how do you handle learning new things? any tips?

I'm trying to teach myself to use the godot engine to create a game, and god is it hard to concentrate. I don't really know how to begin, even after following the tutorial, and I'm second guessing myself constantly about what step I should take to make progress or even broaden my knowledge and understanding, and it's a constant battle to resist just starting up some game or other, to do anything except actually work on this.

Auster avatar

First, maybe Godot would be easier when knowing either C or Java, since, iirc, it can use either.
But on the matter of learning, I learn when I feel like it, and when I feel like learning, I jump head on. While I can't perfect any specific subjects that way, at least in a timely manner, random subjects can some times add up to other subjects I try or previously tried to learn (possibly how I learned to use Linux quickly despite being a big learning curve).

functional_tim, (edited )
functional_tim avatar


I normally stop if I can't concentrate. And do pretty much the same as Auster to learn stuff. Also I find it easier to learn if I do it without pressure.
Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Learn at your own pace. Being neurodivergent means taking detours.

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