grindhold, to fediverse avatar

's compatibility problems with the family of softwares ( ) should be a thing of the past now.

kopper, to CSS

single line replies in timelines for iceshrimp, firefish and potentially other derivatives. see quoted post for how it looks. extremely hacky and might mess up. will not work in sharkey or other "modern" misskey instances

requires a browser with nyative nested css and :has (so, literally anything from the last year or so)

(extracted from inline to gist because nyaization broke it)


liaizon, to threads avatar

"I can see posts in my client"
by Meta Threads Engineer, Peter Cottle (@pcottle) in this interview by @dot_social

tfunken, to random avatar

Anyone interested in the domains and

Would give them away 4 free.

peppenamir, to fediverse Italian avatar

ogni tanto tanto vi ricordo che esistono due bellissime istanze nel una è istanza e l'altra è istanza entrabi gestisti da ragazzi (si fa per dire eh!!) bellissimi e intelligentissimi

gnulinux, to fediverse German avatar

Ein Gespenst geht um im Fediverse?

👻 ...noch nicht, aber: Die Newsletter-Plattform "Ghost" kündigt Unterstützung für Activity Pub an.

#Fediverse #Newsletter #Ghost #ActivityPub #Substack #Akkoma #Mastodon #Pixelfed #Friendica #Firefish #Linux

atomicpoet, to fediversenews avatar

Looks like has solidly returned to active development!

You can follow their progress by following @firefish.


panos, to random avatar

Some news from the front! Kainoa (former lead dev who has been absent for several months now) finally passed control of the donations platform to naskya, the new owner of the project. I'm happy to report that Firefish is becoming a healthy project again, and that members of the community have stepped up to get the development going. For those who didn't migrate to other platforms during the project's crisis: You're safe and in good hands.


lps, to random

Just curious, with the recent demise of -- are the forks like etc viable / sustainable alternatives? Do they share a common base, so one could expect updates into the future if they to cease to exist?

stefan, to accessibility avatar

Hm. I wonder if I can get any fediverse admins onboard to disable all images on their instance on the World Sight Day in October, so that only alt text shows up.

#accessibility #a11y #ImageDescription #AltText #FediAdmins #MastoAdmins

stefan, avatar

And of course, if you run a #pixelfed, #misskey, #firefish, or any other #fediverse server, I'd love to hear how you'd go about this.

panos, to random avatar

Alright, I know I haven't given many updates on , because frankly there's not a lot to say. We're reorganizing, reprioritizing etc. Things are going slow. I haven't given up on the project, I think we have an interesting approach which is worth exploring, but we're short on human resources atm. Hopefully this will change and things will get exciting again, but we're not there yet. I'll let you know.

However, I wanna talk about another project I'm also sort of involved in lately - ! So Iceshrimp also started as a fork but they are currently rewriting the whole thing on .net/C#! Both the backend and frontend are being rewritten in C# - the frontend on Blazor. AFAIK this is the only fedi project written on .net and I'm really curious for the result!

This has been announced many months before, and Iceshrimp-js is in feature freeze, to allow all efforts to concentrate in the rewrite. Many people were skeptical because it's a huge project - which is true. So let me tell you that finally 's rewrite will be entering beta soon - meaning, probably before the month is through!

This will practically be a brand new fedi platform, with a UX similar to Firefish (at least initially), with great Mastodon API support for compatibility with existing apps, hopefully with much better performance and a cleaner codebase. I'll keep you posted on how things progress!

kristian, to fediverse Norwegian avatar

Does provide MFMs like and ? And, what is ?

Today I look forward to learning something new.

pseudoramble, to random

Does have a way to delete posts older than some age? It's been a feature I've been hoping for in for a while but it never happened. Would love if it's available. Even if it is a manual DB update or whatever that'll work.

BeAware, to fediverse avatar

It's so crazy to me to think that I was on Xhitter for like 4 years and had a total of about 120 followers, most of which were spammers messaging me about "stream graphics".

