
This is way worse than murder. ‘Normal’ murderers dont swear to protect citizens before killing them.


Fun fact, they actually have no duty whatsoever to protect people :D

"In the 1981 case Warren v. District of Columbia, the D.C. Court of Appeals held that police have a general “public duty,” but that “no specific legal duty exists” unless there is a special relationship between an officer and an individual, such as a person in custody.

The U.S. Supreme Court has also ruled that police have no specific obligation to protect. In its 1989 decision in DeShaney v. Winnebago County Department of Social Services, the justices ruled that a social services department had no duty to protect a young boy from his abusive father. In 2005’sCastle Rock v. Gonzales, a woman sued the police for failing to protect her from her husband after he violated a restraining order and abducted and killed their three children. Justices said the police had no such duty. "…/do-the-police-have-an-obligation-to…

There’s also of course the case with the Uvalde school shooting where not only did cops wait outside for hours as students were being picked off, but prevented parents from going in to try to get their kids out.


declination, (edited )

I’ve seen this before and I think it is worth adding some context too.

Let’s start with, yea, it leads to absurd result like the clown show in uvalde where I wouldn’t trust that police force to rescue cats from trees.

But… the other way you can’t have a right to a scarce resource (police protection). Police calls while not exactly random can’t be accurately predicted. It doesn’t make sense for a police force to be liable for failing to protect when they might literally not have the ability to protect. Or, through chance, there are no police officers that can get to the location in time.

Instead, the point is to rely on the police wanting to actually do their job and have a legal doctrine accordingly. But in our culture it seems that perhaps that is not necessarily a warranted assumption anymore.


“It doesn’t make sense for a police force to be liable for failing to protect when they might literally not have the ability to protect.”

In what way does this excuse them not defending people when they have the chance?


Getting shot over shoplifting is insane.

The usa is fucked beyond saving


She got shot over driving at a police officer standing in front of her car. The fact that it escalated to that is a pretty bizarre series of events though.


Sounds like that officer hates unborn babies


She got shot over driving at a police officer standing in front of her car.

Framed differently, a cop moved in front of her car for an excuse to shoot her. He could just as easily NOT have moved in front of the car and/or have taken a step back like any normally functioning human being would have done.


You’re not wrong, but it’s still dishonest to say she was “shot for shoplifting”.

Yoru, avatar

she was


You’re right, turns out she was shot for not shoplifting.


OK cop


Your take is scummy and delusional. I don’t envy the world you’ve constructed around you that’s so blind and ignorant towards reality


See, people are even defending it. Truly and absolutely fucked fucked fucked.


I don’t think /u/Ilovethebomb was trying to defend it. He’s just adding context. She didn’t only get shot for shoplifting. The shoplifting initiated an interaction with the police that escalated. She started driving away and the cops tried to physically stop the car with their bodies. So one of the cops panicked and shot.

Of course there are many issues - why were the cops pointing guns at her in the parking lot while she was in the car? Certainly didn’t help with de-escalation. I hope the cop who fired the shot and is under investigation gets criminal charges.


Exactly, saying things like she was “murdered in cold blood” doesn’t help anyone, because you’re that far off the deep end nobody outside of your echo chamber will take you seriously.

There have been a few people reply to me saying that, despite what happened, the police could and should have done something different. And they’re probably right, I don’t know how we got from shoplifting to this, but there were probably opportunities to defuse the situation.

But calling her innocent is simply untrue.


Where this occurred, calling her innocent is actually true, because she had yet to be convicted in a court of law.

That doesn’t mean she did nothing wrong.


Fun fact: she wasn’t the shoplifter. They didn’t find the stolen goods in her car.


She didn’t steal anything. The cop stepped toward the direction she was steering. He even stepped forward as she was attempting to “run him over”.


She didn’t steal anything.

You have no way of knowing that.


Innocent until proven guilty?


The items she supposedly stole have been found in the shop near the exit.




One of the recent news articles. Sorry, no link.



