Auster avatar
jerkface, avatar

Would have been so easy to make this point without irrelevant racist imagery.

01189998819991197253, avatar

Explain, please

jerkface, avatar

Not sure where I could have possibly lost you. Formulate a question.

01189998819991197253, avatar

Not sure how my request wasn’t clear, but I’ll elaborate. You stated that the meme, which didn’t include any mention of race or ethnicity, was ‘racist’.

  • What about the meme made it ‘racist’?
  • What does ‘racist’ mean to you?

That is exactly why you buy cheap keys for your windows install and remove everything you don’t need. Edge got nuked from orbit by me and most annoying ads disappeared with it. I killed all notifications and I am now much happier.

01189998819991197253, avatar

Without Edge, many things don’t work on windows. Also, those cheap license sites have a tendency to sell illegally obtained keys. Once Windows does a key audit, the affected PC can have its key disabled. Although, you strike me as the type of individual that can bypass the key audits. Disabling notifications is one of the first things I do on windows.


Yeah, i disabled basically all telemetry on windows. I also will never upgrade to 11. It sucks donkey balls. Also I haven’t noticed any change in edge being gone. Maybe I just got lucky.

Forgot to say, I got my keys from a system builder who had a shit ton of them but had to get them off the shelves because windows 11 was around the corner. So they are all legally obtained.

01189998819991197253, avatar

What method did you use to shut off telemetry? When I did do on my home computer, the calculator app stopped working. Along with a few more apps I don’t use (phone, i think, people, the Xbox ones, etc)

I have several windows 10 pro keys from laptops I put Linux on. Maybe some day, I’ll use the keys. Unlikely, though.


I used the windows debloater to remove most telemetry and then shut off services that were left in the task manager until something broke completely. It was a bit of a process but it worked. I use my PC for 3d modeling and gaming. Never used half the integrated apps because I have no need or already have better ones or actually a physical calculator. In general with my PCs I just delete anything that I will never use. Like office for example.

Hovenko, avatar

I use arch btw.

01189998819991197253, avatar

I daily Fedora at home (and Windows at work). Got tired Arch breaking every so often, and wanted something that didn’t come with anxiety with every update haha

Hovenko, avatar

Yeah that is completely fine. I would not dare to go Arch on work computer. :D OpenSuse works like a charm, but in general pre/post update snaphosts always save the day.

01189998819991197253, avatar

Yeah, I thought those preupdate snapshotters were crazy paranoid freaks… until my first Arch update hahahaha

I’ve wanted to try OpenSuse for a while now. I have a spare laptop that I was planning on installing Gentoo on, but am dreading the antiquated (by today’s standards) installation process. Maybe I’ll use it for OpenSuse.

Hovenko, avatar

YOu can set those pre/post snapshots automatically and not really pay attention. I think OpenSuse does that by default if you install your root on btrfs. They even have an OS version called MicroOS which does a cool thing with snaphosts. Basically if your system does not boot after update it will revert automatically to previous snapshot, or you can pick a snapshot to boot into manually from grub menu. Bit it is quite a different thing than your usual linux distro as it uses read only root FS.

01189998819991197253, avatar

Ooh! Ok cool! I’ve never used btrfs. How does it compare to ext4?

Hovenko, avatar

Hmm… it’s complicated since it’s a very opinionated topic. There will be people who like it and there are people who will kill your entire family because you mentioned it :D The benefits depend on what are you using it for. The difference is mainly in features it provides. I am using it mainly for snapshots, subvolumes and raid support. Raid is stable only for jbod, 0, 1 and 10. 5 and 6 are still having issues. Raid is self healing if I am correct. So if there are some checksum errors it will repair stuff from working mirror.

You need to do some research before using it. For example since it is cow FS it is not good for databases or VM images. But you can turn off the QCOW feature for specific directory. The other thing is space usage. Due tyo snapshots and cow feature 'df -h ’ will not show exactly correct usage data. You have 'btrfs filesystem df -h ’ instead. If you kill up the disk it can be more bothersome to clean it up afterwards.

I would say, try it out and decide yourself. There are definitely videos online that explain it better than I did just now.

01189998819991197253, avatar

Sounds like btrfs is still more on the bleeding edge side of things. Sounds pretty cool for a tester laptop. I installed OpenSuse with it last night, but forgot to format the drive first, so it installed on a small partition. I would just rearrange partitions, but the manpages state that it can cause issues with btrfs, so a reinstall it is haha

Hovenko, avatar

Oh cool. Yeah. The update pre/post snapshots are enabled by default so you need a bigger partition. I think they recommend 60g? But in the worst case you can turn them off.

