
If you mean more traitors will go to prison and be removed from the voter pool, neat!


It sounds like they mean to remove themselves from the gene pool as well! I’m all for it


Well, if it’s a repeat of 1/6, I think there was only 1 death (of the traitors, not total), but hundreds of prison sentences. That’s what I was referencing.


Cannon says “no” to the defense for the first time this trial and they turn on her immediately

what a bunch of traitorous snowflakes

Alto avatar

Cmon man at least make sure it's the right case if you're not going to read the article


Also, if those people could read they’d realize the only reason she said no right now, is she wants to allow that argument to be used as a defense during the trial, where she can then acquit him herself and give Jack Smith no chance to appeal. She only said that the argument couldn’t be used to dismiss the charges before the trial starts. If she did say yes to Trump’s request right now, Smith could appeal and a higher court would slap her down in a second for this blatantly incorrect interpretation of the law, and cut off Cannon’s plan to acquit Trump of all charges during the trial. She is bending over backwards to not rule on anything before the trial, so nothing can be appealed beforehand, and then get to the trial stage when her dumb shit will be effectively unappealable. Everything in her recent order is still to Trump’s benefit.


Neither you nor the person you’re replying to read the article. If you did you’d know this isn’t about Judge Aileen Cannon.

Ranvier, (edited )

I know Judge cannon is not in the article, and I did read it. I assumed the person I was replying too was bringing up judge Cannon for contrast with this judge, because unlike this judge or pretty much any other judge Trump has been before (who they and their family members have been getting constant death threats and harrasment, often from Trump himself) they’ve been lavishing praise on her. Kind of ironic they turned on her as well just yesterday after her order when she’s still doing her best to put the fix in for Trump. Trump even had to put out a tweet to remind people that judge cannon is great.


Cannon says “no” to the defense for the first time and they turn on her immediately.

Wanna know how I know you didn’t read the article?


Or even the headline. It clearly says Georgia.


Lol yeah, but that I can be a little more forgiving about. It can be hard to keep track of which case is being handled in which area. But had they read the article, they’d see the judge mentioned by name in the first sentence and it’s not Aileen Cannon.

Badeendje, avatar

This is not about Florida though. Cannon is the Florida classified documents case.

I know… it’s hard to keep track with all the trials:

  • Florida classified documents
  • Stormy Daniels hush money
  • New York civil fraud (found liable & pending appeal if his paperwork and bonds clear)
  • Georgia election interference (what this is about; the perfect call)
  • EG Carrol defamation civil trial (liable & pending appeal).

I probably forgot some…

ganksy, avatar

Translation: the few nutty enough to put plans to action will commit cowardly terrorist acts that make magats even more detested. Just because fascist asshats couldn’t settle for being overrepresented.


There won’t be a civil war unless\until the prospect of a civil war starts to look profitable to the .1%.


Russia is in that .1%


Foreign powers seem to have as much sway in the USA Today as the rich did decades ago.


Spoiler alert

Ultragigagigantic, avatar

Wouldn’t be the first time.


Potentially the first time:

Although Wikipedia is wrong. They didn't get organic crowds of people. They hired gangs to artificially riot and create the illusion of angry commoners. Source: Crucible of War, Fred Anderson.

It wasn't until New York (sons of liberty) also tried fake riots that actual commoners got involved, mostly about rich and wealthy merchants claiming huge tracts of land.


How do they know when they won, who do they fight? Is it over when the rich destroy all small businesses and own everything and we have a dictatorship? Do they just start attacking their fellow working class…? Do they shoot their kids and family members and make it so they have no social security or ability to retire or ever stop working? Surely they have to realize at some point they would fighting themselves.


Used to agree with that, now it's a maybe. The US elite created the seeds of MAGA and the christian right back in the days of Reagan, and they've fully lost control of it, Trump has at least some measure of control on the group, but I feel it's only because he's pretending to do what they want.

Just as with the actual US revolution, the movement was started by the 1% for their own interests. Which they gaslit and orchestrated for their own gain until they lost control of it.

For the uninitiated: they started riots to pressure lawmakers to not pass a new tax on them, not the working class, and new laws preventing them from defrauding London based banks with what amounts to wire fraud by regular mail by creating shell companies in different colonies, getting loans for exploration and land use, and then closing the "company" and a different colony.


Fascinated to learn more about that, if you have any good resources. That’s not the typical framing we get in our US high school level interpretation of events.


I would highly recommend "Crucible of War" by Fred Anderson. It's a bit dry at first, but picks up.

Very briefly, it's about the lead up to the seven years war(aka French-Indian war), the war itself, the post-war and lead up to the revolution. The author states that he feels you can't look at the revolution as its own thing without all of the pieces that led to it.

stanleytweedle, (edited )

I have no doubt gaggles of these goons will start some shit here and there, but a Civil War would mean the US military has either fractured or someone raised a domestic army capable of fighting the US military, which is so crazy I don’t even know why I mentioned it.

