
Why does he hate free speech so much?


Good, it’s his right to sue them. They hurt his business after everything he’s done for them


I think he should sue them as well, so when he loses it’s another loss for this shitburger of a human.


You shouldn’t be allowed to talk so disrespectfully about Elon, hope he sues you too. You’re a danger to free speech

asunaspersonalasst, avatar

lmao cry about it, Mr Melon.


Hey now it’s not nice to refer to someone by the shape of their face!

Just kidding, get fucked Musk.


ADL is an evil anti-white organization which should be sued out of existence.


You are a fuckwit who should be hounded into oblivion.

Tb0n3, (edited )…

For those down voting have you read the link? It’s literally written by an Orthodox Jew who worked as a legal intern for the ADL in the 80s.


Good article. The ADL obviously broke the law by saying mean things about Elon and his company, they need to pay for that!


I’m simply pointing out that the ADL are not paragons. They throw their weight around for their own political purposes. Just because bad guys say things you don’t like doesn’t mean they should not be allowed to say anything.


I agree, the ADL should be shut down for saying bad things about a job creator like Elon. Also, all the businesses that decided to stop buying ads on Elons site should also be shut down, it’s a blatant violation of the law for them to do that.


Your straw man burns brightly in effigy of things I have not said.


I’m on your side, sheesh. I’m sick of this woke cancel culture nonsense where businesses stop giving money Elon just because he “platforms Nazis”. They should be forced to keep giving him money. Now he has no choice but to take down the ADL.


Welcome to the internet. You must be new here. Seriously WTF is your problem? Continually reading things I never said in thing I have.


Sorry snowflake I thought you were for free speech?


Who are you arguing with? Because it obviously isn’t me.


I wasn’t trying to argue with you I was trying to agree with you but you got aggressive with me for no reason.


If you want to run a troll account then great, whatever, but maybe actually look at what you’re responding to and gauge what you’re going to write instead of blanket assuming you know what the comment says without actually reading it first.


I’m literally agreeing with you and you’re attacking me and calling me names, I insist that you stop or you’ll be hearing from my lawyers

assassin_aragorn, (edited )

Terrible article. They provide no concrete examples, only empty platitudes. And it’s clear they’re extremely biased:

“The national ADL, like the ACLU, the NAACP, and other formerly “apolitical” civil rights groups, is now merely a tax-exempt cadre of the national Democratic Party. Anyone paying any kind of attention knows this. And as the Democratic Party has moved further into the fringes of Left-wing lunacy, the ADL has moved with it—whether a Jewish “antidefamation” issue is at stake or not. The party requires it.”

He calls every group defending civil rights “actually anti free speech” and suggests the ADL doesn’t do enough for Orthodox Jews, without again any evidence, because of “assimilated Jews”. This sentiment comes up again when he says that most Jews “reciprocate” the ADL’s supposed detestation of Judaism.

He’s just another religious conservative detached from reality. It’s actually quite concerning when a lawyer makes baseless claims about an anti defamation organization. I don’t know if it meets the legal definition of defamation, but it certainly gets the common usage for it. Anyone who’s ever been represented by this guy should get another trial, because this guy seems likely to prove your role in the murder in the process of trying to prove your innocence blaming liberals and judges for your arrest.

MushuChupacabra, avatar

What a fucking loser.


Shut up Elon, you unfuckable, racist, dork.


Lmao his ten kids would be evidence to the contrary


It’s evidence that his money is fuckable, not him.


And even then, at least one person has said “not even if you were the richest man alive”.


Pretty sure all his kids were IVF, so he may in fact be technically unfuckable.

MataVatnik, avatar



Yeppers, it’s The Boys from Brazil all the way down in the Musk household.


“You made me do it”! yells the abuser. This utter fucknut psychopathic narcissist can’t possibly consider that the lost ad revenue has anything to do with his turning twitter into 4chan.


Lol wat? 4chan is heaps better than twitter. There’s no cults of personality for example (well, there’s Chris Chan and Moot, but both were objects of fun ridicule). Attentin whoring ala twitter will net you a lot of shit too.


That poor Chris Chan. Driven to madness by asshole 4channers.

whoisearth, avatar

Seriously 4chan is chaos but c’mon.


4chan is the single easiest social media to manipulate. You don’t have to have legitimate looking user accounts. You don’t have to post from different places. You don’t even really have to make sense.

