lemmy_99c4zb3e3, (edited )
@lemmy_99c4zb3e3@reddthat.com avatar
@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

While the word antisemitism has lost all meaning because of israel labeling everyone critical of them as anti-Semitic, it’s better not to use it ironically as people will conflate anti-israel with anti-Semitism and it might negatively affect real jews against israel.

lemmy_99c4zb3e3, (edited )
@lemmy_99c4zb3e3@reddthat.com avatar

Kk, but there is a strong connection between Israel, Jews and Judaism. I don’t care about hurting someone’s feelings. Intelligent people should know that

the word antisemitism has lost all meaning because of israel labeling everyone critical of them as anti-Semitic

and in this context refers to Israel.

@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

Yes but there’s a lot of KKKers right now that are not very intelligent and just want to hate on Jews. If think they can start openly saying they are anti Semitic we have a different problem. Which israel doesn’t care about of course.

It’s disgusting that israel is using anti Semitism as a shield for their crimes but don’t even let them pretend they are right.


Literally disband the state of israel but damn they had to use the nose huh?

It’s like the Kelly video where he’s all “you gotta give me the teeth!”

@egeres@lemmy.world avatar

Out of curiosity, did this post got shadow-banned?

If I go to: lemmy.world/c/politicalmemes?dataType=Post&sort=T… I can’t see it

@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t think so, I think the post is more than a day old by now

@egeres@lemmy.world avatar

Looks like you linked to a Lemmy community using a URL instead of its name, which doesn’t work well for people on different instances. Try fixing

My bad, I think this was the issue!!


Sorry guys, no one’s allowed to comment on the fact that Israeli soldiers are killing children, journalists, and aid workers. If you do it’s antisemitic because of their noses. Sorry I don’t make the rules


Sekrayray, (edited )

Really? We’ve basically descended to antisemitism now?

I 100% think the use of force in Gaza is genocide and a war crime, but this is a cartoon I’d expect from the Right. We’re better than that.

Looking forward to the downvotes for my ground shattering opinion that racial generalizations never have a place in political commentary.

EDIT: I’ve never been happier in my life to be downvoted. Keep them coming. I love how I even said in my initial comment that I do not support Israel and think they’re committing genocide (which is the general Lemmy opinion), but I’m still getting toasted. I would say the same thing about a WWII cartoon that made racial generalizations about Asians, or about the imperialist cartoons of the late 1800s that made generalizations about any number of a group of other people.


Okay Hasbara.

@samus12345@lemmy.world avatar

Criticizing Israel’s government is not antisemitism.

@Gloomy@mander.xyz avatar

And the big nose shit is a critic of said government and not antisemitism at its finest in what way exactly?


The other guy also has a big nose. It’s clearly stylistic. You’re reaching to be offended


What’s worse though?! Comic artist giving people big noses or an army indiscriminately killing children and press then sweeping them both under the rug as terrorism?


@samus12345@lemmy.world avatar

It’s a cartoon. Big noses are extremely common. There’s a specific way that a stereotypical “Jewish nose” looks, and this isn’t it.


Also, everyone has a big nose, not just the IDF soldier.


Is this cartoon doing that.

@samus12345@lemmy.world avatar



You’ve learned a valuable lesson today. A large fraction of the Lemmy userbase is anti semites who got banned from Reddit for advocating for violence against Israel.

@tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Violence against genocidal ethnostates is justified, why would anyone be banned for saying that?


“Everyone that downvotes me is an anti-semite! REEEEEEEEEEE”

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Israel are not the Jewish people. You’ve been propagandized to. I’m sorry and fuck off.


Yeah, the cartoon really conveys that with its stereotypical depiction of a Jewish person.

There are better ways to represent a country.


The cartoon doesn’t have to. It’s common sense that a nation isn’t the same thing as a religion.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Hey boss, they do everything in their power to make you think they represent all Jewish people. This is the most inoffensive way to illustrate them I’ve seen in a long ass time.

I think you’re just struggling with the fact they’re the bad guys.


The downvotes are because nuance doesn’t belong on lemmy. Only militant “agree with the hive or fuck off!” opinions are considered here.