Regatding bleeding edge thing. I think it is pretty stable for general use. SLES (opensuse enterprise) is using it as default for root fs enterprise deployments. I don’t think they would risk finantial loses using unstable filesystem.

I can imagine the problems will probably appear on large scale deploymets, maybe with deduplication. For example I am using btrfs on my home server in raid10 array… for abou 6-8years now. I had issue only once so far which was due to me being a dumbass.

01189998819991197253, avatar

Oh, that’s really good to hear! I plan on reinstalling OpenSuse today, after I delete all partitions from the drive. I daily Fedora, and like gnome fine, but kde is what started me on Linux, and using OpenSuse yesterday was so nostalgic. I forgot how much I enjoyed kde.


Honestly it’s so annoying that instead I decided to get a FOSS video editor instead


Which one? Just curious


OpenShot Video Editor. It’s not that great, but I’m doing simple video editing tasks like clipping. At least it’s far better than Windows’ own video editor


Ah I’ve heard of that one before, it’s UI is a bit older looking but it works!


Yeah, dead simple works that’s it. It’s kinda sad though that Android makes it very easy to create beautiful looking apps like Sync for Lemmy and Seal and Windows apps are 💀


It’s so ironic that a paid product that you’ll never own and is so anti consumer is used by most over the alternative that you could own for free and cares about users! Keep complaining🍿


My absolute most hated one is when signing in and using a two factor Authenticator. If you don’t use the Microsoft one. Every time you log in it “recommends” you to use their own. Fuck off.

Before anyone says go Linux. This is a work comp. I use Linux and Mac at home.

01189998819991197253, avatar

Yes! I hate that!!

I won’t tell you to use Linux. I feel that it should be your choice. Like Mac, Linux isn’t for everyone. And if you use Microsoft’s email service on Linux, you’ll have the same anyway. It’s not windows that’s the problem at its core, it’s Microsoft.

c0mbatbag3l, avatar

Man, if only there was a community specifically for memes about this…

Oh wait! There is!


Which one?

c0mbatbag3l, avatar


01189998819991197253, avatar

But this is a Windows meme…

c0mbatbag3l, avatar

It’s a “Windows Bad” meme, it’s perfectly at home in the Linux Meme community.

01189998819991197253, avatar

Ah, that’s fair. I didn’t think of it that way, but it’s a good point!


Actually its their🇺🇸. Not your, not our. Its their own and you arr kinda like renting it

01189998819991197253, avatar

Who is “their”?


“Our new video editor” in the OP is using the exclusive meaning of “our,” meaning it belongs to the speaker and some other people but not the person being spoken to, meaning that the person being spoken to would not also call it “our editor” but instead “your editor”. In the third person, it is “theirs,” not “ours,” because it is not held in common among the people.

01189998819991197253, avatar

So Bunny MS saying ‘our’ would made sense in this context haha


Yeah, I’m confused. Why is there an American flag?


The American flag is the opposite to the Soviet Union s flag.



01189998819991197253, avatar

The bunny is Microsoft and he’s saying ‘our’


I mean bunny should be saying “Mine”

01189998819991197253, avatar

Ah, yes. There should be a toddler meme like this! Hahaha


What people here are saying is that if you check the EULA, you’ll see that under section 2. First clause, you are LICENSED to use the software on you device per 1 person only.

There’s also a privacy clause which I find to be an apology by a lion before it eats the Zebra.

Microsoft are gargantuan because they operate like an organized crime family charging protection.

01189998819991197253, avatar

I understand now. I did read the EULA. Years ago, it was the EULA that caused me to Nope out of windows.

Your description of Microsoft is, quite possibly, the best description on how they operate that I’ve ever read.


Install Linux, problem resolved.

sirico, avatar

Unless it’s unity era Ubuntu


Install kubuntu, KDE rocks and is very easy to understand for windows refugees



is not only extremely newbie-friendly, it's also awesome for Linux veterans (Me, using Linux since the 90s, started with fvwm2 as window manager).



Oh agreed. 20+year Linux user here, and I don’t think (or remember) I’ve used anything else but KDE.


I’m gonna have to go for Linux once my current laptop dies. Now way I’m putting up with Windows 11.


Awesome 👍🏻


Linux Mint is massively less frustrating to use than Windows 10 or 11


Fedora here, been running Baldur’s Gate 3 no problem using proton. Even with a 2600.

No reason to go back to windows knowing I can run pretty much anything through steam.


Install both! That way you can play all the games you want, if you’re a nerd like me, but you can move the other everyday stuff to Linux!

More games are coming to Linux, it’ll be a while for this process to complete.


