (the ad economy) does that. Always expected it sooner or later.

I actually have premium, but have used the browser on this computer to watch silly stuff I normally don't watch. Haven't seen ads due to Linux + Firefox + blocker. Pondering my next move here.

@yon@sakurajima.social avatar

@chikorita157 @NaraMoore Agreed, it's either goosetep or silence :(

I do have some hope that I'll see some traction with peertube in the future. I'm not opposed to 'tubers making a living. I just want it be fair and not done by tracking me and bombarding me with content I never want (I don't use or buy anything in the ads, they aren't working one me at all. I am not the target audience one iota.).

Basically scrappy underdogs are my only hope here.

@yon@sakurajima.social avatar

@NaraMoore @chikorita157 It’s a case of a good idea, ran poorly, and that never had an actual business plan beyond “feed the parent company ad space and tracking”.

I like a lot of the content, but it wasn’t made by YouTube. I don’t like the company:(

It’s a pickle to be sure:(

paranormal, to random

I feel like the 650 character limit is bit low, what are the disadvantages of having a larger character limit? Does it take a toll on the storage? @neatchee

@yon@sakurajima.social avatar

@neatchee @paranormal Mostly agreeing here. I think 500 is a bit tight unless it's mostly throwing out shitposts or quick stuff. But I often butt up to the 500 limit (different account) and have to split it up into 2. The UI isn't good enough to do things like split threads well enough and sometimes you just have enough to say. Sure, something might be a rant. But just as often it's part of an explanation or similar.

BUT, I really think anyone writing 3-20 "pages" long original posts would be far better served by a let's say a mini blog format. It's also overwhelming as a reader as I'm expecting fairly quick to read things. I'm not in a blog reading mode if that makes sense. I rather do that as a separate thing with a separate mindset. Which is why I seldom read a lot of blog posts linked. Same with videos.

I did find Lemmy (or rather the other one which I now forgot the name of) but to be utterly useless. It's not a reddit replacement, it's a tech demo. :(

I'd love to see more, different, fediverse apps pop up rather than more copies of other things or just more variations of the same thing (which it's not significantly better). It's been a lot of copying (by necessity), but I'd love to see something more original.

I 100% agree that I think we all would enjoy social media better that way.

(This is far from my typical length, but it is what it is:))

@yon@sakurajima.social avatar

@neatchee @paranormal kbin, that’s the one. Not a name that sticks.

Heavy Reddit user in the past, went to specific subreddits for specific things. Complete silence on those topics on kbin/Lemmy so I just stopped looking. The only thing that had minuscule traction was gaming, but I have zero love for people dissing other people’s hardware choices. That’s just tiring.

I really really miss it sadly. So hoping something can materialize to scratch that itch. Miss stuff like musictheory. That was such a fun subreddit.

chikorita157, to tmobile
@chikorita157@sakurajima.moe avatar

I guess there is no such thing as a grandfather with T Mobile, unless you call them.

How is this legal?


@yon@sakurajima.social avatar

@chikorita157 Lobbying :(

Consumer protections are like worker protections, terrible :(

Oh, and capitalism creates competition is on par with trickle down economics. All carriers collectively suck.

yon, to random
@yon@sakurajima.social avatar

Other random thought. I the US we have a few really big animation companies, that really truly dominate, and any smaller gets shoved into those and often doesn't get to inject much personality into anything.

But is the situation with Anime different or the same? I seem to think it's different, but maybe I'm just not seeing it?

@yon@sakurajima.social avatar

@weebdeluxe @bookstodon I remember genuinely feeling scared reading it when I was a kid (probably late 80s), though Apt Pupil was honestly more disturbing. Plus that one felt far more realistic which made it worse.

Never saw the movie, but I’ve seen the other two
from that series. The fourth one hasn’t been made into a movie yet.

chikorita157, to random
@chikorita157@sakurajima.moe avatar

This afternoon, I created the second promo video to get more Japanese media related content creators and also Anime Bloggers onto our Mastodon server (and perhaps leave that birdsite). This updated video mentions that bird site eventually putting up a paywall.


I do plan to make videos to show users how to migrate their accounts to our server and even explain the new Mastodon 4.2 search features. Those will probably come next weekend.

The video has an invite link and QR code, which will bypass the approval process after approvals begin on October 28, 2023. Hopefully there will some tool built to bypass it by then, or maybe for testing. Doubt spammers will watch through the whole video to sign up using that method.

@yon@sakurajima.social avatar

@chikorita157 I feel it’s one of their biggest weaknesses. The other being missing posts (don’t care if someone wants to explain the stupid protocol. They aren’t there and I can’t even force pull them to my client so I can reply. That’s bottom tier UX in my book.)

