@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

… Musk’s drug use, which includes LSD, cocaine, ecstasy, and ketamine, …

Explains…soooo much. Still an asshole, though.


Yea… You kinda’ have to be a real piece of shit to be on that many drugs and still be an asshole. Good ol’ musky.


That’s a good point. He’s clearly not taking enough


It doesn’t explain why I can sense an OD on him soon

@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

Only if you got into his stash of lsd again,

@GoofSchmoofer@lemmy.world avatar

Sounds like the man is really bored with his life and all he has left are drugs to keep him entertained

@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

I mean, with that kinda dough, you kinda run out of normal things to do.

Drugs are probably the most normal thing he does.

Which is why dumbasses pay millions to go see the wreck of the titanic and have pedo orgies in private islands.

jayrhacker avatar

Yeah, and sure he can pass a drug test if you consider:

LSD: 12 hour wash-out time for a blood test
Cocaine: 24 hour wash-out time for a blood test
MDMA: 24-36 hour wash-out time for a blood test
Ketamine: 24 hour wash-out time for a blood test, and it's easy to get a prescription for off-label use to treat depression

So basically, do all the drugs you want Friday night, by Monday morning you'll be clean enough for a blood test.

@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

You think musk worried about drug tests? Interesting.

What are they gonna do? Fire him?

@synae@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Isn’t that a queens of the stone age song


I will admit, him being on drugs did not occur to me as a possible explanation for his ‘taking tesla private’ tweet that torpeedoed his networth, but having been confronted by it now I am having a hard time not believing it.


Musk's drug use, which includes LSD, cocaine, ecstasy, and ketamine, according to people familiar with the matter, is at the center of an extensive new report from The Journal that details how executives at several of the billionaire's companies have struggled to manage his substance use and erratic behavior.


Just FYI

According to people familiar with the matter

Means “We have no source for this and are probably making it up”

Business Insider is a tabloid shitrag these days


Just FYI, "according to people familiar with the matter" generally means people who are speaking on background and asked to have their identifies protected. I guarantee you that the reporters and their editor(s) know the people involved and have good reason to believe they're familiar with the situation and are reliable sources of information.


Were it a respectable publication I’d agree, but Business Insider has gone rapidly downhill the last couple of years, and is now Daily-Mail-Level tripe

stopthatgirl7 avatar

So is the Wall Street Journal also “Daily Mail level tripe”? Because they are the Business Insider’s source for the story.




OP already said they did that to avoid the paywall.

stopthatgirl7 avatar

Did you just miss the reply to you where I said point blank I linked to BI instead of WSJ because of a paywall, or naw?

be_excellent_to_each_other, (edited )
be_excellent_to_each_other avatar

Attacks the source. Then attacks the publication. Then complains further despite that this publication link is just to avoid linking the original paywalled article (from a publication you apparently trust) wherein the same sources provide the same info.

You could have just downvoted and moved along, but instead gestures all around thread.

stopthatgirl7 avatar

This is based on a Wall Street Journal report (which I didn’t link because it’s paywalled), so your strange anger at BI is a wee bit misplaced.

@Uglyhead@lemmy.world avatar

Dude is hanging out in a dedicated misogyny porn community.

10 to 1 a MuskRat and just angry his man is being talked about badly.


“Hey there nice post. Unfortunately, here is some bullshit I dug up from your comment history which clearly demonstrates that you are unworthy of expressing your opinion”

Not defending that guy, just really wish this type of behavior would just die along with the rest of r*ddit already. Something something ad hominem falacy

@Uglyhead@lemmy.world avatar

Oh I tend agree, if I was arguing directly against him it would be foul.

However looking through peoples past comments and where they tend to hang out can infer a lot about the person.

Ooops avatar

No. Media bullshit is sitting at the core of a lot of today's problems and the massive polarisation on basically any topic.

Anger at low level journalism rags and even more at outlets trying to look respectable while actually having a similiar quality (and that definitely includes Business Insider ever since they were bought by the shithole of journalism that is Axel Springer SE) cannot be misplaced at all.


I mean, I’m all on board with anger at BI. It’s not that. It’s the WSJ article is the OP topic, it’s like ranting about Star Trek at a Star Wars convention. Not that it’s wrong, just misplaced or at least out of context.


Doesn’t he slur and ramble most of the time? I have never heard him make a sentence without stuttering.

stopthatgirl7 avatar

Which means this must’ve been really bad for it to stand out so much.

NotMyOldRedditName, (edited )

If you watch the recent hour long interview where he told advertisers to fuck off, something seemed off about how he was talking then as well. I’ve watched my fair share of interviews and what not with him and even I thought something was up there.

Not saying it’s drugs, but something is going on with him

Edit: late edit after watching the all hands in question. This didn’t seem unusual for Elon and I didn’t get the same weird vibes I got during the interview I mentioned above. They did cut off the Q&A though so maybe something happened in that. Also the whole thing seemed unneeded. More of a public facing thing for people/media and not an all hands.


It think that he is slowly realizing the change in public perception of him and as a narcissist it’s getting to him. This could also explain the drug use too.