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  • Cabrio,

    You have Google. Get smart or stay stupid, your choice.


    Why was officer dumbass standing in front of a moving car?


    In his head, that was his tiananmen square moment


    Dead tiananmen square students still received more of an education than this cop.


    Shoplifting is not a death sentence. Driving away from police is illegal, but not a death sentence. She’s trying to leave? Fine, step to the side, take her plate number, and put out a warrant. At no time was it necessary for him to pull out his gun.



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  • Krauerking,

    But she didn’t even commit shoplifting, she was wrongfully accused and the car rolled after she was dead and her corpse failed to keep pressure on the brake.

    Literally the only thing she did was fail to comply with demands to exit the vehicle and turn the steering wheel in an attempt avoid the officer before being shot.

    So what she did was not listen violent and angry people who have full privilege to shoot indiscriminately and was shot for it.
    I can pretend she did nothing wrong happily, because she barely did anything at all other than be a victim.


    Even the headline contends she did something wrong. Literally no one is saying she did nothing wrong.


    Have you got fuckig brain damage or something bud?

    chakan2, avatar


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  • BingoBangoBongo,

    OK cop


    Vehicular assault is a misdemeanor in Ohio btw. Misdemeanors do not carry the death penalty.

    Also no one was struck with the car. This young mother was murdered.

    x4740N, avatar

    I’m fine with enacting a quarantine across the entire united states and allowing those who want to leave to leave






    No. They’ve had their chances. None can leave without rigorous testing first. We don’t want to end up with another America just in a different location.


    and allowing those who want to leave to leave

    I hope you fare better than other refugees who turn to come here by boat.


    It is murder, and the Biden Boomer DoJ won’t do anything about it as always


    What i cannot understand about USA is that they cover as racism, police problems what it is in every other countries labelled as ethnic conflict. They have an empire and multiple ethnicities that hate each others. One of them happear to be black. And they talk about exceptionalism when they are exactly as every other country.


    I mean, could he not just have taken the license plate number then sent agents to go knock on her door later? This is shoplifting, not armed robbery.


    She drove forward with the officer directly in front of the vehicle. Regardless of what happened previously, thats an action that could kill someone.


    Flooring it at someone, yes. Slowly moving forward and turning away, not so much.


    You can definitely kill someone by slowly driving over them


    So maybe cops should be smart and not jump in front of/on top of moving cars. But then again, we already know they aren’t hired for being smart.


    That is a valid point.

    Anonymousllama, (edited )

    Yeah probably not the best to drive at police. Amazed that even needs to be said and isn’t obvious to most people


    Man, there’s some cooked people in here.

    You could murder an officer in cold blood and they’d find a way to justify it.


    You say that in a thread about a woman murdered by an officer in cold blood. Wow.


    Having someone trying to run you over isn’t “in cold blood”

    Good grief.


    Except that guy isn’t dead. The woman is. The cop has plenty of opportunities to do a really big part of his job, de-escalate, rather than do the opposite, position himself in front of her vehicle and immediately point a gun at her. He went right for the death threat and almost immediately delivered.


    The cop deliberately walked in front of her car and pointed a gun at her. She panicked. I’d probably panic too if someone pointed a gun at me. Granted, I probably wouldn’t have drove forward, but it was entirely possible for the cop to not have walked in front of her car, for him not to have pulled a gun. It seems like him pulling the gun is what caused this.

    TDCN, avatar

    Isn’t it kinda stupid of the police officer to put himself in that dangerous position. He could just as well have let her go and find her later or follow her. Trying to stop a car by standing in front of it is imo. just stupid and unprofessional.


    US cops are the kind to pull out a guy’s multitool, fold out the knife, put it in the guy’s hand, grab their hand and hold it at their own throat.

    Then waiting for them to twitch, so they can shoot them dead.


    Standing in front of the car wasn’t a smart thing to do, I agree with you there. “Let her go and find her later” isn’t really how it works though.


    This exactly how it works in normal countries. She was not robing a bank she was just shop lifting. You get the license plates and invite her to court some time later.


