grindhold, to fediverse avatar

's compatibility problems with the family of softwares ( ) should be a thing of the past now.

Aakerbeere, to fediverse German avatar

💬 Vor genau ZWEI Jahren schwappte die erste GROSSE Welle vom verkauften Vogel ins rüber und ließ einige Server heiß laufen...

Wer von EUCH ist mit der ersten Welle gekommen und ist immer noch da?

Macht mal "Peep" 😉


Ich habe die Lichter sämtlicher Accounts bei Meta und "X" ausgeschaltet und bin nur noch im Fediversum unterwegs, und das sehr gern. 💯 Das war für mein persönliches Social Media Online Leben das Beste, was ich bisher getan habe.

KazukyAkayashi, to fediverse

Présentement en train de faire un thème clair pour #Misskey / #Iceshrimp.
Finalement je m'éloigne un peu de la base dont je me suis inspiré ​:pikasmilesweat:​

kopper, to CSS

single line replies in timelines for iceshrimp, firefish and potentially other derivatives. see quoted post for how it looks. extremely hacky and might mess up. will not work in sharkey or other "modern" misskey instances

requires a browser with nyative nested css and :has (so, literally anything from the last year or so)

(extracted from inline to gist because nyaization broke it)


phasorburn, to random

I am sure that having a separate search process / vm like Mastodon has with Elastic Search helps in some use cases, but I still LOL at just saying fuck it, we will do full text search in Postgres.

It works quite well, fast, lean.

fediverseobserver, to fediverse

Found 2 new servers and 8 servers died off since 3 hours ago.

22,821 servers checked. 13,986,426 Total Users with 1,589,223 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found: a #misskey server from Private a #iceshrimp server from United States

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fediverseobserver, to fediverse

Found 1 new servers and 7 servers died off since 3 hours ago.

22,820 servers checked. 13,986,426 Total Users with 1,589,223 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New servers found: a server from United States

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josh, to fediverse

i am considering moving our social instance to mastodon (shutting this one down, warning users for about 1-2 months to migrate over, etc.) for a better mobile experience. I don’t like mastodon’s web UI, but i can make a ton of changes there if needed. i want to hear your opinions and takes

i do like iceshrimp rn tho, and i don’t want to break what works. but there needs to be a better mobile solution, and i do kinda miss my push notifications + a dedicated mobile app

rain, to random

Iceshrimp.NET: I'm a WIP don't migrate.

Me, on Iceshrimp.js: I WANT TO MIGRATE THOUGH ​:ablobfoxbongohyper:​

Also me: Test instance to check if Iceshrimp.NET runs on my hardware when?

panos, to dotnet avatar

I promised I'd be giving updates on #Iceshrimp's #dotnet C# rewrite -a brand new fedi platform really- so here's where we're at at the moment! The backend's basic functionality is more or less finished, although there will undoubtedly be stuff to fix and improve during beta. So theoretically you could use it, but we don't have a frontend yet so you could use it only with masto apps atm. However, the frontend is where the focus is going now, and we plan to have a basic/working frontend soon so that we can release our first beta in a couple of weeks or so!

We expect performance and server requirements to be comparable to #Akkoma. Things are about to get exciting!

blake, to random

I kinda wish #iceshrimp and/or #sharkey had a tumblr-style queue, I have a ton of unrelated Thoughts but don't want to spam the timeline with them.

It could work if there was a Iceshrimp/Sharkey compatible external client and if they had support for the post scheduling APIs (or just ran in the cloud).

lps, to random

Just curious, with the recent demise of -- are the forks like etc viable / sustainable alternatives? Do they share a common base, so one could expect updates into the future if they to cease to exist?

panos, to random avatar

Alright, I know I haven't given many updates on , because frankly there's not a lot to say. We're reorganizing, reprioritizing etc. Things are going slow. I haven't given up on the project, I think we have an interesting approach which is worth exploring, but we're short on human resources atm. Hopefully this will change and things will get exciting again, but we're not there yet. I'll let you know.

However, I wanna talk about another project I'm also sort of involved in lately - ! So Iceshrimp also started as a fork but they are currently rewriting the whole thing on .net/C#! Both the backend and frontend are being rewritten in C# - the frontend on Blazor. AFAIK this is the only fedi project written on .net and I'm really curious for the result!