I've been on Fedi for less than a year and have 5x that amount of followers and probably only enough spammers to count on one hand. I love this place.


mnmlist, to random German avatar

Frage an die Fraktion 🙂 .. wollte gerade mal wieder meinen brachliegenden Account reaktivieren .. leider hat da auf dem Handy was mit der 2FA nicht hin gehauen und nun kann ich mich gar nicht mehr einloggen 🫤
.. Auf dem Laptop hab ich noch Zugriff auf den Account, aber keine Option gefunden, das Problem zu lösen.
Hat jemand eine Idee was zu tun ist? 🙏

alis, to random

Shoutout to the new dev team, who've done a lot of work updating docs (as well as the app itself); that was the easiest and main painless update I think I've done yet.

crossgolf_rebel, to fediverse

man man man ist das Anstrengend mit jemanden aus dem "Mastodon-Netzerk" zu diskutieren, der davon überzeugt ist, das mastodon die besseren Features hat als alle anderen Fediverse Dienste.

Ich frage mich nur, was soll das sein?
Die Software, die die BenutzerInnen am meisten einschränkt, soll also die bessere sein?

Also , , , , , , usw., ihr könnt EINPACKEN1!11

Mastodon hat die besseren Features. Und außerdem sind sie das bessere Netzwerk....1!11

JuxGD, to fediverse avatar

​:repost_ok:​ i need EVERYONE to boost this post AND the quoted post, give it all the attention you can! looking for a co-lead dev!


catodon, to random avatar

Hello there! If you are on , or , there's a new security patch out so your server admin should update the software immediately. has also merged the patch from upstream and has been updated ​:catodon:​

box464, to random avatar

Misskey, Firefish, IceShrimp and Sharkey instance admins: take heed. There are similar patches for each of the forkeys.

#Forkeys #MisskeyAdmin #FirefishAdmin #IceShrimpAdmin #SharkeyAdmin #Sharkey #Firefish #IceShrimp

AndyGER, to mastodon avatar

It may be the case that now is one of the BEST apps for (iPhone, iPad) and on hardware.

If @ivory manages to include more services such as , and IVORY could become THE fediverse tool on Apple devices ... :-)

One service that should be included is as alternative to ...

rymecity, to random avatar

I am GOING to grow a mustache

rymecity, avatar
atomicpoet, to fediversenews avatar

Since migrating my old account to, which is an Akkoma+Mangane server, this is the first post of mine to go viral.

With 13.5K followers with this account (@atomicpoet), it’s been an eye-opening experience!

You see, I’m running this entire server with 1 vCPU and 2GB of RAM. With certain Fediverse software, this wouldn’t be feasible. With Akkoma+Mangane, it definitely is!

Now that’s not to say there aren’t drawbacks. There’s been genuine hiccups today with my server going down a few times. But after these momentary hiccups, my server rises to the challenge, and it’s business as usual.

I also have a sneaking suspicion that, post-migration, engagement might be going up. I can’t say precisely why this is the case, but I suspect one factor is that my domain ( is pretty memorable and a nice form of self-verification.



hiker, to random German

Soeben das Upgrade auf 20240326 eingespielt. Und in der Tat, diese Version hat jetzt Mastodon API, dh der Zugriff ist über ein App möglich (zB ).

kubikpixel, to internet avatar

👋 Ich grüße alle meine vielen neuen 'innen und die, die sind, dass ich eine Bereicherung für eure sein möge.

🐦 Natürlich begrüße ich auch all meine alten aus dem die jetzt oder wieder hierher gefunden haben.

✊ Ausbruch aus den 's vom - Für ein freies und selbstbestimmtes !

kubikpixel, (edited ) avatar

Bist du evt. oder schon länger auf einen den grossen Fediverse Server und es ist für dich zu unruhig?

Dann kannst du dir, je nach Wunsch, einen Dienst aussuchen. Dieser kann dann mit anderen , egal was dir pers. am meisten passt/zusagt. Für die persönliche Auswahl hilft dir @fediverseobserver und stellt dir die unterschiedlichsten Services und Server vor.


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