Did the reddit hivemind do a 180 or are the people left behind just the people who don't care.

Prior to the protest reddit was in full support of the protest. Most polls on subs supported a shutdown. Now, seemingly every community cant understand why the protest was needed and they're calling it a mod power trip. There is a 3rd possibility. This is an unfounded conspiracy but reddit themselves could be manipulating scores.

See the NFL thread if you don't mind sending traffic



I've been on reddit for 13 years. My wife finally got an account last year. She cannot understand any of the fuss. She didn't know there were apps outside the official app. She never used RES. She just scrolls and never comments or posts. I would be surprised if she even upvotes or downvotes. She's not a monster, she just doesn't reddit like I do.

95% of users are like my wife. 5% of users are like me. I haven't even tried to explain this whole Lemmy/Kbin experiment to her yet.

But the thing is, if 50% of the 5% of us who are active posters (e.g., 2.5% of total users) are now over here on Kbin/Lemmy, the 95% who are left are going to notice a huge difference in the experience of the site. Conversations will be dull. New posts will be more ad-focused. They may not be able to explain what happened, but they will notice that Reddit is not as fun as it used to be.

Will this stop spez from getting stupid rich? Probably not. Will my wife switch to Lemmy or Kbin? Never gonna happen. But the people who want to be part of the old culture will find their way here. The stuff that made reddit great is already happening over here. Reddint will not die anytime soon, but it will cease to be relevant. Think of how long yahoo lasted even though no one cared about it. Reddit is going to be like that.

I haven't yet deleted my reddit account. It will probably happen. But I also haven't missed it. I've actually been excited to come over and see what's happening every day in the fediverse! I'm posting more, and considering modding for the first time.


I think so too, the users who care enough to even consider 3rd party apps are the ones who commented and posted the most imo.


It could also be Reddit flubbing the number and pushing those posts higher.

manwe avatar

95% of users are like my wife. 5% of users are like me.

This is a pretty broad assumption.


That tracks, actually; His wife is a broad.

parrot-party avatar

It's well known that most social media, and very much so for Reddit, are primarily consumed by lurkers. There's loads of daily users that don't even have an account because it's not necessary. The lurkers may be good for ad revenue, but they don't make the content. You need the active community there to produce the content that lurkers consume. Without the community, the lurkers aren't going to step in and do it themselves, they'll just stop visiting Reddit. So yes, I'm sure the balance looks like 95% lurkers and 5% community.


I think 99% to 1% is probably closer to reality even.

tikitaki avatar

think of it this way - back in 2008 100% of the users had accounts made on or before 2008

reddit has doubled something like 8 times since that point. after 1 doubling, that 2008 or earlier becomes 50%. after 2 doublings, 25%... etc

at this point it's below 1~2% depending on where you get your figures

majority of people (and an increasing majority) will only know reddit through new.reddit or the app. my gf just joined reddit because of me a few months ago.. and she only know the official app. that is "reddit" to her.

reddit has moved on past us, the original users. they've decided that we are such a small minority that we essentially do not matter anymore and therefore are sacrificing us to raise IPO price


It's not only the original users that are against all these changes. I only started on Reddit <10 years ago and I'm here. But I'm sure the portion of new users embracing "the old ways" over "the new ways" has still decreased over time, yeah.

I honestly think this is shining a massive light on the core issue of freedom. It shouldn't be "sure, you can use [the app] or not." But that is how the majority of people think. It's disheartening. I hate to bring politics into this, but it's like people saying "don't like what [party X] is doing in this country? Then leave!" Binary decisions suck in real life.

@wesker@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

I also choose this guy's wife.

lavender avatar

Every time. He can’t keep getting away with this.


I call this a perfect callback. 5/7.



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  • DmMacniel,

    Today you, tomorrow me.


    So in other words reddit's conversations will become as dull as Facebook.


    Spez will get openai to make an llm moderator and he can control the weights. An army of spez moulded ai's let loose on the Internet.


    Damn, dude... Even Satan would be like, "I definitely didn't think that up; that's waaaay too fucked up."


