Hexbear federation megathread

Hey folks

I have been receiving a lot of messages every single day about federation with hexbear. Some of our users are vehemently against it, others are in full support. The conversation does not seem to be dying down, rather, the volume of messages I receive about it seems to be increasing, so I am opening this public space where we can openly discuss the topic.

I am going to write a wall of text about my own thoughts on the situation, I’m sorry, but no tl;dr this time, and I ask anybody participating in this thread to first read through this post before commenting.

Before I go any further, I want to be clear that for anybody who participates here, it is required to focus on the quality of your posts. That means:

  • Be kind to each other, even if you disagree
  • Use arguments rather than calling people names
  • Realize that this is a divisive topic, so your comments should be even more thoughtful than usual

With that out of the way, there are a few things I want to cover.

On defederation in general

First of all, I am a firm believer that defederation must be reserved only for cases where all other methods have failed. If defederation is used liberally, then a small group of malicious users can effectively completely shut down the federated network, by simply creating the type of drama between instances which would inevitably result in defederation. In my view, federation is the biggest strength of Lemmy compared to any centralized discussion forum, so naturally I think maintaining federation by default is an important goal in general.

I am also a believer in the value of deplatforming hateful content, but I think defederation is not the best way to do this. Banning individual users, banning communities and establishing a culture of mutual support between mods and admins of different instances should be the first line of defense against such content. There are some further steps that can be taken before defederation as well, but these are not really documented anywhere (in order to prevent circumvention). The point is: for myself, defederation is the absolute last resort, only to be used when it is completely clear that other methods are ineffective.

Finally, I am wary of creating a false expectation among lemm.ee users that lemm.ee admins endorse all users and communities and content on instances we are federated with. Here at lemm.ee, we use a blocklist for federation, which means our default apporach is to federate with all new instances. We do not have the resources (manpower, skills and knowledge) necessary to pass judgement on all instances which exist out there, as a result, users on lemm.ee are expected to curate their own content to quite a high degree. In addition to downvoting and/or reporting as necessary, individual lemm.ee users are also able to block specific users and communities, and the ability to block entire instances is coming very soon as well.

Having said all that, in a situation where all other methods do indeed fail, defederation is not out of the question. Making such a call is up to the discretion of lemm.ee admins, and doing it as a last resort is completely in line with our federation policy.

Regarding hexbear

Hexbear is an established Lemmy instance, focused on many flavors of leftism. They have quite a large userbase who are very active on Lemmy (often so active that they leave the impression brigading all popular Lemmy posts). One important thing to note is that while some forms of bigotry seem to be quite accepted by many hexbear users (but seemingly not by mods - more on that below), they at least are very protective of LGBT rights (and yes, I am quite certain that they are not just pretending to do this, as many users seem to believe). Additionally, while I have noticed quite high quality posts from hexbear users, there are also several users there who seem to really enjoy trolling and baiting (very reminiscent of 4chan-type “for the lulz” posting), and it’s important to note that this kind of posting is in general allowed on hexbear itself.

The reason this whole topic is important to so many people right now (despite hexbear being a relatively old instance), is that hexbear only recently enabled federation. A combination of their volume of posts, their strong convictions, the excitement about federation, and the aforementioned trolling has made them very visible to almost all Lemmy users, and this has sparked discussions about the value of federation with hexbear on a lot of Lemmy instances.

My own experience with hexbear

I want to write down my own experience with interacting with hexbear users, mods, and admins over the past few days. I believe this experience will highlight why I am hesitant to advocate for immediate full defederation from hexbear at this point in time, and am for now still more in favor of taking action on a more individual user basis. Please read and see how you feel about the situation afterwards.


My first real contact with hexbear users was in the comments section of a post in this meta community requesting defederation from hexbear by @glimpythegoblin. That post is now locked, because several hexbear users very quickly started doing the aforementioned “for the lulz” type spamming of meme images in the comments (these are actually just emojis, but they are rendered as full-size images on all instances other than the source instance, due to a current Lemmy bug).

I did not want to take further actions in that thread in general (for archival purposes), but I did take one action, which in retrospect was a mistake: I removed a comment which contained the hammer and sickle symbol. I ignorantly associated this symbolism with Kremlin propaganda, and the atrocities my own people suffered at the hands of the soviet union during the previous century. Many users (including hexbear users) correctly (and politely) pointed out to me in DMs that the symbol has a much broader use than just as the symbol of the USSR, and people elsewhere in the world may not associate it with the USSR at all. I am grateful for users who pointed this out to me without resorting to personal attacks.

Let me be clear here: while I do not have anything against leftism or communist ideas in general (in fact in today’s world, I think discussion of such ideas is quite necessary), Kremlin propaganda has no place on lemm.ee. Any dehumanizing talking points of the Kremlin on lemm.ee are treated as any other bigotry, and if communist symbolism is used in context of Kremlin propaganda (that is the context in which I have been exposed to it throughout my whole life), then it will still be removed. But there is no blanket ban on communist symbolism in general on lemm.ee, and discussing and advocating for leftist and communist topics (as distinct from the imperialist and dehumanizing policies of the Kremlin) is certainly allowed on lemm.ee.

Hexbear user response

Coming back to the events of the past few days: soon after my removal of the comment containing the symbol from the meta thread, two posts popped up on hexbear. One was focused on insulting and spreading lies about me personally. Another was focused on diminishing the horrors of the soviet occupation in my country. In the comments under both of these posts (and in a few other threads on hexbear), I noticed some seriously disturbing bigotry against my people. There were comments which reflected the anti-Estonian propaganda of the current Russian state, things like:

  • Suggesting that my people has no right to exist
  • Stating that my people (and other Baltic nations) are subhuman
  • Claiming that anybody critical of both nazi and soviet occupations is themselves a nazi and a holocaust denier

I expect to hear such statements from the Russian state - here in Estonia, we are subjected to this and other kinds of bigotry constantly from Russian media - but to see it spread openly in non-Russian channels is extremely disturbing. Such bigotry is completely against lemm.ee rules in general. Additionally, my identity is public information, because I feel it’s important for the integrity of lemm.ee that I don’t hide behind anonymity. Considering this, I’m sure you can understand why I am very worried about my own safety when people leave comments in many unrelated threads (where my original posts are not even visible), baselessly calling me a nazi and a holocaust denier.

Note that the goal of this post is not to start a new debate in the comments about the the repressions of the soviet union in Estonia or other occupied territories, but if the topic interests any users, I can recommend the 2006 documentary The Singing Revolution (imdb). The trailer is a bit cheesy, but the actual film contains lots of historical footage from the soviet occupation, and also many interviews with people who experienced it, who share stories which are deeply familiar to all Estonians. If anybody is interested in further discussion, then I suggest making a post about it in the Estonian community here: !eesti.

Hexbear admin response

After the above events had played out, I reached out to hexbear admins for clarification on their moderation policies and how they handle such cases. I was actually very happy with their response:

  1. They immediately removed the personal attacks and dehumanizing comments containing Kremlin propaganda from Hexbear, and assured me that such content is always handled by mods
  2. They told me that while there are all kinds of leftists on hexbear, Russian disinformation is generally either refuted in comments or removed by mods
  3. They implemented some additional rules on hexbear to try and reduce the trolling experienced by many other instances, including ours: hexbear.net/post/352119
My personal take-aways

Let me play the devil’s advocate here and employ some “self-whataboutism”: among all users that have been banned on lemm.ee for bigotry, the majority were actually not users from other instances, and in fact people with lemm.ee accounts. If we judge any larger instance only by bigoted posts that some of its users make, then we might as well declare all instances as cesspools and close down Lemmy completely. I believe it’s far more useful to judge instances based on moderation in response to such content. Just as we remove bigoted content from lemm.ee, I have also witnessed bigoted content being removed from hexbear.

At the same time, I am aware of some internal conflict between hexbear users over the more strict moderation they are now starting to employ, and I am definitely keeping an eye on that situation and how admins handle it.

I am also still quite worried about the amount of distinct users on hexbear who have posted Kremlin propaganda. I so far don’t have reason to believe that these users are employed by the Russian state, but the fact that they are spreading the same hateful content which can be seen on Russian television seems problematic to say the least, and it remains to be seen if moderators can truly keep up with such content.

Where thing stand right now

I am not convinced that we are currently at a point where the “last resort” of defederation is necessary. This is based on the presumption that our moderation workload at lemm.ee will not get out of hand just due to users from that particular instance. My current expectation is that as the excitement of federation calms down (and as new rules on hexbear go into effect), the currently relatively high volume of low effort trolling will be replaced by more thoughtful posts. If this is not the case then we will certainly need to re-evaluate things.

Additionally, nothing is changing about our own rules regarding bigotry. Especially relevant in the context of Kremlin propaganda, I want to say that dehumanizing anybody is not allowed on lemm.ee (hopefully I do not have to spell it out, but this of course includes Ukrainians, LGBT folks, and others that the Kremlin despises), and action will be taken against any users who do this, regardless of what instance they are posting from.

Finally, I am very interested to hear thoughts and responses from our own users. I am super grateful to anybody who actually took the time to read through this massive dump of my own thoughts, and I am very interested to get a proper understanding of how our users feel about what I’ve written here. Please share any thoughts in the comments.


I vote against. Its not that i have a preference, politically. It varies.

But i dont want all comments to lean towards one side, all the time.

sab avatar

I mean, if there was an instance of far right authoritarians they would be defederated immediately. If anything, similarly defederating from instances catering to authoritarians on the far left ensures a balancing of the scales.


That forum atleast has some sugarbabies in it. Able to date some of them, by playing their tune


That forum atleast has some sugarbabies in it. Able to date some of them, by playing their tune


Hexbear has been around for three years, all the while dealing with a constant stream of bad faith wreckers and doxxers from 4chan and the like. Ultimately our goal is to foster a broad-tent leftist culture, with primary focus on LGBTQ+ and anti-US-imperialism. Within those two focuses we have a wide range of leftist tendencies, from anarchist (syndicalist, ancom, etc) to Marxist (trotskyist, leftcom, ML, etc). We, I personally, see good-faith disagreement as tremendously valuable and necessary for growth of ideas. We do our best to discourage sectarianism (within the bounds of anti-imperialist, pro-LGBTQ+ leftism) while encouraging discussion.

I really dislike the idea of defederating for difference in political opinions. That kind of thing merely recreats the kind of echo chambers found on corporate social media. I believe Lemmy has potential to be better than that. Differences in philosophy and politics and culture should be moderated at the community and personal level rather than broadly sweeping instance blocks. This leaves the agency up to communities to set rules and define their cultures, banning people as needed at this level rather than simply cutting off entire communities. It also gives users the agency to choose whether to block instances, communities, or users they’d rather not interact with (instance blocking on a user level is coming soon I believe).

The other reasons people give for defederating us (although I believe politics is primary) are spamming and brigading. The former is due to: the oversized emoji bug in Lemmy (we’re sorry for this, on our side the emojis are normal sized so we don’t even realize they’re spamming) as well as the novelty of federation and lack of clear delineation between local and federated posts. The emoji bug will be fixed, and in the mean time we’re on notice to try and avoid using them while on other instances. The novelty will quickly wear off. As for delineation between local and federated, this is a mistake that’s gone both ways: lemm.ee users stumbling upon a hexbear post and not understanding why they’re being responded to differently, as well as hexbear users stumbling upon a lemm.ee post and commenting/meming as if they’re on their home turf. In either case, the rules of the given instance and community should be followed and enforced through bans rather than defederation, and ideally there’d be some CSS to make it obvious when someone’s on another instance to make it easier to follow said rules. Defederating because of this happening would be like a person on Reddit posting their /r/NSFW stuff on /r/awww by mistake, and /r/awww unilaterally blocking all /r/NSFW users, as if there’s no overlapping userbase.

As for brigading, by and large I think people are overreacting because they’re used to the walled garden Reddit has become in its profit-seeking attempts to ban wrongthink. Keep in mind that Hexbear users have no ability to downvote (literally removed from the site for other reasons a while ago), so at most a “brigade” (or most often simply seeing a post on our front page) will be a bunch of (soon-to-be normal-sized) emojis and opinions you may disagree with. If a user is breaking a comm or instance rule they can be banned. If they’re engaging in bad faith or spamming they can be blocked. Hell, even if they’re engaging in good faith they can be blocked if a person simply doesn’t want to see takes they disagree with. But ultimately it seems like a non-issue to me. Allow those of us that want to engage with diverse opinions to do so, and allow the rest to block as they see fit.


Why specifically anti-US imperialism and not anti-imperialism everywhere?


Because it’s bad only if someone I don’t like does it


My point exactly. It’s just a stand in for things they don’t like.


You say you’re trying to create a “broad tent” left wing culture. Yet I’ve voted left wing all my life, I’m very much a democratic socialist who believes we need better distribution of wealth and support for the vulnerable in society. I simply don’t think violence and revolution are the path to said society and would prefer to win hearts and minds at the ballot box.

Yet I’ve made some fairly benign comments to that end, only to be attacked by your user and called things like an “indoctrinated liberal” for them, that’s if they bothered to even type anything and didnt just spam me with rude emoticons. It doesn’t feel like you’re after a broad tent with that behaviour if I’m honest.


By left wing, we usually mean anti-capitalists.


I don’t really want to relitigate your experiences and these issues in this thread (especially because I’m a visitor on lemm.ee), so I’ll try to be succinct. But I’m happy to continue elsewhere if you want.

What we mean by “broad tent” or nonsectarian is that diverse opinions aren’t explicitly banned or removed (as long as they aren’t pro western imperialism or anti LGBTQ+). That means shitflinging and low effort sectarianism (ideally) isn’t allowed. It doesn’t mean people aren’t allowed to voice disagreement about ideologies and geopolitics. And since we don’t have downvotes, we aren’t afraid to voice disagreement, unlike Reddit where you just anonymously downvote and move on. This difference is certainly a culture shock at first, but I’ve come to prefer it. Even if everyone else disagrees with you, you still have a voice, rather than getting buried in downvotes and hidden.

