Is linux good for someone tech illererate.

Now i’ve been considering moving to linux. I don’t have much of a history using a computer and find it tougher to use than my phone. But I also really appreciate the foss movement. I’ve currently got an old laptop running windows 11 I think and it would prolly speed up with linux too. But I’m afraid I’d fuck smth up trying to download linux, understand it or while using it. Is it worth switching and how different is it to a windows experience.

  • old laptop
  • windows 11
  • tech illiterate

Something doesn’t add up, or only 2/3 are true.


There are several comments ITT that mention the “just works” distros, like Mint or Pop!_OS etc. But make no mistake, these distributions are every bit as powerful as any other distribution. They’re not “dumbed down” versions by any means, it just means that they’ve paid close attention to crafting a polished user experience.

Case in point: I’m a seasoned Linux user and still I prefer Pop!_OS. Some of my even more experienced Linux colleagues use Mint, Fedora, etc. because we’re paid to write code that solves customer problems, not tinker with our operating systems on our workstations. I don’t think I actually know anyone in real life that uses Arch (btw)—is it even a real distro or is it just a meme?—or even Debian (unless it’s for a server and even then we’re more likely to use Alpine and install+configure everything we want and nothing we don’t).


You don’t know me in real life. But I use Arch. It started out as a way to get a more thorough understanding of the bits and pieces that make up Linux. Now that it’s all setup and configured, it all just works, and works the way I made it work. I don’t need to tinker with it much now, unless I want to. It’s probably the only Distro I’ll use from now to the end of time, because I’m quite content with it.


It’s probably the only Distro I’ll use from now to the end of time, because I’m quite content with it.

Or you’ve invested so much time setting it up that you don’t dare abandon it (sunk cost).

I jest but there may be a grain of truth to it anyway. We humans tend to get comfortable with what we know and when we spend so much time installing, configuring and tinkering a system that we use daily, we end up knowing it pretty well.

I like to try a new distro on a personal computer every year or so, just to keep my agility of computing systems nimble. But still I usually end up back to Pop!OS and MacOS. Although that practice did pull me away from Fedora to Pop!


Maybe. To be fair, most of what’s important to me to do what I need to do. Like individual applications are available on most other distros, and my dot files, and hence configuration for those applications, is where most of my tinkering time was spent and they are stored in repository. I share this between between my work Mac (macos) my desktop (Arch) and my personal laptop (also Arch). I would be able get going on another Distro pretty quickly if I decided to.

But I really do love Arch. I can get going with Arch on fresh machine quickly too, I now know my way around it, where to look for info, and generally just what to do to achieve what I want to do.

GustavoM, (edited ) avatar

Nowadays there are linux distros that gives the same “double clicks your cares away” experience ala windows – ZorinOS, Linux mint and Garuda linux.


I wouldn’t recommend Garuda to someone that’s completely clueless about tech as KDE is less intuitive than gnome and cinnamon, and because you have to use the command line a tad more than on mint zorin. It is still a good choice for a new user though, just maybe more for someone who is reasonably competent at using a pc


Not really, to be honest.

I think Linux has come a long, long way. But unfortunately, “tech illiterate” has become much, much more illiterate.

It feels like Linux will forever be stuck in this ‘just behind’ mentality because companies like Apple and even Microsoft can funnel so many resources into making sure their distribution ;) is user-friendly.

That said, I think Microsoft sees the writing on the wall and is ducking out. Apple has no reason to. Their designers, unfortunately, are on point.


Except for most “tech illiterate” people, they just need a browser…

…which works identically in Linux and Windows. With the bonus of not running random exe files.


Uhh, no. Tech illiterate people might spend most of their time in a browser, but it’s not all most of them need.

Thinking otherwise is just being out of touch with reality.

SnokenKeekaGuard, avatar

Thank you so much everyone. I’m very likely going to try the live usb method with linux mint probably. I really appreciate all the advice.

fschaupp, avatar

Smart choice! The option to just try it in a safe way with the live USB is a good way to try it.

Also try out some of the themes in the settings 😉 The amazing wallpapers of Linux Mint are so fancy, so I decided to use it on my work Windows PC, which I am forced to deal with ☺️

ook_the_librarian, avatar

Nice choice. Try to stick to the standard repository, kinda like the Play store on android.

I believe Mint tries to have minimal dependence on the command line. But usually it’s easier to help others solve problems with the command line since that is easier to write out than how to click through menus. So don’t let it scare you too much.