This has been announced many months before, and Iceshrimp-js is in feature freeze, to allow all efforts to concentrate in the rewrite. Many people were skeptical because it's a huge project - which is true. So let me tell you that finally 's rewrite will be entering beta soon - meaning, probably before the month is through!

This will practically be a brand new fedi platform, with a UX similar to Firefish (at least initially), with great Mastodon API support for compatibility with existing apps, hopefully with much better performance and a cleaner codebase. I'll keep you posted on how things progress!

atomicpoet, avatar

@panos I genuinely wish the best of luck. Doing a complete re-write is very, very difficult.

rain, to blazor

I am happily surprised by how clean Microsoft's Blazor is! ​:ablobfoxbongohyper:​ (Trying it out because of Iceshrimp.NET)

#blazor #iceshrimp

madomado, to fediverse avatar

also I'm today years old when I realise #Misskey doesn't support polls with multiple selections

Linux, avatar


I do not understand why Mastodon became so popular in the Fediverse. Once you learn about all the advantages of Misskey and the many forks (Sharkey, Ice Shrimp, etc) and how limiting and sometimes uncooperative Mastdon can be (this being an example), it makes you wonder. lol

#Fediverse #Misskey #Sharkey #IceShrimp

fediverseobserver, to fediverse

Found 6 new servers and 13 servers died off since 3 hours ago.

22,960 servers checked. 13,947,854 Total Users with 1,600,330 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New servers found: a server from Private a server from Private a server from Private a server from The Netherlands a server from Private a server from Portugal

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fediverseobserver, to fediverse

Found 6 new servers and 10 servers died off since 3 hours ago.

22,965 servers checked. 13,951,978 Total Users with 1,600,330 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New servers found: a server from Private a server from Private a server from Private a server from The Netherlands a server from Private a server from Portugal

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pseudoramble, to random

Does have a way to delete posts older than some age? It's been a feature I've been hoping for in for a while but it never happened. Would love if it's available. Even if it is a manual DB update or whatever that'll work.

snoopy, (edited ) to fediverse

Et si on rédigeait un article de presse sur le fediverse et qu'on le publiait un peu partout dans la presse ? Pour le moment on a pas une image super positive car 3000 serveurs c'est compliqué, que l'ui est austère...ça me gave.

Le tout en passant sous silence ce qu'on reproche aux réseaux sociaux capitalistes : cambridge analytica, transphobie, déni du rechauffement climatique...Et ça fait pas bouger plus que ça ​:bugcat_what:​

Pourquoi ne pas faire une tribune pour inviter le gouvernement à suivre l'exemple de la commission européenne et des institutions allemandes qui sont sur mastodon ? :)

Pourquoi ne pas imaginer un immense dossier de presse sur les réseaux sociaux : ferme à clic, les modo de facebook, le contenu violent, le genocide des meymar puis on aborde le fédiverse avec l'interview des modos, des admins, des on présente quelques instances françaises, francophones.

Ça me brancherait bien comme aventure et qu'elle soit portée collectivement. Pas facile mais mon reve serait d'aller à la gare et de lire plusieurs grands titres sur le fédiverse. Et de donner envie à d'autres personnes de nous rejoindre. :)


fediverseobserver, to fediverse

Found 3 new servers and 13 servers died off since 3 hours ago.

23,056 servers checked. 13,879,449 Total Users with 1,609,249 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New servers found: a server from France a server from Russia a server from Germany

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crossgolf_rebel, to fediverse

man man man ist das Anstrengend mit jemanden aus dem "Mastodon-Netzerk" zu diskutieren, der davon überzeugt ist, das mastodon die besseren Features hat als alle anderen Fediverse Dienste.

Ich frage mich nur, was soll das sein?
Die Software, die die BenutzerInnen am meisten einschränkt, soll also die bessere sein?

Also , , , , , , usw., ihr könnt EINPACKEN1!11

Mastodon hat die besseren Features. Und außerdem sind sie das bessere Netzwerk....1!11

JuxGD, to fediverse avatar

​:repost_ok:​ i need EVERYONE to boost this post AND the quoted post, give it all the attention you can! looking for a co-lead dev!


KazukyAkayashi, to random

Le problème des notifications sur c'est quand même un peu ankikinan ​:pikasmilesweat:​

Désoler si je répond plusieurs heure après a vos messages/question ​:pikasmilesweat:​

catodon, to random avatar

Hello there! If you are on , or , there's a new security patch out so your server admin should update the software immediately. has also merged the patch from upstream and has been updated ​:catodon:​

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