    Nah, you don’t get to just drive away from the police anywhere, sorry. Most would use less lethal means to stop her, but I don’t think any competent force would just let her leave.


    Can’t speak for anywhere else, but can speak for personal experience, here in Italy “take the license plate” or “get in the police car and follow her” would be our procedure. She has not pulled out a weapon, and law enforcement is not supposed to escalate anything, ever. (Exceptions might apply, poorly trained officers exists). Even if she pulled a gun, probably we’d just try to evacuate everyone in the area and call for reinforcements before thinking of pulling out our firearms.

    On average we get 5 police deaths in a year out of about 300-350 thousands agents, so I guess it works well enough.

    (and yes, I do realize that in US there’s a lot of armed and trigger happy civilians, but that’s just another issue to solve. If a civilian needs a gun for self protection , there’s something really really wrong with society in my opinion)


    Nor would any competent force give an ultimatum of “stop or die” over a trivial crime. Most countries would get in their car and try to follow safely, if that wasn’t possible you run the plates and send a summons. A hand should never be near a gun in this situation.

    There’s no defending this.


    I’m not defending this so much as pointing out the absolute nonsense some people in this thread are spewing.


    Take a look in the mirror mate, you’re no font of sense yourself.


    You need to check yourself.

    Jerb322, avatar

    They stop high-speed chases all the time because it’s getting too dangerous. And some of them have done way worse than shoplifting…


    That is literally the standard procedure for dealing with shoplifters.

    And also this woman wasn’t the shoplifter.


    could he not just have taken the license plate number then sent agents to go knock on her door later?

    No. She was driving a car without license plates, which is unusual.

    Young got into a four-door Lexus sedan that did not have a license plate and was illegally parked in a handicapped spot, Belford said.…/70680484007/

    However, I do not believe that fact justifies shooting her.


    Driving a car without plates is extremely common in this area. It has been ever since they suspended registration requirements during Covid. I see multiple cars without plates every time I go for a drive.

    krolden, avatar

    Oh I dont have my plates I’ll just tape up this piece of paper in my rear window and no one will care


    I didn’t know that there was any place in the United States that did not require license plates. There were/are a lot of people asking why the cops didn’t just get the number off her license plates and arrest her later. The simplest answer to that is that the car didn’t have plates on it, but I don’t think that fact played any role in the decisions made by the involved parties. Though, I could be wrong about that.


    That’s not how plates are obtained. It has nothing to do with it. When buying a car from a dealership new, they submit all the paperwork, and your plates are sent to you within a month. If it’s used, it should already have a plate, but you can still get one from the DMV through online services in almost every state.

    Not having a plate is usually someone avoiding tolls or red light cameras or some other petty crime thing. And to play devils advocate, I suppose it could have been stolen, too.


    This area doesn’t have tolls or red light cameras.

    Dealers don’t submit paperwork for you to get plates unless you pay extra for the service. Otherwise you get a 45 day temporary tag.

    If you buy used in a private sale, then you get nothing. You have to go buy plates. There is no transfer of plates between private parties in Ohio when doing a private sale.


    Was there any evidence that the car didn’t have plates


    I don’t think the plates would have been in the video frame at any point if they had been on the car. I don’t know if there are any pictures of the scene or not.

    TruTollTroll, (edited ) avatar

    OMG, I saw this story on FB, AND every fucking comment was praising the cop! Telling her she deserved it for trying to run away… things like she would have been a terrible mom anyways… just some awful things while the run their hard ons for the cops… It was sickening… I am 23 weeks pregnant with my second son right now and watching people praise her death because she stole something is so bizarre and jarring… I’m pregnant… What if this was a misunderstanding and he had bad information… she didn’t steal a thing and scared of cops tried to get away and now she is dead… Cops are fuckiing scary but not as much as people who want this outcome for stealing some groceries