What you said is 100% correct. Not everything is as black and white as the lemmy collective makes it out to be. But pointing this out makes you as close to the enemy here’s as if you had posted MAGA propaganda.

I’ll be downvoted too, but since up and down arrows have no value to anyone over the age of 12, - I wouldn’t worry about it.


Your comment doesn’t say anything. This is word salad.


Being against the state of Israel does not make one antisemitic. Just like being against the US doesn’t make you anti-christianity. States and religions are not the same thing.

People aren’t down voting you because of groupthink. They are down voting you because of OPs and your bad take. Quit whining. Get better takes.


Oh yeah, I’m not worried about it at all.

It’s just disturbing to me to see the side that I see as the good guys (the left) getting increasingly drawn into the trap of violence and discrimination. It’s like no one in politics has the ability to self-reflect these days.


It’s just disturbing to me to see the side that I see as the good guys (the left) getting increasingly drawn into the trap of violence and discrimination.

You got disturbed by your own imagination which is something children do.

@imnotfromkaliningrad@lemmy.ml avatar

the downvotes are because the opinion expressed is not only wrong, but monstrous. its like saying “its complicated” about the holocaust or any other of the myriad of crimes committed by the nazis. it is fucking not and muddying the waters by stating otherwise makes you nothing but a genocide apologist.

from the river to the sea


There’s no nuance here. This cartoon is not antisemitic in the slightest. Criticizing the action of the Israeli army is not racism/xenophobia.

@imnotfromkaliningrad@lemmy.ml avatar

i have information about a khamas base below the white house, as well as downing street.


No-one else is going to question the use of “khamas”? Really?

Hamas is 5 letters long, it’s not like it would have been difficult to get the spelling right.


I’m guessing it was intentional. This is the first time I’ve seen it called “khamas,” but what I understand from looking it up is that it’s how the word is commonly written/pronounced in english in Israel. (If I’m wrong, please correct me!)


I’ve never once heard anyone, Jewish, Israeli, or otherwise, pronounce Hamas with a k.


Fair enough. And I should be clear, I didn’t find a good source for this explanation, all that came up that was related was a few forum threads. And now that I’m looking at it again, there’s a good variety of completely different answers out there. So I really don’t know what to believe here.

I may just not be searching well; if anybody does have reliable info about this I’d be happy to hear it :)

@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

Every single interview with any israeli spokesperson calls them Khamas. This is the norm.


@Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

I thought it was to visually add an accent.


It’s apparently a play on words. “Khamas” in Hebrew means “violence”.


You mean chamas?


That’s the play on words

@samus12345@lemmy.world avatar


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  • quindraco,

    That would be chamas, not khamas.

    @Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

    Israelis can just say “Hamas” like everyone else. For some reason they just decide not to.


    It’s the standard transcription of the Arabic sound, which is closest (in fact, pretty much identical) to the Hebrew sound which is typically used to pronounce the first consonant in Hamas. Blame the bad Arabic-language education is Israel for not pronouncing it correctly…

    This is, as far as I know, not a word in Arabic, and non-standard transcription for Hebrew — the standard would be “Ḥamas” or “H̲amas” (using “ch” is common but non-standard as well).


    Have you ever seen anyone, anyone, spell it “Khanuka”?

    Aceticon, (edited )

    Every whole in the ground is a Hamas Tunnel, every Palestinian is Hamas, every person critical of Israel is pro-Hamas.

    You can see it everywhere, not just Israeli Propaganda (and even that from its unwavering supporters like Germany and the Biden Administration) but even here posts accusing somebody critical of Israel of being pro-Hamas are common.


    Ooh, be careful with those views. Someone who doesn’t understand what antisemitism is might call you an antisemite.


    In Germany they are also loosing Respect.


    I’ve definitely seen exchanges like that here. “Maybe genocide is bad.” And then some nutjob going off asking if they really think Hamas would welcome them.


    Subtle work there with the nose.

    @Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

    Both the press and the soldier have quite a large nose so that doesn’t seem to imply much.


    I didn’t say which nose.

    @snooggums@midwest.social avatar

    Attempt to save face failed!

