nm, to ADHD
@nm@veganism.social avatar

ADHD win: I finally got around to updating the data for https://fedipact.veganism.social after putting it off for like 3 months.

Data was collected from roughly 43,000 instances, about half were offline and discarded.

aby, to Autism
@aby@aus.social avatar

C'mon guys.. journo better.

Maybe these two things are related, and the "fracture" isn't being caused by disabled kids who have a human right to education?

RL_Dane, to ADHD
@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

Oh my… funny moment of irony.

I was reading an article about trying to do a daily schedule with an ADHD brain, and while reading that, I wondered what was in the sweetener I was pouring into my tea, and so launched a rabbit trail researching Truvia and erythritol… and five minutes later, I close the terminal I was wikipedia-ing on, only to find the same article I had started with staring at me.

I had completely forgotten what I was doing because…


theaardvark, to Autism
@theaardvark@mastodon.me.uk avatar

How does everyone know how, when and how much they're masking?
As a late-diagnosed , I struggle to differentiate between "me but masking" and "me but in a diff situation".
Now that I know I'm autistic, I even miss the person I used to be in some situations before I knew.
I used to call myself a "social chameleon" - I just changed automatically to suit the circumstances.
But who actually am I and what is just a mask?

mrundkvist, to ADHD
@mrundkvist@archaeo.social avatar

It was a big eye opener for me when I learned that paralysis exists. Indecisiveness in other people has always been incomprehensible to me, indeed, often deeply annoying. It seems that I am basically executive function on legs, which determines my perspective.


Jeremiah, to ADHD
@Jeremiah@alpaca.gold avatar

The hostility of governments towards tourists with ADHD who just want to take their medication is a true test of the effectiveness of that medication.

Within the EU, I must fill out a form with my pharmacist for them to file for each trip beyond Sverige’s border.

For my trip to Korea, I must download 2 Word docs from a website in Korean, submit a copy of my passport, flight information, notarized English translation of my Swedish prescription, and email it all 10 days before travel.

@Jeremiah@alpaca.gold avatar

Given the decades of research, prescription, and millions of people using the medication, I think governments should stop treating people with ADHD like they are potential drug mules.

People buy enough alcohol in duty free stores at the airport to get shitfaced and that’s ok, but someone with a pill a day for the duration of their trip so their executive function works is a 🚩? Sure, Jan…

masukomi, (edited ) to ADHD
@masukomi@connectified.com avatar

For all those people out there who still claim that we are getting our kids high by giving them Adderall:

I took my dose at 6:30 AM , went back to sleep, just getting up now 10 minutes before nine.

brains are chemically different. Normal brains, get high or focused or whatever. I become slightly more able to find the thing I set down three seconds ago.

kamikat, to ADHD
@kamikat@horrorhub.club avatar
youronlyone, to ADHD
@youronlyone@c.im avatar
tsvenson, to Autism Swedish
@tsvenson@mastodon.online avatar

Jag vill inte föreställa mig längre.

Jag är trött om att kämpa bete mig "normal" för att passa in.

Jag är den jag är!

Jag har inte fått min slutliga diagnos.

Men väl från "utredningen" (efter 11 års kamp) fått resultatet att jag är på spektrumet för både och .

Det är positivt.

Nu vet jag mer - vetenskapligt - om hur min 🧠 är konstruerad.

Det hjälper mig.

Att bättre försöka.

Hur positivt använda mina egenskaper.

Att vara med bidra till bättre.

I världen jag delar med dig 🥰

cferdinandi, to ADHD
@cferdinandi@mastodon.social avatar

🐝 New on ADHD ftw! How to avoid excessive meetings as someone with ADHD https://adhdftw.com/how-to-avoid-excessive-meetings-as-someone-with-adhd/

freemo, to asd
@freemo@qoto.org avatar

If you are well organized, it is a healthy trait. no one would say you are "on the OCD spectrum".. but when that trait gets out of hand we would say you have OCD, and likely would be diagnosed as such.

I see (autism) ASD and ADHD as much the same way. Most people diagnosed with it who are high functioning dont really have it at all. It is just a personality trait and all in all a positive one. high-functioning ASD are just people without social hangups, good. And people with ADHD who are high-functioning are largely just amazing multi-taskers.

The harm in putting people on a spectrum is they see themselves asa diseased, broken, something that needs "consideration.. they arent, in most cases in the right proportions these "diseases" are in fact just super powers, things more people should wisht hey have really.

healthinfoe2, to science

How To Get Prescribed Orange- Round 30 Adderall Pill Online


Order Now:- https://cosmodix.com/

Buy Now:- https://cosmodix.com/adhd/adderall/

Adderall is a prescription medication used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. It contains a combination of amphetamine and dextroamphetamine, which work by increasing levels of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain. This helps to improve focus and concentration in individuals with ADHD and helps to control excessive sleepiness in those with narcolepsy.