As much as our users call people liberals derogatorily, in equal amounts we get called bots and shills and tankies (which is especially funny when directed at our anarchist users). I’d personally rather name calling be avoided in favor of good faith discussion, but it’s difficult to assume good faith on the internet.


I get the feeling that" pro-western imperialism" is a stand-in for any opinions that Leninists don’t like.

@super_mario_69@hexbear.net avatar

What does this even mean? Obviously Leninists are going to dislike opinions that are pro-imperialism, because Marxism-Leninism is inherently anti-imperialist. There are plenty of other opinions we dislike that are not related to imperialism at all. As principled communists we tend to be able and willing to explain why we disagree, though it’s tiring to have to explain the same things a million times to people who aren’t even really listening (thus the occasional pig-poop-balls). We’re only human. Try to keep an open mind and entertain the thought that our opinions might actually be sincere.


might actually be sincere

Sure, and I might win the lotto. I am officially done with anyone with the @Hexbear extention, because y’all have managed to convince me there’s nothing valuable in your words.


Our anarchist users are also vocally against western imperialism. Leninists will voice their opinions through their Leninist lens, or perhaps their experience of the world will lead them to preferring a Leninist analysis. But the same is true for our anarchists, trotskyists, syndicalists, whatever.

It’s more that people who are used to a small or different Overton window will group all anti-western-imperialism stances as “Leninist” (or more accurately, they’ll group and dismiss them all as “tankie”) because they don’t yet understand the nuances.


Do you believe the rich and powerful will submit to being voted out of power? Do you think they won’t ratfuck anyone who gets close and buy off, intimidate, or assassinate anyone who gets in? We’ve seen what that looks like internationally, it looks like coups and the slaughter of peaceful actors. Do you think that, with such violence used to protect the appendages of capitalism, they will roll over and allow you to claim their beating heart?


Genuine question: What would the alternative be then?

Socialism has only become slightly popular in recent years and it’s still incredibly niche. There isn’t enough support for a revolution and it’s highly unlikely there ever will unless conditions change massively. And even if a revolution happens anarchist will not (or at least should not) work with MLs as authoritarianism is everything I (and hopefully we) stand against. A ruling class will never share the same class interests as the workers.

But we have gotten stuff pushed though with a local anarchist group and the only time that will work is when liberals are in power (hopefully along with the more left parties as is the case usually). Also changing the minds of liberals is a lot easier than conservatives and the best way has been to show them that socialist policies will work better. If our nationalist, conservative and fascist parties form a coalition all we get is to lose right, our platform gets a lot smaller and weaker and we are just stuck loosing power until the next election.

An added bonus is that you can actually do both. While advocating for socialist policies we can get support for a revolution if needed in the future as good policies will move liberals over more as capitalism fails them but if right wing parties are in power it’s much harder to build any support for anything.


I know this is really off topic, but you should consider getting involved in labor or tenants unions. Voting is easily marginalized, is only able to act at periodic intervals and doesn’t build organization.

Without building working class institutions (like unions), we will never overcome the capitalists.


I work in the public sector in the UK so I’ve been part of the GMB Union for fifteen odd years at this point, was a rep for them for five years in my last office and was debating signing up to do it again.

Don’t know about a tenants union as I own my flat, although I did do years of renting prior to that an I’m well aware of how hard it is for renters.


Hell yeah 😎


It’s quite disingenuous to say defederating because of political differences. It because you guys are intolerable and intolerant trolls who go on the attack at the drop of a hat at every opportunity. I haven’t seen hexbear ever participate in good faith outside of this very thread. You’re only nice and capable of calm, rational, reasoned discussion when you’re being threatened with consequences. Ironically a luxury that communist nations would not provide you with.


It’s quite disingenuous to say defederating because of political differences.

Ironically a luxury that communist nations would not provide you with.

Ok, Jesus.

DickFuckarelli, (edited )

This is patently false. Sorry. I’ve witnessed and participated in plenty of civil discussions across the federated space. And I’m also plenty critical of Hexbear from the inside.

Not to be reductive but your compaints read as, “Hexbear is a large instance, Hexbear is vocal, and I don’t like it.”

@MolotovHalfEmpty@hexbear.net avatar

I haven’t seen hexbear ever participate in good faith outside of this very thread.

You have a cool art comm here I’ve been posting in. I posted a pretty wild George Grosz painting you might like.

As for good faith commenting outside this thread, how about these…?

All the Chinese people in China who I totally really know in real life for sure. Those Chinese people in China that I totally really know all say they love love Xi. It’s totally because they really really want to and not because dissent isn’t allowed. They totally didn’t start making grade schoolers go to several extra hours of school a day to learn to worship Xi 2 years ago btw. Also there is no air pollution in Beijing. Did I mention I totally know some Chinese people. You’re all a bunch of sheltered white libs…not like me. I mean yeah, I am a lib, only 15, white, and I do live in my parents basement…but I know things, things that you don’t. There’s no way other people have any experience of the world so you have to believe, because I pretend…I mean DO, I do know some Chinese people in China and they are Chinese. They totally love their Chinese life in China where everyone has 120% literacy rate and reads 5 astrophysics books on their way to work in Beijing where there’s no air pollution in China.

You sound just like every other idiot that says that. Trumpers, anti-vaxxers and the like. If you have to look around for yOur Own rEsEaRcH that lines up with what you want it to say, it’s because it’s not based in facts. You guys seem to honestly think you sound smart…smh

They’re running around spewing barely-sensical insults acting like they’re dunking on people, but all their really doing is turning off anyone who was ever possibly sympathetic to their cause. And are completely un-informed on top of that

They’re laughable.

Anyone with half a brain can see what’s going on. I’m not playing these silly obfuscation games. You’re bad at what you do.

No it’s when there’s mysteriously dozens of comments just magically showing up that are contrary to the vastly popular opinion on only one contentious issue, that serve the best interests of an entity with the time, resources to try to sway public opinion through fake grassroots posting. Also that entity has a fragile ego and a long history of online manipulation…oh and also coincidentally they are all coming from the same server

Lots of suspicious comments in this thread. Seems like political astro-turfing has already arrived on Lemmy


Are you telling on me? like a child. Love to see how you included the context that show that these were all in response to the exact sort of behavior at issue in this thread. Enjoy your defederation. and enjoy your life where you’re such an insufferable person that people are literally fighting about how to best not be anywhere near you. You must be proud.

@MolotovHalfEmpty@hexbear.net avatar

It was just a simple way to demonstrate to the people reading, that your concerns about Hexbear users acting in good faith were obviously nonsense, since the tone of all your posts have been… well… exactly like the one you just made.


I don’t particularly want Lemmy instances to become echo-chambers, but “good faith disagreement” require a degree of trust between people.

Here in this thread, we see Hexbear users worried to be silenced because of political opinion, while Lemm.ee users seems to be mightily annoyed by Hexbear users as they act in in way that would be at home on 4Chan.

I’m not convinced that these actions are one of a minority within HB, but even if it is the case, it’s going to be difficult to establish a basis of trust for these discussions…


I did not want to take further actions in that thread in general (for archival purposes), but I did take one action, which in retrospect was a mistake: I removed a comment which contained the hammer and sickle symbol. I ignorantly associated this symbolism with Kremlin propaganda, and the atrocities my own people suffered at the hands of the soviet union during the previous century.

Please never apologize for this. The Soviets were some fucked up people who did fucked up things to tens of millions of people. Nobody should be eyeing their symbology favourably.


This kind of self-righteousness would be more compelling if it wasn’t always reserved solely for communist symbols. Capitalist, and fascist, symbols are always given a pass.


You see a lot of Nazi symbolism? Because clearly fascist symbolism is not given a pass. I’m also not sure what you mean by capitalist symbolism. There’s no universally agreed upon symbol for capitalism, the closest thing is the dollar sign and that has a dual meaning.

So please, be more specific (ideally with examples) with what you mean when you say fascist and capitalist symbols. I’m sure if there’s anything specific (like the hammer and sickle, that was purposefully chosen as USSR symbolism) worthy of banning then there’s probably no issue with the removal of such symbolism.

@booty@hexbear.net avatar

Because clearly fascist symbolism is not given a pass.

the literal fasces is all over US government buildings and symbols


Where are you seeing this on Lemmy? Doesn’t seem the the US government gets a pass here at all, I mostly see justified skepticism at best.


do you have a list of examples


this is pretty interesting, but includes a lot of examples that either dont include a date of introduction or are from before the the national fascist party or even the existence of fascism as a concept

i dont feel like framing examples like that as fascist symbolism is fair or accurate, same as how organisations continuing their pre-nazism usage of the swastika isnt nazi symbolism


I think the (iirc) Finish airforce recently took down the swastika symbol from their flag.


they did, and thats commendable

i do not think nations, cultures or people should necessarily be expected to abandon symbols because they were coopted by abhorrent ideologies or people though, and i dont think that framing the use of such symbols as actual symbolism of those abhorreny ideologies or people is fair or accurate


I don’t think India should. But the Finish symbol iirc, was taken up around the same time (early 20th C.) as the Nazis did. It’s not a traditional symbol in the sense of cultural heritage. It’s just an interesting pattern that they and Hilter adopted. I think Europeans and others similarly inspired, should take it out. And even in Japanese contexts, as a fellow Axis power, despite their Buddhist heritage.


You see a lot of Nazi symbolism

Yes, I do. All the time.

Because clearly fascist symbolism is not given a pass.

Yeah? You see a lot of people going after the Union Jack or the Stars and Stripes?

So please, be more specific (ideally with examples) with what you mean when you say fascist and capitalist symbols.

You declared a symbol of communism to represent the bad things the USSR did, so any symbol that represents any capitalist ideology or system that has ever had anything bad done under it. Let’s start with most national flags.


pretty true for all flags really.


It was commonplace among leftists to oppose US military hegemony, NATO, and Raytheon pre-2022, even for relatively lib leaning spaces. This position became basically unacceptable if not bannable in so many left leaning spaces within a matter of months, which should scare you a lot more than the existence of one community where the sentiment has remained the same.


In the UK, at least, being anti-NATO was always a very far left thing that only the true headbangers endorse. The centre to moderate and even some of the more sensible further left people could see why it was required.


Yup. British leftie here. I don’t like NATO, or trust it, but it has a purpose to serve, and the last few years have definitely demonstrated it. I don’t think any sane minded person could not justify Putin’s actions in Ukraine without tying themselves in knots. White NATO has unreasonably expanded against their word in recent years, raising cities to the ground is never justified, attacking civilians and constantly hitting civilian infrastructure is never justified. It’s a horrific speed run on collecting all war crimes, it seems.


White NATO has unreasonably expanded against their word in recent years,

Just a heads up, that is actually Russian propaganda. NATO agreed with the USSR to not expand further but the USSR collapsed and Russia has been very adamant that they don’t consider themselves as the successor to the USSR. That means no such guarantee has ever been given to Russia. It’s Russian media that has perpetuated the idea that NATO has somehow promised to not expand.

puff, (edited )
@puff@hexbear.net avatar

Hexbear user here. No, it isn’t Russian propaganda. Joe Biden himself said in 1997, six years after the collapse of the USSR, that if anything would provoke Russia into war it would be Western military expansion into countries bordering Russia. 25 years later, that same Joe Biden became president of the US and had NATO break the Minsk agreements that would have prevented the Donbas conflict from escalating into all out war. Exactly what Joe Biden said on camera would happen 25 years earlier. Unless you consider Joe Biden himself to be a Russian propagandist, it’s wrong to say what you said. Respectfully, I strongly suggest you read up on the Minsk agreements and Joe Biden’s political history prior to 2008. As was the norm to say in leftist communities before 2022, NATO and its expansion is in fact a bad thing.

Edit: want to add an edit to say that while hexbear users are notorious for shit posting we are also happy to discuss things amicably on your platforms. I don’t see why we shouldn’t be able to discuss areas where we disagree. I’m sure we all have a lot to learn, and I don’t really want to live in an echo chamber like patriots.win or some shit.


Nonsense. NATO didn’t just move into the former Soviet nations and set up shop; to the contrary, NATO expanded specifically at the request of those sovereign nations who knew, better than anyone, that Russia was still dangerous as fuck. To ignore that is to ignore their right to autonomy while hypocritically championing the same right for the Russian speaking population of eastern Ukraine.

That said, it’s not my position that relations with post-Soviet Russia could not have been handled better. I simply reject the idea that NATO expansion forced Putin to invade Ukraine.


I know in my heart of hearts that if Xi Jinping tried to use a technicality like this to build a Chinese military base in Mexico or smth that you would be calling him a racial slur so offensive that the last person to utter it was a British imperial explorer who wore a pith helmet and died in 1921.


But your analogy would only be valid if Mexico had asked Xi to build a Chinese military base in Mexico, which they would never do because unlike Russia’s neighbors, they’re not worried about being invaded by their stronger neighbor.


You’re missing the point (even though you’re also wrong about that because half of America’s political class is advocating an invasion of Mexico right now), the line you’re spewing is deliberately obtuse sophistry designed to dismiss NATO’s obviously duplicitous behavior as acceptable.

It’s a hollow state-created line designed to erode critical thinking, like calling the Iraq War a “US-Led Intervention” or calling the Ukraine War a “Special Military Operation for Denazification”.


It was actually the BBC that documents this, and those expansions. Foreign policy wise, it’s about as imperial as it comes. It’s pro-Israel, pro-Ukraine, pro-NATO.

