@ada@blahaj.zone avatar



I'm an Australian woman, based in Meanjin / Brisbane, but in love with Argentina. In a previous life, I was a Trans activist, runner, and RollerDerby player. Now that we are all "post" covid, I feel like I'm still somehow finding my feet, and working out what I want to keep from my old life, and what I want to add to it! I have the feeling I will never get a final answer :)

I'm co-admin blahaj.zone and lemmy.blahaj.zone.

My photography can be found at @ada https://pixelfed.au/i/portfolio/Ada

I can also be found on matrix at ada:chat.blahaj.zone

Estoy aprendiendo español y a veces mi toots estará en mal español!

​:blahaj_zone:​ ​:Blobhaj_Ani_Hearts:​ ​:Blobhaj_Flag_Transgender:​ ​:Blobhaj_Flag_Transfemme:​

Banner image is a wide angle photo of Puerto Madero, Buenos Aires, taken from La Reserva Ecológica Costanera Sur

#Meanjin #Brisbane #Trans #transgender #RollerDerby #queer #español #espanol #BuenosAires #Argentina #runner #parkrun

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eliocamp, to australia
@eliocamp@mastodon.social avatar

Now this is an office.

@ada@blahaj.zone avatar

@eliocamp Yes! I just cleaned mine up and put it away for the day, otherwise I'd share mine too!

lira, to random
@lira@blahaj.zone avatar

Someone bless me with initiative

@ada@blahaj.zone avatar

@lira Sorry, Bless only works on attack rolls and saving throws

ada, to linux
@ada@blahaj.zone avatar

This weekend, I discovered that DigiKam has built in functionality to export images to iNaturalist!

Looks like I'll be spamming iNaturalist even more than I have previously, because now it can be part of my image processing workflow!

ada, to Birding
@ada@blahaj.zone avatar

I saw a Royal Spoonbill when I went for a run yesterday. That made me pretty happy. I didn't have my camera with me, but I stopped my run and grabbed a photo with my phone.

I love birds :)

sky, to Matrix
@sky@cyberpunk.lol avatar

I'm using so many clients lol

on my phone I'm using

on my laptop I'm using

on my desktop I'm using and

why, why, why does Fractal have no way to receive notifications in the background? I'm stuck using Chatty for notifications and Fractal for actual use

conversely, what's up with images in Chatty? they almost never load from Matrix accounts

@ada@blahaj.zone avatar

@sky I want to love neochat and fractal, but I can't handle neochats lack of notifications for spaces (only rooms) and I can't handle fractals lack of spaces! I'm in too many rooms to lump them all together.

I'd jump on either of them if I could navigate my number of spaces and channels more effectively!

dgar, to random
@dgar@aus.social avatar

Modern reptiles don’t usually explode but a dino might.

@ada@blahaj.zone avatar

@dgar Another banger

ada, to photography
@ada@blahaj.zone avatar

Linux photogs, help me out. What does your workflow look like? What apps do you use?

I've found that digikam is really good for managing my keywords and metadata, and organising photos post shoot, but the image editing is limited.

And using seperate image editing software leads to problems, because my camera's raw files (.cr3) aren't very well supported.

I can make it work, by using lightroom online, but it's not exactly an integrated system due to Lightroom onlines cloud based design.

I've tried running Lightroom in a VM, but ran in to trouble giving the VM access to my GPU...

So those who have made it work, what does it look like for you?

JacksonBates, to random
@JacksonBates@aus.social avatar

An uncommon visitor to a pond near my place. Not an especially uncommon bird, mind, just uncommon in this pond.

Usually the pond is overrun with Pacific Ducks and Wood Ducks, but this Little Pied Cormorant was enjoying chilling. Probably visiting from Warrandyte - see more of them over there.

A more distant shot of the same scene: A Little Pied Cormorant sitting on a branch close above the water of a pond. It's got its neck wound in a bit. In the background the pond fence and beyond some houses are visible.

