
There sure are a lot of young women named ‘Mackenzie’.

No_Eponym, avatar

Lots of fathers, born in the late 70s/early 80s, wanted a lifetime of “The Mac Dad 'ill make ya” jokes.


I get the Kriss Kross reference but wtf are you talking about?


I think it is a nice name.


Sounds like a sheep dog from new zealand


Sounds like a girl’s name. I know several girls named that.


More of this. Also let’s start holding rich people accountable of crimes also.


Confused by the article. Is there a video from inside the car right before the crash?


there was video from CCTV and they also checked onboard computers and saw there were no attempts to slow down before collision


That’ll do it.

Swedneck, avatar

Remind me why we allow teenagers to drive 3-ton vehicles again?


Remind the rest of us why anycunt needs a 3 ton personal vehicle again?


So we have a large reoccurring expense that forces us to always have a job and stay productive in a modern society where this really isn’t necessary?


I’ll stick with my 1.2l, 50mpg shitbox thanks

Ullallulloo, avatar

Uh, I think society is pretty darn dependent on everyone working to sustain it.


The profit margins of the wealthy are dependent on everyone working 24/7 to sustain. Society can carry on just fine.


At risk of angering the vast majority of the fuck cars community, it’s generally because I live 30 minutes from my job by highway, and can’t afford to live within walking distance. And they won’t let us telework. I really really want to actually live close enough to bike.


So they can be exploited for cheep labor.


When I think back to how immature and reckless I was as a teenager I can’t believe I was legally allowed to drive and considered a full grown adult at the age of 18.


Awesome. Judge all teenagers because of a deranged one.

What’s your stance on 27 year olds with driver’s licenses?

Swedneck, avatar

Yeah buddy i’m going to judge all drivers, because i kinda sorta vaguely don’t want me or others to die!

Are you against gun control too?


I’m not, but it seems like you are, correct?

Swedneck, avatar

Why would i be against gun control? I also enjoy not randomly having my brains blown out.


What should be the weight of the vehicles that we allow teenagers to drive?


How much does a razer scooter weight?


Because the vast majority of them don’t use the 3ton vehicle to commit murder.

You do know that adults use vehicles as murder weapons also, yeah?


I am sure they don’t.


Waukesha Christmas parade attack and the Nice, France attack?


The comment was on knowledge not events


A Camry weighs half of that, and regardless, she could have done this in any vehicle




“Gotta get them teens to work. And no public transit options please, they make my money pile smaller.”

-CEO’s everywhere


The same reason we all have a personal 3 ton vehicle: to ensure we remain bound to a culture of sprawling roads and fossil fuel consumption.


She was 18. That’s an adult.


She was 17. But I understand your point.

Swedneck, avatar

Legally sure, still immature and not someone who should be piloting a heavy vehicle capable of going 100 mph.

Most people aren’t, frankly.

Riven, avatar

You’re right and car rental companies agree with you as most of them won’t rent to anyone under 25.


Why do we allow most people to drive 3 ton vehicles


Right? I honestly can’t wait until self driving cars take up enough of the market share that manual driving cars will be outlawed (or at least getting insurance on them will be astronomically expensive)


Or public transit improves, actually freeing up space on the road


What dumb is that we can improve public transit today. Unlike self driving cars, there is no technological barrier. The only thing stopping us from improving public transit is that fact that humans (especially in North America) are selfish, greedy, easily manipulated, and apathetic.

Public transit doesn’t improve because not enough people don’t want to use public transit and not enough people want to use public transit because it doesn’t improve.


You’re fucking high if you think regular cars will become illegal. 🤣


Not to mention that self driving cars will be the destruction of the environment.

If you don’t want to drive, try to use public transportation or possibly human powered vehicles such as bicycles. Cars are bad enough as is. The only reason I even drive is to go to work and the grocery store in my town with basically no public transportation other than taxis.


I have no clue how you came to the conclusion that self driving cars would be more harmful to the environment than human driven ones, but even if the number of cars on the road remained the sane (it would actually drastically decrease), and even if all self driving cars were ICEs, vehicle emissions would still drastically stop.

If every car was self driving, then every car would know the position of every other car around it and be able to communicate to every other car. Traffic jams would cease to exist, and potentially even stopping at intersections would go away too.

But, the reality is that once self driving cars reach that critical mass, owning a car won’t be a thing anymore. You’ll pay a service to shuttle you around. Hell, if the service was a public utility then it would be trivial to set up ride sharing for a reduced rate. That would be what drastically decreases the amount of cars on the road.


Because self driving cars would allow people who otherwise couldn’t drive for themselves to own yet another car on the road. Teenagers, elderly, people with chronic alcohol addiction, you get the idea.

I don’t fully buy the “no traffic jams or accidents” thing either. There is definitely the potential for there to be less, but what you are talking about is something that isn’t going to happen for ateast another decade. Surely you remember the Tesla crisis from the last year?

