
You already know who i am.


"do you guys have enough rope? here, let us give you some more"


I feel like it belongs more in the chaotic row


17 years! you must have given her such a wonderful life


where do you get all your polonium from?

not asking for any nefarious reason


it's just a matter of whether you're voting for the rich psychopath or the rich geriatric.

seems an easy choice to me


wish I actually used Spotify, so I could boycott


and the original(s - they do two distinctly different versions) are both amazing, arguably better than this cover.

look up EDNASWAP - Torn for the original versions


a gray team joins the game from the east, hostile to both present teams


except for all those times when it wasn't...

but any further violence is excessive. obviously.

Hunter Biden Offers to Testify Publicly. House Republicans Say No Way (

According to a Tuesday letter addressed to committee Chair James Comer (R-Ky.), Biden agreed to testify before the committee on Dec. 13 — as long as the hearing was public. In the letter, Biden’s attorneys quoted Comer’s own demand, issued in November, that given Biden’s “willingness to address this investigation...


I actively try to avoid killing cockroaches - they're useful to the ecosystem. Republicans, not so much.

I doubt I'd extend them the same courtesy.


Jung's work is too derivative. If you want to be taken seriously, coach it in terms of Freud's theories.


I don't strictly forget about them, but I never think to buy them myself. Brussels sprouts.


they've probably earned him more than a couple of dollars, too, just from people wanting to read the source material.

and I doubt there would have been a Netflix series without the games.


I'm just sad that plasma weapons are essentially a no-go in an atmospheric environment...


satisfactorily optimal.


borderlands has entered the chat


I think you said the unspoken part out loud.


it took me a long time to realise that just because it has the word liberty (almost) in it, doesn't mean it's a left-wing idea.


even if this specific example were, the law of large numbers means there's a very high likelihood that at least one person really holds this attitude.


give daddy's tablet back and stop skipping school.
your older self will thank you for it.

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