@ada@blahaj.zone avatar

@JacksonBates What a cutie!

ada, to Fitness
@ada@blahaj.zone avatar

I did my fastest parkrun in many years yesterday. It has been hard to keep my progress slow and steady, instead of rushing in and overdoing it like I am inclined to do, but it's starting to pay off!

A month, maybe two, and I'll be back under 30 minutes again!

ada, to brisbane
@ada@blahaj.zone avatar

The great Toombul demolition continues!

croquetapeligro, to random Spanish
@croquetapeligro@paquita.masto.host avatar

Me he quedado dormida 🙃

@ada@blahaj.zone avatar

@croquetapeligro Quiero poder usar un teclado cuando dorminando!

dgar, to random
@dgar@aus.social avatar

I have a joke about trickle down economics, but 99 percent of you won’t get it.

@ada@blahaj.zone avatar


You might appreciate this one @internutter

buffyleigh, to random
@buffyleigh@mas.to avatar

Decided to look up "Blåhaj" because I didn't get why so many people on Mastodon post about a stuffed shark, and finding out why is my new favorite TIL thing.

@ada@blahaj.zone avatar

@buffyleigh ​:Blobhaj_Ani_Hearts:​​:Blobhaj_Ani_Hophop:​

ada, to gameboy
@ada@blahaj.zone avatar

Kenny Rogers was really ahead of his time wasn't he?

"If you're gonna play the Game Boy, you gotta learn to play it right"

bumpus, to random
@bumpus@mas.to avatar

It’s not trans on trains, but it is trans on transit, so maybe it counts?

@ada@blahaj.zone avatar

@bumpus FFS made me take even more selfies for another year or so after, but I calmed down eventually :)

@ada@blahaj.zone avatar

@bumpus Yep, that was pretty much the same for me :)

ada, to random
@ada@blahaj.zone avatar

Yesterday, I discovered that my kiddo has a dinosaur nugget plushie! It was a gift from their best friend, and they've had it for a few months now, but somehow, never told me about it until I happened to see it in their room!

I don't know that I'm able to forgive them for not letting me know they own a dino nuggie plushie!!!!

gemini, to random
@gemini@mk.absturztau.be avatar


@ada@blahaj.zone avatar

@gemini @lira @supakaity Done! ​:neocat_legs:​​:neocat_legs:​​:neocat_legs:​​:neocat_legs:​​:neocat_legs:​​:neocat_legs:​​:neocat_legs:​​:neocat_legs:​​:neocat_legs:​​:neocat_legs:​​:neocat_legs:​​:neocat_legs:​​:neocat_legs:​

@ada@blahaj.zone avatar

@lira @gemini @supakaity I also added this one! ​:blobcat_longleg:​​:blobcat_longleg:​​:blobcat_longleg:​​:blobcat_longleg:​​:blobcat_longleg:​

Impossible_PhD, to random
@Impossible_PhD@hachyderm.io avatar

Jules Gill-Peterson:

"What if feminists didn't reply to the charge that trans women are too sexual, or too feminine, by shrinking trans femininity to prove the accuser's bad faith wrong? What if trans feminism meant saying yes to being too much, not because everyone should become more feminine, or more sexual, but because a safer world is one in which there is nothing wrong with being extra? Abundance might be a powerful concept in a world organized by a false sense of scarcity. What if--

@ada@blahaj.zone avatar


celebrated trans femininity as the most feminine

I know it's nitpicking at words, but I'd really like to challenge the idea that trans women and femininity are integrally linked. We need space to be extra, without being pulled down for it, but we also need space to be allowed to not have a meaningful relationship with femininity.

I know for me, I always felt trapped by the expectations of both masculinity and femininity, and I kind of resent them both. But that lack of having a sense of my own femininity, added a lot of doubt in to my own journey of self acceptance.

Giving us space to be ourselves means celebrating those of us who are extra, but it also means taking care to allow for all kinds of relationship with femininity

@ada@blahaj.zone avatar

@Impossible_PhD Ok, that's good to hear. I'm not familiar with her work, but that particular sentence I quoted made me concerned that she was equating the two.

