Jonathan, to random

post: Hi everyone, welcome to my profile. I'm interested in technology, socializing with others, and more! If you would like a follow from me, please have a bio.

tranxuanthang, to ruby avatar

Hey and Mastodon!

I'm Thang and I'm a 26-year-old software engineer from Vietnam.

👍 What I'm good at: ,
📝 What I'm learning: , ,
🔜 What I'm planning to learn in the near future: Qt6 with C++ or Python (to overcome my Electron addiction)

I'm the author of LRCGET (, a small tool that helps finding synchronized lyrics, written in Rust and .

Thank you all for reading!

wojciech, to random avatar

Hello! My name is Wojciech Wernicki, I'm 27 years old, currently living in Warsaw, Poland. My pronouns are they/them.

I'm Frontend Developer with 7+ years experience with JavaScript, TypeScript and React, Scrum Master since 2018.

Feel free to reach me out 😊


fireflyzero, to webassembly avatar

Hello World! Firefly Zero is an in-development handheld game console that runs and supports multiplayer. It is written by @orsinium in , runs on , and will be fully open source (both software and hardware).

We already have a working desktop emulator and are getting a Rust and SDK ready for alpha testing. Sounds fun? Stay tuned!



cloudyluna, to Furry avatar

Hewwo, I'm Luna! :nkoLove: and am new to Fediverse. I'm a housecat-fox hybrid :blobcat_nwn: :collar: :blobcatpats:. You can just call me Luna or Floof.

I'm a :heart_transgender: and my pronouns are she/they/it.

I also find smol animals like cats, domesticated rats, pigeons and guinea pigs to be super adorable :ablobcathappypaws:.

My hobbies are , and casually :blobfoxcomputer: and playing Stardew Valley, Skyrim, CDDA and Widelands. Occasionally I read epic fantasy, romantic or horror novels whenever I feel cozy :blabcat:. My knowledge in these aren't deep though :blobcatgiggle:.

I'm also a 🐧 user and fond of .

I mostly will be using Fediverse to share about my own journey on programming, sharing (boosting?) furry or cute arts and my own random (cat? meow?) thoughts in general.

On that note, I refrain from sharing suggestive content on my page and whenever I do, they will be tagged & marked with NSFW content warnings.

Ty for reading! : :blabcat: :blabfox:

play0ad, to gamedev French avatar

We're a free, opensource RTS game akin to Age Of Empires 3, made by a team of volunteers across the world.

The engine was made for mods so there are a lot of possibilities to make RTSes

We're currently migrating to @gitea to ease contributing.


kevquirk, to Blog avatar

Suppose I’d better do an since this is a new account.

I’m Kev, married father of 2 and owner of many animals, who lives in Wales on a little 2.5 acre smallholding.

I enjoy writing on my blog (link below), tinkering with said , collecting and anything to do with .

I’m also the co-admin of another Masto instance, .

My bloggerty blog:

daniellean, to random avatar

Shalom! Hi dear ones, I'm just a friendly goy joining from Honduras, Central America. I work in mental health and psychosocial support for an international humanitarian organization. I'm a queer activist, a Friend (Quaker), and I strive to be an ally to all peoples. #introduction

jcoigdanes, to random avatar

How do you guys make friends or connections here? Looking to boost my network and have more intellectually stimulating conversations :))

jikodesu, avatar


Make an introduction post with the hashtag #Introduction

Follow more people, as in lots

Follow hashtags. Put hashtags on your posts. Comment on posts.

#FediTips #MastoHelp #Fediverse #Mastodon #UPFight #Philippines #Filipino #Asian #TootSEA #NewHere #Newbie

cliffwade, to Blog avatar

My good friend @stu has just published his first post which is his introduction post to the blog and you can read it here.

Give it a read and if you're not already, drop him a follow.

You can also see all of his blog posts get auto posted to the following account that you can follow as well.


lohihilo, to random avatar

My advisor advises I'm to do an #introduction post. My bio spells it out, but in short (I'm not THAT short) I'm your average geeky queer (bi) guy in Ottawa enjoying an unexpected renaissance on the cusp of 50. I will definitely post too many photos of my best friend/non-biological son/cat named Mack. Probably also go on and on about bands and TV shows and movies and the art form that is Spotify playlist sequencing. I send a lot of postcards and am newly obsessed with exercise. Insufferable. Hi!