Even if the point you raise is technically correct, knowing interests in that area are uncomfortable about that and pushing through that, could be construed as a little antagonistic. The west had nuclear non-proliferation treaties in this regards post the cold war to remove tensions. This was one of those policies aimed at de-escalation. Even if it’s technically legal, choosing actions that will piss off countries you’re trying to work through de-escalations with either stupid or antagonistic.

I think the Russian propaganda line is that NATO started this, so Russia are justified. To make it clear, Russia aren’t justified to invade a country and commit atrocities, but even then, in any situation, if you cannot look back at your own actions, and think is there something we could have done differently, you’re doomed to repeat the same mistakes. There is often this weird view that your side can do no wrong. The reality is, both can, and there can be multiple assholes countries around the table, even if one is a far bigger asshole country.


Anti-imperialism get being opposed to, defensive measures I don’t. Clearly Putin’s actions have shown he would have tried to claim back other parts of the former Soviet Union if the protection wasn’t there in the past.


Every aggressive act that has ever occurred, even Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, has been justified as a defensive action. So it’s important to look at the means by which NATO has expanded which is by arming far right stay behind groups, electoral subterfuge and massively destabilizing coup d’états. Look into operation Gladio, in no way is this an authentically defensive organization.


Okay, of course every aggressive act has some form of excuse/justification that is given/believed by the aggressor. That doesn’t mean that it was actually a valid justification. Of course it is important to look back to see what events and actions aided in creating the situation that allowed for aggressive acts to take place, but it doesn’t change the fact that in many of these instances, including that in Ukraine is the aggressors fault, and is unjustified. The events following WW1 created a situation in Germany that allowed Fascism to thrive, and there were many decisions made by the West and the USSR that led to some of the atrocities in WW2, but that doesn’t change the fact that the actions of Nazi Germany were unjustified and reprehensible.

A problem that I see is that a lot of replies and statements that immediately place blame on the West/NATO while glossing over the fact that the main contributor to the war in Ukraine is Russia. It is important to highlight that actions taken by the west played a part, but not without recognizing that Putin is the aggressor and is at fault for the invasion.


I’ve seen the hexbears at work and don’t doubt that they’d class some of my views as woefully liberal but in the main I am enjoying being on a site where the left is so unapologetic, doesn’t go for all this centrist bollocks and is unafraid to call out bullshit.

Having seen the Overton window constantly shifted to a narrower aspect ratio and then shifted rightwards on reddit was a very disheartening experience and I think seeing active hexbears on all threads will be useful in stopping the uptight right when they inevitably decide that that the fediverse needs shifting towards their own Volkish views.


Very much my opinion on the matter. Or at least my hope that the politics of reaction will be curbed on Lemmy.


Let us hope so.


I begrudgingly agree, but with the proviso that I may change my mind later. My problem with the hexbears is that a lot of them are less interested in intellectual honesty than they are in playing stupid word games and bludgeoning other users with walls of text that no one has the time or bandwidth to refute, and dishonestly claiming a lack of response as some kind of moral victory. Many of them are clearly not here in good faith.

@booty@hexbear.net avatar

Much appreciate this perspective, friend. meow-hug


Steady, I’m not used to people being nice to me on the internet ;)


It’s ok, you’re not on reddit now.


Ditto, the unapologetic attitude is something I often miss on the left. Everyone on reddit seemed to hold back so that they wouldn’t get dog piled by the reactionaries. This is refreshing. Of course there’s a lot I don’t agree with, but I’m old and most people on there are young I imagine. I used to sometimes say brash and idiotic things when I was younger too. Their heart seems to be in the right place, and the left needs a counterweight to balance the right’s efforts to effectively monopolize mainstream online discourse.


Their heart seems to be in the right place, and the left needs a counterweight to balance the right’s efforts to effectively monopolize mainstream online discourse.

Precisely this. They may have the memes and the snotty attitude but they also have a desire to see improvements in the world. I have heard the ‘change the system from the inside’ song from the Seventies on up and all we have to show for it is a race to the bottom shitshow.

There’s a full on Hitler worship going on in India, the Trump turnout in the States, the Trussterfuck that happened in the UK and even worse Truss wasn’t thrown out of the party and still commands five figure fees to talk about her ‘ideas’.


Russian disinformation is generally either refuted in comments or removed by mods

I mean all you have to do is glance at any Ukraine thread on any instance federated with hexbear to know this is a lie.

These people are trolls, plain and simple. The mods/admins are no exception, they are just slightly more self aware than their users when it comes to diplomacy. They will say whatever they think you want to hear in order to get one more day worth of trolling in.

@DPRK_Chopra@hexbear.net avatar

Why don’t you pop in and discuss it with us? I don’t remember seeing your username in any of the news mega threads. Should be easy to debunk obvious misinformation and we’d appreciate the discussion.

socsa, (edited )

The last time I engaged with hexbear users over Ukraine, I got literally ten separate comments defending the mass abduction and deportation of Ukrainian children. And as if that wasn’t crass enough, every single one was accompanied by a smug emoji.

Sorry if I don’t have the energy for casual genocide denial these days!

Edit - behold!

@DPRK_Chopra@hexbear.net avatar

Just be honest and say you got corrected and it pissed you off. Even the UN found no evidence of genocide, so I guess they’re genocide deniers too?


I’m just glad you guys are out here putting the crazy on display. I was seriously hoping you would.

I like how you conveniently left out the fact that the Hague issued several warrants over this exact issue, after Putin himself openly admitted to mass abduction of children.


Yeah, I agree. I don’t engage with them anymore because they do the same thing Nazis do. Don’t ask what they think of Human Rights.

You will not convince them with words. They are true believers, so they always want to “chat”. Just replace “anti semites” with Communists below.

Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.

Jean-Paul Sartre

@DPRK_Chopra@hexbear.net avatar

Very insightful, just replace anything with anything and it means whatever you want.

Communists and socialists dramatically raised the standard of living in the countries where they took power. Comparing them to Nazis tells us exactly where you’re coming from politically.


Known anti-communist, Jean Paul Sartre.

Oh boy would he have a word with your ignorant ass


Either the quote is applicable or it’s not. Sartre’s own political leanings have no bearing on that. Are you deliberately ignoring OP’s intent because you don’t have a response?


ITT: reactionaries being completely oblivious of what Sartre stood for.

How hard could it be to find out that Sartre was a communist? It’s like quoting an anti-Semitic speech by Adolf and saying “just change ‘jew’ to ‘nazi’ below”. This is impressively stupid stuff.

MolotovHalfEmpty, (edited )
@MolotovHalfEmpty@hexbear.net avatar

And here we go again, the false equivalences between Nazis and communists. We can’t be trusted on what we say so defending or explaining our positions is proof. Not doing so is proof. Reacting to such obvious hostile, bad faith attacks is proof.

It’s particularly gross to use that quote, since clearly you don’t know anything about the man who wrote it but are happy to smear his memory and intent to win internet points and minimised the horrors of Nazism.

Sartre was a lifelong Marxist. A man who opposed the Nazi occupation of France, was happy to support revolutionary communist resistance groups, and was a prisoner of war taken by the Nazis. He wrote about the fact that the Soviet Union was a true revelationary project working for the betterment of mankind. He had his criticisms like we all do when it didn’t live up to it’s ideals, but unlike other nations he considered bourgeois colonial powers, he didn’t ascribe it to an innate problem with the USSR. He called the US of the time “dangerously pre fascist”. He strongly condemned the US and South Korea in the Korean War. He was disgusted by the US involvement in Vietnam. Loathed the later French state for their oppression of Algeria.

You’d have called him a brainwashed, tankie, genocide denying, authoritarian, equivalent to the Nazis too. And he’d have fucking hated you and everything you apparently stand for in return.


Your willfully ignorant hateful behavior is proof, stop pretending you’re a victim.


Just block and ignore. They do not want to have a conversation. They just want to talk at you. Literally doing what Sartre complained about.

Yes he was a Marxist but here are his thoughts on the Soviet Union:

After the November 4, 1956, invasion of Hungary by Soviet forces, Sartre denounced the Soviet intervention and the submission of the French Communist Party to the dictates of Moscow. On November 9, in the French magazine L’Express, he declared, “I condemn the Soviet invasion wholeheartedly and without any reservation. Without putting any responsibility onto the Russian people, I nevertheless insist that its current government has committed a crime…. And the crime, to me, is not just the invasion of Budapest by army tanks, but the fact that this was made possible by twelve years of terror and imbecility…. It is and will be impossible to reestablish any sort of contact with the men who are currently at the head of the [French Communist Party]. Each sentence they utter, each action they take is the culmination of 30 years of lies and sclerosis.”


Not all, but these particular Hexbear users are living proof of Sartre’s famous quote: “Hell is other people”.


If Sartre had lived long enough to see the fall of the USSR and Hungary building monuments to nazi collaborators, he would have concluded Stalin and Khrushchev were too merciful.

He wasn’t wrong about the French Communist Party though.


That last bit does a good job of demonstrating that you are just stringing words together exegetically. “Hell is other people” is a more complicated phenomenological thesis that doesn’t just mean “I dislike some people.” No Exit is a ham fisted play, but that gives it the virtue of making it apparent that there is more than just being locked in a room with people you dislike going on.


You kind of missed the point. Not sure if you did so deliberately or because you are simply obtuse. That’s one thing I don’t like about you guys; some of you are obviously being intellectually dishonest and playing stupid semantic games, but others seem to actually believe their nonsense, like you going on a rant about Sartre being a Marxist while totally ignoring the context in which the quote is invoked in the first place.

So which is it; are you trying to change the subject for some kind of quick “win,” or do you honestly not understand OP’s point in citing the quote?

@DPRK_Chopra@hexbear.net avatar

I’m just having a discussion with you about it. It sounds like there wasn’t disinfo so much as a difference of opinion, and you don’t like that people disagreed with you, so now you’re resorting to ableist language. Cool. Thanks for putting it on display like I was hoping you wouldn’t but knew you would.


To be extremely clear so that you cannot weasel out of this - what I am referencing was not a semantic argument. These were people actively defending the practice of invading a sovereign nation while openly stating that Ukrainian national identity should be eradicated (muh Lennin created Ukraine), and explicitly defending the mass abduction of children in occupied territories. Alongside the standard emoji spam, of course.

Don’t play. You and I both know these are canonical narratives on hexbear.

@DPRK_Chopra@hexbear.net avatar

You’re not going to get us on an argument about “national identity” one way or another as this is not something we care about. We care about the affected people of the region getting shelled to shit by fascists for nearly a decade and support it coming to an end as quickly as possible.


“No evidence” is misleading. There’s plenty of evidence of murder, torture, rape, and abduction the question is whether genocide was the motive – and the UN is ATM (as far as I’m aware) stopping just shy of calling it a genocide, despite Russian state TV uttering genocidal motives. Here’s a more complete and balanced report to that yahoo source of yours.


So, no evidence of genocide then. Why are you acting so dense? You know the difference between war crimes and genocide right? No one is denying wear crimes occur, but you just insist on focusing on one side’s war crimes and elevating them to the level of genocide despite even institutions controlled by the west denying there’s a genocide. And you completely ignore or obfuscate the war crimes of the side you support. Who’s being dishonest here? Who’s being weaselly?


despite even institutions controlled by the west denying there’s a genocide.

UN “controlled by the west”. “There is as yet insufficient evidence of motive” being “denying there’s a genocide”. Are you noticing your own gymnastics there.

And you completely ignore or obfuscate the war crimes of the side you support.

I don’t. Compare the evidence of war crimes committed by the Ukrainian and the Russian side and it’s not just not the same ballpark, it’s not even the same game. And one side is prosecuting people, while the other is committing atrocities against its own soldiers.


Making up fake genocides to blame on the enemies of your actually genocidal empire is the actual genocide denial

@Zuberi@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Confused why anybody sees hexbear troll Lemmy.world and thinks it’s serious discourse lol


“We were just ironically defending genocide. For the lulz.”

@Zuberi@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

You clearly don’t understand how far “right” you are friendo


Apparently not. I always thought being anti-genocide tended more towards the left, but tankies seem determined to put that into question.


Lemmy.world and hexbear have literally never been federated, you’re just lying through your teeth.

Zuberi, (edited )
@Zuberi@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Disengage comrade. I agree

Edit: In all seriousness, I wasn’t aware of the specifics, nor had I even seen any “trolling” from the instances (I’m sure they’re hilarious/in bad taste). But lemmy.world pretty much scrubbed all of the content.

@aaaaaaadjsf@hexbear.net avatar

Hexbear was defederated from Lemmy dot world before we even enabled federation from our side. We’ve literally never been able to post there.

@booty@hexbear.net avatar

Can you define “russian disinformation” please? Does it just mean “any opinion about the Ukraine war that the BBC doesn’t air?”


Exactly what I thought. It’s exactly this kind of weasel word equivocation I figured the admins would be hiding behind when they made that statement. And I pretty much assumed one you would jump in and say it out loud.


You are the weasel here natoid, using modern McCarthyism as a bludgeon for your pointless posting diatribes


-oid on its own isn’t great due to the way reactionaries use it if you’re not referencing their use of it or something, maybe use ‘nato-simp’, ‘natsec ghoul’ or ‘little piggie baying for the blood of foreigners’.


Nah. Reactionaries don’t own language and I won’t retreat from every suffix they’ve ever uttered. Tired of these language policing games.


“Disinformation” seems like the weasel word, since this is your reaction to defining it


‘Hexbear spreads kremlin propaganda!’

‘where’ s the propaganda? Can you define it? ’

’ Nu uh tankie’


Are you just calling things you don’t want to answer weasel words? It was a pretty straightforward question. Just share what it means.

@booty@hexbear.net avatar

Are you afraid to answer the question, or simply unable? Do you even have a definition for “russian disinformation” or is it just something you use to dismiss anything you disagree with?