    Edit: some of these comments defending the cop, who put his life in danger on his own so he could have the excuse to kill her, is chilling… You are the reason I made my comment and the reason why I am getting scared of my community… because too many of the people in society want to see someone from some group they hate, hurt or dead by police… Fucking sickening. Shoplifting is not an excuse to use lethal force to stop anyone… the punishment doesn’t fit the crime… people saying it does, are rabid dogs who wish it was them in the cops shoes, feeling powerful… and that’s even more sickening. She left behind a 6 year old because thd pig couldnt have figured out another way to handle the situation… he failed a basic IQ test and too many people are like… “Kay, cool”. Idiocracy was and is a fucking a documentary and y’all just want a gladiator type entertainment with your own people

    altima_neo, avatar

    Yeah wtf, she should have left a thin blue streak on the asphalt


    Trying to run over an officer, you mean? She didn’t just try and run away, she drove directly towards a police officer.


    You really need to reevaluate your thinking if you think untrained civilians have a higher burden than supposedly trained professionals, especially after watching that video


    She cranked the wheel all the way away from him. She was trying to go around. Officer “no self preservation” was a dipshit and blocked in a two ton machine with his own body.


    Yeah, did people not even watch the footage? You’d have to be braindead to try anything like that to cops nowadays, it’s a death sentence


    “Cops are likely to murder you, and we just accept this, so act accordingly.”


    It’s a stupid idea with any police force, although you’re a lot less likely to get shot in almost any other country.


    Yep and for people in the US they should been keenly aware that there’s a non zero possibly of being shot by police if they feel threatened. That’s just how it is.


    Almost anyone in the US will shoot you if threatened though.


    What exactly do you mean by "cops nowadays*?

    Do you mean do not try that because they will shoot at your for close to no reason?

    Or do you mean cops are extremely dangerous, just be the most agreeable prey they come across.

    Let’s do a quick test, you see a car driving at you 60mph, the only thing you have is your gun, and your legs.

    You can:

    A) get out of the way and live

    B) shoot the driver (which would not at all stop the car)

    Now let’s try this stupid shit one more time at 5mph.

    There is ZERO reason to discharge a firearm at this person, for evading arrest, shoplifting, etc. This is an UNARMED PREGNANT WOMAN.

    Imagine thinking this is the right way to handle this you fucking animal.


    Doesn’t matter in the slightest if this is the “right way to handle this”, it’s the reality of the situation where it’s pretty well documented that they’re going to choose their lives over yours if you give them a reason to (say for example driving your car directly at them like a braindead moron)

    Yoru, avatar

    bro she was driving slower than I can run. The cop quite literally put himself in front of the car to give himself a justification for killing her.

    Stumblinbear, avatar

    … You take two steps to the left to move out of the way of the car, or, here’s a fantastic idea, you don’t step out in front of a fucking car in the first place???


    Well, either way, Ohio has a no excuses abortion law, so the officer needs to be charged.


    Doesn’t matter? This woman was almost a child herself, she lost her life at 21 years old over a bunch of power tripping cops. How fucking dare you. You need to reevaluate what matters.

    Part of being a an officer is being able to keep your shit together when civilians do not. Don’t sit here and act like you’d think rationally while a bunch of guns are pointed at you knowing damn well your chances of survival are significantly lower just because your skin is a different color. I seriously cannot grasp how you’re okay writing these comments. You should be ashamed of yourself, seriously.


    Don’t they spend like 1000 hours training people about all the safety precautions of a standard road stop, since it has about a dozen dangers - and “standing directly in front of a suspect’s vehicle” ranks somewhere among the dumbest things you can do?

    Heck, I caution myself against doing it even when walking around the city, even if all I want to do is warn someone about an obstacle. I’m no freaking roadblock.

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    If only cops weren’t rooted to the ground and could jump out of the way of a car…


    It would be ideal if she didn’t try and kill him in the first place though.


    Always interesting that people demand average citizens behave more reasonably than so-called trained police. It’s like you accept the presumption that any cop is likely to overreact in murder, therefore the onus is on US not to escalate situations. Interesting how the apologists don’t think cops bear any responsibility for de-escalation.