But basically my excitement for fire fish has waned while I still very much like this little community (even if life happened and I was a bit absent. But I’m back!).

@yon@sakurajima.social avatar

@chikorita157 As if I can clear a backlog of anything well enough that I need to worry about new seasons :)

If there's anything good this season I will probably jump on it maybe 3-4 episodes in. See where the chatter might be.

I just missed talking anime/manga and the like. The fediverse is shite on average when it comes to communities imho, but sakurajim/urusei actually feels much more like one. And I restrict my following my better here.

(Life events were wholly unrelated to these servers btw.)

@yon@sakurajima.social avatar

@chikorita157 My old (small) manga collection is in the basement now. Wonder if I finally should try to read one of the Japanese ones.

That’s largely how I learnt English. Just kind of started to read:) But my inability to retain kana is a roadblock.

@yon@sakurajima.social avatar

@chikorita157 I'm odd:) Went 16 years to school, was at best a mediocre student and that whole system of teaching do not work for me. But I did really well with anything I learnt on my own (like English).

Basically the organized way with grammar etc seems to be a dead end, I just can't apply it practically. Basically if you ask me to learn something for the sake of learning it I could spend a day on it and forgotten almost all the next day:(

I'm more of a "get into it, and then figure out why I am failing/don't know something/etc" type of person. Which is why I really should be picking up a
(furigana) manga and just start reading and looking things up as I go. But Kana has to come first. Sadly flashcards seems to be counter productive, it's like my brain figures out "the game", so I can beat it, but I can't actually recall it at will.

Maybe I should just print out a bunch and start writing each character, a sheet at time. I wonder if there's an iPad all for that.

(This is 110% a rambly brain dump, sorry!)

Anyways, ignore my ramblings a bit:) I am a teacher's nightmare in general:) But I love to learn.

A few of the manga I have are furigana, and so are the old pokemon games I have. I just can't seem to get the time/energy :/

I should go look for an iPad writing kana app. Maybe that'll work.

Ramble over. Back to reality :)

@yon@sakurajima.social avatar

@anianimalsmoe @chikorita157 I've tried memorization techniques in the past, with less stellar results sadly:( Not kidding when I say I odd:/ BUT, shame on me if I don't give it a go anyways.

(Again I think my brain figures out the game, instead of trying to learn something. So if you ask me to "write sushi" I go "huh?", but I can match them if needed. I'm odd.)

I do great appreciate any and all help! We do have a lovely group of people here, and that makes a big difference. Keep being awesome, all of you! Arigatou!

@yon@sakurajima.social avatar

@anianimalsmoe @chikorita157 I kinda want to get a Japanese keyboard. Just your run of the mill mechanical full sized thing. I think it would be useful to write and get the connection that way. I had the worst time with spelling etc until I could write on a keyboard.

They suspected I was dyslexic for a while, in Swedish, but it was a lot easier to spell in English (bet you do not heard that often:)) and I think it was because I read and typed a whole lot. I actually spell worse now than I used to, because I speak it all the time (used to is a 20 year timeframe btw).

I know there's ways to type Japanese on US keyboards, or virtual ones, or phones, etc. But that tactile feeling of typing, where I don't look at the keyboard, might unlock something for me.

Well enough random rambling for now! Time for mini brownies and Spy x Family S1 rewatch!

@yon@sakurajima.social avatar

@chikorita157 @anianimalsmoe Aren't there a few mode switching keys or something along the lines of that?

I only posses various US ans SE keyboards :)

ami_angelwings, (edited ) to VideoGames
@ami_angelwings@urusai.social avatar

: what's your video game, anime or manga hot take? Like an actually scorching hot take that you actually believe and would cause controversy.

*As an example of the kinds of takes i mean, on the radio they did sports hot takes and 3 that came up were:

  • any NBA player over 6'7" could become a professional soccer goalie with only a month of training
  • an educated sports fan could do about as well as any professional GM at drafting 1st round picks over a 10 year span just by following general scouting rankings
  • a decently fit person could rush for 1 yard in the NFL with a good enough O line
@yon@sakurajima.social avatar

@anianimalsmoe @ami_angelwings For me it’s the squeaky voice in English, it doesn’t bother me in Japanese. It just sounds so, creepy and grating, in English.

The Japanese love for the Oppai and fan service is strong. But I wonder if that will change with each new generation.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not exactly prude, but mixing it in everywhere can get old.

@yon@sakurajima.social avatar

@ojou @ami_angelwings They should try using Europeans that speak English natively. Had worked wonders for some video games. Big talent pool due to short seasons, and a lot of theater.

I can’t stand anime dubs, and genuinely love some Japanese game dubs. Anime style games to boot. So it must be possible :)

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