@flan@hexbear.net avatar



The whole point is to exploit the imprecise nature of the topic to straddle a moral line. The disinformation space benefits from precisely this kind of nihilism because it can argue semantics at a whim, because it has no fixed beliefs. Sartre said it better tbh.

@booty@hexbear.net avatar

Asking you to define the terms you use is “arguing semantics?” How can we possibly have a conversation if you’re using undefinable weasel words?


You know all your questions have been answered before, you’re just pretending otherwise.


Then why not copy and paste an actual answer if you have had this conversation before and stop weaseling?


Do I have to keep a library of links around just for you? Lol no

@booty@hexbear.net avatar

I have never heard a satisfying definition of the term in question, and that is because there isn’t one. It is used broadly against anything liberals don’t like. It’s like “woke” or “tankie.” It doesn’t mean anything.


Like “liberals” you throw around. Hypocrisy runs deep in your community. (look I can also employ the us versus them super smart trickery! We are so smart, they are so dumb, let’s laugh at them!)

@booty@hexbear.net avatar

No, liberals are people who support capitalism. It might not be a 100% perfect definition but it’s the one I use. Now you know the definition of my term, how about you define yours?


Words only have meaning if their definition is agreed upon. My definition follows this description:


I’m sure you’ll make up more crap, your own words and definitions to weaponize, honing your “posting skills”, dunking all the way to… Valhalla? All the while making no difference.


The literal first two concrete policies in the opening paragraph of that article defining liberalism are private property and market economies.

Guess what the literal two defining features of capitalism are.


Are they unique to capitalism?


Care to enlighten me on the other economic systems that have private property and a market economy?


In whatever you call the systems of nearly every corner of the modern world. Because they are all hybrids and usually contain some degree of these elements. Discussion pure versions of any economic system is an academic exercise and only tangentially related to reality.


Thank you for showing us you know next to nothing yet are proud of your ignorance


The proletariat dunks again.


You’re making it too easy



@booty@hexbear.net avatar

That’s not a definition, that’s an extremely thorough article about liberalism.

Words only have meaning if their definition is agreed upon

I mean you really don’t have to agree, you just have to understand. It doesn’t matter what you think the definition of liberal should be as long as you know what I mean when I say it. And now you do. So, how about you define your terms now so that there can be effective two-way communication? As it stands, the communication only goes one way. You understand me, but I don’t understand you. That doesn’t seem very fair. From the article you linked:

Through all these strands and traditions, scholars have identified the following major common facets of liberal thought:

  • believing in equality

Please resolve the inequality present in this conversation.


I provided a less vauge defintion than you. How am I to understand a defintion that is no more than a quip?

@booty@hexbear.net avatar

What? Do you look in the dictionary to find exhaustive encyclopedia articles about topics? Do you need me to define capitalism too, is that why my definition is too vague? Do you need me to define “support?” What part of my definition are you confused about?

If someone asks you what a tuque is, are you unsatisfied until you have talked about the Welsh town of Monmouth and the methods they used in the 15th century to stitch caps? Or would you tell them that it’s a knit fucking cap


Many non-liberals support capitalism. Ipso facto your definition is useless and obviously has meaning to you beyond the quip. Words are fun!

@booty@hexbear.net avatar

Many non-liberals support capitalism

Which ones do you have in mind? I’m not even saying you’re wrong, I can think of examples myself. (I did say it wasn’t a 100% perfect definition) Nevertheless, it is still the definition I truly use. If I saw someone defending capitalism I would call them a liberal regardless of whether it was 100% accurate.


Why not call them capitalists? Seems more direct and less dog-whistle-ish.

thoro, (edited )

The people you may refer to as conservatives are, generally, also liberals using literally that same Wikipedia article and the classical definition of the word.

The modern dominant economic system in the world is called neoliberalism. It was first made popular by Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher. It was continued by Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, and now Biden.

Do not confuse the politico landscape with academic definitions.


Yep, I’m in compete agreement on neoliberalism.

Do not confuse the politico landscape with academic definitions.

My guess is we disagree on which makes a difference in the world, Not you personally (I just don’t know), but I usually find Marxism a refuge for those disconnected from reality. It’s so boring, having been hashed out enumerable times. Plus it has never existed in reality, and never will because it does not account for realities of human nature.

@MolotovHalfEmpty@hexbear.net avatar

Two users in the same post, both throwing out smears and totally unable to back them up, both referencing a Sartre quote they clearly don’t understand while doing the very thing it criticises. What are the odds!?

We’re being nice. As I said to the other user who tried to pull that, Sartre would have had you in tears:

Sartre was a lifelong Marxist. A man who opposed the Nazi occupation of France, was happy to support revolutionary communist resistance groups, and was a prisoner of war taken by the Nazis. He wrote about the fact that the Soviet Union was a true revelutionary project working for the betterment of all mankind. He had his criticisms like we all do when it didn’t live up to it’s ideals, but unlike other nations he considered to be mostly disgusting bourgeois colonial powers, he didn’t ascribe it to an innate problem with the USSR. He called the US of the time “dangerously pre fascist”. He strongly condemned the US and South Korea in the Korean War. He was disgusted by the US involvement in Vietnam. Loathed the later French state for their oppression of Algeria. And on and on and on.

You’d have called him a brainwashed, tankie, genocide denying, authoritarian, equivalent to the Nazis too. And he’d have fucking hated you and everything you apparently stand for in return.

AreaSIX, (edited )

Reactionaries quoting Sartre is just chef’s kiss. They just want to silence any opposition to Nato raping every nation deemed to be non western. It’s always the same shit. You were against the invasion of Iraq? SADDAM SUPPORTER! Opposed the Afghanistan invasion? PRACTICALLY A MEMBER OF TALIBAN!

“Either you’re with us or you’re with the enemy” has always been their mode of operation, and whaddya know, the whole world turns out to be the enemy, because no one outside of Europe wants to be with them.


Things such as “Maidan was a Nazi coup” which I’ve seen plastered all over the place by hexbear users as soon as Ukraine came up. Hand-in hand with that goes the usual denial of agency to the Ukrainian people which though doesn’t always follow Russian agitprop lines (according to which Ukrainians aren’t a people and the Ukrainian state doesn’t really exist) but often also American exceptionalism ("The only reason Ukrainians could want anything is because the CIA implanted it in their heads), geopolitical Realism, etc. In any case it’s still vile.

CephalonC, (edited )

Yeah, I generally agree with your stance on it, which is a little bit of a change from previously, but more so understanding better what was already there.

My main problem with their instance is the sub-group of more antagonistic and condescending users, which have an overlap with the ones posting what you’ve described as “Kremlin propaganda”.

Although said propaganda isn’t quite exclusive to Russia, there’s also Chinese propaganda stuff there too from what I can understand, which again has that same sort of overlap in users, if not the same users as the Russian propaganda sources.

Also, some of the culture of the instance is a bit off-putting, namely the allusions of sorts to pigs, but that could just be my Autism causing me to feel more offended by that than normal.

As it is, politically speaking, I’m not fond of Capitalism, I’m aware of the general historical problems of authoritarianism that have taken over what attempts at communism have been tried, and so I can agree with a decent amount of the views taken there.

But the pro-Russian stuff that shows up there is absolutely wild to me; a country so actively hostile to LGBTQIA+, and yet it’s getting support from people in an instance that is inclusive to that same persecuted group? The same country that doesn’t even appeal to their ideals of leftism and/or communism in modern day? And the same country that blatantly commits to violations of human rights? It doesn’t make any logical sense.

So to your point, it’s a moderation issue mainly, and an issue that actually is being addressed, so nicely done to the admins/moderators there for that, and well done to you for bringing that to attention here as well.

And hopefully as you’ve said, once people start getting used to the rules and connection to other instances, said antagonism, condescension, and trolling will reduce with time.

And apologies for the absolutely flowing sentences that go on for way longer than normal, I blame the Autism/ADHD, as it’s closer to how I actually speak vocally. I try to space it out so it’s more readable, and less of a wall of connected language that blurs together, especially for those who might have dyslexia.


I don’t think an apology is necessary. You were completely comprehensible and there wasn’t anything wrong with the way you expressed yourself. Conversations on Lemmy are informal and a lot of people write the way they speak. We’re not composing academic papers here.


And I understand what you mean, it’s just the years of sticking to grammatical rules to be “correct” when they feel so unnatural to how I actually hold conversations has had its effects on me.

Sure, in school I never got treated differently for having Autism/ADHD, but that was because it never became apparent, and my parents never believed I had either, because I was “too intelligent for that”, despite the signs throughout my life, including my older sister and many of my friends being able to tell just from being around me.

And so after all that, I’ve started gradually opening up, and writing how I would speak, even if it’s not “correct” as that learned grammar would want it to be. And so the apology is somewhat of a holding point to that grammatical formality I’m leaving behind.

Even half the periods I’ve typed here are still restraining myself from letting my “voice” keep going without pause, as I’ve gotten it into my head from those years that it’s seen as “annoying” or some other negative attribute to do so.

@MolotovHalfEmpty@hexbear.net avatar

Maybe I can clear up some of your concerns or confusion around the “pro-Russia” stuff if you’d like me to?

CephalonC, (edited )

I’ve read through some of the replies within this post, and I think I’m gradually getting the idea behind it, though I’d gladly take a more direct explanation or summary.

My main concern is just with modern Russia’s government, and its more regressive aspects, along with their actions within the war with Ukraine.

But I’ll absolutely state I’m not very knowledgeable on a lot of the details behind it, aside from Russia’s news putting out whatever they can to justify their actions to their population, but I’d take correction if that part is off course.

For a bit of additional context, I’ve been living with my parents who have since 2016 been going further and further off the deep end of right wing conspiracies about everything, and one of the things I often notice from those places is an unwavering support for modern Russia, partly or mostly for said regressive aspects.

So because of that, I do have a level of bias against Russia, but again, I’ll take a look at other points of view regarding it.

MolotovHalfEmpty, (edited )
@MolotovHalfEmpty@hexbear.net avatar

There’s a couple of different aspects to it but I’ll try and outline it as simply and clearly as possible, without getting deep into specific topics.

As communists (and our anarchist comrades overlap although there’s definitely differences) we’re mostly ‘internationalists’. We don’t believe that the most meaningful conflicts are between nation states, but between the class interests of the proletariat (workers, ordinary people basically) and capital (the class that owns the means of production, finance etc). A supermarket worker in France has more in common, in terms of their place in society, with a shop worker in China then either have with the people who own the big businesses they work for.

As internationalists we’re anti-imperialists and the largest imperial power and global hegemon (the state that dominates most of the world) today is undoubtedly the USA. While this remains the case, it will continue crushing any anti-capitalist or anti-imperialist movement across thr world, so we want to see their control weakened. This is often referred to as ‘multipolarity’ meaning that instead of a single country that dominates, there’s at least space for multiple powers, which forces more compromise and allows more space for individual movements and nations to survive or even thrive.

This is why we’ll often refer to having ‘critical support’ for nations or political movements that don’t ascribe to our communist ideals (equality, workers owning the means of production, proletarian democracy etc). The “critical” bit is the most important. It’s “critical” like ‘criticism’, not like ‘essential’. States like Russia and China becoming less vulnerable to and dependent on the USA helps to weaken their global dominance. So while we loathe Russia’s scapegoating and attacks on LGBTQ+ people and that they’re a capitalist state, we believe it’s in the international interest that the USA doesn’t succeed in it’s attempts to destroy (or severely weaken) them and consolidate their own power.

We also tend to be ‘historical materialists’ and believe that the economic and material interests of people’s lives are what shape politics and societies, not idealism. So we don’t put any stock in the idea that nations are defined by the personal traits of their leaders for example, but by economic and political pressures within and on the people in the country. So we see the idea that the war in Ukraine is because Putin is evil and craves power as rather silly, for example. The reasons (and for Ukraine’s decisions, an all nations for that matter) are more complicated and practical than that. We don’t like Putin - he’s a cynical if successful, member of the ultra-rich capitalist class that was given free reign to loot Russia by the US after the fall of the Soviet Union - but we also don’t think it matters very much.

Different communists (and our anarchist comrades with whom there’s a lot of overlap, but obviously differences too) might disagree on the best approaches and to what degree we should focus on these conflicts at all, but generally the above remains true. It’s important to know that it’s not a zero sum game though, and solidarity with the working class around the world is still most important.

So the sentiment you’ll find in some Hexbear users’ critical support for Russia is that we want an end to the war sooner rather than later. Because this war is terrible for the working class on both sides. And because we don’t see any compelling evidence that Ukraine can win, even with NATO support. We want both sides at the negotiating table rather than on the battlefield ideally, but if the conditions don’t allow the two sides to do that then we hope they’ll change as quickly as possible, because the longer this goes on the worse it gets all around. Some of us see Russia as being the most able to force the other side to the table, but obviously we’d prefer they just saw the realities of the situation and did it now.

We also get a lot of shock at the fact that some of us think, in that situation, Ukraine would have to give independence and security guarantees to the Donbas & Crimea. Many of us think that given the realities of the civil war there over the last 8 years or so, plus this conflict, it’s probably the only way to prevent retributory ethnic cleansing in the region. It has nothing to do with ideas of fairness or sovereignty or any other nebulous concept; it’s about what’s least worst for the working class there.

Obviously there’s a broad variety of views held to different degrees and I’m not speaking for every Hexbear user. Also, people being people, we all express ourselves differently, especially when dealing with heavy subjects. Some of us find consolation in understanding the chaos of it all, some obsess over details for the illusion of control, others have a dark sense of humour about it etc.

I know that’s long, but I hope it’s clear and I wanted to try and explain a complex way of looking at the world as simply as possible without just throwing out a lot of jargon and assumptions.