    Would you like to try again?

    @ganksy@lemmy.world avatar

    As an artist myself, nothing is ever an accident. There wasn’t any need for it to tell the story. Using bigotry to describe genocide is a misstep.


    I replied to the first commenter with this but the soldier’s nose is not the antisemitic stereotype. It “should” (if you’re trying to be racist) be hooked and pointing downward



    Indeed, very deliberate – because it makes a fucking penis shape, you silly goose. Look at the positioning of the eyes.

    @ganksy@lemmy.world avatar

    Maybe. If I were to draw a comic about Japanese I’d be very careful about how I draw eyes and teeth because of how they were stereotyped in the past. If I drew one with black people I’d be sure it looked nothing like Pepe the frog. Lots of characters have the eyes outside the head style. Weiner face isn’t what I see here.


    You immediately jumping to it being bigotry is the very thing Israel is doing right now claiming all criticism is bigotry. They both have stupid looking noses since its a sketched cartoon. Stop jumping to conclusions.


    Yeah but the artist is called Nasser. Sounds pretty antisemitic to me. I met a guy called Nasser once, guess what his surname was? That’s right, Hussein. What do you think he thought about Jews? I’ve no idea, he seemed like a decent guy though, so probably nothing awful. I’m assuming this Nasser Junior must be his son? He had a big nose too, come to think of it.



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  • glimse,

    I looked at his Instagram before I left my comment (that agreed with you) and there’s a drawing of a middle eastern guy with a nose way closer to the stereotype on there, too.



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  • glimse,

    I’m not just hesitant to claim it’s bigotry - I’m outright refusing to without further evidence for all the reasons you outlined. There’s nothing bigoted about the way the soldier is drawn because that’s not even accurate to the stereotype at all

    @ganksy@lemmy.world avatar

    Make some shit up? It’s pink and unusually elongated with respect to the other characters. I’m not going to scour through the artist’s works to prove that it might be an accidental embellishment. If you make a comic that is not part of a series, it should be self contained.

    All the other details you pointed out are just strawman bullshit.

    What’s happening to Palestinians is genocide. It’s fucked beyond belief. This went from a poignant comic to something I don’t want to be associated with.

    Aleric, (edited )


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  • ganksy,
    @ganksy@lemmy.world avatar

    Four fingers, one floating eye, sclara? All straw-men that you ‘defeated’ to prove me wrong. I don’t comment on bigotry lightly. I know antisemitism is thrown around as much as comparisons to hitler in hyperbole these days.

    If someone has to look at your body of work to understand if you’re racist or not, you fucked up.


    Have you heard of a saying? “Those looking for something will find it even where none exists.”

    @ganksy@lemmy.world avatar

    Yes, it’s often true.

    I will give you the author of the cartoon may not be racist. I can’t say. This particular embellishment was a mistake on their part. It watered down the potency of the comic for some and that makes it an oversight at best.

    @tsonfeir@lemm.ee avatar

    It’s about the color on one of them


    If you look through his comics he does randomly color noses and this isn’t exactly what I’d consider to be a “Jewish nose”.

    @tsonfeir@lemm.ee avatar



    Did you happen to notice the detached eye floating in mid air?

    @Brunbrun6766@lemmy.world avatar

    A famous Jewish trait


    blood eyeball


    Yet another hurtful Jewish stereotype! /s


    Come on, that’s just a cartoon nose. It’s not even close to the racist stereotype of Jewish noses.

    The Jewish nose, or the Jew’s nose, is an antisemitic ethnic stereotype referring to a hooked nose with a convex nasal bridge and a downward turn of the tip of the nose



    Yeah totally different



    Uhhh it’s a pretty huge difference. Nobody says Jews have long pointy noses like that.

    Go look at his other comics. You’ll find he’s drawn noses way more similar to the stereotype on brown people speaking arabic


    I didn’t think today I’d be looking at people arguing a Jew depicted with twice the size nose as the other character in the panel while speaking in broken English was going to be argued as not stereotypical because it isn’t hooked enough.

    Certainly didn’t think I’d see it as the upvoted opinion.