You have to remember the ‘state-of-the-art’ of war in 1861 was that men, munitions, and information moved at the maximum speed of a train, but more likely horse. And the distance between the most technologically advanced weapons available and a farmer’s rifle was within an order of magnitude of technological progress. Today the distance between civilian and military communications, field intelligence, and weaponry might as well be to another star system. And before anyone references past insurgent success against modern US military- they didn’t get their weapons at WalMart- they’re supplied by other national militaries. A Civil War starting with a civilian uprisings just isn’t a military possibility.

And I really don’t see any scenario by which the US military starts fighting itself. I’d be curious what scenarios others think might lead to that but I just don’t see anything on the table that could make a US military commander accept an order to attack other US military assets. I think something like a military coup would be far more likely than a civil war at this point.

z3rOR0ne, avatar

Exactly. Anyone who starts a Civil War in the US, unless it’s the US military itself, is going to lose. This rhetoric just puts targets on the backs of these Nazis, and that’s a good thing. None of the absolute shit they spew will fair well for them and society has been and will continue to (rightly) ostracize them.

I look forward to the day the Guinness book of world record for the largest human dung pile is awarded to the massive mile high pile of shit that will undoubtedly accumulate over Donald Trump’s grave and his entire family is nothing but a distant memory of a pathetic attempt at an American oligarchy.

Fuck Trump, fuck his family, fuck his supporters, fuck anyone who ever benefited even one iota from his policies. I’d personally forego the Pearly Gates of Heaven and choose Hell if it meant I got to watch him burn for eternity. That is preferable, that is Heaven to me.


Agreed but Telegraph was definitely a thing during the civil war, so information could move at lightning speed.


True- I’ve usually made the point about technological distance between civilian and military when people bring up ‘Revolution’ so I had to kind of adapt it for the US Civil war to include trains and forgot about telegraphs.

Kind of crazy to think the Revolution and Civil War were about as far apart as the Civil War and WWII, but then think about the difference between the advancements in military technology between each.


A modern civil war will not be fought on battle fields. That shit was pointless and stupid in the first civil war (which is a large reason why the South lost, they wanted glorious battles, and the north just burned cities)

No, a modern civil war will look like the mess in Syria or Haiti. It will be disorganized, chaotic, and there will be far too much pointless bloodshed, with no battle lines. Just a bunch of assholes killing people who they disagree with.

cosmicrookie, avatar

Shouldn’t come as a surprise really. They have even set a date for April the 12th


Yeah, what’s the big deal? I’m excited for it.


Do they actually think the military will join them?


Are we going to see blacked out USA flags with an orange stripe?


Even if they did, how long do they think planning a war against the united states would take?

Do they remember how it went last time they pulled this?

Ending reconstruction was a Fucking mistake.

MapleEngineer, avatar

The Trumpist insurrection ends one of only two ways for the Trumpists.

  1. They end up in prison.
  2. They end up dead.

See January 6, 2021.


Bring it on, fatties!


Boy it sure says an awful lot about Maga that they are going to go to war for a swollen pustule like Humpty Trumpty. If it’s a movement, wouldn’t it transcend a single individual? What a weak group of simpletons.


“I’m going to jail for an NFT salesman.”

—Unite the Right organizer and general alt right fuckbucket Baked Alaska upon being sentenced for his participation in the 01/06 riots


They’re all idiots, but this guy was a special kind of dumb. What is he up to these days? I know Baked Alaska was sentenced for only 60 days, so it’s not like he sacrificed much for the carnival barker. I bet he’s still in the tank for him.


If or when some crazy yahoos “declare” a civil war. All those toy soldiers aka weekend warriors. You know the type who own 300 guns lives in a bomb shelter and has been praying for the world to end since 1979. Those folks with have to contend with not you or me per say. The will contend with the United States Military. The tuffest military and the most trained, and frankly who has the best toys in the world for killing people. Our military is well versed in urban and rural fighting techniques. Did i mention the also own a bunch of drones. Yeah im not to worried


I’m hoping that the A24 movie Civil War is impactful on any future discussion of American Civil War 2.


Is it good?


I’m hoping. It’s not out until April 12 in US and UK:

Reviews for it are pretty good! I like most A24 distributed movies so I’m hopeful. Rated pretty high on all the aggregators all critics and no audience: 7.2/10 · IMDb, 93% · Rotten Tomatoes, 79% · Metacritic


If they organize, they won’t even make it to the military, they will be quickly stopped by our militarized police force. I fear that this is going to end up with crazy people commiting random acts of terrorism.


Some of those that work forces…


Are the same that golf courses?


That’s honestly been their gameplan for years. Anders Breivik might’ve been the first to put it to widespread paper in his manifesto, but the whole idea of terror cells was something that right-wing militias have been wargaming since the 80s. Even when you get a bunch of terror incidents grouped REAL tight together (like the Pride parade situations we’ve had lately, which all seem to share MOs), they get written off as “just a bunch of dudes” or “lone wolves” and never get reported on as “well Jim and Tim and John and Tom are assumed to be part of a larger terror network” because saying “hey this seems likely to be a problem and we should be on the lookout” doesn’t sell papers the same way as “CRAZED LONE WOLF” does.