Eceni, to Podcast avatar

Pinning by way of an #Introduction

#AccidentalGods #Podcast - exploring #EcoSpirituality with
& Woodford Roberts

How can we connect with what really matters at the heart of life?

And can doing so help free us from the oceans of grief we all carry?


mc, to journalism French avatar

Bonjour le fediverse !
Je réactualise mon :
Je m'appelle Max, j'ai 20 ans et je suis étudiant en . Je partage pas mal de choses sur ce compte : lié à la , aux , au , à la , à ce qu'il se passe en et à ! Je partage souvent des musiques que j'aime bien et j'écris aussi des petits textes (, réflexions, anecdotes...).
Je suis par ailleurs musicien, blogueur (occasionnellement) et aussi pas mal gay.
Au plaisir d'échanger avec vous ! :blob_wolf_reach:

jdblischak, to random avatar

I'm an enthusiastic R user, freelance scientific software developer, author of {workflowr}, and co-organizer of the Cleveland R User Group. I'm here for the discussion and am excited to join the community

mike, to random avatar

Hi, I’m Mike. 👋

I’m a husband, a father of two, an open web enthusiast, free speech advocate, and writer. I work as a Happiness Engineer at Automattic — supporting Day One, Pocket Casts, Simplenote, Texts, Gravatar, and more.

I discuss pop punk music, Apple products, the web, and other geek-related topics.



HowTheyVoteEU, to random avatar

We are an open-source website and database collecting information about roll-call votes in the (European Parliament).

We believe that the voting behavior of is of special interest to the public. While most votes inside the EP are roll-call votes, finding information about and the results of votes can be complicated. This is even more true for the large body of casual citizens to whom the MEPs are accountable.

HowTheyVoteEU, avatar

We aggregate data from multiple sources with the goal of providing easy to understand facts about plenary roll-call votes on a single website.


HowTheyVoteEU, avatar

While we initially launched the website in 2021 with funding from @PrototypeFund, we recently launched a complete rewrite that ironed out a lot of inconveniences and took occasion to finally join here.

Some background info on the project can be found in this video (in German):


danielholbe, to random German avatar


Mein Name ist Daniel Holbe, ich bin und man findet mich nun auch auf dieser Plattform.

Neue Bücher, Lesungstermine und alles, was im Leben eines Autoren so passiert, werde ich fortan hier posten.

Auf ein nettes Miteinander 👋

torino, to random avatar

Ello I'm Torino, a random entity apart of the Vineyard

Some random fun facts about me:

  • Mili is my favorite band, we don't talk about how Mili is ~70% of all my plays
  • I like board games and card games
  • I will infodump on Mili

Anyway better introduction than @kanako /lh :p

Jaden3, to random avatar

Hey yall looking fo mo folks to fck with on dis app.
Goofy ass shit good 👍🏾
Hit me up fo a follow 🤪
Love Jaden ❤️

rosesbloom24, to random


I just signed up to Mastodon.😊

How's everyone doing this Monday afternoon?

auzzy, to movies avatar

New server, so I guess I'll do an !

As my bio notes, I mostly use Mastodon to talk about , and I started a blog just over a year ago: .

Outside of that, I'm a New England-based software engineer by day. I'm also big into , and got bitten by the bug about two years ago.

I'm also big into various forms of , from melodic death all the way to indie rock. But post-rock/metal and dream pop especially.


cma, to gardening German avatar

hi, not used to write things on the net in general. usually don't see the point in participating, when everything is commercialized. maybe this will be different. anyways, I like with a scythe | some very casual | taking care of my | using and | watching | hope to talk to some of you, let's see where this will lead

jayjamestb, to mastodon avatar

Hello! This is my #introduction to #Mastodon!
@Itskilian introduced me and want to check it out!

I am Jay, your tattooed blonde.
I love to:
Be Gay
Talk with people
And good food.

I’m trying to start out fresh, so if you could follow my instagram @jayjamestb would be helpful! Thank you. Trying to start fresh is not easy but everything is a work in progress.

I have heard that we have cookies so I want those cookies. :agummyhug:

Thank you!


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