    Not at all like classic stereotypes or anything:



    Honestly I think eye dialect is the real grotesque part of this.

    Most Israelis are native English speakers or were raised speaking English, there’s no reason to have used satirical grammar except to portray a gross ethnic stereotype.

    Not to mention that I think it undercuts the premise to make it about ethnicity.


    I’m sorry maybe I’m missing something, but how is it a stereotype to have the character speak like an idiot? The artist is trying to show that Israel in general is being idiotic, so this character speaking in a grammatically incorrect way matches that.


    It isn’t just an idiotic way of speaking, they’re using eye dialect spelling to reproduce the guttural sound in traditional hebrew pronunciation (e.g. 'k-hamas), which is ethnically specific and a very common trope in antisemitic media. Modern Israelis typically have more in common with western english speakers (many don’t originate from Israel at all) than with this type of orthodox speech mannerisms.

    It would have been one thing to portray the figure as an idiot, but combining it with ethnically-charged tropes and signifiers starts making the comic less about the nature of what they’re doing (and the ridiculous logic they’re using to justify it) and more about what ethnic group the figure is a part of.

    It’s good practice to look critically at politically-charged comics for shorthands like the above.


    Have you considered perhaps the view of Zionists considering themselves as the only true representatives of their ethnicity?


    Congratulations, you’ve broken my brain with this rationalization of antisemitism.

    ‘They consider themselves the only ‘real’ jews, so by being antisemitic i’m really just being anti-zionist’


    Have you considered perhaps the view that you might be an idiot? I do, and I accept that I lack understanding and that my knowledge is incomplete. You should try and do the same. It helps.

    Back on the topic. If Zionists consider themselves as the only true representatives of their ethnicity and thus separate themselves from the rest of their ethnicity, when someone else depicts that view, it is automatically anti-Semitic?

    So when Nazis separated themselves from the rest of the populace, only accepted the Aryan race as supreme and started genociding those they considered inferior, people who depicted them as such were actually anti-germanic.

    I hope your brain doesn’t hurt now that it’s broken.


    If Zionists consider themselves as the only true representatives of their ethnicity and thus separate themselves from the rest of their ethnicity, when someone else depicts that view, it is automatically anti-Semitic?

    Lol, you’re really doubling down on this? By your logic, does depicting a jew with a hooked nose classify as antisemitic? Since they say they’re the ‘true jews’, are any of the classic jewish stereotypes fair game?

    The problem with their use isn’t that you’re projecting a classification on them, it’s that you’re tying their differentiating characteristics to the terrible thing they’ve done. You’re making it (to varying degrees) about what makes them jewish, not the terrible thing they’re doing.

    I’ve heard a lot of rationalizations of racism before, but “i’m actually doing activism” is a new one.


    Who’s talking about noses? This was about a manner of speech.


    They’re both ethnic stereotypes lol


    But the manner of speech in this case can be seen as a form of snobbish elitism that differentiates from the regular citizen.


    Lol ok so we’ve got one for ‘snobbish elitism’ and one for ‘idiotic’, anyone else with a contradictory description of this caption?

    weird hill to choose to die on there bud.


    All these different hills we have, yet somehow we all think ours is better.

    Enjoy your hill, random internet stranger.


    You’re right. They also didn’t use the Israeli flag, instead opting for just the Star of David.


    The flag is the star of David, no? I guess two bands of blue make a very subtle difference.

    @hark@lemmy.world avatar

    You might want to take a look at the israeli flag.


    There are Hamas fighters, future Hamas fighters, potential Hamas fighters and Hamas sympathizers. All belong to Hamas. There might be other categories as well.

    @FrostyTrichs@sh.itjust.works avatar

    So eventually Israel will genocide everyone else and itself?


    Research friendly fire incidents and the Hannibal directive in the IDF. No one kills Jews more efficiently than Israel.


    I can think of one group of people who did, but as for killing Israelis, no one does it better than Israel for sure.


    I’m talking current times, not historically.


