
Why anyone would buy a Paradox game during the 1st year of release is beyond me. This happens literally every time they put out a game. Give it a year or two and it’ll be the best city builder out there.

@umbrella@lemmy.ml avatar

I don’t disagree, but this is blaming the victim too.

They marketed and sold a complete game knowing the state of it. I didn’t even know they released incomplete games.


Don’t forget to pre-order CS3 when it’s announced so we can do this all over again.


Sure, I wish things were different. But, CS1 took years to become what it is. They started again from the ground up, it’s going to take a while to get there. I’m giving it some time.


Cs1 was good on release


As a big fan of cities Skylines 1 (>400h), I only decided to get the sequel after I saw creators play it and there was a promotional sale.

The performance issues are bad and I get 40fps at 1080p medium on my system, with a 40k city. But the game really is better than vanilla C:S 1 in a bunch of ways. In particular, the way lanes are handled and the size of the map is better.

It takes time to make something great. I bounce between both games at this point, and just play other games. I now have 28h in the sequel so I say I got my money’s ($36 due to the sale) worth. I’m patient. There are so many games and mods for other games on my backlog, I can just play those until Cities Skylines II has fixed its major issues.


Yup, I’m happy to wait until C:S2 is ready. I have it on my wishlist, so whenever there’s a sale, I’ll check out the current state and decide if it’s time to buy.

Until then, I have plenty of other games to play.

soggy_kitty, (edited )

Then don’t buy it? I really don’t understand the online community.


It’s a follow up game, there are expectations.


If only there was some method to check the gameplay after release and decide if you want to purchase.

Emotionally pre-ordering a game based on your own expectations is a meme.

I wanted to play KSP2 and waited an actual decade for it so I could go to space with my friends. Upon release I checked gameplay and reviews and never ended up buying it. I voted with my wallet and not my complaints, it’s that simple


If only there had been a game that you had played thousands of hours on and had high hopes for the sequel.

Also, you waited a decade to play a game you wanted to play? That’s a you problem.


If only there had been a game that you had played thousands of hours on and had high hopes for the sequel.

He’s not arguing against hoping for a better sequel. He’s telling people to stop pre-ordering games without knowing how good the game is going to be.

Also, you waited a decade to play a game you wanted to play? That’s a you problem.

Read his reply again. He waited 10 years for it to release and get reviewed before making an informed purchasing decision. He made a smart move.

sizzler, (edited )

Ksp released 2015 so unless they were awaiting its sequel 1 year before it released they are chatting shit. Facts mean nothing to you do they?

Oderus, (edited )

Perhaps on Steam KSP1 was release in 2015… they had a standalone version of KSP1 in 2011 which is 12 years apart from KSP2 which was released in 2023. Smug fucker.


This is the part where you apologize for being rude and wrong and we all move on with our lives having learned something new.
No shame in that.

Happy weekend friend!


The first public version was released digitally on Squad’s Kerbal Space Program storefront on 24 June 2011, and joined Steam’s early access program on 20 March 2013.

Now please, continue gaslighting me about how I’m “chatting shit”. Get better at arguing

@Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

Emotionally pre-ordering a game based on your own expectations is a meme.

I shouldn’t expect a sequel to do at least what the previous game did and a little more? I don’t have to pre-order a thing to still be disappointed about the state of it’s release when it doesn’t even meet the bare minimum expectation for a sequel.

It even works in the opposite way. I didn’t get The Witcher 3 at launch because of the expectations set by the first 2 games being technical nightmares. But it turned out to actually be good.


I shouldn’t expect a sequel to do at least what the previous game did and a little more?

Should it be the case? Yes. But we’ve been burned enough times that it’s incredibly naive to expect it.

@Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

I agree with that sentiment for movies; not so much with video games. I can think of way more video game sequels that were actually better than the originals than video game sequels that were worse.


I agree. But also we’ve seen so many games come out that are absolute disasters that if you are buying it on day 1 (or even before) instead of waiting for the reviews to come out before buying it, you only have yourself to blame when you get burned.

I loved C:S and was very excited for this sequel to come out…but I haven’t bought it because the reviews before it came out were mixed (being generous lol) and so I still haven’t bought it. I’ll wait or maybe never buy it. Likely I wait for the price to drop to like 15 bucks and buy it then.


Weve been burned precisely because no one held the gaming industry accountable for the state of their games.


Speak for yourself, I haven’t bought a game at release for well over a decade, and even at that point it was pretty rare for me.


Expectations that people made up in their heads. If you followed any of the pre-release media, you knew exactly what you were getting, including the performance issues.

@ChaoticEntropy@feddit.uk avatar

People are well within their rights in being deeply disappointed by something that they had high hopes for. Go figure.


People are within their rights to feel (and I quote) “insulted” for getting scammed by something which is easily avoidable by having even the slightest bit of patience?