Nowadays, Its actually harder to find a game that flat out won’t work. Thanks to Proton, the only games that you can’t play on linux are ones that the developer has specifically forbidden from working on linux via whatever AC they use.


That’s what I did well over 20 years ago. Never looked back.

I don’t have personal experience with games on Linux but from what I’m hearing, most games should now work the same on Linux as on windows


Microsoft: advertises to increase profits like a good capitalist

People: “Is this communism?”


Haha our, get the funny?

01189998819991197253, avatar

Advertising on a product I own is not conducive with me owning the product, but with me renting it. It’s not communism, but it is me not owning something I thought I own.

Dirt_Owl, (edited )

Renting and subscription services are very much capitalism.

There’s a reason commies hate landlords.

01189998819991197253, avatar

Commies aren’t the only ones who hate landlords…

flan, avatar

Yeah sure but that doesn’t make you renting things communism.

01189998819991197253, avatar

Never said it was. Communism is a funny thing. I’ve seen it work, and I’ve seen it fail, like all other systems, but it’s hated. Capitalism is among the most protected system, by those within it. It’s strange. I’m not advocating for either, by the way.

JamesConeZone, avatar
01189998819991197253, avatar

The ccp certainly did.

JamesConeZone, avatar

Just a heads up, CCP has some racist connotations to it. The party’s official abbreviation is CPC. I literally only learned this a few months ago, so just letting you know.

01189998819991197253, avatar

I didn’t know that. I used ccp, because it was in the wiki article you linked. That’s good to know!

The Land Reform Movement, also known by the Chinese abbreviation Tǔgǎi (土改), was a mass movement led by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader Mao Zedong during the late phase of the Chinese Civil War after the Second Sino-Japanese War ended in 1945 and in the early People’s Republic of China,[1] which achieved land redistribution to the peasantry.


I know I’m late, but if you’re curious, it does seem that one of the main contributors is a guy named SocDoneLeft, who is a American reformist socialist, that famously is also a little racist, so it’s not really a surprise that he would use CCP instead of CPC. Always remember to check the sources, and the contributors for higly divisive things on Wikipedia. Especially considering that a third of Wikipedia is written by one guy, and he happens to be an anti-Communist border immigration agent with US security clearance. He is not the most unbiased guy in the world as you might imagine.

However I do get the confusion, since CCP is what the entire West calls it, but even if you disagree with them as a political organization, I still think just calling them what they’re actually called, and not a thing seeped in a lot of bad stuff, is better. I do appreciate that you are willing to use CPC when you were corrected though, that shows that you are not stuck in your ways as many are with this, so thanks for that.

01189998819991197253, avatar

Your other sources, I had no idea about either, so that’s cool (and somewhat disturbing) to learn. If I were sourcing this article for a paper or article, I would actually do due diligence on it, it’s writers, the sources and their writers, their sources and their writers, etc. But, alas, this is social media, so I slacked. I disagree with the the Nazis and their political stances, too, but call them Nazis. Why should anyone else, including the CPC, be any different? I believe Roy Trenneman said it best…


Assuming you’re not talking about anarchists: Liberals are incapable of averting the effects of capitalism because they support capitalism. Their ambition is limited to setting rules that ask ticks to only drink a “reasonable” amount of blood.


Commies are the only ones who ever successfully did anything about them gui

01189998819991197253, avatar

The cpc did, but not communism as a whole. Within communism, you still have landlords in a way, but instead of paying them, you pay the community with equal shares of whatever your crop is.


That is not what communism is lmao

01189998819991197253, avatar

There are different ideologies of communism, and this is one of them.


Which one? You’re not describing any form of communism. You’re at best describing neoliberal capitalism.

01189998819991197253, avatar

Neoliberalism is not what I described at all. At least, not the currently accepted understanding of the term.


  • A theoretical economic system characterized by the collective ownership of property and by the organization of labor for the common advantage of all members.
  • A system of government in which the state plans and controls the economy and a single, often authoritarian party holds power, claiming to make progress toward a higher social order in which all goods are equally shared by the people.


From Stanford, about neoliberalism:

  • Though not all scholars agree on the meaning of the term, “neoliberalism” is now generally thought to label the philosophical view that a society’s political and economic institutions should be robustly liberal and capitalist, but supplemented by a constitutionally limited democracy and a modest welfare state.

Privately owned US companies that make massive profits off the capitalist system, like Stanford, obviously might not describe these things in an entirely honest way. The first definition of communism is almost correct, but the second is a common misinterpretation of communist theory.

The people who solidified communism as a political theory made a pretty clear distinction between private and personal property, as well as what they thought of landlords. Renting requires someone to own the means of production and lend it out to someone at a profit, which goes against the very foundations of communist theory.