You can just spam your narrative as much as you want.

abbotsbury, avatar

There’s no cults of personality for example (well, there’s Chris Chan and Moot, but both were objects of fun ridicule).

This just perfectly encapsulates how little you know about 4chan, likely from some outdated youtube opinion piece about how its edgier and cooler than le normie websites

Like, literally use any board for 5 minutes and tell me how many times Chris-chan or moot is being discussed, let alone anything approaching a cult of personality.


Don’t you mean xchan?


One of the oldest most experienced groups at litigation against hate and defamation will have a field day with this. I would not be surprised to see X owing the ADL damages if Musk actually follows through.

This is as nearsighted as DeSantis starting legal battle with Disney.

MataVatnik, avatar

This is as nearsighted as DeSantis starting legal battle with Disney.

I’m so for it


Didn’t Elon bring this on himself by keeping the Nazis though ?

muse avatar

Not even keeping, explicitly adding them back and unbanning them, and letting them make decisions to ban leftists who spoke out against it (andy ngo recommending people to the chopping block comes to mind)




Not only keeping but returning en masse.

_haha_oh_wow_, avatar

That’s not very free market of you bro.


How does he even do it? It’s like he’s on a zealous crusade to embarrass himself. I keep thinking “he can’t look any more foolish and shitty” and he fuckin KEEPS proving me wrong. It’s almost impressive at this point. He stays setting new PR for negative PR.

blazera avatar

gotta love America where not making as much money as you wanted is a crime


That's for people in the big club...

I don't think we are entitled to such rights as peasants

charonn0, avatar

What crime would that be?

blazera avatar

I...already described it? Elon didnt make as much money as he wanted and now there's a court case. A case where nothing was taken, only not given.

charonn0, avatar

Ah. You’re mistaken, then. This is a private lawsuit, not a criminal proceeding.

blazera avatar

Law is public

charonn0, avatar

A private lawsuit is one that is filed by a private party (individual, company, etc.). It is very different from a criminal trial.

blazera avatar

it's still based in law. the government enforces rulings. Otherwise defendents would have no reason to comply.

charonn0, avatar

It’s still not a criminal case. And this isn’t some kind of obscure technical point, the differences are substantial.

blazera avatar

Would you be okay if i rephrased my post as "against the law" instead of "a crime"?

charonn0, avatar

It would still be an inaccurate and unfair characterization of the USA, which is really what bothers me.

blazera avatar

The hell is inaccurate about it now?

charonn0, avatar

It implies that this sort of law is unique or peculiar to the USA, and it implies that the law is a bad thing.

blazera avatar

Of course its a bad thing, musk isnt entitled to anyone else's money.

Like the shit with Targer where investors sued over lgbt support because people boycotted. Fuck this law.

charonn0, avatar

Imagine if you opened a restaurant, and I went around lying to everyone that you spit in the food. As a result, your restaurant loses business. Shouldn’t you have legal recourse to prevent me from spreading such lies about your business, and to recoup the losses you incurred?

I don’t mean to suggest that Musk has a valid case under the law, only to point out that the law in question is actually quite reasonable and necessary.

blazera avatar

Mmm your example is already really common, and most of the target restaurants are the most profitable in the world.

charonn0, avatar


blazera avatar

As a result, your restaurant loses business.

"the most profitable in the world."

It just dont work the way you say it does.

charonn0, avatar

Whether the restaurant remains profitable is beside the point. If you can demonstrate that even one customer chose not to visit your restaurant as a result of my lies then I could be liable for defamation.

blazera avatar

Yeah im the one that came in here saying it was against the law. Its a bad law. The most profitable business in the world clearly has not been harmed.

But it should be.

charonn0, avatar

As I said, I’m not suggesting that Musk’s claim is reasonable. I’m saying that the law he purports to have been harmed under is reasonable.

paper_clip avatar

Suppose you were a business making, say, voting machines. It's a good business -- there are a lot of elections, they have to be tabulated, and you have a way of making that tabulation easier to do. You're not going to be Google or Microsoft, but you're in a comfortable niche.

Then comes a bunch of dumbfuck conspiracy theorists who accuse you of rigging the vote against their favored candidate. You're not happy about this, but this is just a bunch of nutjobs. To some extent, what can you do? Then this major news organization takes up what those conspiracy theorists are saying, and they're doing this to enrich themselves by putting out news that these dumbfucks like to hear. This amplification is damaging to your business (because it's costly to defend yourself and you're losing business anyway), and you can prove that this major news organization is doing this on purpose, for their own profit.