The internet is a friendlier place now, at least in the linux help-o-sphere. People don’t let others post destructive “lessons” for people to learn anymore.


I haven’t seen anyone mentioning this yet, so I will: if you’re looking for the most accessible way to use Linux, nothing beats Endless OS. It’s a Linux distribution that is built specifically with ease of use and offline usage in mind (if you don’t know what a “distribution” is, feel free to ask). It’s pretty different from Windows (the user interface is nothing alike, you should download every program/app from the App Center instead of downloading from your browser), but I think you’d get the gist of it quickly.

Now, whether you would want to change to Linux or not greatly depends on what you use your computer for. If you use your computer mostly for browsing the Internet and making Word documents, then I think you should change. If you play videogames on your computer, but mostly via Steam, then Linux won’t be bad. But if your work depends on something like Adobe Photoshop and you really aren’t available to using any other program, then you would not want tochange to Linux, because Photoshop isn’t compatible with it.

TL;DR: Have a look at Endless OS; and please share what you use your computer for / what devices other than a normal keyboard and mouse you normally connect to your computer, so we can help you determine whether you should just switch to Linux or not.

SnokenKeekaGuard, avatar

From what I can gather distributions (distros?) are forks of the original os? Thats an assumption tho.

Don’t use anything special here. I do connect my wireless headphones at most other than mouse and keyboard.


Technically, Linux is just the kernel. What makes a distro different is the software they choose to install and package, and what version: some come with the latest version of kde plasma and busybox, others use versions of GNOME and the GNU core system utilities that are a few years old, etc.

SnokenKeekaGuard, avatar

Ooooh ok thanks

fschaupp, avatar

I really think you would have a great time with either “Linux Mint” because of its rocksolid philosophy of not breaking stuff or shipping “beta software”.

Otherwise a safe option would be a Linux variant with professional support options - just in case you need it. ZorinOS, Tuxedo or Pop_OS! are the most common ones.

Personally i’d take Linux Mint, which in most cases works flawless out of the box. The premium options are nonetheless also great options.


+1 for Linux Mint. It just works unless you try to break it.


There’s a reason why chromebooks are so popular, and it’s not just the price.

nik282000, avatar

Because they are the Crayola of fuckin computers?


I really don’t think people is reasoning “yes I definitely need a computer that exclusively can browse the web no matter the price” because otherwise, if price is no objection, they would buy an ipad with a keyboard.

This considering that a Chromebook instantly loses the resale value as soon as you pay it and it comes with a time bomb which is known only to hyper technical people. Chromebooks on discount have just 1-2 years of updates left or in some cases they’re already EOL. It’s crime against the environment that a Linux machine with a browser has a EOL date when it could receive browser updates indefinitely without any issue.


I am very curious about the type of person who would rather use a phone than a computer. I am already getting annoyed just typing these two sentences on my phone, because I know hoe much more convenient this would be on my computer.

SnokenKeekaGuard, avatar

Swipe typing. Also most people I know are the same


For someone as tech illiterate as my mom, I’d advise against trying it. But you are here and my mom would never know that Lemmy is a thing. You also ask about Linux.
I’d guess that you will have great fun using and appreciating what Linux and the foss communities have created.


I put Linux Mint on my wifes, her parents and my parents computers, they all are somewhat to absolutely tech illiterate. I have to remind them to update once in a while and new software gets installed by me. But apart from that, everyone is happy with their rocksolid day to day system. Windows wouldn’t make anything easier, neither for me nor for them.


Can you remember a password?

I tried helping someone with their steam deck and they got stuck because they didn’t know what they set their password to.

That aside, start with running Linux on a liveboot USB. It is very easy. See how it is for yourself and decide from there


In fairness, I frequently forgot my steamdeck root password, because the need to use it was so few and far between. If you’re always in game mode, then there’s almost 0 reason that I’d need my password.


I agree, but this was instantly. Like sub-10 minutes. . .


Been there. Frustrating af


This is what I did, I’ve been using windows since 98.

I am now on Linux Mint full time, it had it’s teething issues (also not my first distro) but all it took was some DDGing and persistence. I actively cringe when I’m forced to boot into windows for something now.

As I’ve said in previous comments, it’s absolutely worth the effort, spend some time on different distributions, every distro is a little different. On this note, absorb as many suggestions from the Lemmings as possible, regarding Linux and FOSS they really know their shit.

