
This magazine is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

rain, in Calckey rebrands as Firefish

@box464 It seems like it might be an unfortunate rebranding, since Firefish is already trademarked for computer software in a bunch of places xP

box464 avatar

I’m just now starting to hear about this issue. Ouch.


@box464 Yeah, it isn't great! I have (at least for now) moved my instance over to Iceshrimp, I feel like it is better to be safe than sorry.

box464, in Follow a Remote Channel?
box464 avatar

Not currently. If you visit the URL, like this one you can view the content, but you can't currently follow it like a /kbin or lemmy group. That's a great idea, tho, and it's already been added as a feature request.

spaduf, in Calckey rebrands as Firefish avatar

Is there a community rename in the works?

ShittyKopper, in Can you follow hashtags on Calckey?

you can’t “follow hashtags” like in mastodon, but you can make an antenna with the hashtags (or keywords) you want to follow.

the only real downside is that it doesn’t show up on your main timeline. you have to explicitly open the antenna’s timeline to look for those posts.


Oh, awesome! I hadn’t even seen the antenna feature. Appreciate it!

ElectroVagrant, in Calckey rebrands as Firefish

Is this primarily to help indicate that it’s no longer a simple fork of Misskey, or…?

It seemed to me like Calckey was only just getting some traction & recognition under the original name, so maybe it’s better to do this now before it had fully set in, but neither this post nor the site’s blog post make it entirely clear why the name change (or why Firefish in general but that’s neither here nor there tbh).

box464 avatar

Yes I think there is enough differences now between the two that it is plausible to make a distinction. Also I think the creator got tired of people typing it incorrectly as Cakey, Calkey, etc.


tbf the site seems to just be a find+replace of the Calckey site. i assume they’re working on more important things (like migrating to, which is gonna be difficult considering activitypub’s fragileness) before fixing up the site.

box464 avatar

They took on quite a lot all at once, and there’s some stability issues with the migrations that are taking priority right now. For the moment, the instance migration is on hold until those can be resolved. I was curious how it was going to work. Smaller instances have had success with the migration so far, so that is promising.

jo, in Timeline loading indefinitely

@PaigePalisade I'm not sure what's happening, but I've been having intermittent issues too with it either error screening or staying in the loading loop. It's definitely not related to following folks on Mastodon. Let's cc this to admins @ada and @supakaity

ada, avatar

@jo @PaigePalisade @supakaity Kaity made some changes to the database server config a couple of hours ago that has hopefully fixed this one.

Are either of you still seeing it?


@ada Just opened again and all timelines except recommended and global keep trying to load but don't.
@PaigePalisade @supakaity


@ada reloaded blahaj zone and it's fine again. @PaigePalisade @supakaity


It seems to be working a lot better. Thank you.

Dangdoggo, in TIL Calckey has channels
Dangdoggo avatar

Are "channels" a way for users to group content of their choosing from multiple federated sources into a single feed? Because that sounds great.

ciechom, in Kimis - iOS native Calckey app

I don't really like this app. Misses custom emoji in posts and is quite cumbersome to use.

Makan, in Understanding Calckey Plugins


ada, in Kimis - iOS native Calckey app avatar

Update - Calckey dev does not recommend this app

joshark, in Kimis - iOS native Calckey app
ada, avatar

Thanks! That's pretty screwed up

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