    Couldn’t have said it better. I tried explaining what’s going on to my gf and it was.. difficult. The fact that she couldn’t understand who John Oliver was and why he was suddenly a big deal was peak internet for me though lol.


    Exactly. Love the vibe here, discussions with ppl of similar stlye and interests (exactly how my forums were a long time ago, also reddit used to be years ago, and how it still was in some communities)


    This makes a lot of sense. I've seen some great content here for the size, and haven't felt much pull to Reddit.


    This comment is golden


    Yahoo ain't dead yet. Vegetative, but not dead. Their fantasy sports systems pretty OK.


    Yep this is the truth. The vast majority of users just go there and scroll and click through stuff. They don't really care. They were inconvenienced by the blackout and want it back to normal.

    The real consequences are that a significant chunk of the active and power users have left the site now.

    I haven't deleted my reddit account either. I have definitely noticed that my feed on reddit has less interesting content now.


    It's all repost of not even week old stuff.


    This is one of the best comment that explains most of the veteran redditors that have left reddit and join fediverse.


    Even if I'm not totally off of Reddit, recent events got me out of a rut for a bit and that's good. Already, the threads on Reddit/all seem stale and even in the past 24 hours what I see on kbin and lemmy.world is starting to give me the tingle I hadn't felt since the early Reddit days or even the period before when I used to browse multiple sites so in a way this is going back to my Internet roots, surfing across multiple sites for nuggets and truly browsing and not doom scrolling a single website aggregator. It's a breath of fresh air.

    It's like having gotten used to a favorite diner with a massive menu but when the classic joint starts going off the rails, one decides to explore, finding new culinary niches, pop ups, and little shops with unique offerings. It's no longer as convenient, but then again, maybe it shouldn't be.

    parrot-party avatar

    I've hard avoided Reddit this week to break the habit and help keep traffic numbers down for their metrics. Will I return to some of my small subs later? Maybe. Kbin and Lemmy have already done a great job at providing more content than I can really engage with already, so there's not a huge need for me to go back. The only time it's a struggle is when the Kbin servers are hugged to death, but I've been lurking squabbles during those dark times.


    Same. I've been redditing since 2012 and have tailor made a select group of subs I follow for all of my hobbies. I was an avid commenter, with reply's as long as your own. It was definitely my most visited site. It was as much for stupid pictures when I was going to bed as it was discussing things with fellow collectors or getting advice or tech support. Old.Reddit on my Desktop, RIF on my phone. I am one of the people this hooplah affects. And it makes me mad.

    I know a lot of people who reddit in real life, but most of them might use it for 10 minutes a day on the toilet or while on the bus. They primarily lurk and stick to a lot of the easily accessible and fun subs. They also just use the official App, or they just look at it in their phone browser. Like you said, this whole thing doesn't affect most of them.

    I'm now spending a lot of time trying to find new communities in kbin and lemmy. But I have to admit the specialty subs I follow either don't have a community here (like Moon Knight stuff) or very small communities (functional print, comic book collecting, etc). I'm sticking to the protest as long as makes sense to me (it still does). But I have a feeling reddit might die before these niche communities find purchase elsewhere.


    Yeah a couple of neiches are yet to be filled. There are some forums for my ttrpg like enworld and RPG net it's like going back to 2009. I am missing some of the Reddit about specific shows I watch though

    Varyag avatar

    Almost exactly same situation as you. I'm mad, it hurts, I've already purged my Reddit account of all content on it, multiple times since the most recent posts kept getting restored. The account itself isn't deleted yet, I still think I'll keep coming back for some stuff that just isn't here on Lemmy or kbin yet... But as for participating in discussions and communities, I'm now 100% here.
    It's just sad. I've met the majority of my current online friend group that I chat with everyday on Discord, through Reddit. I hope at some point that becomes a real possibility in the Fediverse too. That we gather enough weirdos that are way too much into niche things that you can select which of them you'd like to be friends with.


    I wouldn't be surprised if discord ended up having a lot of them, but the topic and comment idea of reddit feels like it's here. Discord is like a chatroom, and to analogize further chatrooms feel like where communities gather, but forums feel like where communities live.

    le_saucisson_masque, (edited )

    She’s not a monster, she just doesn’t reddit like I do.