Basically, tread your own path, ask for help if you need it and do it at your own pace, in your own direction. Everyone’s needs are different, the distro list is as long as it is for a reason.

You really do just need to fuck around to find out (what you like).

RandoCalrandian avatar

Linux is perfect for teaching someone to be tech literate, which should be your ultimate goal.

Just because someone can follow a pictorial cookbook more easily is no reason to not teach them to read. Being tech literate is a little more important than people generally realize, just for having a cursory understanding of how things really work.

I recommend Ubuntu.

It’s development has been focused on teaching and enabling tech literacy across the world since its inception, and is designed to be very user friendly.

duncesplayed, (edited )

I’m going to reframe the question as “Are computers good for someone tech illiterate?”

I think the answer is “yes, if you have someone that can help you”.

The problem with proprietary systems like Windows or OS X is that that “someone” is a large corporation. And, in fairness, they generally do a good job of looking after tech illiterate people. They ensure that their users don’t have to worry about how to do updates, or figure out what browser they should be using, or what have you.

But (and it’s a big but) they don’t actually care about you. Their interest making sure you have a good experience ends at a dollar sign. If they think what’s best for you is to show you ads and spy on you, that’s what they’ll do. And you’re in a tricky position with them because you kind of have to trust them.

So with Linux you don’t have a corporation looking after you. You do have a community (like this one) to some degree, but there’s a limit to how much we can help you. We’re not there on your computer with you (thankfully, for your privacy’s sake), so to a large degree, you are kind of on your own.

But Linux actually works very well if you have a trusted friend/partner/child/sibling/whoever who can help you out now and then. If you’ve got someone to help you out with it, Linux can actually work very very well for tech illiterate people. The general experience of browsing around, editing documents, editing photos, etc., works very much the same way as it does on Windows or OS X. You will probably be able to do all that without help.

But you might not know which software is best for editing photos. Or you might need help with a specific task (like getting a printer set up) and having someone to fall back on will give you much better experience.


Beautifully said


What are you talking about dude… Microsoft doesn’t help anyone. There’s no support hotline, their documentation sucks, their interfaces suck, etc. Your Windows help is your son, your local IT shop or corporate IT. Comparing Microsoft to a trusted friend, lol, what a crock of shit.


That’s true to an extent. But there is something to be said about having a more expansive and easy to navigate system for supporting windows and osx systems. If you have a computer issue odds are you can go into any staples or other chain office supply store and get tech support for a Windows computer.

I do believe learning tech literacy and putting some effort into being more familiar with the often expensive and critical piece of tech that one uses likely every day - but it doesn’t do Linux any favors to downplay the specific and limited advantages commercial operating systems have.

saigot, (edited )

Depends on just how illiterate imo.

Here’s a good usecase:

My mum is completely tech illiterate, I have to teach her how to every task individually, and she has to write them down and follow them step my step. Tasks like emailing a document are a challenge. Linux is great for her. She isn’t used to windows anyway, and Linux makes it harder for her to accidentally make damaging changes, collect viruses or experience unexpected ui updates. It has much less maintaince, so it’s a lot less work for me to manage the system.

Here’s a bad usecase:

You are a user who can do the basics of using a website, install new apps, use usb drives etc etc. You are used to windows ui like where to find apps, where the close button is etc. You dont have a tech friend set up your stuff but if something goes wrong you are boned. This isn’t a good use unless you are interesting in becoming more tech literate (its easier to learn, if you can google your problems).

SnokenKeekaGuard, avatar

Thanks for the advice

JoeKrogan, avatar

I think it is , you had to learn how to use windows and you can learn how to use a Linux distro, I recommend Ubuntu or fedora with KDE, most of the concepts for your day to day should be similar with small subtle changes.

Your browser will still function the same . you will have a home directory with subdirectories for all your files. Kind of like my computer on windows.

The main thing is to mentally understand that it is not windows , just like iOS is not android.

If you can’t find a replacement or Linux version of a program there is a windows compatibility layer called WINE that can be used but that is a topic for another day.

There are things call live CDs or live USBs that let you try the OS without installing it. It runs off a USB or CD.

There are always people willing to land a hand online if you do have an issue.

If you do end up using it for a long time you will learn more about computers just from your day to day use of Linux as it doesnt hide stuff from you.

Anyway best of luck to you whatever you decide to do.

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