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  • Jerb322, avatar

    You keep saying that. "Trying to run over ". No fucking way you could convince me that she wanted to run over that cop! If she wanted him dead, why didn’t she just punch it? Floor the peddle and turn the wheel toward him.


    You’re being disingenuous Monday morning qb’ing. Police are supposedly trained in de-escalation. I am not excusing the behavior, but I can understand a random untrained citizen having fear and unpredictable bad decision-making in a situation like this. Whereas the cops absolutely have countless other things they could do that are calmer and more de-escalating.

    Ultimately, basic theft isn’t worth death. The problem is that cops have unilaterally decided it is completely unacceptable to not listen to them, up to death. They could have followed her. They could have let her go. There are numerous alternatives that could have happened. Cops in America have endlessly shown they are trigger happy twitchy and rushing to escalate.

    The burden is on trained police to behave better than a random person does. This doesn’t excuse her behavior. But the cops are NOT justified either.

    I understand this nuance is lost on most.


    This doesn’t excuse her behavior. But the cops are NOT justified either.

    You’re far more level headed than most of the commenters here. Yeah, the police could definitely have handled this better as well.


    Given your capacity for intelligence you’re probably below the max IQ limit for hiring US cops, you should apply, you get to shoot innocent unarmed civilians for misdemeaner crimes while pretending that your own life threatening actions were their fault and you still get the advantage of other braindead troglodytes like yourself defending your murder of a non shoplifter for non compliance, for a crime with no death penalty.

    Judge Dredd wasn’t a guidebook on policing you deranged bootlicking homunculus.

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    How about maybe the police firstly don’t escalate the situation to that point because she was just accused of shoplifting and secondly don’t jump in front of her car in the first place?

    chakan2, avatar


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  • the_post_of_tom_joad,

    I hope you get to have an interaction with a cop that shatters your sheltered views, as i did. Of course that you live to tell others as well.

    chakan2, avatar

    I shrug…I had a cop draw on me. I followed directions and I’m still alive. I didn’t burn down the city because I did something stupid.


    I had a cop draw on me.

    I’d like to hear more about this.

    chakan2, avatar

    Got out of a car during a traffic stop to smoke a cigarette. The cop drew, I almost peed myself, I listened to instructions, the end.


    Gosh man that must’ve been scary as hell. Glad everything worked out. Did he just draw? Did he point it at you? Did you ignore his order to stay in the car in the first place?

    i swear this isn’t an attempt to correlate your story with the story we’re commenting on, but in you’re story specifically do you think that drawing his weapon in your case was justified?

    chakan2, avatar

    The full story is, I was drunk, my DD was getting a speeding ticket. It was a long ass drive home, so I got out to smoke after she takes all the initial paperwork and goes back to the car.

    We are pretty clearly not a threat. Me, wife 2 kids. I’m pretty hammered and it seemed like a good idea.

    I know better than to get out during a traffic stop.

    But the cop got back out of her car, immediately drew and screamed at me to get back in the car. I did so and ate a speech about how dumb I was.

    Do I think the cop was justified in drawing? Absolutely. We are on the side of the highway, in the dark, and the cop didn’t have backup. I fully accept that I fucked up when I got out of the car. You just don’t do that during a routine stop without asking permission first.

    Let’s say at that point, instead of getting back in, I turn on the cop and advance on her and have some attitude about her yelling and pointing the gun…at that point she’d be justified in shooting me.

    TLDR…I fucked up, the cop did the right thing in that situation, and while scary as hell, the cop was in the right the whole time. My

    TruTollTroll, avatar

    Well that’s a shity outlook when the cop was trying stage a suicide to have a reason to fire his gun… again he put him self there by choice, he could have chose to move aside and track her… but he chose a method that he could abuse for the reason to fire his gun and punish her for testing his authority… Is sad you can’t see or understand that… or that you are okay with being shot… But during the protests, when people would zoom their cars in to.the crowds to get away from the people, was totally justified… the irony is insane…

    chakan2, avatar

    His job is to stop and detain that person. It’s not really a choice.

