@oce@jlai.lu avatar

Everything is about money, not about having an actual human experience.

Human experience is still there, everywhere. You have to make the effort to get out of your burrow and do things outside with physical people.


I think this varies from place to place. In some places, I’ve definitely felt like going out and interacting with physical people was too dangerous, since the culture was along the lines of “everyone for themselves” and “don’t trust anyone”. That being said, I’ve also lived in places where the people around me were extremely friendly, so for many people that opportunity still does exist.

For the people who feel like going out and interacting with strangers is dangerous, I think it might help to go to specific places where the kinds of people you want to meet would also go to (and the kinds of people you want to avoid wouldn’t go to), although that can be hard to find.


It’s called alienation under capital


It’s hard to make an effort when all your energy goes into survival. Wasn’t the point of “civilization” to not have to worry about all of that?

@oce@jlai.lu avatar

Yes it should, but modernity also made us less reliant on the group and I think it made use more introvert and more social risk averse. This is something that can be worked on with reasonable cost.


Alienation is a product of Capitalism, not ‘modernity.’


Where do I go? I have no idea what to do

@oce@jlai.lu avatar

Try to find an association near your place, sports, arts, gardening, nature exploration, table top games, whatever you like.


As a default, a spouse and kids will rope you into decades of regular social interaction.


Like we can afford burrows.

@oce@jlai.lu avatar

Your local gardening association should have shovels.


Human experience has been almost entirely privatized. If you’re poor, you’re denied most of it.

@oce@jlai.lu avatar

Are non-profit associations rare in your place? They are very present around me, all my hobbies are covered.


What do you mean by that? Go find a sport/hobby. Clubs aren’t expensive at all.


Human experience isn’t just hanging out with other people. It includes going to other places, experiencing what the world has to offer. You can’t do much of that, if any, when you’re living paycheck to paycheck like most people.

@oce@jlai.lu avatar

In social countries, they give you money for hobbies if you have low salaries.


Holy shit. One more little reason to hope the civil war comes quickly so I can flee as a refugee to a semi-civilized country.

@purahna@lemmygrad.ml avatar

so many people are getting to the point that they can identify that capitalism has caused human society to self-digest and go to shit, yet so many will give the most asinine dog-brained reasons as to why. It’s reassuring to see people starting to wake up but frustrating to see them groggy, incoherent, and still half-asleep. 95 times out of a hundred they’ll blame “corporatism” or welfare queens or race mixing or overpopulation or some shit and it’s just exhausting


so many people are getting to the point that they can identify that capitalism has caused human society to self-digest and go to shit, yet so many will give the most asinine dog-brained reasons as to why

It’s because of crony capitalism! Because there’s a magical different one that would go better, trust me! morshupls


And when they say "corporatism", rather than the capitalist aspects of corporations draining the life from society, they'll instead be referring to whenever a company does something they consider "woke".


I have yet to find a good, reasonable solution. Capitalism is the least bad that I have seen.


You haven’t seen New Economic Policy. It’s still capitalism, but don’t eat people as much.


Um, it was created by Lenin.


Yes. Doesn’t change fact that it is still capitalism.


Not a fan of capitalism myself, but I’d take western (somewhat) liberal capitalism over the authoritarian alternatives (kleptocratic, imperialist oligarchy in Russia or fake-communist dictatorship in China) that are being pushed here on Lemmy.


We’re fucking our planet and all its species regardless, and arguing about the amount of lube being used.


my elites are better than your elites





I mean, probably.


“become more rich by exploting poor people buy politicians make more money repeat” you can do this in china ,usa and any other countries


We don’t get tortured and re-educated though! Gotta count your blessings!


based patriot 👍🏽

@BurgerPunk@hexbear.net avatar

I don’t think anyone is pushing modern capitalist Russia, although kleprocratic, imperialist oligarchy describes the US and western liberal democracy at large as much as it does the Russian Federation.

China though has a better democracy than the US. Calling it a dictatorship is pure western brainworms.

Edit: Why do you think the US is not a kleptocratic, imperialist oligarchy? And why do you think liberal democracy is more democratic than full process democracy in China?


| China though has a better democracy than the US.

Anyone in the US can try to be elected, in China the government chooses who can be elected. Equal representation is a cornerstone of democracy.

Egon, (edited )
@Egon@hexbear.net avatar

China is the only country that is on track to hit the goals stated in the Paris Agreement.
China has invested trillions in combating climate change.
75% of people alleviated from poverty are chinese citizens.
China has a higher life expectancy than the US.
China has a higher median wage than several european countries.
The US has the largest prisoner population in the world.
Slavery is legal in the US as a punishment for a crime.
The leaders of the riots in Ferguson were all murdered. Several political leaders have disappeared or died mysteriously over the years in the US.
The US “used to have” a project by the name of COINTELPRO which focused on suppressing political dissidents.

Why exactly would you take the western system over China?
What makes China authoritarian, yet the country with the largest prisoner population in the world and a proven record of suppressing and murdering political dissidents not authoritarian?