Honest 2020s meme

@ChaoticEntropy@feddit.uk avatar


@Fubarberry@sopuli.xyz avatar

I haven’t played CS2, but the game isn’t in early access or anything. It was sold as a full price, finished product. I don’t think it’s unreasonable for people to be unhappy that the finished product they bought was actually unfinished, and then be frustrated with how long it’s taking for the fixes to arrive.

Sure the game might be fixed later, but that doesn’t change the fact that people feel like they got something less than they were promised.


People that have that attitude are why almost every game released today is 3/4ths finished at release. If people dont complain about the sorry state of the industry, the industry has no reason to change.


I consistently don’t buy games that aren’t ready by being a patient shopper, and watching reviews or gameplay before spending money. If you consistently jump on the hype train, buy a copy before knowing anything about the state of the game, and then “complain” to fix it, I have news:

10/10 AAA publishers would rather have $60 and a complaint than $0.

Due diligence is the solution, publishers are now very practiced at weathering criticism.


Agreed although complaining isn’t the solution, voting with your wallet is the solution


Voting with your wallet requires that someone else have warned you about that game not being worth buying. Complaints are your friend.


That’s my entire point

@Dirk@lemmy.ml avatar

I stick with CS1 and mods.


I forgot it even existed… Thanks for the reminder that i still need to review that shitshow.


If you’re a reviewer and you’ve not reviewed it yet you’re kind of too late to start now aren’t you?

On steam it’s mixed reviews so it’s not exactly a “shit show”


It is a shitshow. And it still is, this game is in a worse condition than a early access indi game. The positive reviews are mostly people simping. I waited to see if they fix all of this a few months, just forgot to review it until now, it’s not fixed.


Now you’re being dishonest because you’re implying there’s no good aspects to the game, and that’s not true there is actually a good game in there and all of the issues.

There are plenty of reviewers out there who I actually respect and have come up with much more nuanced analyzes of the situation.


The situation is that paradox, a multi billion dollar company, released a game in a condition that would get flamed if it was a indy game and that even with the best existing hardware its not running without scratches the 20 fps line from below on lowest settings, and that its still in this condition.


best existing hardware its not running without scratches the 20 fps line from below on lowest settings

My mid-high tier hardware from 5 years ago runs it maxed out with LOD and anti-aliasing turned up higher than the default “high” preset at 20-40 fps.


Thats a big fucking doubt from me.


Ok wow 40 fps… How big is the city?


81,801 can’t you read?


The population is in the screenshot. The guy on reddit who does the benchmarks has better hardware than I do and uses a slightly bigger city, and he gets 60+ fps average depending on settings.

I’ll quote you again…

best existing hardware its not running without scratches the 20 fps line from below on lowest settings

Maybe just, like, don’t make shit up. K? You’re making me take CO’s “toxicity” statement a little more seriously.


Well said


Clueless I said.




You are absolutely clueless


Did you seriously make a sock puppet account for this shit?

wreckedcarzz, (edited )
@wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar

And then there’s me, who is content with the game and just wants TM:PE. Pre-ordered the deluxe edition at a discount, have enjoyed since day 1, knowing the game wasn’t ready for release.

This ‘article’ is just butthurt crybabies expecting a product that was clearly not ready, throwing a fit that, surprise suprise, the game isn’t ready and still needs some time to reach maturity. Hard pass - the rest of us are enjoying it.

E: hello, butthurt crybabies 👋😊


Yeah CS2 is really good. People just leaned way too hard on mods for CS1

@wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar

In CS1 I had like, 6 mods? But the only one I really used was TM, since the ai is awful with picking a path or traversing a roundabout, or wanting a 2way stop with 2way priority, or… That’s the only one I’m currently ‘missing’, but I’m making okay progress without. I’m on my first and only city, and very recently I broke 1 billion of city funds (edit: with a population of ~45k) with 96 hours of playtime. So I’m doing alright :p


If only there was a way to know that the game sucks before you buy it.🙄


Yeah, and the people like me who haven’t bought it are pissed. That game had a lot of potential to fix C:S 1’s flaws, which was squandered to performance issues.

Buy the game, can’t complain because you are a filthy PrE-ORdErEr. Don’t buy the game, can’t complain because you didn’t buy the game. What kind of logic is that?


The people who buy it are enabling this kind of behavior of releasing “not ready” games and should be scorned. They are part of the problem, not that they can’t criticize the game.


Believe me I know, I’ve been seeing this crusade for over a decade now (I think it was TotalBuiscuit who started it?).

However I do not see a reason to use such a dismissive tone when there is nothing in the article that implies that the customers were being “dumb” and pre-ordered or bought blindly.