    I don’t know how you can remotely justify driving off when asked to get out of the vehicle. It’s an insane position.

    She escalated from simple shoplifting to assault…if we want to talk about suicides…that’s a way to do it I guess.


    If his job is to stop and detain, he failed his job.

    chakan2, avatar

    I disagree.


    what of the officer? will they pass go? the article doesn’t say

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    Time off with pay until this is resolved, then they get to go back to work like nothing happened.

    If it’s the usual anyway.


    The good guy with a gun once again saves the day by shooting a pregnant woman.

    God bless America.


    Cops are almost never the good guy.


    And seldom ever is anyone with a gun the good guy.

    That title in this situation I think goes to the unarmed ambulance front liners if we’re going brass tacks.


    why didnt she just got out of the car or roll down the window instead of trying to drive towards the cop? I feel that would be the correct thing to do If she didnt steal then she has nothing to worry about. Not saying shooting her was an appropriate response, just feel the whole thing could have been avoided



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  • alp,

    She did escalate the situation, but she didn’t cause her own death. Shooting someone who is running away is some old west sheriff shit. She was trying to drive away, not hit the officers. The only situation that a cop should shoot someone is if their life is in direct and immediate danger.


    Didn’t see the bodycam, just went off what others said. I was under the impression she was flooring it straight at police officers blocking the exit. Removed my comment.


    Because they were pointing guns at her and she probably feared for her life?


    Wouldnt have the need to protect themselves if she complied as they told her to. She was obviously detained


    How’s that boot taste?


    Of course it could have been avoided, she had multiple opportunity for it to end differently.

    But don’t bother trying to tell anyone else that.


    And the cops had ever opportunity to not murder her. But don’t bother trying to tell anyone else that.


    Why didn’t he just let her drive off, taking her plate details to log a warrant? I feel that would be the correct thing to do. If he didn’t stand in front of her car aiming a gun at her then he has nothing to worry about. Not saying stealing is appropriate behaviour, just feel the whole thing could have been avoided.


    Yeah, that’s not how it works.


    It’s how it works in other countries. Many police forces would judge that this situation was not worth escalating, and not worth putting anyone in danger over, and would act accordingly.


    Most stores won’t go after shoplifters because it’s not worthwhile. Good to know cops have so little to do that it registers as worthwhile to them.

    Yoru, avatar

    that’s exactly how it works


    Dave Grossman, a graduate of the school of killology. It’s in the title ffs. This is what’s being taught to our ‘protectors’.


    Maybe shoot the tire first? JFC.



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  • callouscomic,

    just discharge your whole load into a woman.

    Not sure if horrible news story, or porn.


    she was busy assaulting the armed officers with her presence.

    And also her vehicle.

    TDCN, avatar

    Yeah assaulting someone using words can really hurt. The police suffered so much pain they had to protect themselves from this dangerous woman

    /s if anyone needs it


    Kinda difficult when you’re on the bonnet of the car, because the driver is trying to run you over.


    you’re all over this post like it’s your job to paint the victim as the aggressor, hmmmmm…


    He got in front of the car on purpose of his own volition then pulled out the gun and shot her.

    She was trying to avoid him, which is why she turned her wheel as much as possible to drive around him.


    That dumb fucker put himself intentionally in harm’s way, and I’d have a really difficult fucking time believing that it wasn’t with the hope that the car would move the tiniest bit so he could shoot her.


    I love threads like this where I get to read all the insane takes from the armchair cops. You have the benefits of knowing all the after-the-fact details and not needing to make a split-second decision, so you think it’s just so simple to take your preferred course of action. No, the police are not bloodthirsty murderers who look for any excuse to kill a civilian, but you paint them that way in your head to justify your hatred of them.


    Or you could not put your body in front of a car as a means to stop it? Maybe don’t intentionally put yourself in harms way, giving you an excuse to murder?


    That was foolish, certainly, but it doesn’t in any way justify trying to run someone over.