    The way you need to precise she’s not a monster make me doubt it. Does she live by night, avoid the sun at all cost during daytime and drink children blood for dinner ? If so I have bad news.

    on a more serious note, I agree that most people come on reddit for a little giggle or to spend time but don't know that much about the backend of it. Eventually they find out after some time and then decide if they care or not about the api price change, in the meantime no one can blame them for just living their life without caring about reddit.

    Aeonx avatar

    Damn ++ making this comment so I can save this comment. This is the boat I'm in.

    Blakerboy777 avatar

    I pretty much agree with this. If you look at the accounts of the people complaining, how many of them have posts hitting the frontpage? I'm not saying I have any data, I'm just speculating that most people who are power users, whether they use 3rd party apps or not, can recognize how shitty reddit went about this and won't complain about the protest.

    !deleted110152, (edited )


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  • Aeonx,
    Aeonx avatar

    I mean your not lying. On Mastodon I saw posts about people deleting accounts with thousands of karma, lot's of people with positive reputation in their communities left, and the people who remained either are not active posters or don't really care.


    I'm in the process of deleting all my comments but it's taking a while.

    I've got probably 100k karma over a few accounts.

    I feel kinda bad about taking away all the technical help and collaborative type stuff I've done over the years, but... Reddit wants to use all that data to cash out on it's users, so it has to go.

    @AdrianTheFrog@lemmy.world avatar

    I feel kinda bad about taking away all the technical help and collaborative type stuff I’ve done over the years

    Its ok, ChatGPT has already trained on your data /s


    and you have to pay $20 a month for it to give you good advice....

    Alto avatar

    Helps that to a certain extent a fairly large portion are going to be at least moderately tech savvy (probably less so than 5+ years ago), so switching to the fediverse is a lot less daunting to them than to the average user.

    !deleted110152, (edited )


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  • Casey_Masterpiece,

    Coming from reddit it's not hard to understand content served to me from elsewhere, so I didn't see the importance of picking an instance I liked. Especially if the idea is they jam together real good.


    Well... I've never moderated a subreddit, and I've used the official reddit app my whole life lmao. But I'm also a programmer so I'm not the canonical example of someone in that boat lol.

    overfl0w avatar

    My biggest concern for the switch over was figuring out what instance I would like best. I think settling on kbin has been a good experience so far, barring some of the hiccups. Luckily, earnest has been crushing it with the fixes the whole time.

    J23, (edited )

    What would you say is the best way to get a kbin invite?

    E: sorry, I mixed it up with tildes.net

    overfl0w avatar

    You need an invite now? I didn’t when I signed up.


    @Liontigerwings @yacht_boy @Blakerboy777 @Alto @digitallyfree

    !deleted110152, (edited )


  • Loading...
  • overfl0w,
    overfl0w avatar

    I didn’t think an invite was necessary, so thanks for the clarification!


    oops, mixed it up with tildes



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  • overfl0w,
    overfl0w avatar

    Oh yeah, I completely forgot about doing that. Was gonna throw him $50. You have the link?


    I don't think it's hard unless they end up somewhere where signup is difficult. And even then is browsing as a guest difficult? I've only been on kbin.social and lemmy.world and it seems dead simple.


    Probably all the users who like me used old Reddit and apps. Those that joined recently only know the Reddit official app and don't care


    I visited Reddit for years when Google searches led me there. About 2 years ago I got into some niche hobbies/interests, and that motivated me to sign up. I almost always used the official app. I was doomscrolling and posting lots of comments ever since.

    It takes me a long ass time to commit to a new technology. But I also heard and understood with the API issue that mods need the proper tools to do their job, and if you take away their tools, they cannot do their job. And once they can't, they will leave and the entire experience of Reddit will change. I also understood that there are 3PA that the heaviest users and commenters use, and once those apps die, those people will not.come back, and with them will go their expertise and all of their posts and comments.

    That told scaredy cat me that I needed to find.aome new place(s) for chat and entertainment. I like it here at kbin. I'm also enjoying Tildes, and I've been visiting Mastodon and Substack (I set those accounts up when Twitter went haywire), Hacker News, Fark and Metafilter. I'm enjoying the diversity.

