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De_Narm, in Not today sovcit.

“I do not understand your intent”

Reading the letter might help with that.


It’s a letter regarding child support payments. I guarantee that they know what the intent is.

I’ll go one further: I guarantee that child support payments contributed to their adoption of sov cit delusions, or their adoption of sov cit delusions contributed to their divorce.


Bottom one is from the US census. Which you’re required by federal law fill out (specifically written in the US Constitution). I don’t know if anyone would actually come after you for not filling it out, but I’m pretty sure writing crazy shit all over it and returning it would raise some red flags…


I only answer the how many people live here question and leave the rest blank. No one has bothered following up with me. Guess it doesn’t happen enough to make it worth enforcement.

Hobo, (edited )

I’ve never had anything but the short version personally. I always just filled it out cause it takes all of 5 minutes. You raise sort of a curious question though and it does appear that answering all the questions is mandatory. Apparently, at least according to the source below, they use statistical methods to fill in questions left blank. Also, again according to the source below, no one has been prosecuted since 1970 for failure to fill out a census. With that in mind they’re probably fine sending in scribblings, but they might send an agent to their door after 5 mailings to do the enumeration in person.


I was referring to the short version. I only answer how many people are living here and leave the other 10 or so blank.

If the government wants to go through the effort of court battle I obviously don’t welcome that but I acknowledge that they can. Zero interest in a fight about this. Doesn’t really matter they can get their data other ways with or without my help.

Hobo, (edited )

Wasn’t really looking to fight you on your personal choices. Just thought it was interesting and relevant to the post. You do you…


Sorry that is on me I came off hostile and that wasn’t my intention. Cheers.


No problem. Have a good one!


I don’t know anything about the system in the US, but I know that here in Canada they won’t take you to court instantly if you don’t fill in the census (short or long, similar to the US). Instead they’ll send you a few reminder letters first, and if that doesn’t work they’ll try to send a census working to your home to ask you the questions you missed. AFAIK, this is done to try to prevent a situation where you’re taking to court someone who perhaps can’t read (due to vision or literacy or language problems), or who has other trouble filling out the forms.

So long as you cooperate with the census worker, you won’t see the inside of a courtroom. AFAIK they only take people to court who don’t cooperate with the census taker.

PhobosAnomaly, in Sovcit planning to default on mortgage payments.

Now, I’m not the greatest fans of mortgages because of what they represent, and the fact that a good chunk of a country’s economic well-being is dependant on people forking out a big proportion of their take home pay to have somewhere to live, but

It’s frustrating to see so many people labour and stress about meeting thresholds and jumping through hoops to get a mortgage in principle, let alone find a home that they can make an accepted offer on, and these chuckle fucks make it difficult for everyone to go through the same process, much post the changes introduced in 2007 (admittedly for different but related reasons).

Absolute wankbadgers.


I hate landlords, banks, cops, etc, but none of that makes what sovcits are doing okay.


I love logic and reason

TruthAintEasy, in Sovcit got ripped out of his car this time.
TruthAintEasy avatar

When I was 24 I met a guy who was enjoying wierd concepts and philosophy, as one does, as I also do. We traded some books and ideas, he was around for a few months. But he got into SovCit stuff talking with me. I thought, this guys nice, but he dont shower much, I dont know about this SovCit stuff.

A few months later the national police force showed up at my house looking for one of my guys, he wasnt there but I took the opportunity to ask the officers about this SovCit idea... they were angry at first but once I calmed them down they explained to me that SovCits are just nutters that lose in court...

And thats the story of how I learned not to go to jail by trying to make up my own rules as I go along.

BolexForSoup avatar

a few months later, the national police force showed up at my house looking for one of my guys

I need more context lol

TruthAintEasy avatar

My bro was into some bad stuff. Tried to right his path, but instead he got a face tattoo and stopped kickboxing with us and joined another gang. Strait to jail btw

BolexForSoup avatar

Sorry to hear that man. Hope I wasn’t being too disrespectful, it just looked like there was a lot of story behind that comment!

TruthAintEasy avatar

No harm no foul, get this, the face tattoo he got was a question mark made of smaller question marks. Would have been a nice tattoo if it didnt cover 30% of his face. He wanted to speedrun unemployment/ going to jail.

Can you describe the guy who robbed you?

He had a question mark on his face.

Say no more sir, we know him....

BolexForSoup avatar

Yikes that was a little short sighted on his part.

TruthAintEasy avatar

He was 5'3" short sighted short everything

BolexForSoup avatar


Rocketpoweredgorilla, in Sovcit planning to default on mortgage payments. avatar

Reminds me of a guy I knew that figured if the bank couldn’t get a hold of him they couldn’t repossess his house, so he ignored all their letters.