Cocodapuf, (edited )

Yeah, I’ve heard a psychologist say he’s showing clear signs of social media addiction (which is a pretty interesting/funny case when you’re also rich enough to buy the entire media company).

I wouldn’t be surprised if he has other addiction going on at the same time. I mean who can tell this guy he has a problem? Who can say no to this guy, nobody has any authority over him…


Technically? Any cop.


But cops aren’t obligated to tell someone they have a problem. Apparently they aren’t obligated to do anything… (but that’s another rant). So there’s really nobody who can tell him to get his life together until a cop has reason to tell him he has the right to remain silent.

@Uglyhead@lemmy.world avatar

This is the way he’s always been and it’s only getting worse.

Employees have always had to manage him not the other way around; a perpetual petulant toddler banging his hands on the table; ruining everything he touches with his Reverse-Midas-Touch so they keep him at bay.


We call it the Mierdas Touch.

Uglyhead, (edited )
@Uglyhead@lemmy.world avatar

Phony Stark and his Mierdas Touch. nice

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

I enjoy it, but I prefer calling him Terrence Howard because he’s a fake iron man who is going to be replaced.

@Uglyhead@lemmy.world avatar

Mr. “If one times one equals one that means that two is of no value because one times itself has no effect. One times one equals two because the square root of four is two, so what’s the square root of two? Should be one, but we’re told it’s two, and that cannot be.” Terryology Howard?

Refuting thousands of years of knowledge and science and saying we’ve, ‘been doing math wrong this whole time’ takes a whole nutter level of nutter.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

See? He and Elon need to get together and compare science notes. Imagine the new Tesla/SpaceX Cyber Rocket Truck those two could come up with together!


@cybervseas @Uglyhead Ah, a fellow shitty pun connoisseur


This is increasingly the characterization of so many rich and powerful people.

Soooo weird…


Birds of a feather got to stick together.


Generations of inbreeding will do that to you.


And yet yall make it sound like a bad thing

Blackout avatar

You have to think who gets that wealthy and is like "Let's go to work!" You have to be psychotic to have more wealth than you can ever spend and not go fuck off somewhere and enjoy it. I would never go back to a job even if I was running the place, I'd just do whatever I wanted to do for the rest of my life.

@SturgiesYrFase@lemmy.ml avatar

See, idk if I could do that the rest of my life. I’m dreading retirement, even though it’s a long way off, as I have no idea how I’ll handle it…
I could do maybe a month of nothing then I start getting antsy and depressed. Working gives structure to my life, and while I really hate getting up and going to it, it’s better for me than the alternative…even when I don’t have to worry about money.


Yea, but would you pretend to be a business genius while in actuality being the world’s biggest spoiled dork? Like Tommy Boy but without the charisma and infinitely more needy for a positive reception. I think, even as delusional as I am, you and I would recognize we’d likely need a different role.

Musky boy gives us the Cyber Truck, and a dancing jackass in a leotard and helmet for a robot…

@SturgiesYrFase@lemmy.ml avatar

No, but I’m neither rich nor a narcissistic prick, just a regular asshole.
Always thought Musk was a piece of shit, glad my initial thought is being proven correct.


That’s a pretty sad revelation. We’ve been so beaten down that we can’t imagine being happy pursuing whatever we’d like to do day after day without “creating value.”

And we only get this one go at life. One life to live and we’ve been so sapped of the entire concept of “living” that work is our life. How sad that is.

It just seems crazy. I don’t know, it just feels so wrong to hear people think this way.

@SturgiesYrFase@lemmy.ml avatar

Ehhhh. I’m a Stone Mason working in conservation, my job is really satisfying and rewarding. I enjoy my work generally, and passing on the skills to the next generation is an extra bonus feel good. I wish I was able to structure my own life enough to not want to go to work if I was independently wealthy, but currently struggling with possibly adhd or autism spectrum stuff, and while I would love to be able to work on stuff for myself I need external structure…

Yes, I know that last sentence was a bit fucky, I’m in bed and lazy, not changing it.


Get some hobbies.

Like building things? Have a workshop that you go to to keep routine and build things for fun.

@SturgiesYrFase@lemmy.ml avatar

Yeah, I’m a Stone Mason. Guess I could make faerie castles out of pebbles…


I feel you. On the other hand, you might find something different to pass/spend your time with. Maybe you return to your job. Maybe you start a new company, maybe you start to do arts and crafts, or…


I feel you. On the other hand, you might find something different to pass/spend your time with. Maybe you return to your job. Maybe you start a new company, maybe you start to do arts and crafts, or…


If you have money, then in the business world you have intrinsic value.

When you have enough, you reach the tipping point where it doesn’t just need to be the only thing you provide, but it outweighs others ways you hurt the business.

The less your ideas are useful and the more money you hoard, the faster it changes.

It can go quickly downhill when the CEOs wealth is tied to stock price.