    Just mentioned all this to say that relatively new /official app using Redditors might also be making the jump.prior to Doomsday.


    Didn't take that long to sign up for reddit myself, but I also only used the main app. But it already feels like reddit has moved here and I'm loving it


    That's me lol.


    I mean most posts on the fediverse have way less votes. But I see similarly many comments as I used to see on reddit. It just feels like reddit is here now.

    Stronger evidence: there's documented cases of people's deleted comments being restored. Whether or not that's intentional by reddit, I can't say for certain, but if I were a betting woman, you bet I'd bet on them doing it on purpose. And if they are, then we're talking about reddit losing a substantial enough amount of content just from people deleting their accounts in protest, substantial enough to impact their bottom line. And that's just those of us who are deleting our content - I'm not among them since I still need to occasionally look at my saved posts since there's important and useful information in there. They'll stop getting content from way more people. That's gotta terrify them.

    Obviously the fediverse lacks a lot of the polish that reddit had. Mostly by virtue of reddit being around longer and having more developers - lemmy's had like 2 developers for 4 years, kbin came out a few months ago, and I'm not sure about mastodon. But with time, that'll change. A lot of reddit power users are programmers, and now that they can touch the code of the site they care about, I bet we'll see a lot more polish in the coming months. I've certainly gotta get off my ass and dig into the code a little bit.

    I wouldn't call myself a power user, or even an especially good programmer, but I have my moments, and I feel more at home here than I've felt on reddit in years.


    reddit losing a substantial enough amount of content just from people deleting their accounts in protest

    Accounts could be deleted, but, according to ToS, reddit owns their posts:

    "When Your Content is created with or submitted to the Services, you grant us a worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, transferable, and sublicensable license to use, copy, modify, adapt, prepare derivative works of, distribute, store, perform, and display Your Content and any name, username, etc., etc." –https://www.redditinc.com/policies/user-agreement-september-12-2021


    ewww that's nasty

    wrath-sedan avatar

    While it’s possible that Reddit could be rigging the scales, I think the simplest answer is that the people most critical of Reddit have already left Reddit. Vice versa, everyone here is clearly in favor of boycotting Reddit because well… we’re here now.

    DRx avatar

    My partner still hasn’t left Reddit yet, but because it’s a habit for her now AND Apollo still works… once Apollo is gone she’s already signaled she is moving on.

    I wonder how many others are just waiting for the third party’s to be killed before moving on?

    wrath-sedan avatar

    RIP Apollo my beloved


    This is kinda the case for me. I'm working on getting use to this.

    tikitaki avatar

    i use RIF and old.reddit with RES and have been doing so for almost a decade at this point. if RIF is gone, I'm not using reddit on my phone anymore. maybe i continue using the website... i'm not sure. but i think they will eventually kill old.reddit and RES just like they are killing RIF

    essentially it's probably gonna be my last 2 weeks on reddit

    parrot-party avatar

    My wife hasn't left either but she's a once a week lurker anyway. Just hits up the drama subs for a quick hit of bullshit and then moves back to Facebook for some more drama dosing. She knows about all of this, but the drama subs like TIFU are already fully populated over there with content, so there's no desire to see cat pics on Lemmy.


    Its a classic case of people having no fucking clue about scale, bias, the vocal majority and silent minority.

    For every loud reddit dissident, there is 100 people who just heard about reddit and grabbed the official app from the store. They dont comment, they dont post, they dont give a shit. If reddit went down they wouldnt question it, they would just grab a 9gag app or something and continue on consuming content. They dont block ads, they dont get invested in net neutrality or anything else the EFF are involved in, they dont mod the UX, they dont dig into dodgy shit going on behind the scenes. They dont give a shit.
    In other words, they are the perfect community for a corporate social media.

    Hellsadvocate avatar

    I'm interested to see what happens when the third party apps actually die. And old.reddit.com obviously


    I read somewhere that a shim was being developed to allow reddit apps to join a lemmy instance. Not sure how practical it would be, or how far off it is, but its an interesting idea. Would obviously need to be implemented by the original reddit app dev, or a forked version if open source.

