kepic avatar

kepic avatar

It's more of a layout issue, really. Add article is in an odd place - I'd expect it to be on the right side infobox, or maybe above the articles. If I didn't know from earlier experimentation how it worked, I would never post articles.

Another issue, in the same vein, is that in the magazines articles are under 'Threads,' but they're called articles. There's pretty much nothing associating "Add new article" to 'Threads'. Again, something that you'll have to just try out.

Other topic altogether. Why is there an empty space at the beginning of edit area?

kepic avatar

I actually tried to go to /m/kbin, and since it wasn't there, I created it. Can I redirect it somehow, or should I add moderators from the dev team (you, for example)?

kepic avatar

Yeah. It's a new site for me, so I haven't had a proper look yet, but it seems to have pretty good resources.

kepic avatar

There was a lot in there that was new to me, too. The greatest surprise was the connection with sight; I'm overly sensitive to bright light, and have trouble with blue light (nighttime neon signs are horrible). There was a lot I recognized in myself in this.

kepic, to programming
kepic avatar

Functional JavaScript

Hi, as a beginner, I'd appreciate any guidance. Links to in-depth discussion, examples, and summaries would be great. I'm pretty fine with overall, and have used some FP features, but strict FP is new to me.

kepic avatar

I'm probably going to do (and ), leveraging and for . Planning still going on. , on the other hand, is as much educational thing for me as it is an attempt to figure out cleaner and more readable code.

and look good, although I'm not looking to start learning yet another (meta)language at this point.

seawall, to random avatar

Question for parents, caregivers, or people who remember relevant details from their own childhood:

What tips and methods seem to work best for introducing the concept of money, savings and to young kids?

Our six-year-old is very smart, advanced at reading and getting better than average at math, but he's also impulsive*, so not sure about the jar advice.

*he's likely as well as

kepic avatar

Let him participate in your own budgeting. Try to make spreadsheets fun, if possible. Add things that he wants, and make him a budget that he has to balance - nothing big, of course, for now. Priorities and understanding of money rolled into one.

rabbit_fighter, to programming avatar

I created this timer web app for my kid to help him stay on track while getting dressed, doing homework, etc. It can do simple countdowns of 5, 10, 20, or 30 minutes. It can also do an alternating 10 minutes of study with 3 minute break timer. Also, it can hoot at you every 30 seconds because of course it can. Free to use for anyone who finds it helpful.

kepic avatar

could be an option to add, and useful later in life as a tool.

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