You can imagine how well that went.


It’s not like they didn’t know where he lived.

Rocketpoweredgorilla, avatar

He figured they had to actually serve him the papers for it to be legal.

The worst part is you try explaining that’s not how it works to someone like that, but they will still take the legal advice of a co-workers second cousin’s family friend’s nephew just because that’s what they want to hear.

proper, (edited ) in Not today sovcit. avatar

dispersement unit? Is that some sort of payment?

edit: I looked it up and lol it’s the place that processes child support payments.

Just tell your ex wife you don’t have an international treaty with her XD

EdibleFriend, avatar

Apparently child support is a massive thing that drives these people


They are driven by the need to always be right all the time. It’s weird.


Because they live in a fantasy world where you don’t have to pay for things if you say the right thing.

It’s often bills and debts. They are a bit more sad as the person may just be desperate and trying anything they can.


One of my old housemates went to crazy lengths to avoid child support payments. Signed away parental rights, worked just enough at this cash in hand day labor place to cover rent and eat off of food stamps, kept trying unsuccessfully to get on disability under the misguided belief that would stop the government trying to collect child support. Bragged to me directly about doing all of it. Like it was some genius plan to thwart the government.

Last I heard that housemate had come out as a trans woman and was trying to move into this commune out in like Colorado or Arizona something like that.

My own dad hid his income for years working under the table and arguing to bring his child support payments down until my mom was getting like $100 a month total for me and my brother. Claimed he was living almost entirely off his new girlfriend’s income and the child support payments were too burdensome. That all came back to bite him in the ass though when he tried to apply for disability and got denied because he hadn’t banked enough work credits in the last 10 years.

Some people will do nearly anything to avoid paying child support. It’s crazy.


Child support is the reason for a LOT of sovcit activity.


Debt in general really. If these people just ran around yelling, “I don’t know you! That’s my purse!”, and kept paying their debts I don’t think I’d really have much of an issue with them.


Technically the truth

DarthBane, in This sovereign citizen makes my head hurt.

Good luck training an AI on this shit

PP_BOY_, in Sovereign citizen can't get the landlord to see fake payment is real. avatar

Honestly I have a lot of sympathy for sovcits in a way I never did before. It’s people trying desperately to find some sort of clause in the shitty social contract that we live in, only to find out that it’s all made up for the ruling class’ benefit, regardless. If only they could focus on collectivism instead of their hyperindividiaulism.


That’s actually not quite true. They’re largely really shitty people who don’t want to pay child support and mistreat their children and steal. A handful are stupidly desperate but they mostly just have a lack of morals.


Right? The only “secret trick” that can save people from getting into this situation is that there is power in working together and forming tenant unions. Not some funny “state national” nonsense.

ininewcrow, avatar

The dangerous thing about them is that they are liable to lean to authoritarian fascism if they think that they could benefit from it.


This is why I dont feel sorry for them.

Society may be unfair (rich vs poor) but they actively try and make the system them vs us. They are quite willing to try and rip people off (knowingly or delusionaly) with no care for the people who dont buy into their bullshit.


Huh? Most of them strongly attempt to take from the collective without paying in, or supporting others. Exhibit a: using public roads without wanting to pay taxes.

These people are takers and would be thrown out of any legitimate connection or union


I bet those are people voting libertarian or Republican as the “best” alternative.
These are complete shitheads, they are not trying to find social justice, they are trying to find loopholes, to get out of any responsibility.

PP_BOY_, avatar

Brainwashed people are victims too dude and libertarianism is usually a detour in many people’s journeys to leftism from the right.


A big problem with libertarianism is that republicans also flock to it when their own party doesn’t go “far enough” with its free market policy. The best route is to move to the left after becoming disillusioned with libertarians, but a lot of them unfortunately move towards anarcho capitalism— which is like, absolutely insane shit lol

VindictiveJudge, avatar

Anarcho capitalists should be forced to play Bioshock 1 on a loop until they get the message.


These are complete shitheads, they are not trying to find social justice, they are trying to find loopholes, to get out of any responsibility.

So they are post-“fuck you” but pre-“I got mine”. Bold strategy for them.


Where is the person above saying fuck you to anyone or are you going to defend the landlords?

VindictiveJudge, avatar

They’re describing sovcits, not Buffalox.


The collectivism route sounds like a route to a cult. Either way you know its bad when people minds would literally snap and live in a dreamworld than actively do anything useful to help shift it.


Mostly they just try to get out of paying child support

TheFriar, in Sovereign citizen made a special appearance in court.