    Okay then preface it next time, because other wise ‘no one’ just means ‘no one’

    @snooggums@midwest.social avatar

    Kills = present tense

    Killed = past tense

    nondescripthandle, (edited )

    Thats because the tense has to agree with the subject, subject being Israel in present times, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the ‘no one’ means ‘no on in present times’. No where in grammer does verb tense indicate anything other than the subjects time.


    Thats [sic] presently because the tense presently has to agree with the subject, subject presently being Israel in present times, it doesn’t necessarily presently mean that the ‘no one’ presently means ‘no on in present times’. No where in grammer [sic] does verb tense presently indicate anything other than the subjects [sic] time.

    Clarified so no one would presently confuse your statement to refer presently to Old English.


    This is wrong on so many levels that I hope you are joking.

    Verbs agree in person and number with the subject. “no one” is 3. person singular. Subjects don’t have time. Only verbs have tense.

    If subjects had tense and “no one” was present, then the sentence would still be present. In that case, you would need to use the past form of “no one” to indicate tense.

    Rereading your comment: Israel isn’t the subject.

    nondescripthandle, (edited )

    What is the past form of ‘no one’ oh right, its still ‘no one’ so OPs intent to exclude the past isn’t clear. ‘is killing’ is the conjugation to use if you want to exclude the past, literally what it’s there for.


    You convinced me that you’re just stupid. Subjects don’t have tense, it’s the verb that carries that information

    nondescripthandle, (edited )

    You’re the one who brought up the what if subjects have tense statement, not me. You’ve convinced me you just want to argue semantically. It’s still not clear that OP wants to exclude the past otherwise they would have used ‘is killing’ instead of ‘kills’


    You said:

    Thats because the tense has to agree with the subject

    I said that (1.) this is wrong and (2.) even if it was right, your statement was still wrong.


    Its funny you wont respond to my argument where I say if OP wanted to exclude the past without saying so they should have used ‘is killing’ instead of ‘kills’ because ‘is killing’ necessary excluds the past, but ‘kills’ does not. Third time the cham though so I made the whole comment about it this time.


    If I understand you correctly, you’re saying that:

    “No one kills more efficiently” includes all past events.

    “No one is killing more efficiently” would be the proper way to exclude past events.

    But I have a few questions about that:

    1. Does that mean that the phrase “No one has killed more efficiently” is the same as “No one kills more efficiently”?
    2. Would it be proper to say “No one is killing more efficiently” even if they are not currently killing at this exact moment, but just in recent history?
    3. If I say “No one speaks Ancient Greek”, am I incorrect? Is it fair to correct me with “Actually, the Greeks of 1000 BC speak Ancient Greek”?
    nondescripthandle, (edited )

    Im saying that it’s ambiguous, the way I phrased it was it doesn’t necessarily exclude the past. When you add the word ancient to the example about speaking greek you’re adding additional context, no one does ancient anything because that word necessarily implies the thing isn’t done anymore. I asked for more context from op to avoid misunderstanding and you made and example of how that would work and why its important.

    Also since the greek example wasn’t a comparison like what I responded to we could make it one and see how that looks too.

    “No one speaks Ancient Greek as efficiently as the Language Majors”

    Would it be unfair to comment that maybe the Acient Greeks did?

    @SmackemWittadic@lemmy.world avatar

    They definitely have nukes, so it’s on the table.


    Fascism has to create new enemies to remain relevant.


    Netanyahu knew about Hamas militants moving funds from Iran and Egypt warned him about the impending attack, but he did nothing. I suppose he was preoccupied with containing protests against his judicial reforms but he may have thought letting Hamas to thrive in order to justify his fascism will do him favours. And boy he was wrong! As much as Israel have gone further right, at least they did not let themselves be hoodwinked and many ordinary Israelis have gone back to the streets to protest against Netanyahu and his failure to prevent the attack by Hamas. The opposition will have easy victory in the next election.


    He does not need to lose the next election. He needs to be behind bars.

    @snek@lemmy.world avatar

    I think he ignored the warnings on purpose to wage this total war.


    He was definitely betting on stoking nationalism to flare up and create smoke to cover his corruption.

    @snek@lemmy.world avatar

    Saw someone else post this on lemmy:

    WCK surely stands for World Central KHAMAS.

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