I’m going to type this response out as I read to get a better sense of understanding, and go back over after I’ve read it all.

I’ve known some friends of mine that are more anarchy leaning, so I get that to a degree already. And funnily enough, that right wing conspiracy stuff my parents are addicted to kind of feigns at class solidarity, but then they get too lost in their hatred of basically anything that isn’t cis straight white Christians etc. and go back to fighting amongst themselves in some kind of spiritual war between themselves and the “Satanists” they’ve made up to label their “enemy”, so not really any progress there.

Summarizing the second part in my sort of unfancy and simpler way, the US really needs to stop trying to be this “world police” that it thinks it is, especially given the problems within the country itself, and let more different countries work together through compromise to contribute to progress in the world.

Third part, essentially “it may not be the best possible option, but it can be a step in the right direction in some way, and it’s way better than letting more power and control be centralized in one place”.

Fourth, pretty much “economy and material for the people, along with the pressures within and without their country, define politics and society, not their leader’s ideals”.

Fifth, different people have different ideologies on what is exactly best and how much the conflict should be focused on, but generally based on the previous points, and on class solidarity most of all, which I can agree with.

Sixth, basically we want the war to end sooner so the people caught up in it don’t have to keep suffering through it, which I absolutely agree with. Though I will say what might seem possible is for Putin to lose support from the I guess “upper” class, realizing it’s not worth the losses and putting an end to it, though that’s being optimistic considering it’s the same class that has enabled it to continue. Otherwise, it would probably take a force neither side seems quite capable of to end the sort of ongoing stalemate.

Again, open to correction here, I’ve not been too focused on the progress of things there, so the situation could easily have changed since I kept up with it.

Seventh, I get the sort of idea to it, again, it’s putting the best, or in this case, the least bad, for all the people involved over what would supposedly be “best” for the state and upper class, which totally makes sense in that regard, though I think I’m not quite getting the whole idea of the paragraph across on my end.

And the last one, just basically saying the exact specifics differ for everyone, of course people are people, and everyone expresses what they think in their own unique interpretation, sort of like how I’m interpreting all this here and now for a better understanding. And those interpretations all have their equally unique reasons behind them, usually for some form of comfort or knowledge, or just trying to find humor in even the darkest of things.

And the last bit, I think you did well, and given what I’ve typed, it seems to have gotten across pretty decently from what I can tell anyway.

@MolotovHalfEmpty@hexbear.net avatar

Yeah, you’re definitely getting the broad strokes of it (and I didn’t give you much more than that). I get it’s a lot to take in all at once too.

First part - yeah you get it and you can see clearly why that kind of false class that the right sometimes peddles to people like your parents is bullshit. It’s not for the benefit of them, it helps the rich who fund that kind of media keep the working class divided and not United against them. That’s why they have to invent enemies like Satanists or whatever. It’s the same way capitalists have always tried to break strikes (and still do) by trying to drive a wedge between different ethnicities in the workforce. It’s the same reason any real communist is so opposed to any form of bigotry, we’re workers regardless of race, sexual orientation, gender etc.

Second part - you’re right, but we’d argue it goes much further than just the usual invasions and interventions as ‘the world’s policeman’. Its about the coups, the assinations, funding disinformation, sanction regimes, IMF debt, the dollar as global currency and plenty more. They use dozens of methods to bend the world to their will and punish those who step out of line.

Third part - yeah, that’s it. Or sometimes just “this is the best realistic option, because the others are worse”.

Fourth part - Yep, got it again.

Fifth part - totally.

Sixth - yeah basically. There’s various reasons we don’t that think that upper class has the incentive or ability to, one of them being that capitalists from all sides make a massive amount of money on war - so it’s good for them, but it’s not worth getting into all of them here.

Seventh - even if you didn’t get the meaning of all the details, you understand the basics just fine. What you said was right again.

And the end bit, you got it spot on. I’m really glad it was clear and understandable.


On the second part, I kind of said “world police” as a more broad generalizion of all the stuff the government does for the sake of simplicity, but elaborating helps for those unaware of the extent of it.

On the sixth part, I ended up not recalling that being a thing, but as you bring it up, yeah, something probably should be done about the upper class being able to profit from violence, as that profit helps nobody except those who don’t need it, and encourages more violence for a cycle of more profit and violence.

And I’m glad I got it as well as I did, I really enjoy understanding different people’s perspectives and the reasoning behind them.

@MolotovHalfEmpty@hexbear.net avatar

No problem on part two. You got it, I just wanted to add some extra context too because obviously we’d been focused on wars with the Ukraine stuff.

I’ve enjoy it too, I appreciate you asking and taking the time to go through it all with me.


We also get a lot of shock at the fact that some of us think, in that situation, Ukraine would have to give independence and security guarantees to the Donbas & Crimea.

So what you’re saying is that imperial powers should be able to send little green men into other countries, instigate astroturf civil wars, to break those countries apart, and then have those “independent” territories “democratically” join the imperialist aggressor nation.

And that we should let them get away with it. That we’re supposed to tell Ukraine, the attacked party here, “No sorry the Russians are too good at weaselling and throwing rhetoric smoke grenades you’re out of luck we won’t help you”.

Very leftist of you. Russia has been doing that shit for a near 700 years now.

@MolotovHalfEmpty@hexbear.net avatar

See, this is a good example of exactly what I’m talking about. I get that it can seem shocking to people, especially if they’re used to viewing a war as a simple good nation / bad nation dynamic, and that it’s emotional. But if you’re actually asking in good faith and just upset, I’ll try to explain - although I also think you should go back and reread my comment above.

So what you’re saying is that imperial powers should be able to send little green men into other countries, instigate astroturf civil wars, to break those countries apart, and then have those “independent” territories “democratically” join the imperialist aggressor nation

That bizarre generalisation is obviously not my position, as the rest of the post above makes clear.

And that we should let them get away with it.

I don’t even know what this means. Russia still will have lost thousands of people, been isolated by the NATO-West, and suffered big economic blows. Beyond that, the sad reality is that countries almost always “get away” with waging war. What’s the alternative, escalating it into a global conflict, nuclear war? How does that benefit the people of either side or anyone else?

That we’re supposed to tell Ukraine, the attacked party here, “No sorry the Russians are too good at weaselling and throwing rhetoric smoke grenades you’re out of luck we won’t help you”.

Again, I don’t really know what that means. It’s a matter of dealing practically with the situation as it actually exists. How could those regions possibly immediately reintegrate into Ukraine? The Ukrainian government was shelling the Donbas for more than half a decade before the war even started, not to mention the far-right militias. Do you think the rhetoric or hate for Russian speaking people in those regions has reduced during this war, that those regions and the Ukrainian nationalists are closer to peace? Without security guarantees it’ll be worse than before the war and very likely end in ethnic cleansing and the breaking of the Minsk agreements already demonstrates that the Ukrainian government can’t or won’t keep a lid on it.

Since you framed it as we won’t help you I’m going to assume you’re also in a NATO country like I am. Again, I ask you, what should we tell them? That there can be no peace and they have to fight Russia to the last Ukrainian? That retribution and likely ethnic cleansing against those regions is fine actually because of some arbitrary notion of national fairness?

Personally I’m not sure we should be telling them anything. It’s pretty clear that foreign meddling helped create this war and derail peace talks earlier in the conflict. Like I said before, ideally I want Russia and Ukraine sat at the negotiating table, both begrudgingly settling on a deal that’s best for everybody - meaning ordinary people, not the egos of nation states.


I don’t even know what this means. Russia still will have lost thousands of people, been isolated by the NATO-West, and suffered big economic blows. Beyond that, the sad reality is that countries almost always “get away” with waging war. What’s the alternative, escalating it into a global conflict, nuclear war? How does that benefit the people of either side or anyone else?

How does caving in and giving the Russian Empire what it desires benefit people? It’s telling Russia “sure, go ahead, what you’re doing is fine, do it as often as you want”. “Pacifism is if I get to kick you and you don’t defend yourself”.

The Ukrainian government was shelling the Donbas for more than half a decade before the war even started,

The Ukrainian government was shelling Russian military positions after the invasion started, in 2014, with little green men and putting criminals into power as viceroys who then forced people into military service against their will. Yes, I’m from a NATO country. No, it’s not the US, I live two doors down from Ukraine so to speak. Just have to drive through Poland. I shared lecture hall benches with Ukrainians, had Ukrainian colleagues, now I have refugee Ukrainian neighbours. Ordinary people. Similar to Russians in many regards, more similar than other Slavic people I mean, but distinct in at least two important ways: a) They’re not fatalist and b) No empire-grade nationalism. In that regard they’re Poles it’s no accident that the starting lines of their anthems are so similar.

Do you think the rhetoric or hate for Russian speaking people

You know nothing about Ukraine. The Ukrainian army speaks Russian, FFS!

Russian language and Russian culture is one thing, Russian state politics, imperialism, and kleptocratic mob rule another. Though there’s plenty of Ukrainian kids who now refuse to speak Russian even though it’s their native language and can you blame them.

That there can be no peace and they have to fight Russia to the last Ukrainian?

I would advocate for things like the US to stop pussyfooting about and deliver ATACMS to bring a quicker end to the war. Russia lost the war within the first couple of days only issue is Ukraine didn’t win yet either because the Russians have first to be convinced that they, indeed, lost the war. Differing expectations, lines on maps etc. and one big part of that is that with the US being indecisive as it is, and Russia thinking that the whole west is controlled by the US, Russia thinks they just have to hold out a bit longer and when the US loses interest then it’s going to order its vassals in Europe to stop supplying Ukraine.

Of course, no such thing would happen. As an European I can tell you that the US can fuck off if it wants to we can deal with this stuff on our own but this “middle of the road” position is actively hurting Ukrainians as it’s giving a morale boost to the Kremlin.

That retribution and likely ethnic cleansing against those regions is fine actually because of some arbitrary notion of national fairness?

Where does this notion of “Ukraine is doing ethnic cleansing” coming from? Things like laws to promote Ukrainian as lingua franca of Ukraine while at the same time being in full compliance with the ECRML? On the flipside, Russia has been trying to eradicate the Ukrainian language and national identity since Catherine the Great. Of course, to the Russian nationalist any language but Russian being the lingua Franca in Ukraine is abhorrent. Why should they learn another language!.. they’re just as bad as Anglos in that regard.

Personally I’m not sure we should be telling them anything. It’s pretty clear that foreign meddling helped create this war and derail peace talks earlier in the conflict. Like I said before, ideally I want Russia and Ukraine sat at the negotiating table, both begrudgingly settling on a deal that’s best for everybody - meaning ordinary people, not the egos of nation states.

“Meddling” from the European side consists of saying “Sure, there’s a way to EU membership for you”. And Ukrainians wanted that, and Yanukovic betrayed them on that, send out hired thugs and Berkut (pretty much the definition of “bastar cop”) to deal with people who didn’t like him trying to turn the country into an autocracy. Then he fled to his masters in Russia and the little green men invasion started.

Talk with Ukrainians. Ask them whether Russia can be negotiated with, and they’re going to say “yes – after they’ve been kicked out of the country, we can talk about reparations and lifting of sanctions”. The Ukrainian people, no matter their native tongue, are not willing to give an inch of territory. And why should they.

There’s another option to kicking the Russians out, and that’s for the Russians to leave on their own accord, in one way or the other. Puting ordering a retreat is very unlikely as that would endanger regime stability. It happening otherwise is… well, the dynamics are very hard to predict but let’s just say that the Russian defence ministry doesn’t exactly have a stellar record when it comes to handling the payroll.

@MolotovHalfEmpty@hexbear.net avatar

How does caving in and giving the Russian Empire what it desires benefit people? It’s telling Russia “sure, go ahead, what you’re doing is fine, do it as often as you want”.

Because it brings an end to the war. And an end to the civil war. And depending on what’s negotiated in exchange (NATO membership, EU membership etc), secures Ukraine against further escalation or Russian invasion.

The Ukrainian government was shelling Russian military positions after the invasion started, in 2014

I was clearly referring the current war, which Russia refers to as the SMO and western press as the ‘invasion of Ukraine’ or the ‘Ukraine war’. Saying the formal war actually started with Russian interference in the Donbas and Crimea opens up all sorts of other cans of worms - if it was an act of war, why wasn’t war declared, how could the SMO by an unprompted invasion if they were already at war, how was the 2014 coup not similar interference etc etc. I don’t think it’s a useful framing except to defend the attacks on the Donbas regions.

The Ukrainian army speaks Russian, FFS!

This is totally fair and it was extremely lazy and inaccurate framing on my part. Let’s not pretend that use of Russian (and other, minority languages) isn’t an issue though. There was the 2017 education law, which was widely condemned, and was at least improved upon. The 2019 Lviv ban on Russian language cultural products.The national 2019 Ukrainian language law which has been widely criticised. And since then there’s been the banning of Russian books and music. I’m glad you think “the Russian language and culture is one thing”, I do too, but clearly a significant portion of thr Ukrainian state has issues with it that go a lot further than just that Ukraine should speak more Ukrainian (which I don’t have a problem with for what it’s worth).

Where does this notion of “Ukraine is doing ethnic cleansing” coming from? I didn’t claim that. But I think it’s a reasonable concern that without independence & security guarantees the Donbas and Crimea regions would be vulnerable to it. And the idea that it’s possible comes from a decade of far-right parties and paramilitaries engaged in everything from attacks of vigils and protests, to taking over council buildings and forcing law changes, to murders and waging a continued war on these regions, often with state support. There’s been increases in hate crime, increasing acceptance of Nazi imagery, and ever more mainstream unquestionably genocidal language

“Meddling” from the European side consists of saying “Sure, there’s a way to EU membership for you”.