You sue that major news organization. Discovery is a delight, because these people really did know that there was no evidence for any of these conspiracy theories, but they kept repeating them over and over again, damaging your business.

Does this sound familiar? That's why we have laws so that victims of libel can recover some of those damages.

Now, I'm not saying Musk is justified. Musk can go threatening to sue, etc., and I'm sure ADL lawyers would be delighted to argue before a judge to tell Musk to fuck off, since he really doesn't have grounds to stand on.

blazera avatar

As much as i love fox news losing money, i dont think any rich folks in Dominion have faced any real harm from the fiasco.

Same with pfizer over antivax nuts all the way up into federal government.

Now, harm over the disinformation to the general public on the other hand.


Can we stop posting this fucking douche?


Can we stop posting this fucking douche?

Feel free to ignore news you aren’t interested in. The sad reality is that Elon Musk is relevant and his actions have real effects on people. Bury your head in the sand if you like but don’t expect me to join you.


And here you are making him more relevant. If people ignore twitter, it fucking dies.


Yeah… if.

Aren’t, tho.

DessertStorms avatar

Imagine thinking this is still (or ever was) just about twitter, or that if you simply starve the richest fascist on the planet of attention he will just go away.. 🤦‍♀️


I don’t know if he’ll go away but he is showing alot of attention seeking behavior and admittedly we’re giving it to him.

FlyingSquid, avatar

What makes you think talking about him on Lemmy will have any effect on Twitter? Most of us aren’t even on Twitter.

sibachian, avatar

Things that are only relevant, because they are relevant, are not actually relevant. It’s fluff dressed in a suite.

Like they say, fashion is only fashionable because others thinks others thinks it’s fashionable.

As long as everyone keeps talking about Musk all over the place, he’ll keep coming out at top.

FlyingSquid, avatar

I’m pretty sure he’s on top because he’s the richest man in the world and ignoring him won’t change that.

sibachian, avatar

he isn’t the richest man in the world. his “wealth” is stock. not actual money. and he can’t actually use that for anything but leverage.

he is small fry in the world of the actually rich; people just give him the limelight because of notoriety.


I’m pretty sure that’s how it goes for most wealthy people. It’s all tied up in assets, not liquid cash. Investing your money is always better for growth in the long term.

He’s in the news because he’s become a laughingstock. All news isn’t good news. I certainly don’t think he wants news that continues to convince people that he’s an utter idiot and waste of space.

sibachian, avatar

tying up in assets such as property, land, etc. has real value though. you can sell a huge amount of land without the land losing value because of the sale, but you can’t sell a huge amount of stock without the value collapsing while selling it off.

any exposure is good exposure. investors don’t normally run away just because you earn yourself notoriety, they usually do the opposite - because the market is entirely made of make belief and fairy dust.


You can sell off stock assuming you’ve diversified. You are right though that for a company you personally own through stock you can’t.

And I mean, all this news should be more enough to keep investors from working with Musk. What idiot is going to trust him with money?


He’s so wealthy he could personally go to your neighborhood and “Mansa Musa” your place into inflation. He could just drop $10,000,000 per person to get up and leave whatever square mile surrounding your residence right now.

Assuming avg population density for a city in the US that’s only $2.8billion (~280 ppl/mile in cities). Not even a scratch to his total net worth.

A single person with that much wealth and power doesn’t require any attention to retain it. He’ll keep coming out on top because it’s nearly impossible not to when you reach a large enough number.

sibachian, avatar

he doesn’t actually have his wealth. it’s estimated stock value; which would cascade to nothing the minute he tries to extract it. all he can do is borrow with stock as leverage; which would net him a lot of money sure; but there is no way they would approve billions in a loan unless he is very very specific on the investment goal.

ZeroCool, (edited )

Okay we’re done here. You’re contributing nothing to the conversation and I wasted enough time arguing with fools on reddit, I’m not going to do it here.

JoMiran, avatar

“Free speech absolutist”


Oh he’s a free speech absolutist, alright! Free speech absolutely begins and ends with his personal views and those he finds agreeable.


It occurs to me that I’ve never heard of an absolutist that wasn’t a hypocrite in some way. They can excuse white supremacy and Nazis, but they draw the line at either being personally attacked or held accountable.

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