    I imagine at least a couple of developers will migrate over here. If they update their app to the fediverse, join in on other open source projects, or just leave the scene is yet to be seen though.


    I read somewhere that a shim was being developed to allow reddit apps to join a lemmy instance

    I assume you're talking about this project?


    If Sync ever did that, I would be over the moon. That app made browsing a genuine joy with how good the UI is and how customizable it is. I really hope the devs for the existing third party apps repurpose them or make a version for the fediverse.


    I can't find the comment because the sub is private, but /u/ljdawson did actually say modifying Sync to work with lemmy was a possibility. I would be so happy if it ended up working out.


    Userbase here will explode, then continue to grow. Content and moderation quality on reddit will decrease week by week, but they will go on for a very long time anyway (see Digg)


    Those who have an issue are leaving and not commenting or upvoting each other anymore either. This creates a sort of feedback loop where people critical of Reddit get less positive feedback and either they adjust their opinion to fit the majority or get downvoted. Thus minority opinions are pushed into small communities or off the site entirely.

    It‘s always kinda been that way tbh, I could still tolerate it cause who wants to hear Nazi or tankie opinions for example, but now I‘m thinking I‘d rather be uncomfortable with them than comfortable with this hivemind.

    Madison_rogue avatar

    I wouldn't doubt that the majority of users that supported the protest are probably bating their time. They're periodically lurking to see if there has been an impact, not posting, and/or deciding to quit. So what's left are users that didn't support the blackout, and they're pissed and very vocal, and upvoted by the rest of the community that supports u/spez.


    Yep, can attest. I'm only checking in to my subs to find the 'official' alternatives, have had to stop myself from picking up fights and to just move on.

    karbairusa avatar

    I mean the truth is 95% of redditors didn't use apps and don't care about this at all.

    It's like if your local street had a protest for sheep shearing, preventing you from going to the park or movies. It's irrelevant to you and the large majority would want it over.


    I would agree but many sub reddits had polls before locking and the majority were always in favor.


    One thing to keep in mind is that there is an active minority of users who are content generators who are much more likely to vote on stuff like that. Then there are a ton of mostly silent read-only users (most of whom don't even have accounts). If you inconvenience the mostly silent users who are just there for cat pics on their lunch break, some of them will suddenly put in the effort to complain. But they'll never build a community, you need the active users for that.

    Pandantic avatar

    Yeah, good luck to the read-onlys when the content creators are gone.

    Gabbro avatar

    I.e the 90-9-1 rule of internet culture.


    I would have thought most people would be using an app. Most people access the Internet through their phone.

    karbairusa avatar

    Yeah but they are probably using the original reddit app. The people that used sync, Apollo or reddit is fun were mad.

    Pika avatar

    Or infinity, thats what caused me to leave. Losing Infinity on top of seeing just what reddit admins thought of the community as a whole made me leave.


    The official app, not the original. The 3rd parry app scene did well because reddit didnt offer anything official until really late.

    karbairusa avatar

    either way, I moved because there is 0 reason to be doing this but money, and because without sync I'm not interested!

    thesoloist avatar

    They also bought Alien blue, which was a 3pa. And then drove it into the ground to replace it with what they have now. fuck Spez


    Yeah, I'm not buying Reddit's statistics. 90%+ of mod actions on desktop web and official app? I can see plenty of use for old Reddit, but they have locked quite a few mod actions behind the new interface recently. Likewise the more and more spez feels the need to mention that there was no real consequence from the blackout makes me question the validity of that statement. We're all aware what a lying jackass he is.

    I'm sure that the majority of people will continue to use Reddit regardless. I'm just not sure that the majority is as major as they are presenting it to be.


    While I moved over to the fediverse on the principle of it all, I've never used an app myself. Only old.reddit on both PC and mobile. Just got too used to it before any app came up.


    I think a lot of mods probably use RES on desktop, which will still be functional after this. But yeah, statistics say that 3PA are only used by about 5-10% of users


    Agreed. they also know RES only works as long as old.reddit.com works, and once that's done, desktop is shit.