Also this debacle definitely hurts CO&Paradox a lot more than they made in sales. Unlike a AAA from Ubisoft or the millionth over-marketed DayZ clone du jour, people who play strategy games do follow the gaming press so future sales will be impacted. In fact, EA conspicuously hasn’t released a new SimCity after 2013’s disaster (C:S surely played a role in this as well by releasing in 2015, but they wouldn’t have eaten up all the customer base if SimCity 2013 had been half as good as SimCity 4).


Don’t pre-order.

Simple as.


I didn’t even BUY the damn game and the fact that you feel the need to say this regardless shows that the only thing you care about is virtue signalling. Congratulations on your moral high ground.


Okiedokie, I guess that makes total sense and isn’t it’s own form of virtue signalling against the argument that people shouldn’t pre-order, you really explained your position and showed me!


Is there an alternative software for designing cities?


The first one must still be pretty good.




CS 1 hasn’t disappeared yet, you can still play it.


This game has a lot of potential and I haven’t given up on it yet.

That said the biggest pain point is still the lack of official mod support. That needs to fully arrive before we see any DLCs. Paradox/CO have only themselves to blame that people are getting impatient for the slow progress on getting out the thing that made Cities 1 so good.

It would help with scenery variety, community-made fixes, community-derived balance changes, better UI and exposing of important game variables (logistics), etc., which would address a lot of the current shortcomings.



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  • Rentlar,

    Well I can understand the reasons why Paradox wants to use their own modding suite, it would be cross platform between console and PC and not exclusive to Steam. It would be possible to extend certain features such as version management or better collections system than Steam. Steam workshop is nice but C:S 1 had issues with it when the game updated, I think those shortcomings are what is intended to be addressed.

    If they go the “paid mods” route I will be highly disappointed.

    @HerbalGamer@sh.itjust.works avatar

    Paid mods are just microtransactions with extra steps.


    I’m really upset about the map editor not being released yet.

    They said early 2024. It should have been in the game when it was released. I would not have purchased it if I had known that to begin with. My own fault for not reading the fine print I guess. I expected city skylines one with some improvements.


    Totally understandable.


    Yeah it was a huge mistake luanching without mod and custom asset support. It was what made CS1 popular and endure so long, and was a core part of its success.

    I played a huge amount of CS1 and I was very excited about CS2. But I’ve lost interest very quickly in CS2.

    The whole thing comes across as corporate greed and bad management - a small team pushed to release on an unrealistic schedule. It is also a huge mistake to have spend so much time working on and promising console releases - it’s seemingly just hobbled and compromised the launch of the main platform which is PC. And if it’s in this state on PC it’ll be even worse on console - they could do even more damage to the games reputation and success if they are distracted trying to fix those versions while the released game is in such a bad state.

    Deceptichum avatar

    I'm more annoyed that the underlying gameplay hasn't improved, there's still zero challenge and you have to actively go out of your way to bankrupt yourself. It's the same road builder as Cities In Motion was.

    @Caligvla@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    This seems like a major trend with modern management games. Planet Coaster, Planet Zoo, Cities Skylines… They all have great creative features but they all lack depth and challenge their predecessors had.


    I just wanna play Simtown and SimCity2000.

    @Caligvla@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    Oh the irony… SimCity sucks, now Cities Skylines sucks.

    Can we get a good SimCity now EA? It’s your chance…


    City Skylines doesn’t suck. There are performance issues, yes, but really the only real issue is the lack of mod support. People got so used to modded CS1 that CS2 – a giant leap forward for us vanilla players-- felt like a step back.


    I’m creating cities that look way better than anything I was able to make in CS1 even with all the DLCs, dozens of mods and hundreds of custom assets. Saying this game sucks is a dead giveaway that you’ve never actually played it. There are problems, sure, and CO’s communication has been… awkward. But, the game itself is quite playable and enjoyable.


    Yeah I could never switch back to C:S1, game has huge issues and the Performance is the smallest imo, but the ideas are great and i already had lots of fun with it

    soggy_kitty, (edited )

    Dude what do you mean it sucks? The original is A tier.

    EDIT: I see you have since edited your comment to prefix “now” in front of cities skylines. Could have still added the “2” to reduce ambiguity. 4/10 edit

    @xhieron@lemmy.world avatar

    No put down the paw right now! Stop it!


    I’m glad to have waited on this game. I was going to buy it but after all the terrible reviews, decided against buying.

    Poggervania avatar

    So how long until Cities Skylines 2 becomes the new Crysis for modern hardware?


    Crysis actually looked good for its time, and wasn’t horribly optimized. It just legitimately needed hardware that didn’t exist yet.

    CS2 looks like ass and without bug fixes will probably never perform well on any future hardware.


    The OG Crysis wanted hardware that still doesn't exist. They built the game and engine under the assumption that clock speeds would keep increasing, and instead we moved to high core counts.

    Even today, at 4K and max settings, the original (2007) release can drop below 100 fps on the best possible hardware.

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