That’s clearly not the extent of it though and doesn’t take into account the meddling of the US or the UK (which might as well be the US at this point). Theres about 20 years of US proxy orgs meddling, EU meddling (which sometimes conflicted with the US) for economic gain, the US support and funding for the 2014 coup, predatory IMF-loans, foreign capital’s insistence on eliminating worker protections and stripping the copper wire out of the walls of Ukraine, or UK/US pressure on the 2022 peace talks.

I would advocate for things like the US to stop pussyfooting about and deliver ATACMS to bring a quicker end to the war. Russia lost the war within the first couple of days only issue is Ukraine didn’t win yet

You see, here’s where we just fundamentally disagree. That framing might feel nice, it may even be the case on the basis of whatever your hopes that they accomplish are, but the war is still going on because the reality is that the war is still going on.

You seem to think Russia being entirely driven out of Ukraine’s borders is inevitable and I don’t, probably the opposite in fact. And I don’t think that one more weapon system, just like all the others before it, is going to change the outcome. Especially when the US in particular, and therefore NATO more generally, seems to be signalling a reduction in enthusiasm and support. I live in Europe too and some European nations might continue there support, but there’s no denying that they’re more dependent on the US than they were before this conflict.

Ultimately though, my point remains the same. This war overwhelmingly hurts the working class. Of Ukraine, of Russia, of separatist regions, of the countries fighting this war by proxy, of the countries being squeezed by related sanctions, and of the countries whose vital trade has been effected. As I made clear in my original post:

I want both sides at the negotiating table rather than on the battlefield ideally, but if the conditions don’t allow the two sides to do that then I hope they’ll change as quickly as possible, because the longer this goes on the worse it gets all around.

I’ll leave it there for now as this isn’t what this thread is about. I was asked to explain some of the thinking behind some Hexbear comments and I have. I clarified my opinion for you, because you obviously put a lot of effect into your response to me and I thought you deserved a reply.

Whatever happens with federation and so on I hope you enjoy the rest of your time here on Lemmy.


Because it brings an end to the war. And an end to the civil war. And depending on what’s negotiated in exchange (NATO membership, EU membership etc), secures Ukraine against further escalation or Russian invasion.

It would mean Taiwan is next. And various other small neigbours of medium-sized states in unstable regions of the world. “Hey nobody seems to care so let’s go for it”.

Saying the formal war actually started with Russian interference in the Donbas and Crimea opens up all sorts of other cans of worms - if it was an act of war, why wasn’t war declared, how could the SMO by an unprompted invasion if they were already at war, how was the 2014 coup not similar interference etc etc. I don’t think it’s a useful framing except to defend the attacks on the Donbas regions.

Which 2014 coup? Did you see any NATO troops on the ground? NATO weapons? There were a handful of politicians and diplomats from NATO states trying to negotiate compromises (and failing), does that constitute armed aid, now?

Why wasn’t war declared back then? Russia still hasn’t declared war. And I tell you why: Because that’d be unpopular in Russia. It would mean universal conscription.

That’s clearly not the extent of it though and doesn’t take into account the meddling of the US or the UK

And even with all that neolib shit (which I didn’t care to mention as it’s not directly connected) Ukrainians wanted to join the EU. None of that stuff was covert or corrupt, btw.

You seem to think Russia being entirely driven out of Ukraine’s borders is inevitable and I don’t, probably the opposite in fact. And I don’t think that one more weapon system, just like all the others before it, is going to change the outcome.

One weapon system no, I’m singling out ATACMS not because they would give a completely new capability to Ukraine (they have long-range strike capabilities), but because the US is sitting on half a gazillion of those and Ukraine could really, really, use more of that kind of capability to strike into the Russian rear – hitting logistics, command posts, artillery, pretty much everything that NATO would hit from the air in a similar situation. It would make a real difference to the duration of the war because the defensive structures Russia built can’t be overcome while under artillery fire. Mine sweepers don’t move quickly they’re pretty much sitting ducks, bulldozers to flatten moats neither.

Ukrainians are going to go on with or without ATACMS, gnawing away at that line until there’s a breakthrough. Their losses are quite small doing that, btw, precisely because unlike Russia they actually care about the lives of their soldiers.

And this whole “counteroffensive has failed” talk is kinda – west-east propaganda? Ukrainian generals have said from the beginning, in crystal clear terms, that this is going to take ages because they don’t have enough materiel to do it quickly. The west was expecting more, and Russia played into that by declaring the offensive failed as soon as probing attacks began. Yeah they were probes of course they didn’t break through that’d be rather embarrassing for the Russian side.

Ultimately though, my point remains the same. This war overwhelmingly hurts the working class. Of Ukraine, of Russia, of separatist regions, of the countries fighting this war by proxy, of the countries being squeezed by related sanctions, and of the countries whose vital trade has been effected. As I made clear in my original post:

I want both sides at the negotiating table rather than on the battlefield ideally, but if the conditions don’t allow the two sides to do that then I hope they’ll change as quickly as possible, because the longer this goes on the worse it gets all around.

…so you hope that Ukraine will be given ATACMS and whatever else it needs to bring Russia to a position where they have to negotiate. Alternatively, that Putin kicks the bucket and is replaced maybe not by someone nicer, but at least by someone sufficiently isolationists. But it could as well be a Z patriot tripling down on the conflict that’s why pining for regime change isn’t really a good idea, I’m quite sure the SBU could already have had Putin in the crosshairs if they thought it was a good idea: You need to destroy the myth, not the man. Destroy only the man and the myth only becomes stronger.

@MolotovHalfEmpty@hexbear.net avatar

I also just wanted to add a note to say I’m really sorry you’ve had to deal with that issue with your parents. I’m no stranger to having difficult and suddenly susceptible family members to the well-funded barrage of reactionary content that’s aimed at them.

@AceCephalon@pawb.social avatar

Also, thought I’d comment from here for this, but I’ve surprisingly adjusted pretty well despite all that I’ve been through. My main struggle recently has been dealing with stress from it, and the Autism and ADHD not making that any easier on me.

But overall, I’m proud of myself, I’ve continued going through something as horrible as all this and still keep bettering myself despite it all.

@MolotovHalfEmpty@hexbear.net avatar

Yeah, that sounds doubly tough. But it sounds like you’re absolutely right to be proud of yourself!

@AceCephalon@pawb.social avatar

I only recently managed to convince the more reasonable and less religious of my two parents that it’s pretty likely I have Autism and ADHD, given the extensive amount of signs of it throughout my life.

Though the rest of “me” I’ve had to keep hidden unless I want the more religious and less reasonable one of them to have a field day due to their regressive beliefs. Because, you know, being a Autistic ADHD Asexual Aromantic sort-of-gender Apathetic Furry, (I’m probably missing something here) or AAAA as I sometimes comedically shorten it to, doesn’t exactly line up with their ideals about many things.

@MolotovHalfEmpty@hexbear.net avatar

Yeah I bet not. Any one of those things can get tough, especially with that kind of parent. I’m glad you’ve made some progress though and I hope it helps. I know it probably doesn’t mean much from an internet stranger, but I’m rooting for 'ya.

archomrade, (edited )

This was such a respectful exchange, and this is why i’ve deeply enjoyed hexbear on my respective instance.

From what i’ve seen, some of the “worst” offenders are often in response or in challenge to uncritical and hostile comments from posters toward “tankies” and other pejoratives, and while I am by no means defending the big poop balls and such, I can at least respect the ones that are in response to outright hostility toward their point of view. As others from their instance have already explained, a lot of what comes across as blanket support for oppressive regimes is really a more nuanced and well-reasoned support for socialist projects (Modern Russia excluded (usually)) and acknowledgement of the hostile response from global liberal superpowers. Of course I myself could be misunderstanding, but that’s what i’ve gathered so far from reading.


socialist projects (Modern Russia excluded (usually))

Anyone who implied Modern Russia is a socialist project would be mocked ruthlessly.


Thank you, I caveat-ed that just to hedge against exchanges I may have forgotten or not seen, but I feel confident now that I haven’t seen that kind of sentiment.


That more nuanced reasoning was what I was noticing from that reading replies I mentioned.

And I’m not certain on it, but I have a feeling generally being more direct with expressing that support as being specifically for the positive things that came from those places, rather than what might look to an outsider as broad and without nuance support for those places as a whole, might do better.

People often have flaws with them, and understanding nuance is a common point of lacking for many. Especially when some people might say the same thing but without that nuance, or in some cases, the opposite of it entirely.


In my attempt to be as charitable as possible, I can empathize that many people are not as thoughtful as you’re proving to be. There’s a veritable gulf between the nuanced understanding of global politics hexbear seems to have, and the un-detailed narratives many westerners (myself undeniably included) tend to accept unscrupulously, and crossing that gulf is sometimes just not worthwhile if it’s obvious it will not be received well.

Speaking for myself, I have definitely enjoyed dunking on reactionary nutjobs on the internet. I am sure those interactions could never have changed their minds, but I only have so much patience and some people (honestly) just aren’t worth the effort.


If you’re offering to explain the perspectives behind those sentiments I’d be interested to better understand.

If context is helpful, I’m somewhere left of centrist, and generally abhore the Russian and Chinese governments. I tend to be socially progressive, and anti-authoritarian, but my perspectives in other political arenas are less well formed

@MolotovHalfEmpty@hexbear.net avatar

I commented below. I hope you don’t mind me just pointing you there because it’s a long post and I don’t want to clog the thread too much.


Thanks for sharing your perspectives, I can’t say I agree with you on quite everything (though I do agree with the majority), but I appreciate your explaining how you and others see the world. Thanks for sharing your thoughts :)

Link for those who might be looking for his comment hexbear.net/comment/3765816

Edit: if anyone knows how to link to the comment in an instance agnostic way I’d be interested to know about it :)

@MolotovHalfEmpty@hexbear.net avatar

No worries, you’re welcome.

(And yeah, I didn’t link because I wasn’t sure about that either)


Lol, yeah as much as I love the fediverse there are definitely some interesting implications to the way it all works

Have a good one!


They’re called tankies after the people who supported Soviet tanks crushing any kind of revolt in Hungary and Czechoslovakia. They think that all the negative stuff about Russia, et al. is just Western propaganda. Most leftists, including me, want nothing to do with them.


I’m aware of that definition, but from the conversation I’ve had here with someone from Hexbear, I wouldn’t jump to quite that overgeneralization, as clearly that isn’t the universal view from there.

I don’t entirely doubt there’s the possibility that some people there might think more like that, but it’s a group within the overall group, and seemingly one that is looked down upon by others there.

Though bringing that up, that does give me curiosity as to how a sort of broad poll on how Russia is viewed, specifically whether with or without nuance, would go there, as it might help sort out that exact problem of if it’s a minority there that believes Russia is entirely right or not.

The reason being for it being a sort of poll, is it would be significantly easier to put numbers or percentages to the result there, and being far more generally accessible, rather than discussions and replies that would be hard to really count accurately due to the sheer number of users.

Of course, that might not work, but it brings the discussion to the topic of what might clear things up more, and that seems like a step in the right direction I’d think.

eodc, (edited )

Thanks for all the work you’ve been doing admining this instance @sunaurus.

My immediate opinion from this post was that we should defederate from hexbear, since I’ve felt myself put off of browsing lemmy because of what I perceived as their annoying comments. I’ll admit, by annoying I meant constantly bringing up leftist ideology into threads where it was just plain irrelevant. I’m liberal myself, just not as leftist as the average user on hexbear is. But sometimes I just want to browse my memes in peace, y’know?

But after reading through the comments on this thread, I’m now a little more apprehensive about supporting defederation. It’s now apparent to me that the reason why their comments have leftist undertones is because that’s what characterizes the instance. Hexbear wouldn’t be hexbear if their userbase were centrist or right-wing. Hexbear is hexbear precisely because (for better or for worse) they provide a home for leftist ideology.

Furthermore, there are a couple of reasons why it seems like they’re “brigading muh memes.” One is because they’re such a large instance (larger than us, but certainly smaller than lemmy.world). The other is that their interface doesn’t allow downvotes, so the only way they can voice disapproval of an opinion is by literally voicing their disapproval in the comments. I personally think this is an excellent system, if it can be moderated well. I see it as promoting discussion. However if it’s not moderated well, good discussion ends up getting drowned out by the shouting of village idiots.

A lot of people are pointing out how 1.4k of the 1.8k comments on this post are from hexbear users. That’s ~5.8% of the instance’s 24.5k member userbase. The remaining 400 or so comments come from a mix of lemm.ee and other instances. Assuming all 400 other comments from from lemm.ee users, that’s 2% of our userbase. Undoubtedly, the percentage is even less because that assumption is definitely false. Thus, hexbear has a participation rate that’s almost triple ours (with the best case assumptions in our favor). I’m sure the probability of encountering one (or many) of their village idiots is high. This probability is undoubtedly increased due to the fact that their instance systematically encourages participation because of their lack of downvotes. And if Trumpists demonstrate anything, it’s that stupid likes to participate.

I’m intentionally avoiding using the word “discussion”, since I recognize that participating in a thread and discussing in a thread are two very different things. Both village idiots and good-faith intellectuals participate, but only the latter’s participation can be characterized as discussion. I’ve seen both types of hexbear users in this thread.

I’m wary of us defederating from hexbear. It seems like we’d be condemning a political community for the actions of their (admittedly rather vocal) village idiots. On the other hand, it’s not clear to me if that community’s moderators really care about controlling their village idiots, especially since they are undoubtedly wreaking havoc on other communities. My guess is that the wisest course of action is to wait and see how their rule changes take effect. If their new rules are able to control their village idiots, then I see no reason to defederate.

@imaqtpie@sh.itjust.works avatar

Where can you find hexbear.net user statistics? I’ve been trying to find those numbers for a while; they don’t show up on the-federation.info.