    Once they kill third party they will go for old reddit. Definitely

    CMLVI avatar

    RES said they weren't sure how it would be effected by the API changes. It could be fine, it could break some stuff.

    parrot-party avatar

    They also aren't really developing it anymore. The maintenance team is down to two people on their spare time. They aren't going to fix what Reddit breaks at this point.

    ryanspeck avatar

    Honestly, I mostly used desktop and the official app sometimes (mostly while I was watching TV, like right now). I don't think I'd realized there were third party apps, otherwise I would have been using one before all this mess.


    I discovered reddit on desktop, switched over to RIF and one day I created a burner account on desk top (2021 ish) and was shocked at what I saw.

    The actual content was in like 10 point font with ads and an instant messenger function taking up a quarter of the screen.

    If people only ever used the desk top or official app, they have no idea the experience other people were getting. Essentially only the all page had ads, they were the same size as posts, they were more clearly delineated as ads, there was less of them.

    parrot-party avatar

    I've heard people bitching about the "He Gets Us" ad campaign, but as a RES and RIF user, I never really experienced that. Knowing the hell they're going through though, I know it would do nothing but piss me off. So why take the risk. Just leave Reddit.


    So I didn’t know what those were until recently, when I clicked over to Reddit in a browser a few times to see things like r/gaming’s “sorry” message and to see that r/funny had opened back up.

    Every single time I opened Reddit in my browser, there would be a single post at the top, followed by an advertisement for Jesus right there under the top post. The ads were designed to look like posts, too, so they weren’t even obviously identifiable as ads on first glance.

    I don’t think I’ve ever seen an advertisement for Jesus on any other social media site. But in Reddit, apparently it’s very, very common. Does no one else want to buy ad space from them, or do they just put no work into curating which ads users see? Did Jesus pay more to be the top spot every time someone opens their browser?

    Out of curiosity, I went over to Reddit and looked at r/Jewish and sure enough, there was an ad for Jesus. Great job, Reddit ad department.


    install ublock origin


    I meant it to be more of a comment on their questionable ad sales decision, to be fair.

    Valdair avatar

    As a moderator of a small subreddit, when I checked roughly 75% of our traffic was from mobile. It doesn't distinguish beyond that but the mobile browser experience is so shockingly bad I think it's safe to say that is almost entirely app usage. Since there is only official app & Apollo on iOS, that means it's one of those two... but the way Huffman tells it, Apollo has less than 5% of the install base of the official app on iOS. If that's the case I don't really understand his argument that they're bleeding Reddit dry. But that's a separate issue.

    But, based on the responses we had before the blackout and the responses we got in the last few days "after" in the discussions around opening back up, I can say he appears to be right. Most people just want to use the main app, don't want to learn anything about third party apps, don't care why they exist, just want everyone to shut up and move on.

    I did find the total 180 very odd. Vote was overwhelmingly in favor of the protest beforehand. Overwhelmingly in favor of going back to normal after. But it was different people. And it wasn't just random one-week-old accounts that had never posted on the sub before, it was regulars, old accounts, or both, both times.

    I'm proud of the properly big subs for continuing their protests. Our community was not strong enough.

    stopthatgirl7 avatar

    but the way Huffman tells it, Apollo has less than 5% of the install base of the official app on iOS. If that's the case I don't really understand his argument that they're bleeding Reddit dry.

    I saw this as an explanation, and it’s so stupid it makes perfect sense

    parrot-party avatar

    Reddit doesn't have to guess though. API usage has clientID information. They could easily keep a tally of requests per client and get exact numbers.

    CMLVI avatar

    Can back up those splits, top 5% sub. Majority is on mobile, but stats on platform are difficult to estimate. It would seem that at least 10% of Android is on 3rd party apps. The downloads don't give accurate estimates at the top end (10 mil downloads, then it won't change until 100mil downloads, so you could be off by tens of millions), it doesn't count side loaded apks, and it doesn't specify usage time. There could be a ton of people who downloaded the official app, then moved to 3rd party, and they would count for official download.