I can see ride sharing becoming a thing for the people under the poverty line, but realistically speaking, everyone is going to buy a car. There is no incentive for a billions of dollars company to put less cars on the road using ride sharing, some of them already sell you heated seats in the form of a monthly subscription.


You’re making the mistake of applying the behavior of people today with the behavior of people over a decade from now.

Truly autonomous vehicles would fundamentally change the way the world views transportation, it will just take a while to get to that point.

By the time we get to a critical mass of self driving cars, it’s very likely that owning cars won’t be a thing outside of the wealthy.

The organizations that will be running the transportation services will have a vested interest in keeping as few vehicles in a fleet as possible, thus removing vehicles from the road (if we haven’t reached that point by the time self driving cars are a real thing)

Also the idea that the people who couldn’t otherwise own a car would suddenly have $50k+ to go out and buy an autonomous vehicle is silly.


Paying attention to trends is not a mistake, and if anything, consumerism has ramped up much higher over the past few decades, steadily rising even through the great recession.

Yes the cost of living has gone up, but there are fallacies in your argument.

  • If only the wealthy can afford to buy self driving cars, that does not remove regular cars from the road, if anything regular cars would likely wind up becoming cheaper, potentially putting MORE cars on the road.
  • I agree with the point of organizations, but keep in mind I only agree when it comes to mass public transportation, such as a bus, or a train. The idea of having a car potentially driving a single occupant is incredibly wasteful.
  • Why are you assuming that the types of people I mentioned cannot afford a $50k vehicle? Those are people who are not inherently broke, they just do not typically have driving privileges. Even then, you are aware that most people do not outright buy a car, correct? Most people finance a vehicle over the course of several years, doing so otherwise is uncommon and dealerships actually hate when you do this because it cuts heavily into their profits because a dealership is essentially a car loanshark supermarket.

Not the cars themselves but I think it’ll happen like this: self driving cars will eventually get good enough that they will have a lower accident rate in certain conditions, like highways. Insurance companies will push for self-driving-only lanes on the highway, while not lowering your rates but charging you extra for manual driving. Then it will be segments of highways, then certain surface streets, etc. Eventually you’ll only be driving the “last mile” if it’s a personal car or relying on a service that sends self-driving cars and drops you off on the corner. Manual driving on public streets will mostly disappear.


Remind me why we allow banks to control our economy again?


tbp the camry she drove was closer to 1.5 tons


Lol which vehicles weigh 3 tons. Aside from EVs. You mean 3 tons as in 6600 lbs right?


because public transport is communism…or something

MyTurtleSwimsUpsideDown, (edited )

So they can be exploited for cheap labor.


You’re not wrong. Being able to drive by 16 so that you can start working is the capitalist way.

Saturdaycat avatar

Wow the way she's crying is disgusting, she's just sorry for herself not for the deaths she caused. No remorse, only regret for getting sentenced


If I was going to prison I would cry


It’s something that people often forget (because they aren’t like that themselves and have normal human reactions) is that narcisists, sociopaths, psychopaths and people with similar psychological disfunctions that make them act in “cold hearted” ways do feel.

However they feel only for themselves, never for others.


Wow the way she’s crying is disgusting, she’s just sorry for herself not for the deaths she caused. No remorse, only regret for getting sentenced

How do you know that? I don’t know about you but I’ve done things in anger that I felt genuine remorse for later.

Never killed anyone though, I suppose.


Those look like Rittenhouse tears to me.


You mean legitimate tears from someone who had trauma from successfully defending himself against attackers? Did you watch any of the trial?


Boo hoo I murdered two people boo hoo. Can I get medal now? Boo hoo boo hoo.

There, that is what I think of your bestie. Go Rittenhouse about it to your family and “friends”.

Saturdaycat avatar

Because of her intent and crimes- she had genuine murderous intent as the judgement said. She seemed very cruel and unhinged according to the article and presented evidence and the video showed her crying due to the judgement.


It’s been two years since she murdered those people. She could easily feel true remorse now.

I’m in no way trying to excuse her actions, I just think it’s worth trying to do some level of empathizing for people. Not that what she did was in any way justified, but I can’t imagine trying to live with myself if I got angry enough to murder someone.

Saturdaycat avatar

It's all speculation and assumptions anyway ! We can see different things. I feel disgust and see regret and you may see someone possibly showing remorse. We just don't know for sure either way.

Have a good day fellow fediperson


Have a good day fellow fediperson

You as well!


Crying when the sentence was read doesn’t say anything one way or the other about her feeling or not remorse because that specific moment is about what’s going to happen to her, not about others, so she’s crying for herself.

She almost certainly feels regret (which is entirelly about the consequences for herself), but it’s unclear that she feels remorse (which is about the consequences for others of her actions).