I don’t like how you make it seem like the US is the average western country.

It is one of the worst in terms of everything except money and military.

If you compare China with an actual average western country, like France or Spain. Then China looks a lot less hospitable. With its giant face tracking infrastructure, the anti-privacy devices and apps, the genocides of Uyghurs and castrations of Muslims.

I like how China is improving massively, but it still is closer to the US than it is to Finland in terms of population happiness and freedom.

@CarbonScored@hexbear.net avatar

As a European, we’re definitely leagues ahead of the US, but we also have giant face tracking infrastructure, anti privacy devices and apps, and we just recently did massive invasions resulting in the deaths of millions of innocent civilians in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. And at least hundreds of thousands of those deaths are actually provable and well-documented.

@flan@hexbear.net avatar

The US is the hegemon of the West, they call the shots. It’s reasonable to talk about US in place of the west.


the genocides of Uyghurs and castrations of Muslims.


love how you euros pretend to give a shit about muslims


fake-communist dictatorship in China

Do you know anything about how their system actually works or are you just repeating something you’ve seen in reddit comments over and over again?


The whole point of government is to be authoritarian. That authority is what separates tax collectors from muggers. That authority is what allows for public good such as welfare programs and public bad such as a militarized police force that brutally defends the capitalist class and their capital. Under “liberal” capitalism, that authority is concentrated in the hands of the dictators that own the means of production.


How bout we tear it all the fuck down!? I’ve got the nukes.

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

Find some help man

@TrismegistusMx@lemmy.world avatar

It’s been far too long since the sociopaths were put in their place. Now they have all the money in the world and can hire sycophants to be their personal armies.

@GarfieldYaoi@hexbear.net avatar



He was probably born into it

BigNote, (edited )

We are

Born like this

Into this

Into these carefully mad wars

Into the sight of broken factory windows of emptiness

Into bars where people no longer speak to each other

Into fist fights that end as shootings and knifings

Born into this

Into hospitals which are so expensive that it’s cheaper to die

Into lawyers who charge so much it’s cheaper to plead guilty

Into a country where the jails are full and the madhouses closed

Into a place where the masses elevate fools into rich heroes

-Charles Bukowski


I wonder if it has anything to do with the system we’ve built to buy and sell products, owning, trading and hoarding capital? No, that can’t be it…

@KurtVonnegut@hexbear.net avatar

The constant revamping of the production process, the uninterrupted disturbance of all social conditions, and the everlasting uncertainty and agitation of society distinguish the bourgeois era from all earlier ones. All fixed, fast-frozen relationships, with their train of ancient and venerable prejudices and opinions, are swept away. All new-formed relationships become outdated before they can solidify. All that is fixed melts into air, all that is sacred is profaned, and people are at last compelled to face with sober senses their real conditions of life, and thier relations with each other.

-Some guy, in some manifesto, in 1848


We live in a simulation


Escapism in the 21st century.

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

Nothing is real

bury head in sand



Until you realize simulated pain still hurts.

@TerminalEncounter@hexbear.net avatar

I’ve found that disconnecting helps. Leave your phone at home and go out. Chat with the guy you see every day at the grocery store. Go play chess or pétanque in the park with a friend. You don’t have to do this too often, and you’ll feel less like a product yourself.


Everyone just stares at their phone these days, even the elderly people


Especially the elderly in my experience. The generation that used to tell us not to believe everything we see on the internet is now glued to Facebook.

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

Addiction is a lot easier when you make the surroundings more hellish and thus the substance more palatable


My parents use Wechat 💀

Something something America bad, NATO imperialism, etc.

all while living in the country that Wechat told you was bad. 🤔

X country is bad, but a subset of that country I happened to live in is an exception? 🤔???

Like that some crazy double think right there

@uis@lemmy.world avatar

My parents use Wechat

Dear Faust. I’m not sure what worse.


Well, at least on facebook, you can have various ideologies (at least until Suckerberg decide to ban you). On Wechat, it’s only whatever the govermment allows.

@uis@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t use any of those, but if you are not in China and will never visit it, then Wechat maybe fine for you. Build your own threat model.


Ew I don’t use corporate platforms. The only one I’ve ever used is Reddit, now with Lemmy, Reddit can fuck off

@banazir@lemmy.ml avatar

It was leaving the trees that did it, really.

@BeigeAgenda@lemmy.ca avatar

Nah we should have stayed in the water.


Personally, I blame the amoeba that decided he wanted to have more cells than everyone else. All of human greed stemps from that selfish bugger.

elouboub avatar

Give into the hate, anon. Join the sixth.


Anon has an existential crisis

@solarzones@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I am with Anon. It’s all kinda surreal now. But I’m gonna live it up the way I know how.

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

Sometimes it’s fun to try doing things differently, but I sort of agree with you. As time goes on it’s harder and harder to break ourselves of our habits


Everything under neoliberalism is assessed primarily in terms of money. It thrives on selfishness. Doing things to improve climate and reduce carbon emissions doesn’t have immediate profits and is therefore ignored. The wealth inequality results in the more wealthy thinking they deserve the wealth and seeing the poor as inferior thus destroying social cohesion.