    Until there is a shortage of sweaters due to no wool being produced any more (akin to content creators and moderators who use reddit API)

    geeker avatar

    If this was all over 5% of their traffic, they’re dumber than we knew.


    No it's not like that.

    It's like the people keeping your city clean can no longer use tools and have to use their bare hands unless they pay a bunch of money. That's what it's like. Sure for a while it will be ok, but the shit will build up, it will get worse and worse, and the city you once loved will be a shit hole of trash. The workers are literally protesting to have better tools and access to keep your city clean, and you're saying it doesn't matter. OH BY THE WAY THE WORKERS DON'T GET PAID.


    Yes this is a good analogy. Rome was neither built in a day nor destroyed Ina day.

    We are thinking Reddit will turn out to be like MySpace or digg but it will be more like Facebook. It will exist but filled with clueless people consuming garbage.


    Let's be honest here, if they're willing to charge third party apps 20 million a year then they're willing to pay bot farms to write bullshit comments to talk bad about the competition. I've left reddit altogether, I'm pretty happy so far.


    I think there's still lots of people there who support the protest based on how the John Oliver votes have gone in /r/pics and the others.


    Just don't think about them. If they want to be aboard when the next shit hit the fans so they can cry again, it's their fault. Obviously that company is ticking


    That's no surprise. The reality is that the API changes don't affect most people and they don't use third party apps. All they care about is that they keep getting their free content to consume. The second it became inconvenient for them, they turned against the blackout. The vast majority of Reddit are lurkers that will never interact with the communities, they only want a endless stream of distraction and entertainment.


    I've only been on Reddit since 2020ish, but was already losing patience with moderation problems and known social engineering exploits, one of which was used to permaban me. It took a week for Reddit to decide it was in error.

    I was involved with some good communities, bit not enough to commit.

    Also those communities are still locked. So it's not a hard choice while I transition.

    Also I like the notion of a federated net community especially as the commercial social networks enshittify themselves to irrelevance.

    Also Reddit corporate is trying deception and scabbing to mitigate the effects of the strike. Do to Hell with that.

    I'm here for the foreseeable future.

    @JusticeForPorygon@lemmy.world avatar

    Those of us that cared left. All that's left there are bots and people who didn't care to begin with.


    Terminally online redditors who realized they are hopelessly addicted to their subs


    That's been my impression.

    Interacted with a couple of them and after just a single day without their precious subreddits they turned into petulant and entitled children whining about how the mods are power-tripping while crying that mods should just leave if they don't like Reddit's new policies.

    I saw a ton of them even cheering for Reddit to seize control of the subreddits and install admin friendly mods.


    I can't imagine anyone more hopelessly addicted to reddit than me, I'd check my stats, but I don't want to visit the site was just a lurker with a lot of comment karma over the 10+ years I was there. I have plenty other addictions I can just increase instead, and kbin and lemmy are good replacements I can see replacing the time reddit took up completely within a year. The people who are there are just people who don't care enough to leave. Just the mental arithmetic, it's what everything comes down to. They probably care, just not enough to cross that line.

    And here's where I'm fighting that same old delete this post what you said is stupid feeling.


    exactly this. Been using a third-party app for years, and I can’t see myself switching back. So these past days I’ve been on tiktok for longer than I would like to admit, and just a few hours ago I’ve finally made the jump here. Still don’t know fuckshit about how this all works, but I’d rather feel like a 90-year-old experiencing the internet for the first time than go back to reddit and feel bad the entire time while using it

    @MiddleWeigh@lemmy.world avatar

    I went on there the other day and I wasn't really surprised. Getting the people to turn on eachother is the golden rule, and fairly easy. Most people just don't care. Fair enough. I personally like it better here.


    Probably the latter. Most users likely didn't care about any of it enough to vote or participate in conversations leading up to blackouts, but got annoyed when they couldn't use reddit the same way. The rest of us probably started minimizing usage and/or deleting accounts.


    I think this is mainly it. The people who care enough to be oppositional about it are eyeing the door. The people who are left either don't see the problem or are determined to just make it work anyways.


    The Mods are probably scared of losing their sliver of power and thus instantly caving. It's sad

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