Me being ignorant of her larger body of work where she explicitly challenges that idea is a good outcome, and one it sounds like I need to fix by reading her :)

@ada@blahaj.zone avatar

@Impossible_PhD Ok, you've convinced me. I definitely need to read her. It sounds like something that would have been really helpful to me 10 years ago!

oldladyplays, to random
@oldladyplays@wargamers.social avatar

What Linux People Don't Get About The Rest of Us

It's fairly simple. I don't want to spend my time managing my OS. Finding drivers, and compatibility, and all that: you find that fun and interesting. I find it boring and irritating. When I sit down at my computer I want to do the thing I came there to do, not spend my time convincing my computer to run properly. With Windoze, I generally don't have to do that. It's not perfect at eliminating that stuff, but it's a lot less technical and involved than running a Linux distro.

Yes, I'm sure you're able to do just that. Make room in your brain for the idea that not everyone is capable of that, or wants to be capable of that. While I've no doubt that the sign I've hung out here will draw the Reply Guys like no one's business, you're not going to get me to change my mind. I know what I enjoy doing, and maintaining my OS is not among it.

I built - from scraps - my first PC at 14, in 1980. I'm not indigitate (think illiterate, but for digital stuff). I just don't want to. That's not where I get my entertainment from computers.

I'm very glad you get the enjoyment you do out of Linux. Long may it continue. But make room for the idea that we don't all enjoy computing in the way that you do, and that that is okay.

Or (tl;dr version): Damnit Jim, I'm a linguist not a mechanic!

@ada@blahaj.zone avatar


No drivers are needed

It's interesting that you say that, as you can't currently run modern nvidia video cards with Wayland on linux, because the drivers don't yet support explicit sync.

Maybe that's where I went wrong? I'm not meant to have drivers! If I uninstall them, everything will just work!

jo, (edited ) to fediverse

Moved to a , , or instance and missing watching ? Well do I have something for you!!

Antennas are effectively custom timelines. They work approximately like watching hashtags, but they can look for normal text as well. You can add as many phrases as you like and the results can be filtered with an ignore list.

You can make an antenna that just shows posts from specific users and notifies you when they post something new, you can make an antenna that collects posts containing or excluding certain key words, or you can make an antenna that collects only posts with files attached. You can even make an antenna consisting of “Posts from specific users” with “Show replies” checked.

Setting up
You can set up antenna by going to the More! section on your sidebar, and selecting Antennas. Press Add + to create your first. This is where you can also manage & edit previously created antennas.


  1. Where to find More! on the sidebar (highlighted)
  2. Where to find Antennas in the More! menu (highlighted)
  3. My antennas page showing Add + button and my previously created antennas.
    4 & 5) When you click Add + you get this page to set up your antenna. I've set one up as my Calckey antenna and another to alert me when PastaThief posts. There's a lot to go through here. Expect a separate post sometime soon.
    6 & 7) What those antenna feeds look like.
  4. On our progressive web app you can access your antennas by selecting the UFO in the top right corner.
  5. Clicking on the UFO button brings up all my antennas and the link to manage/edit them

I plan on writing up a fuller explanation soon, but happy in the meantime to help anyone wanting to set them up.

@ada@blahaj.zone avatar

@jo @lira @jahtnamas Our Sharkey is not as good as what we used to have on Hajkey. Kaity did a lot of custom work in that space on Hajkey, but our Sharkey search is just "out of the box", and to be honest, I haven't explored it in depth

That being said, I was able to do a wildcard search on a specific user without any problems.

I'm wondering if the error is dependent on the person being searched?

@ada@blahaj.zone avatar

@jahtnamas @jo @lira Oh, sorry, I was talking about search, not antenna.

Yeah, you can't do an antenna without keywords.

But you can just throw a random string of text and numbers in the exclude section and save it. And as long as they don't use that exact string, you should see all of their replies :)

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