    Except she steered as hard to the side as possible and was going super slow. Doesn’t really seem like trying to run someone over to me.


    Buddy. This was because someone shoplifted.

    The way you talk makes it seem like every cop in the field would have had to draw a gun on this woman. That’s laughable.


    Absolutely bat shit insane take. There is so much video evidence disproving that. Most cops in America are bad people, either directly or indirectly through lack of action. ACAB


    Sure, why not take the handful of stories you read every day about bad cops, then extrapolate way outside that range and confidently declare that “most cops in America are bad people”, which is 1) subjective, and 2) stated without evidence?

    The cops performing their jobs without getting into trouble don’t make the news.

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    Why aren’t those cops who don’t get into trouble (that doesn’t mean they aren’t doing bad things, by the way) doing anything about the cops that are? Doesn’t that make them complicit?


    Those “good” cops stand by and do nothing while watching the bad cops be bad. Even if they aren’t going out and hurting people they are part of the problem by enabling that behavior.


    ask a random homeless person for cop stories, especially if you live in a rural area.


    whoa there with the most part. You probably haven’t even met or read about even .001% of the cops here. I am no fan of the type of person who is driven to be a cop, but they usually aren’t inherently bad. Some get that way after having to deal with the scum the courts let back out onto the streets, which usually by the way isn’t the scums fault they are scum… shotty upbringing because parents are trying to make ends meet does that. His take is certainly leaning heavy blue. But you don’t have to dive in the other direction to counter it. Take the high road.


    You probably haven’t even met or read about even .001% of the cops here.

    You can’t criticize ANY cops because most of them haven’t been caught yet.

    Take the high road.

    No. Fuck you.


    i didn’t say you can’t criticize any. Just don’t go overboard on claiming you now how most of them are. That kind of over generalization is exactly what the person you responded to had wrong.


    No, the police are not bloodthirsty murderers who look for any excuse to kill a civilian

    gets in front of car

    pulls out gun




    the police are not bloodthirsty murderers who look for any excuse to kill a civilian

    Anyways, this is just a bunch of racist trolls.



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  • Cethin,

    I just watched it. You could say her driving forward while the cop was in front was bad, and maybe it was fleeing, but does that deserve a death sentence? They’re recording with body cameras, so they have her license plate number. They can identify her and put out a warrant for later easily. Is that not more appropriate? Who cares if she was shoplifting. Does that hurt anyone. Let her live and deal with it later if it needs to be dealt with.


    They can identify her and put out a warrant for later easily. Is that not more appropriate?

    LOL! No it’s not “more appropriate”. They had her right then, so they should let her go, put out a warrant and hope they get her back? Hope the license plate comes back to her or anybody else? Show up at her house so she can lock herself in that? Where does the excuse making end? SHE chose her own fate, SHE had dozens of times to comply, she chose the other way.


    In many countries this is exactly what the police are trained to do: de-escalate the situation even if it means letting the person go at that moment, so that no one is put needlessly in danger.


    Police everywhere are trained to de-escalate. Its why they have voices, its why they have pepper spray, its why they have tazers, all options before it comes to shooting somebody. That Lady was given every chance there was, and it was her choice to attempt hitting a cop with her car. Zero sympathy


    Every chance there was… except for the other chances that you don’t think are appropriate for some reason. You don’t deescalate by pointing a gun at someone, yelling at them, or trying to force your way into their vehicle.

    Zero sympathy

    You’re a bad person.



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  • 30mag,

    They’re recording with body cameras, so they have her license plate number.

    Not that it would justify shooting her, but the car she was driving did not have license plates.


    I did read what happened. Did you?

    Did you watch the video?

    A police officer stood in front of a car then shot at the person behind the wheel because she apparently shoplifted.

    1. Shoplifting is not a capital crime.
    2. The cop shouldn’t have stood in front of the car.

    She shouldn’t have stolen from the store, she shouldn’t have gotten into her car. The cop shouldn’t have stood in front of the car, the cop shouldn’t have shot her. An officer should not intentionally put themselves in front of a car THEN declare they fear for their lives.