Communism isn’t “the government takes all your stuff and divides it equally among people” either. I suggest reading some theory. is a good place to start

01189998819991197253, avatar

Stanford is a renowned university. Like all successful universities worldwide, they make money. I copied some of the definition, since it’s multifaceted and long. But, the general concept is there for both terms. The fact still remains, this is a meme and not a definition of one governing system or another. The source you linked is a good one, though. Last time I sourced it, I got banned from a subreddit haha

bennieandthez, avatar

Oppression breeds rebellion, why relying on a software you have zero control over, that the company that owns it respects you so litle that they pre install adware and spyware, learn to use Linux or BSD, you don’t have to use it all the time, but learn the basics, understand how this machine you use so much works, seize that litle piece of freedom back, and even if you choose to use windows again, after knowing more of how things work, you will be more able to force it in working your way.

01189998819991197253, avatar

In theory, yes. But not in practice. This is a work computer, and I can’t just turn this stuff off without tripping the xdr. For home computers, I would imagine you are 100% correct, but I’ve been using Linux for years. I’m assuming shush windows (or similar) still works on Win10/11.


For sure, and Linux/BSD isn’t that scary. For anyone here who doesn’t think they are smart enough, I’ll give you a hint; even the Linux guru’s ‘Google’ everything. They’re looking up very different things but they’re still searching like the rest of us. If you stick with popular distros there’s always a guide, or a forum post, or a YouTube video that’ll show you how to do almost anything. You don’t even need to install it, you can run most distros, and all the popular ones, off a USB stick. You don’t even need to change anything on your computer to try it. I personally still use Windows for almost everything, but calzone_gigante is right,

even if you choose to use windows again, after knowing more of how things work, you will be more able to force it in working your way.


Yeah, being forced to sit through unskippable ads in order to even just play solitaire is real special. And even if you close the program and restart your PC, the ads are still right there waiting for you to watch before you can continue with your game. This is probably going to be my last Windows machine.

01189998819991197253, avatar

I had no idea they did that. That’s several kinds of messed up!


Yeah, it’s very annoying. So annoying that I just stopped playing solitaire rather than sit through the ad. It remains unwatched.

01189998819991197253, avatar

And this is the built-in solitaire? Or one of the apps from their app store?

Mostly_Gristle, (edited )

It was the spider solitaire from the games solitaire and casual games folder in the start menu.

01189998819991197253, avatar

Oh, man! A built-in had that much ads? Gross


When you install windows ypu can set timezone to “world” and it will not be there…

You can also avoid making a microsoft account (or logging in) if you log innusing and any password.

Then it will say something went wrong but you can continue, by making an offline account


I thought you were kidding, but then I looked it up on the net and it seems this is really a thing. WTF Microsoft!?


I use the Enterprise SKU of Windows 11 and you can fortunately still use the Domain Join option with that. Comes without that advertisement crap as well. The only caveat is that you can’t really activate Enterprise legally without a subscription and KMS but there are ways to circumvent that issue ;)

01189998819991197253, avatar

This was a work computer, but this world suggestion is genius! I avoid making an ms account by not connecting to the internet during install.




01189998819991197253, avatar

Oh, that’s some BS! I shouldn’t be surprised that they removed the button and require some special task to bring it back. They just more and more act as though they hate their produc–err… customers.

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

This is a bit of misinformation. It only removes the stub shortcuts to installing the bloatware and games. Its a very cheap hack and not as effective as debloating Windows using either the Ameliorated playbooks or Chris Titus’ script tool, which are just about as easy to do while actually being orders of magnitude more effective.


Is this american or windows 11 thing? I have never seen stuff like that on windows 10


Have you tried edge browser? It’s so much faster than chrome

How about a load of default start menu items for nonsense like candy crush?

…maybe you’ll appreciate that we integrated our cloud storage in explorer.

There’s still a fair bit of it in 10 - though it seems easier to deal with, and think it’s dialled down in Pro.


Yeah I’m using Pro maybe that’s why I haven’t seen those. I did have my start menu filled with garbage but once I removed everything years ago I haven’t seen them since

c0mbatbag3l, avatar

Exactly, it’s really simple to just disable it and then never see it again but the way these memes are you’d think Microsoft is beating these people up and stealing their lunch money.


Every time something like this comes up, there are side discussions about all the settings and registry edits that can be used to disable various things. Each individual thing is not super hard to change, but there is an ever growing set of ads and personal-info siphoning ‘features’ being added all the time.

It’s deliberately exploitative crap driven by greed. So I’d discourage anyone from being a Microsoft apologist for this stuff. It is not ok.

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