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healthinfoe2, to science

How To Get Prescribed Orange- Round 30 Adderall Pill Online


Order Now:- https://cosmodix.com/

Buy Now:- https://cosmodix.com/adhd/adderall/

Adderall is a prescription medication used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. It contains a combination of amphetamine and dextroamphetamine, which work by increasing levels of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain. This helps to improve focus and concentration in individuals with ADHD and helps to control excessive sleepiness in those with narcolepsy.

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wolfsbruder, to ADHD
@wolfsbruder@babka.social avatar
br00t4c, to ADHD
@br00t4c@mastodon.social avatar
masukomi, to ADHD
@masukomi@connectified.com avatar

a while i go i asked why video controls looked so terrible in mastodon, and it turned out it was my "Video Speed Controller" plugin, which looks great everywhere EXCEPT mastodon. 🤷‍♀️

So, since i was already fixing things with I figured I'd fix this too.

1st pic after fix. 2nd pic before fix.

If any other people are using this plugin & want the fix, just holler. ;)

a screenshot of the same toot, but now there's a huge black border to the top and the left of the video. In the left border the same controls are visible. It looks terrible.

bmac, to random
@bmac@jawns.club avatar

Well. Got my Adult ADHD diagnosis today. Like a lot of folks, I assumed ADHD didn't apply to me because I'm not especially fidgety, and I got good grades in school, so no problem?

But this post put things in a different light for me, I made an appointment with my doc, and she said "Oh yeah, you meet the criteria."


Apparently I've already joined the correct social platform. If someone could point me to the clubhouse, I'll get started on the paperwork.

@masukomi@connectified.com avatar

@bmac welcome. Following the #ADHD hashtag is a good start.

I was late diagnosed and the more you learn about it and accept the realities of it that you’ve been beating your head against, or berating yourself for, the better life becomes. Also.. drugs help ;)

siljelb, to ADHD Norwegian Bokmål
@siljelb@snabelen.no avatar

This! This "temporal dead zone" between meetings is the bane of all my workdays!

@cferdinandi https://mastodon.social/@cferdinandi/112332541674641376

cferdinandi, to ADHD
@cferdinandi@mastodon.social avatar

🐝 New on ADHD ftw! The ADHD temporal dead zone https://adhdftw.com/the-adhd-temporal-dead-zone/

thor, to ADHD
@thor@berserker.town avatar

I think I might have some talent for teaching. Repeatedly now, the student I'm tutoring has remarked "Oh my god, it's that simple?" after explaining a computer science concept she was struggling with.

I think it's because I need to understand things quickly myself. If it's too complex, I lose patience. Explain to me like I'm five, please.

One disadvantage of being diligent is that a heavy workload doesn't bother you enough to stop and question it. I remember this from my brief period of taking meds. I would be so concentrated on the task that I didn't pause to consider that maybe I should change my approach.

The benefit of impatience and procrastination is that they make you rethink things. "This is too hard. There must be a better way." And you procrastinate to see if there's an alternative. While you're putting it off, an alternative approach might emerge, or the problem might even solve itself.

Not great for completing tedious tasks right now, but great for coming up with new approaches and streamlining them later. If my entire programming career had looked like that, maybe I would've enjoyed my job. There's more demand for diligent workers who can churn through tedious tasks, but I'm pretty much useless in such roles.

thor, (edited )
@thor@berserker.town avatar

Speaking of tedium. Me and a friend know a guy with and who was absolutely mental at tedious tasks. "Do this until we tell you to stop." and he'd just keep going. One of his favourite games was WoW because of all the grinding. He was also a great metal guitar player for the same reason. Relentless monotonous practice until perfection was accomplished.

Unthinkable for me. I have , so I'm pretty much the exact opposite. I virtually never rehearse anything. I play the keyboard but I can't even play through a single song. There's just no patience. Certain keyboard techniques are inaccessible to me for that reason. They're just too tedious to learn.

aby, to Autism
@aby@aus.social avatar
jochenwolters, to ADHD
@jochenwolters@mastodon.social avatar

Large animations can easily be highly distractive for folks with . Being able to pause them individually doesn't make things much better, especially if reloading the page starts them all over again.

It's really disappointing to see a design-focused company like use that type of purely gratuitous graphics on their conference website, and do so without offering a way to disable them all at once across the site.

That’s a sad lack of consideration for true . 🙁🤨🤬

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