I don’t know. “Terror cells on the rise. Is your son joining one? Find out at 10!”


This group has been masturbating to Red Dawn, shouting Wolerines! as thry orgasm, for 40 years now.

skulblaka, avatar

Crazy people are already committing random acts of terrorism, remember when some Trumper took out an electrical substation about a year ago and left a couple dozen thousand people without heat or power in the dead of winter? All that to shut down a drag show (supposedly).


stopped by our militarized police force

So, um, about that…

random acts of terrorism

Dude they’ve been doing this for so long; mass killings stopped being news.


In their pipe dreams (and their Chatapp groups or whatever), the US military will fight on their side. Oh boy are they in for a surprise.

Jimmyeatsausage, (edited )

I think it’s important to remember how many civilians we killed in Iraq trying to get the bad ones. Yes, the US military would put down an insurrection… I don’t know know how fast it would be, and I don’t know that they wouldn’t kill my kids when they drone strike the guy down the street…


I wouldn’t count on the military being on a particular side, but I should point out that their record against illiterate dipshits who don’t understand wearing shoes is 0-2.

Then again, their record on the rare instance they fight against fascists is 3-0, undefeated. And those wins were against the best the fasch had to offer, delivered pretty spectacularly.


“There will be a civil war!” - Somebody definitely not prepared to fight in any kind of war.


They’re prepared to fight, they just haven’t thought it through. Which is why they’re prepared to fight. Doesn’t stop them from the terror attacks they’ll commit before they’re killed or locked up.


Well, they seem more prepared for the younger generation to fight, as they do in most wars.

The issue for them is that there’s very much an age difference in the whole MAGA/sanity thing and they’re on the wrong side of it.


But they have a couple of guns and a pickup truck and a vest with pockets and hunting boots and camo pants?? Some even have night vision scopes!!! The US military won’t stand a chance.


I still can’t believe that all the rural redneck idiots are willing to start a Civil War for a failed corrupt New York City businessman, who represents everything they don’t stand for in the name of creating a fascist dictatorship and stripping away all of your rights so that the rich people can continue to fuck you in the ass.


Most of them think the war will turn the economic tides and somehow turn their rural towns into utopian areas where all the wealth from the cities is funneled into their shitty towns. They want the status and earning of being an engineer, doctor, or lawyer without trying or educating themselves.

What is sad is all conservatives are willing to kill us, our children, and everything we worked for for this ideal and for a corrupt, failed New York businessman that sells military secrets to our enemies.


I’m not convinced he sells secrets. I’m pretty sure he gives them away because poo tin tells him it’s in their best interests.


What’s ironic is that it’s the liberal-eating-local-buy-local-equality-socialist types that are are subsidizing their ability to live in that small rural town at all.

County State Aid roads, clean water infrastructure, education, business development grants, farm grants… All of that is paid for by big city taxes, which typically (not always… Looking at you Ft. Worth…) lean liberal. In my state one rural community received tax funding at a rate of 480% compare to what they paid in, where as the city center reviebes about 60% of the taxes they pay.

Farm-to-table? Anti-trust regulations? Farm subsidies? The USDA rural development? All paid for in large part by taxes, most of which come from city centers.

And yet exactly what you said - they want liberal big cities gone. They see them as a plight upon the land.

It’s crazy.


That part seems to elude these small towns. The end of the big cities mean the end of their way of life. They would all starve to death in a few months, and have pretty much nothing to offer the entire world.


I have Maga relatives, who have giddily spoken to me about finally getting to “blast the damn libs”. I’m one of the people they are happily speaking about shooting down. Yeeeeesh

unreasonabro, (edited )

Bro, it’s not even surprising at this point.

It’s the “I reject your reality and substitute my own!” principle.

Who cares what they believe, it matters exactly 0% what they believe, just that they’re willing to kill you over it.

They bring the barbarianism, we send the military. Unless the famously Republican-leading military decides to betray the country too (and given the hubbub around UAPs and their response, I wouldn’t give more than 50/50 odds) in which case you never had a chance in the first place.


The real thing they love about him is that “we” hate him and with their support they think they can annoy us and “get back” at us for whatever they think we did to them. And they aren’t wrong, people who hate Trump have a very hard time just ignoring the Trolls, me included.


Only rationale I can think of:

“It’s not gay if you can’t consent, and I really want to be fucked in the ass”

Linkerbaan, avatar

Oh wow another lawsuit to follow which is going to lead to absolutely nothing.

Aren’t people tired of this theatre yet?



EtherWhack, avatar

Well, it wouldn’t be too difficult to defeat a gullible and unstable army


“army” is too strong a word here. Maybe armylet?



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