And ends disastrously when they go somewhere that workers aren’t used to them. Because the CEO was never told they used to be babysat just for their money, they legit believe they’re a genius


It’s impressive then that the starship stack is stainless steel not carbon. Musk planned a giant carbon fibre rocket. The engineers he hired got him to change size and change material


Well yeah. The dude never sleeps.


WSJ llloooollll


You mean… he isn’t aways on drugs?!

Maybe he should be


There are them that shouldn’t take drugs. And there are them that NEED to be taking the proper ones under medical direction.

I’ve been thinking Musk needs to be taking some under a Doctor’s care…


What a sad downspiral for the guy. There’s no way this ends well and we’re all forced to attend the party.


Of all the problems I have with this man, drugs are not one.


I guess it depends: is he a more awful person because of the drugs, or would he be a more awful person without them?


“Hey! Are you on drugs?!??”


“Well… Would you you like to be?”


Has there ever been an all-hands meeting where the CEO was not cringeworthy?

I just assume it’s the minimum amount of yearly cringe you have to endure to stay employed.


I’ve been in some. Plenty of small companies with CEOs

@KingThrillgore@lemmy.ml avatar

If a C-level meeting ends up getting more than average press coverage, it turned into cringe.


Honestly I can’t blame him. I couldn’t imagine not doing drugs if I was in his position.


Drugs and models are all I’d do if I were in his position and it’d be an improvement.


$44 Billion dollars buys enough Hookers and Blow to last the rest of your life.


$44b is enough for 25 guys to spend $50k per day on hookers and blow for more than 96 straight years!


Bold of you to assume Musk has 25 friends.


I’d be his friend for free drugs.

@Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

I’d be R&Ding exciting new drugs!


His position? Hell, if I were him specifically I’d never come down again

@TurtleJoe@lemmy.world avatar

We can excuse the racism, the transphobia, and the antisemitism, but we draw the line at drugs!


Don’t you see? All of those other things were BECAUSE of the drugs! It’s exactly like what happened to Roseanne and her Ambiens!


He’s always been a racist, homophobic, sociopathic capitalist. Aligning with fascists is the trajectory of most like him. The drugs just make it more obvious…

(Yes is read the /s but I still felt an opportunity to get a jab in because fuck this guy)

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Anyone else would be fired for coming into work while high.

@zbyte64@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Oh, they’re probably okay with certain drugs, but slurring speech indicates he’s taking the wrong kind.


That can lose them their security clearance and government contracts, so kind of a big deal.

The racism and transphobia and everything else can be ignored because it doesn’t affect their bottom line in the society we live in.


What would be scarier is if he wasn’t on drugs. Being on drugs means that there is a “normal state” for him to return to.


Hasn’t he been relatively open about his habitual micro and macro dosing of ketamine?


There’s a world of difference between a micro and a macro dose. You don’t want to be anywhere near work with the latter.


It’d be surprising if he could even manage talking with the latter.


That’s what the uppers are for.

A micro dose of those, a macro dose of that, a pinch of meth a day keeps the voices away


The difference being, with one you get a light, pleasant, happy, drunk adjacent feeling. With the other, you’re sitting on the ground staring into the infinite void of nothingness, head lolled to one side, while your friends dab the back of your neck with a cool towel, hoping you don’t puke and asphyxiate on it.


I’d argue that once you are feeling effects of the drug, you are no longer micro dosing.

Micro dosing started out as a way to describe the maximum amount of substance you could take without feeling primary effects.

@Uglyhead@lemmy.world avatar

Slightly Fuzzy but not stoned is my go-to with dosing.

@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

But as your body builds up resistance you’re gonna have to increase the dose

Also I imagine it’s like super sugar where people say “a little sweeter would be fine” and keep increasing the dose.

@Uglyhead@lemmy.world avatar

I definitely don’t want to be anywhere near Level 2 of a mushroom trip when I’m trying to actually function.

Just keep it nice and low; measure out 3.14g and split it 4 ways; have a quarter piece of Pi and all that cheesy goodness or wotnot.

@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

Drugs are bad mhkay

@HerbalGamer@sh.itjust.works avatar

which is also why the doses need to stay micro; so the body doesn’t percieve it as something worth building resistance to.


Yeah the whole thing is dumb. Let me eat as many mushrooms as I can without tripping balls so I can kinda work and think I’m a genius. That was hard enough to balance with weed in the office. Real drugs?? Are you fucking kidding me?? Worst case, nothing happens. “Best case,” I lose my career??? No thanks man. Maybe I’ll use them to clear my head on a Friday alone and use the sober new perspective on Monday. During work with no upside??? Nobody has to drive during the day??? End old man rant


Ketamine driving can’t possibly be safe.


Neither is Tesla’s Full Self Driving feature


I know that the rules for spravato (esketamine nasal spray, for depression) include no driving until after you’ve had a full night’s sleep.


I didn’t drive regularly when I was younger and fucked around. But both then and sober old man now, I couldn’t fathom driving within 48 hours of any drugs. Even day after drinking, it’s not safe… if you’re drinking until last call, tomorrow isn’t tomorrow


Jfc, driver might as well be asleep


Yep, college was great!


Lol my friends would 100% let me asphyxiate.

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