    The cop shouldn’t have stood in front of the car.

    That’s not an excuse to run someone over.


    A) She didn’t run anyone over. B) Stopping an alleged shoplifter is not a valid reason to put yourself in front of a car. C) If you put yourself in front of a car, you don’t get to claim to be afraid for your life. D) Shoplifting is not a capital crime.


    Stop right there, she was accused of stealing. I’ve been accused of stealing by a store as well and I did not in fact steal anything. I also don’t like dealing with cops but I’m not going to drive away I’m also not her so I can’t judge her.


    Correct, she ALLEGEDLY stole from a store. Even if she DID steal from the store, THEFT IS NOT A CAPITAL CRIME.

    Never mind the fact that the fucking officer stood in front of the car TO STOP A SHOPLIFTER.

    Any loss prevention associate from Target stands in front of a car to stop a shoplifter is getting fired because even Target knows that’s a dumbass move. How is it that Target trains it’s people better AND holds them more accountable than the fucking police?


    Any loss prevention associate from Target

    Not Law Enforcement, zero ability to do ANYTHING outside of their store, nothing they do or don’t do matters.



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  • Fedizen,

    If you see some store security dork following people to their cars, make sure you trip them or hit them with a shopping cart.

    There have reports of people dressed as police officers kidnapping people exactly this way as well.


    Is the goal to get shot?

    Astroturfed, (edited )

    Woman scared for her life because officers immediately pointed guns at her for no reason is proven correct when killed by officers for no reason. Just another day in America. Cops just love pulling their guns and using them for no good reason. The only time a cop should be pointing a gun at someone like this is if their life is in immediate danger from that person.

    How would society feel if these weren’t cops? If a guy just runs up to your car pointing a pistol at your head you aren’t going to be calm and rational. It’s bullshit we expect anyone to be.


    when killed by officers for no reason

    Besides trying to run one of them over, you mean? Kinda leaving out some details here.


    You watch the video?.. Cars get closer to killing me in a parking lot once a month or more. He easily moved out of the way after murdering her. The car was barely moving.



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  • Apollo,




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  • Apollo,

    Tasty tasty piggy boot rubber, mmmm, taser me daddy law


    You can’t justify her running from the cops, that was wrong but no where near as wrong as killing her for doing so


    This incident is exactly why that’s justified. Her life was in danger, that cop was clearly itching for a reason to kill her or he wouldn’t have stepped in front of the car. She ran because it was probably her best chance of not getting killed


    I mean, I kinda can. We’ve all seen too many videos where police officers pull people out of cars in these situations, she was pregnant… People of color end up dead on the ground outside of that car even if they did nothing wrong, all the time. Even more commonly they get thrown around and beaten. Pregnant woman don’t normally want to get thrown around or beaten.


    OK, but what’s plan B? Running from the police just makes them angrier.


    But one has a decent chance of getting away from them…


    I want to posit first that this is a satirical answer, and I am not encouraging this in the slightest, just that this might be the “cornered logic” equation that is given to suspects being confronted by police:

    Plan B: You whip out a pistol you bought from the gun store, shoot all of the cops that are about to shoot you, and drive off to go live in a different state so it’s hard to follow you.

    I would hope and predict that most people committing petty crimes like shoplifting or drugs would not want to hurt anyone, much less a cop, but when that is THE ONLY answer you can give that has a strong chance of survival in the face of the articles everyone has seen, it begs the need for a different answer - one in which there is ZERO chance of a cop killing an unarmed person for petty crime, and attempted evasion of arrest for said petty crime.


    When the police are increasingly known and proven to kill people for next to no reason at all, it’s quite difficult to blame a person for being afraid of them when confronted.


    Your best chance regardless of race or economic status is to comply so they don’t get hot headed, not to mention its the legally correct thing to do


    Uhh no I can 100% justify running from cops. Some of them are totally unhinged with a total lack of accountability.

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