Also, FWIW I think Hexbear is an integral pillar of Lemmy and defederating from them would be a mistake, especially seeing as lemmy.world has already done so. I believe that it’s critical for other large instances to maintain federation with Hexbear and work through these disagreements.

Any large instance is guaranteed to have trolls, fools, and malicious actors. As long as the admins of the instances can come to an understanding and work together, conflicts between individual users can be dealt with. Defederation is a last resort for extreme cases and it’s rather worrying how frequently it has been discussed all across Lemmy in the past two months.



You can see instance statistics at the bottom of the sidebar. Above are stats for lemm.ee. You have to be on the instance homepage though, or else it will display stats for the current community you’re on.


Kind of hilarious that in the midst of this drama, Hexbear themselves have defeded another left wing instance over petty debates about terminology and language. We’re giving them more of a benefit of the doubt at this point than they give their own allies, lol. The far left eating its own in a quest for ideological purity is a song that never ends it seems.

@mar_k@hexbear.net avatar

The far left eating its own

Dude, blajah is as liberal as most instances here. Their top community literally has a banner that says “fuck tankies.” There was a lot of drama between our instances and hostility from the blajah mods/admins (leaking private pms to make fun of, an ableist slur from a mod, saying they’ll ban users over “tankie behavior” or “anything iffy from hexbear users,” etc).

The only way we might’ve seen them as our allies was that we’re both largely queer communities. We never agreed on politics, but were willing to put that aside until all the hostility.

@booty@hexbear.net avatar

over petty debates about terminology and language

they were defederated over ableism and transphobia of one of their powermods, and the implicit support of those things by the head admin. we take that kind of shit seriously. we tried our best to make it work, but reactionary mods who are ableist in their modlog entries are not compatible with hexbear


If you only took the genocide against ukranians just as serious then you could basically shut the entire instance down

@KurtVonnegut@hexbear.net avatar

the genocide against ukranians

Which one? The one in the 1930s caused by capitalists or the one in the 2020s caused by capitalists? I take both seriously, and I want the current one to end.


Color haired people are not mentally well. What did you expect

@oregoncom@hexbear.net avatar

Ah yes petty debates such as their mods calling people the r-word. I guess that’s the type of language you people tolerate here, given you’ve used it towards us enough times already. Also for bystanders this guy has been banning hexbear users from his little uk politics comm just for being hexbear users lol.


Hexbear themselves have defeded another left wing instance over petty debates about terminology and language.

I mean, if users from another instance are constantly attacking users from your instance, questioning their identity and calling them slurs, with the mods and admins maintaining a complicit and dismissive stance, wouldn’t you defed?

If anything HB has all the right to defed, especially with our “tolerant” communities attacking their users for what boils down to effectively a communication and culture difference IMO.

We’re giving them more of a benefit of the doubt at this point than they give their own allies, lol. The far left eating its own in a quest for ideological purity is a song that never ends it seems.

The defed had nothing to do with politics IMO, and the instances being any flavor of left wing doesn’t mean they share anything in common.

Both instances are staunchly LGBT friendly, and the similarities kinda end there.


I mean, if users from another instance are constantly attacking users from your instance, questioning their identity and calling them slurs, with the mods and admins maintaining a complicit and dismissive stance, wouldn’t you defed?

Yes, and is exactly the reason Lemm.ee should defederate Hexbear


Bigotry against less able people is not allowed on this instance either. I’d hope the admin and mods would deal with people like them similarly in such a case.

starlinguk avatar

Hexbear isn't leftist, they just pretend they are. Bit like some other "leftists" led by a guy with a funny moustache about 90 years ago.


Nobody actually serious thinks Hitler was a leftist. That being said, being a leftist isn’t synonymous with being a good person, or being correct. Stalin and Mao weren’t good people, but they were leftists.

Calling Hexbear users fake leftists isn’t accurate.

CrypticCoffee, (edited )

Thank you for your candour, and much respect for you going against what could have been personally easy for you to do. Your adherence to your principles over your emotions and personal experiences show a really strong character.

This instance is my go to, recommended instance. You’ve shown great technical leadership and now you’re showing leadership in moderation. If people don’t want to see hexbear, they have a choice in .world or beehaw (who seem to defederate quicker than Chelsea putting in a bid for a player they’ve just heard of). The fact that .ee can differentiate gives users that freedom to choose.

I do think that those opposed to federation with hexbear are a loud minority and using the same arguments as was applied against lemmygrad and lemmy.ml. In many cases they aren’t nuanced views, just recycled lines repeated. It’s so frequently and so similar, I have wondered if it’s brigading. Is this people who were on exploding heads that are still angry and trying to get even?

Please ignore the initial hot response you’ll get, and give people time to come to terms with and accept what you’ve said. They often push and push and push until you yield, and you need to keep strong to maintain this as your choice, which it should be. Even if you do defederate later, do it on your terms and based on clear criteria of what you feel is right. Many will agree with my view, but don’t always wade in on debates. Often the ones that respond are the ones that are most emotionally agitated. I am responding to show support for you and what you have been through, and thank you for your transparency. I respect your integrity.

For disclosure: I am a leftie, but personally opposed to communism. I am opposed to authoritarianism on both sides of the political spectrum. I welcome debate with people that differ from them views. I’m already frequently immersed in debate with Americans that have a very different view of capitalism, and I can live with that. I ain’t a snowflake, and I don’t endorse cancel culture (I do feel a whiff of irony here and I think it’s important to raise that rhetoric the right often throw at at the left, because if you believe if free speech, you believe in free speech).


One point I’ll add that I think needs saying is that these folk set up after CTH got banned from reddit. They were pushed into an echo chamber against their choice. It’s been years now, and they’ve got used to that echo chamber and how they behave around each other. Federating means that culture that they have been used to for years is now not the only way to operate and could be problematic for them. It will take some time to bed in, and realise low effort in joke meme’s just won’t work. They will be outside their comfort zones and it could be disconcerting, but will learn to adjust. Some quicker than others.

The point I am making is that initial impressions may not reflect the behaviour 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year or 2 years down the line. Do we believe that people should be pushed to the fringe in echo chambers, or do we believe that maybe reddit’s content policies are probably more geared to atmosphere and money than what is correct for an online discussion forum?

Perhaps some would even realise that instance isn’t right for them, and while they can interact with it, and have that freedom they feel more at home with general purpose instances.


Hi, I just want to say that to many of us in hexbear what you see as an echo chamber is a safe space. Most of us live in capitalist countries and are constantly being exposed to capitalist propaganda.

Personally, I like having a place where I can discuss things important to me without having to be constantly contradicted by people with what I view as a very shallow understanding of history and geopolitics. It’s honestly kind of silly to pretend that people on the left don’t get their opinions and views challenged, we are absolutely inundated with different views on a daily basis


I understand the concept of a safe space. I’m referring to the pro-China/Russia views. I’m a British democratic socialist. A proud lefty. I dislike large countries and their foreign policy (Russia, China and US). With that, I dislike my government’s conduct in the world, and their actions in support Israel, and Saudi etc. I am frequently dismayed and embarrassed. However, some of the pro Stalin stuff is weird, disturbing and has festered for a while. Can you be principled when you condemn some atrocities and rationalise away others?

I will engage in debate of course, and challenge where fit. I don’t think that echo chamber was good in some respects.


So, I’m sure that as a proud lefty you understand the concept of critical support, but just in case: most of us are not pro-China/pro-Russia, but have support -with criticisms when warranted- of their role in ending the current global system of US hegemony. I won’t go into Russia too much, as I think they’re a terrible capitalist country with deeply regressive laws but I do support them in their fight against nato and in giving another option for global south countries to reach out to when it comes to trade and military support.

China to me is a much clearer example of a country that has the opportunity to become a superpower without the truly horrendous bloodshed that has been a feature of American dominance. They also, in my opinion, have shown themselves to take climate change much more seriously than most countries, and given the daily news stories of the devastation we’re seeing I’m very grateful that a large country is making the steps they are.

When it comes to the Stalin memes, some of it is ironic, but a lot of it is serious. Stalin wasn’t perfect and definitely made mistakes, but his leadership of the Soviet Union was instrumental in defeating nazism and for that alone he deserves critical support.


I do think that those opposed to federation with hexbear are a loud minority and using the same arguments as was applied against lemmygrad and lemmy.ml. In many cases they aren’t nuanced views, just recycled lines repeated. It’s so frequently and so similar, I have wondered if it’s brigading. Is this people who were on exploding heads that are still angry and trying to get even?

I’ve been wondering too.

SeaJ, (edited )

One thing to also take into consideration is the very pro Chinese government slant by many of the users. Many there claim China is a democracy. While I have not seen Uyghur genocide denial there, I also don’t peruse hexbear threads very often. That is something that needs to be looked out for.

Edit: well some of them were nice enough to bring the genocide denial to me. Thanks for that. I didn’t really feel like seeking it out. The people denying genocide are fairly prevalent posters around hexbear which tells me that instance is perfectly fine with it. I do not think we should be federating with genocide deniers. It was very nice of them to change my mind on federation.



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  • SeaJ,

    I did not actually expect denial in reply to my comment by some of them. I guess I set the bar too high.



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  • brain_in_a_box,

    Toxic behaviour like calling anyone who disagrees with you a “troll farm”



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  • brain_in_a_box,

    You can’t start demand civility from others after you’ve already called them a “troll farm” who “ooze” in. Civility is a two way street.



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  • brain_in_a_box,

    You want to defederate because you don’t want civility to be a two way street… I mean, fortunately you aren’t representative of the general user base of your instance, or I’d want to defederate too. Nobody wants to interact with someone like you who thinks they can be as toxic as they like, but everyone else has to be civil in return.



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  • brain_in_a_box,

    You called me a paid troll, if you want toxic behaviour to go away, start with yourself.



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  • brain_in_a_box,

    So when you came hexbear a troll farm, what exactly did you mean?



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  • Biggay,

    Do you think we have fun doing this? Trying to change your mind from thinking the way the bourgeoisie wants you to think? We do this because we want solidarity, so that we can stand together and not alone the way our world has divided us.



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  • Biggay,

    You’ll become a communist when you are poor and starving, as I have been and still precariously are.


    And given that that isn’t what troll farm generally means, how was anyone meant to know? Also, how is saying I “provide little value” and just “want to stir the pot and get attention” being civil?

    @ThomasMuentzner@hexbear.net avatar

    if I just yell genocide at anything I don’t like, I should be told to shut up right?

    why is this any different when the west does it.


    While I have not seen Uyghur genocide denial there

    It’s there

    @ThomasMuentzner@hexbear.net avatar

    behind the spoiler is a Dissent, a Hexbear scary opinion , A Not Mainstream Opinion , A Non Stenography of US Media and bad spelling

    spoilerthere is no greater crime as Genocide , this perfidious usage of this word by Mainstream media and the easly impressed and mislead is to be opossed , GENOCIDE is the willfull extermination of a Hole Culture Group , it is the Highest of all Atrocities And Accusations , Do you understand that there is no higher accusation… Genocide is the Limit… The highest accusation demands SOME Evidence… ! If not the Single Muslim Nation supports any Genocide Accusation , if Not even Most European Nations do so , if the UN send like 5 Inspections and found nothing … if the hole study that all these accusations stem from are from a Fake Evengalized German Professor that writes book about the who gets into Heaven on Rapture day. then sorry , This Uigur thing is actually a “Anglo Media Island” phenomen … like even France etc. its not very prominent , its a little bit to On the Nose bullshit one should not go around repeating Genocide Accusations , you are extremly insulting to the Victims of Genocide , Muslims and Palestine , you diminsh the Word , you make it a Joke …please see wisdom , not TV …


    ChatGPT has really gone down hill. There is definitely no way that consent was made by a human. I guess chat bots are into genocide denial.


    Just show us the evidence of the genocide.

    SeaJ, (edited )

    Neo Nazis use the same tactic to deny the Holocaust.


    Yes they do use the same tactic of claiming that there’s a genocide (against white people) and then calling anyone who points out the shortage of evidence a “genocide denier.”


    They use the same tactic for denying the Holocaust. Sorry you misunderstood.

    brain_in_a_box, (edited )

    And you use the same tactic as them for spreading the White Genocide Myth.


    And what tactic is that?


    Can you be more specific? Jerboa is not so great at going to a specific comment.


    Yes they do use the same tactic of claiming that there’s a genocide (against white people) and then calling anyone who points out the shortage of evidence a “genocide denier.”


    That was not the tactic my comment mentions. You appear to be putting words in my mouth again. Shame on you.


    No one ever said it was. You appear to be putting words in my mouth again. Shame on you.


    Then why mention it? Shame on you.


    Right back at you on that. Shame on you.


    Why mention what?

    @Outdoor_Catgirl@hexbear.net avatar

    You also should deny “genocide” . Nazis claim that white genocide is ongoing, perpetrated by the Jewish cabal. I deny this is happening. That makes me a genocide denier by definition. Do you also deny these accusations of genocide or are you a nazi?


    Opposite, my friend. They deny the Holocaust happened. Didn’t think my comment was that unclear.

    @Outdoor_Catgirl@hexbear.net avatar

    White genocide/great replacement theory is an ideology espoused by fascist propagandists like tucker carlson and cited by mass shooters such as the buffalo and christchurch murderers. Nazis claim whites are being genocided. I deny those claims.


    K. But my point was very clearly not about that.


    Asking for evidence is not denial; ignoring evidence is denial.

    Everyone knows Nazis who ask for proof of the Holocaust are full of shit because everyone learns about it at a young age. They’re ignoring the evidence everyone is shown and dishonesty asking for more. The allegations of a Chinese genocide in Xinjiang are only a few years old, have been contested by a bunch of Muslim-majority countries, and after investigation the UN declined to label China’s policies as genocidal. Not the same ballpark, not even the same sport.