It’s been two years since she made that video, regardless of whether it was made before or after the crash.

I’m not trying to say that she is remorseful, only that we cannot say that she isn’t based solely on her actions two years ago.


Looks like a narcissist to me.


Sure seems like she had a lot of issues at 17, that’s for sure. Most 17-year-olds don’t murder their friends and boyfriends.

I find her family’s attitude toward the whole thing troubling. I know my family, if I were in this situation and they had the same evidence, would be telling me to plead guilty and take responsibility. I have a feeling that concept was never big in her upbringing or her family’s.

It’s tragic all the way down.


Again it’s tragic for the victims, not for her. Saying it’s tragic all the way down, is a false equivalence.


Again it’s tragic for the victims, not for her. Saying it’s tragic all the way down, is a false equivalence.

I don’t want to be argumentative, but there is no false equivalence in my position. I never tried to apply any equivalence. Things can be tragic without being equivalently tragic, and one thing being tragic does not take away the tragedy of something else.

I think one could argue that you’re falling prey to the fallacy of relative privation. “X is worse than Y, so we shouldn’t care about Y.”

Tragedy is not a zero sum game. It is absolutely tragic that those young men were murdered. It is tragic that their families lost their loved ones. It is also tragic that this young woman thought the proper solution to her problems was to attempt murder-suicide. It is tragic that she threw away any promise her own life held along with theirs. It is perhaps not tragic, but certainly sad and troubling, that her family seems to think she did nothing wrong.

Yes, it’s more tragic for the victims, but it her story is still a tragedy.

It is important to note that I am in no way trying to excuse her actions or argue for leniency. She murdered two people in a horrible and reckless action. There are consequences for that action beyond the direct ones.

But empathy is important even for those we may hate.


Just wanted to say that I love this comment, and it’s a shame that so few people share this sentiment. Thank you for this.

I was actually just having an argument with my brother about this less than a month ago. Not this exact story, but a similar one where I was sad for everyone involved. He also fell into the “x is worse than y, so we shouldn’t care about y” mindset.

I didn’t realize there was a name for that, so thank you for that too!


This is a bit unfair, though I didn’t watch the trial in full. We have no idea if she cried for the other lives or not.

Saturdaycat avatar

It's unfair of me, but it is my perception and my opinion which is only based in observation yup.

18_24_61_b_17_17_4, avatar

Fucking hell that is horrible. And of course she’s the only one to survive. 100mph into a brick building has probably left her pretty physically fucked up and in constant pain. Hope she enjoys feeling that way in prison for the rest of her life.

PP_BOY_, avatar

She’ll spend 8 months in prison and appeal for a reduced sentence and get out on “good behavior” before she’s even served a quarter of her term. Don’t you know how the American legal system works?


Murder is a felony, so I believe you have to serve 80% of a sentence before being able to be eligible for parole

snorkbubs, (edited ) avatar

The bullshit sentences are the ones we mainly hear about, and many people have a bit of a confirmation bias because of it. But, you don't have to look further than your own community to see that slaps on the wrist are not typical.

US citizens are the most incarcerated people on Earth, by an uncomfortable margin.


I can’t hear you over the sound of the affluenza defense being used.


You forgot the white woman modifier, you take a man’s sentence and divide by 4.


It’d likely the families of those she killed will be at every single parole hearing kicking up a fuss.

alienanimals, (edited )

Murder with a car is often toned down to, “vehicular manslaughter”. It’s often times charged as a misdemeanor. I agree with you that it should always be a felony because it’s murder, but that’s not how the courts treat it.

Here’s an example of a New Jersey man who murdered someone with their car and did not face any jail time at all.


Manslaughter, by definition, is not murder. It’s unintentionally causing the death of someone else.


It’s possible that this wasn’t intentional if her intention was to put her bf in the hospital, not literally kill him. But at 100 mph I doubt it.

Though I could see a psychotic 17 year old not thinking it through and assuming the boyfriend would survive, albeit crippled.


How can we make white people conscious of the world they live in and get them to realize they’re just another group of people and not living gods?

FlyingSquid, avatar

I’m pretty sure reckless driving and whiteness are completely unrelated.

anon_water, avatar

Did they edit their comment?

FlyingSquid, avatar

I think it got deleted.


Lol what. Honestly the depths of y’all’s stupidity still baffles me sometimes.

Did she crash because she’s a woman, too? Which was it, her whiteness or her womanhood that actually caused the accident? lol idiot




What a weird ass comment.

Shes 19.

All people around this age think they’re invincible.


Not all of them.

But regardless, don’t feed the trolls.


Yeah. This is not the basis of my conclusion, but merely another in a centuries long line of examples.


Don’t feed the trolls, peeps.


Good troll. Go back to reddit, please.

anon_water, avatar

Why is this a troll?

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