I’m assuming he was using the “I wasn’t ‘operating’ that vehicle, I was traveling in it” sovcit logic to wholly commit perjury and then think they won because their worldview is then confirmed by getting to walk out?


Sure was.


Aaaand without any evidence from the state he just said not guilty?


Well, any good Justice system in the modern world goes by taking defendants at their word

Municipal0379, in This sovereign citizen makes my head hurt.

If I can’t trust a basketball version of law definitions what can I trust!? lol


No idea what that even is lol.


Probably autocorrected a misspelled “Black’s law.”


Speech to text strikes again.

ramble81, in Sovereign citizen made a special appearance in court.

This is fake. He used “judge” instead of “magistrate”


That’s why he didn’t cross the threshold. If he did, then the judge morphs into a magistrate - which hold power over both the person AND the paper that they are attempting to charge.


Not if that fucking gold fringe has anything to say about it, Admiral.


I mean, is that something they actually believe?



geekworking, in Sovereign citizen sent T-Mobile the coupon.

Letter from Specialty Response Dept.

Seems like working there would get the award for the most interesting horrible job.


Imagine the crazy letters they get.


The real benefit that Sov Cits bring is employment gains in these niche contexts

guyrocket, in *update profile photo*
guyrocket avatar

Crack crap.

YtA4QCam2A9j7EfTgHrH, in Sorry for sovereign citizen spam today but this one just happened and is too good not to share. Sovcit sent the judge his fee schedule.

What I never understand about these people is that… don’t they understand that the only thing that makes states powerful is that they use violence? You can have all the powerful incantations you have, but they have cops, armies, judges, and jails. That is what makes them sovereign.

Just ask Native Americans how much real actual treaties are worth to the US government.


Might want to ask the state of new mexico that…turns out treaties are worth something.

FfaerieOxide, in Sovcit search history
FfaerieOxide avatar

What's wrong with the first one?

Who else would you contact to class action Hasbro over promissory estoppel?

TheFriar, in The judge seemed annoyed at sovereign citizen (more in comments).

he acted dumb like he didn’t know what “natural man” meant.

Um…no one fucking does. You’re in a weird cult-like mind trap.


I nearly went down a rabbit hole on that, like, well what is a Natural Man, or is it all caps? So glad I restrained my inborn curiosity. Ain’ got time for that. lol


Oh lol I was hoping you did have time for that so you could give me a brief rundown because I also don’t have time for that

Well…that’s not true. I do have the time, I just would rather…not spend it doing that.


what is a Natural Man,

A featherless biped.


Behold, @tar_alcaran 's man


Fucking nailed it.


Only if the nails are broad and flat.

DarkDarkHouse, avatar

Tar, unfeathered


It’s not a gender thing.


It’s an actual thing:

distinguished from the broader category of a legal person, which may be a private (i.e., business entity or non-governmental organization) or public (i.e., government) organization.

WarmSoda, (edited )

Ugh, do I read that and probably rabbit hole myself? Or ignore the link and move on…

Edit. You know what I did. And I’m not proud of it.


Did you swap out your license plate for a fake one that says something about travelling and not commercial?


Why aren’t you proud of increasing your knowledge?


A natural person isn’t quite the same thing. It literally just means a human and not an organization or corporation. There are some legal differences mostly to do with culpability.

It doesn’t really come up very often.

What this lot seem to be going at is they think that their name, written as capital letters is some sort of corporation, set up against their will?, with their name and as such they are not the corporation and so cannot be charged. Which is obviously lunacy because a corporation has not been set up with their name and even if one had, they were the one doing the driving offenses, not the corporation (a corporation cannot commit driving offenses). But they’re all too thick for their own internal logic to apply.

In non-stupid crazy land if I am a truck driver and I commit a driving offense while driving for company XYZ then I committed the driving offense, not company XYZ. Unless I could prove that I had been given the instruction to drive unsafely, which of course is where all the things like tachometers come in. All this has already being decided long ago, so the stuff they are referring to doesn’t even apply.


I read this differently. He says:

I asked if there was a “natural man” in the court room with a claim against me?

(The “plaintiff” on my paperwork stated “The People of the State of California vs. MY ALL CAPS NAME”)

So… I think he was trying to claim that only a natural person can be a plaintiff, and because he was sued by the government - which is not a natural person - the whole thing should be invalidated.


only a natural person can be a plaintiff

A very strange position given the amount of case law of the form [person X] vs United States


Definitely silly, but [person X] is the plaintiff in those cases - United States is the defendant.

You’re looking for case law of the form “United States vs [person X]”, which the sovcits believe is illegal but exists because everyone else doesn’t know to question it.

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