    This is so fucking stupid, there is a mountain of evidence for the Holocaust and all the deniers have their arguments thoroughly refuted. Why not use the same tactic as the historians who document the Holocaust and refute the deniers, or is that impossible because the evidence does not exist in this case.

    @DPRK_Chopra@hexbear.net avatar

    They made good points and clearly speak English as a second language. Care to post evidence instead of bigoted snark?


    From the commies and hack pollsters at The Harvard Kennedy School of Government (PDF link)

    The most striking feature of our survey’s data since 2003 is the near-universal increase in Chinese citizens’ average satisfaction toward all four levels of government… Even in 2003, the central government received a strong level of satisfaction, with 86.1% expressing approval and 8.9% disapproving. This high level of satisfaction increased even further by 2016, but such increases were minimal because public satisfaction was already high to begin with. By contrast, in 2003, township-level governments had quite negative satisfaction rates, with 44% expressing approval and 52% disapproving. However, by 2016, these numbers had flipped, with 70% approving and only 26% disapproving.

    I find it impossible to square data like this with the narrative that China is some dystopian hellhole.

    SeaJ, (edited )

    Never claimed it was a dystopian hellhole. It is authoritarian, however and is certainly not a democracy. You can be satisfied with how things are going overall and still recognize very real problems in the country. Giving excuses or washing over those problems is nationalistic garbage. I don’t like it in my country and I also do not like it in others.


    How are you defining “authoritarian” such that it does not mean “dystopian hellhole”? If the people who live there are overwhelmingly satisfied with their government, who are we to tell them they have it wrong?


    I’ve read the un report on xinjiang. There is oppression of muslims in the name of counterterrorism but how is that any different that what amerikkkans do in middle east?

    gsa4555, (edited )

    伟大的祖国巍然屹立在世界东方 China world superpower 毛主席领导我们向前进 Chairman Mao led us to glory 郑国恩是傻子 Adrian Zenz is a liar 台湾属于中国 Taiwan belongs to China 西藏属于中国 Tibet is part of China 新疆棉花最好 Xinjiang cotton is the best 打败国民党 Defeated the KMT 香港属于中国 Hong Kong belongs to China 西藏以前是奴隶社会 Tibet was a slave society 中南海 一党制最好 One party system works best 中国共产党 Communist Party of China 毛泽东 邓小平 江泽民 胡锦涛 习近平 1949年成立 Founded in 1949 神州 天宫 玉兔 嫦娥 天问 长征火箭 国家航天局世界领先技术 CNSA world leading technology 台湾省是中华人民共和国不可分割的一部分 十四亿中国人 Taiwan province is an inseparable part of the China 脱贫 Poverty alleviation 高铁 High speed rail 新疆没有集中营 美国政府是骗子 Xinjiang genocide is US government lies 美国支持东突厥斯坦恐怖组织 US funds ETIM terrorists 法轮功是邪教 Falun Gone is a cult 李洪志是叛徒 Li Hongzhi is a traitor 大纪元时报和新唐人电台是法轮功洗脑宣传组织 Epoch Times and NTD are Falun Gong brainwashing propaganda organisations 五星红旗迎风飘扬 中国保护人权 China protects human rights 勿忘国耻 振兴中华 吾辈自强 为伟大祖国和共产主义事业万丈光芒的明天而努力奋斗!中华人民共和国万岁



    TheOtherwise, (edited )

    while I have not seen Uyghur genocide denial there

    This is generally viewed as bullshit on hexbear. But I’d be willing to hear out, in good faith, why you personally think there is/was a genocide going on if you wouldn’t mind taking the time to write something up.


    The OP: can hexbear leftists remain civil?

    User: maybe, maybe not. They seem pro China though, so maybe they even deny Uyghur genocide, I’m not sure?

    Hexbear leftist: we do. But im here willing to have my mind changed, would you mind writing something up about why you personally think theres genocide?

    User: im reporting and blocking you


    I guess you brought the genocide denial to us. Thanks.

    @Quaxamilliom@hexbear.net avatar

    Denying Uyghur genocide is bad, but not as bad as denying the Italian-American genocide currently happening on Long Island that everyone here seems to dismiss.


    How come none of you guys are talking about the Irish as slaves? This is why everyone in Boston should get a Lamborghini as reparations.

    @marx_mentat@hexbear.net avatar

    Did you know they make italian-americans go to school? If they don’t go they get in trouble. In California they can even throw parents in jail if the children miss enough school.

    @Quaxamilliom@hexbear.net avatar

    Damn, didn’t realize the genocide had hit the west coast yet, I had a friend who uttered the phrase ‘i eatta da pizza’ and his whole family was just gone the next day.


    Genocide is a crime. In most modern criminal proceedings (certainly international ones, which is most relevant here), the burden of proof is on the party claiming a crime has been committed. Meeting “why do you think there is a genocide here” with “this is genocide denial” is the equivalent of a prosecutor telling a defense attorney “your client is guilty of all these murders, how dare you even think about asking a single question about the case?”


    You hear the same shit from many Turks for the Armenian genocide or from many Japanese about their atrocities during WWII. It is well documented, well known, and easy to find evidence of it. When someone asks for evidence, no evidence is ever actually good enough and the goal post moves constantly. There is no actual point wasting my time giving evidence when the well documented evidence will just be ignored.

    And let’s not pretend that all genocides are prosecuted. Nothing has really been done about Darfur, East Timor, Burma, etc. The only genocides where anything has been done have been for the Holocaust, Bosnia, Rwanda, and Cambodia. There have certainly been more than that.


    Yeah, you also hear the same shit from many Africans for the farmer genocide, Ukrainians for the Donbas genocide, or Jewish people for the countless accusations of atrocities they’ve been accused of. Just because some real atrocities have deniers, doesn’t mean that we have to believe every atrocity accusation.

    Guess what, anyone can say that their particular atrocity accusation is “well documented, well known, easy to find evidence for”. White supremacists certainly do for their white genocide accusations, and they also fall back to claiming “There’s no point wasting my time actually providing that evidence” because “no amount of evidence will be enough for you” when you push back on their bullshit. And it’s a exactly as unconvincing when they do it as when you do.


    Well, I guess they’ve seen it now, haven’t they?


    Definitely did not expect that. Reported and blocked them.

    @marx_mentat@hexbear.net avatar

    Only extremely far right people still insist there’s a Uyghur genocide happening, despite multiple investigations (including the UN) that all found nothing. This is why no one pays attention to this “story” anymore except for a few far right media outlets and some lonely redditors.


    Odd that you think everyone aside from CCP apologists are ‘far right.’ Totally a sane view.

    @marx_mentat@hexbear.net avatar

    Everyone knows it’s a made up story now bro sorry if you’re still mad about no one caring about it anymore or whatever


    Noted CPC apologist: the United Nations.


    They have a permanent seat on the Security Council so yes. Why the fuck would you think they aren’t? The UN are apologists for the entire permanent members of the Security Council.


    I assume these 37 countries are all China apologists, too?


    That list is a who’s who of human rights abuse. Not exactly surprising that they would ignore a genocide. Hell, a couple of them have fairly recently partaken in their own.


    The countries who criticize China are a who’s who of human rights abuses, starting with the U.S.


    Wow, it’s like the whole world is CPC apologists


    Wow. It’s like there are only 37 countries in the world.


    I mean, you’ve already written off a good portion of the worlds countries, and the entire UN, as being Chinese apologists.


    There are over 200 countries. 37 is not a huge portion. You seem to be putting words in my mouth which is very rude.


    37 is indeed a good portion of 200, and when you add in the fact that you’ve already written off the entire UN, it’s pretty clear where you stand on this.


    Where did I write off the UN? You seem to be putting words in my mouth. Very rude.


    I’ve already linked you to where.


    Not that I have seen. You mind trying again?


    Yes you have


    I mind trying again? That makes no sense.


    Yes it does


    How so?


    The usual way


    If you define “CPC apologist” to be anyone who isn’t as rabidly anti-China as it’s most zealous detractors, then yes, it is a sane view to say anyone who isn’t a “CPC apologist” is far right.


    You have a weird definition of CCP apologist which almost nobody else agrees with. I guess if you just make up stuff in your own little world, anything can seem sane.


    You’re the one who’s defining is so broad it includes the UN


    Where did I say that?

    marx_mentat, (edited )
    @marx_mentat@hexbear.net avatar

    You’re the one in a bubble dude. If China was actually actively engaged in a genocide right now it would be a major news story, but no one is publishing stories about it outside of far right media outlets, presuming they are even still talking about it.

    So why is that? Is CNN a “paid CPC shill”? Why did all the corporate media that had originally given credence to this “story” suddenly stop caring about it. They regularly publish anti-china stories so it’s not like they are afraid of China or whatever it is that you are telling yourself.


    Once again someone from hexbear proving they can't help themselves. Just another sealion trying to take the thread off topic.


    Why are you dragging hexbear in this comment section? You’re not even from either of these instances, are you just trying to stir shit? “Oh look someone from hexbear came to the comments to defend themselves, typical hexbear”


    Because they’re shitheads lol


    as an aside, it’s so freaking weird to me that anyone who considers themselves a ‘leftist’ would ever be pro- ANY government, ever.

    concentrated authority is … checks notes … BAD, y’know? At least, according to their metrics and every criticism they maintain toward capitalism… (which is a concentration of authority - in the form of resources such as land, labor, and equipment/tools/machinery/money/structures aka capital - into private entities.)


    Maybe they need to educate them on what genocide is, and why it is a genocide. I’m firmly in the federate camp and I’m a British leftie, that cannot stand Putin or the CCP, but I will challenge those, like I challenge the right wingers and the atrocities they commit. We are all human, and we are all brothers and sisters. Fake political borders mean nothing if it’s used to justify atrocities against people. This include Uyghur’s, Palestinians, in Tigray, in Yemen, in Tibet, in Myanmar and the list goes on. Can we just stop screwing people who are different to our own?


    I really have no problem with communist or leftist views, but some of those guys need to take a chill pill. I’m cool with bashing the fash and social welfare programs, I’m not cool with basically talking about how everyone to the right of Stalin needs to die or how Tianenmen Square was a wholesale fabrication by the west. I typically just roll my eyes, block the bullshit and move on with life, but it’s been really dragging down my lemmy experience.

    @TGhost@lemmy.ml avatar

    They are not leftist idea

    @MolotovHalfEmpty@hexbear.net avatar

    “Tianenmen Square was a wholesale fabrication by the west”

    No one on Hexbear claims that and if they did they’d be thoroughly ridiculed for it. I was active in that thread, the spread of opinion was pretty wide, but no one advocates anything close to what you posted above.


    Wasnt there literally a huge thread on hexbear about Tiennamen just the other day? It was incredibly nuanced and far from whatever this dude is summarizing it as.

    @MolotovHalfEmpty@hexbear.net avatar

    Yes and yes.


    I mean, arguing about whether I really read what I claim to have read is going to be about as productive as shouting at clouds. I’m pretty sure I read it, and I honestly thought it was satire at first, but the comments changed my mind. Idk, maybe I ate the onion on that one.

    The point is that I feel that that’s an (admittedly extreme) sample of the kind of content I’ve been getting through Hexbear.

    @MolotovHalfEmpty@hexbear.net avatar

    I’m not trying to argue with you (and here wouldn’t be the place to get into it) but that characterisation is false and I stated such for the benefit of other readers, not specifically to try and change your mind.


    This post may be what they were referring to. There is at least one highly upvoted comment saying no one died, and several saying it was a western fabrication.


    There is at least one highly upvoted comment saying no one died

    Just flipped through all the top-level comments and most of the thread and did not see one. Could you link to it?

    @MolotovHalfEmpty@hexbear.net avatar

    I know what you’re talking about and you’ve misread the context to mean nothing happened at all and no one died, but I’m trying to help keep this thread on topic for the benefits of the mods and lemm.ee users. So if you want a clarification go there and ask, debate it, or feel free to start a new post with a good faith request for what we think.

    @oregoncom@hexbear.net avatar

    Tianenmen Square

    Perhaps if you can’t even spell the name of the place right then you have no business talking about it and your opinions are worthless noise. Also you know the guy who wrote the lemmy software agrees with us on this topic and writes about it on his github right? Perhaps reddit is a better place for you if you want your echo chamber back.


    I think you’re pretty much proving the point of everybody who’s complaining about bad experiences with the hexbear crowd.

    @oregoncom@hexbear.net avatar

    “bad experiences” lmao go back to reddit. The guy who wrote the lemmy software is a tankie, the same one who runs lemmygrad. You’re gonna have a lot more “bad experiences”. Defederate from hexbear. Get off lemmy. Go back to reddit.


    Well, then it’s a good thing you used improper capitalization of proper nouns, or your opinion might mean something.

    @oregoncom@hexbear.net avatar



    Look, dude. I don’t have beef with you, and I can’t fathom that you really have beef with me, we’re just randos on the internet. I misspelled it, and I’m not proud of that, but this kind of interaction is what I’m talking about when I say “need to take a chill pill”.

    @oregoncom@hexbear.net avatar

    Maybe shut the fuck up about political events that happened 40 years ago on the other side of the planet in a country you know so little about you can’t spell any proper nouns from their language right.


    You seem upset.

    @oregoncom@hexbear.net avatar

    It’s all this person knows how to do.

    @oregoncom@hexbear.net avatar

    Aren’t you the guy who started saying dog whistles against black people and got salty when we started making fun of you and banned you. Check his post history.


    Wait …is this cause I said I don’t think actually Clarence Thomas is black? Haha


    After reading through the comments here and seeing the level and type of hexbear participation I’ve lost my qualms and am fully in favor of defederating.

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