Liberalism does not seem to seek any kind of cohesion, rather it focuses on maximising each individual’s desires regardless of the resulting sum of these individual fulfillments.


Turn off the news, and stay away from anything online that lets you or other people comment.

Lose Twitter, Facebook, reddit (or reddit alternatives) and the world will look like a much different place.

@peter@lemmy.emerald.show avatar

I did the same thing. I still am on social media such as lemmy and discord but its mostly to talk to people. And I havent watched the news since I was a child. Important things come your way eventually and I dont see it as being ignorant. Now I only receive information I can actually do something about if I want to.


Sticking your head in the sand will do that. Nothing will actually change but it’ll feel like it’s not there.


More like “don’t stick your head in a pile oft shit”, ignoring these platforms is not ignoring the world, it’s changing your point oft view, you won’t miss anything of importance.


That’s may be true for you, but a lot of these type sites are a great source for news and information about the world. Ignorance is bliss as they say, but the world keeps spinning whether or not you pay attention to it. I’m not saying you HAVE to get news from social media, but that’s what I primarily use it for.


If it doesn’t cause you to act, then the news is just entertainment

Covid vaccines made available was the last news that actually changed my behavior. That was like years ago. The rest is just entertainment written to make people scared and angry


Bullshit. Responsible news consumption is how we make informed decisions about the world. It’s a critical part of any democracy which is why Burke called it “the fourth estate.”

@purahna@lemmygrad.ml avatar

this. A lot of news is kind of inactionable too; what are we supposed to do from knowing about some dictatorship half way across the world having a coup? The thing that actually started lifting me out of passive observation and into action was reading political analysis and political theory. Strongly recommend some introductory political theory for anyone who feels a responsibility to keep up with the news but then finds that all doing so does is make them exhausted and depressed.


That sounds like a ‘you problem’. I change my behaviors and my attitudes accordingly based on what I intake and digest. When McCain first ran against Obama, he was a moderate with decades of experience who had seen the dark side of war and wouldn’t thrust us into one senselessly.

Thanks to the news I saw the rapid conversion of a formerly moral politician into someone who would say anything for power.

When the situation in Maui came up I donated as I have in the past to people affected by disasters.

Should you assume information that doesn’t affect you personally is irrelevant or are you willing to step down from your Main Character title card?


Social media is for social interaction. There are better alternatives for news. I’d rather invest some money in good journalism than picking relevant news in the flood of garbage click and rage bait articles. There is also good, free of charge journalism out there. For example the guardian


This is so honestly so true. Once I moved my news sources onto an RSS app and left my social media interactions for my hobbies or catching up with people my pessimism decreased dramatically.

News on social media is filled with bad actors, misinformation, and bots deliberately to drive up engagement through outrage. 99% of the time it’s not worth the mental blowback.



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  • irmoz,

    Sorry but I don’t have the ability to stop caring how the world is doing


    Sorry in advance for the unsolicited advice, but if you’re a news junkie (like me), try out an RSS feed reader (Feedly, Inoreader, Newsblur is a FOSS option).

    You get to bypass the comment section of social media while still being aware of what is going on around you. I use Ino because it’s cross platform. It makes it super easy to subscribe to anything from Nature to Vogue to my local news affiliate, and it has a trending section, as well as curated groups for hobbies/interests and your work industry as well.

    You don’t have to stop caring about the world in order to live without social media.


    Nah you’re right, but I’m always curious what people think too haha


    Oh I totally understand, I’m the exact same way. But lately looking at social media comments is the equivalent of taking +1000% psychic damage.



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  • irmoz,

    I’ve considered fishing, but the equipment is expensive, and all the closest locations are pretty far. When I need to chill I just play a game or go for a smoke.


    I appreciate the concern and know about the potential negative consequences. But with all due respect, you don’t know me or the type of news I seek out or how I feel about it. I prefer to know what’s going on around me and the world so I can work towards making impactful changes. That doesn’t mean everyone else has to but it works well for me.


    I think it’s more just reducing the overload, not really hiding. An information vacation.


    A healthy diet, if you will. Fastfood is okay once in a while but eating it all the time just as tiring to one’s body as clickbait information to one’s head.


    We’ll have a Dalmatian plantation!


    Is not being on most social media sticking your head in the sand now? I still read the news and try to stay informed. It’s just not in my face as much anymore. I would consider that a win.


    This is like you breaking up with a toxic girlfriend and she tells you “oh yeah well other people are still gonna date me idiot!”


    Arguably that's one of (though not all of) the reason for so many people not voting. They think if they disengage, then that'll fix the problem. When in reality they're just allowing the problem to get worse and pretending there isn't a problem.

    @SubArcticTundra@lemmy.ml avatar

    Can confirm this. I’ve been trying to set my life up to be as internetless as possible.

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