Welcome Reddit refugees!

We are happy to see that many of you are exploring Lemmy after Reddit announced changes to its API policy. I maintain this project alongside @dessalines.

Lemmy is similar to Reddit in many ways, but there is also a major difference: Its not only a single website, but consists of many different websites which are interconnected through federation. This is achieved with the ActivityPub protocol which is also used by Mastodon. It means that you can sign up on any Lemmy instance to interact with users and communities on other instances. The project website has a list of instances which all have their own rules and administrators. We recommend that you sign up on one of them, to avoid overt centralization on lemmy.ml.

Another difference compared to Reddit is that Lemmy is open source, and not funded by any company. For this reason it relies on volunteer work to make the project better, whether it's programming, design, documentation, translating, reporting issues or others. See the contributing guide to get started. You can also donate to support development.

We also recommend that you read the documentation. It explains how Lemmy works and how to setup your own Lemmy instance. Running an instance gives you full control over the rules and moderation, and prevents us developers from having any influence. Especially large communities that want to use Lemmy should host their own instance, because existing Lemmy instances would easily be overwhelmed by a large number of new users.

Enjoy your time here! If you have any questions, feel free to ask below or in the Matrix chat.


Hi! I've been thinking about jumping ship on reddit for a while, and I think lemmy is looking really promising. Here's hoping it takes off and becomes popular (but not too popular)!

@Amir@lemmy.ml avatar

If it becomes too popular it's very easy to make a new, less popular niche server since everything is open source and decentralized


I created the askreddit that asked for alts to Reddit and decided to try this recommendation! Looking forward to giving this a go!


I know the site couple of weeks ago, especially after Reddit makes a very bad decision (everything just gets worse), and decided to sign up today. I hope this community becomes huge and people can contribute in a very good way.


Thanks for accepting my sign up! Really excited for this place. I had an account on mastodon but I much prefer this reddit-style type of site to a twitter clone. Looking forward to having a good dig around this site.




I can't create any communities. Is it intended if I haven't posted anything?

@SubArcticTundra@lemmy.ml avatar

I think it's only possible on some instances. The communities on beehaw are created by its owner, but I think the web version of Lemmy.ml lets you make your own (in the menu bar


Does Lemmy have any rss support?


Yes, click the rss button on your fron page or communities.


Perfect. Thank you!


By the way, the feed reachable via the RSS button in the account inbox has been broken for me, for a couple weeks. Probably should've reported that earlier...

It uses URLs like this: https://lemmy.ml/post/971001/comment/442247

Which, if I load it in my browser gives me an error 404: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'send').

If I simply remove the "post/971001/", it loads the intended comment: https://lemmy.ml/comment/442247


Open an issue in lemmy-ui if you would.


Could you create the issue? I don't use GitHub and I just won't spend half an hour to create a throwaway mailbox + account, to paste some text into the appropriate place.

Here's the issue text, as I would formulate it, and a screenshot, if you want it:

Account Inbox RSS-Feed has broken URLs

The feed reachable via the RSS-button in the account inbox has been broken for a couple weeks.

It uses URLs like this: https://lemmy.ml/post/971001/comment/442247

Which, if loaded in a browser, gives an error:
404: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'send').

If the section “post/971001/” is removed from the URL, it loads the intended comment: https://lemmy.ml/comment/442247

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Log into your account.
  2. Go to <Lemmy-instance-URL>/inbox, e.g.: https://lemmy.ml/inbox
  3. Click on RSS-button.
  4. Open the downloaded file in a text editor. You should be able to spot the wrong URLs in the XML.

This issue was reported by https://lemmy.ml/u/Ephera .

Screenshot of the account inbox, showing the RSS-button that leads to the broken feed.




You can use it from an instance's home page or a community.


Sweet! Thank you!


I'm very impressed with Lemmy and the fediverse in general. What a promising future for social media, especially after a decade of capitalism and centralisation slowly eroding the integrity of every commercial equivalent.


Testing, is this on?

@Amir@lemmy.ml avatar

I can see your comment so yes I guess?




Testing.. 1, 4. I wanna figure all this out before i invest in setting up my own :D


Welcome everyone ;)


Would be nice to have all 3rd party apps adhering to lemmy that would be a bg fuck you to reddit and would bring so many people here.


It's about time. They will


Hello there

@SubArcticTundra@lemmy.ml avatar

Hii! Guess what this is my first comment! I'm sure we'll look back to this comment one day.

@baronvonj@lemmy.ml avatar

I went from Slashdot to Fark to Digg to Reddit. Already found the Fediverse as @baronvonj after recent changes over on Twitter.

As my user bio says I dabble in guitar and watch rugby (US MLR, go SaberCats) and hockey (NHL). For reading it’s mostly fantasy, with The Witcher and Discworld being my most recent books, but I also enjoy scifi. I tend to be more visual (ie TV and movies) due to ADHD though. Video games with a strong narrative are great. Games like the Horizon series (Zero Dawn, Forbidden West), Uncharted, Assassin’s Creed, Witcher, and Zelda Breath of the Wild.


I've had my account only for about 30 minutes and I can see this fully replacing reddit for me. Here's to the future!

@SubArcticTundra@lemmy.ml avatar

Do you know how to create new sublemmys? I want to copy my favourite subreddits and tell people to migrate here. Do I need to buy a literal server?


If you're talking about the equivalent of a subreddit here on lemmy.ml, that's just called a "community". Click the "Create Community" link up at the top of the site. If you want to create your own whole Lemmy site with its own communities you can do that too, but you'd have to read the documentation on that.

@SubArcticTundra@lemmy.ml avatar

Ahh good I was afraid it was one community per server. Will try thanks

@SubArcticTundra@lemmy.ml avatar

Also, do you know how to view communities from multiple servers in the Jeboa app?

DarraignTheSane, (edited )

Just figured it out myself - in the top-left menu, click your username and then +Add Account, then you can enter the URL of the Lemmy server you want to connect to along with your credentials. You can then switch back and forth between your logins on the different servers.

(edit) - Or do what @sexy_peach said below. I don't know what I'm doing. :P

Of note - while logged into any one instance, you can also pick from the various filtering options:

  • Subscribed - List posts only from communities you're subscribed to
  • Local - List posts only from communities in this Lemmy instance/server
  • All - List posts from all (federated) Lemmy instances/servers

So, selecting "All" at any given time will show you posts from all servers that are federated (share creds) with Lemmy.ml.

sexy_peach, (edited )

you can search for !communityName and your server will look it up and you can join it. No need to have multiple accounts.

Edit: instead of the above you can also search for the link to a community on a foreign server to look it up, both works.

i.e. if you were on a server that didn't yet know about https://beehaw.org/c/news, you could search for https://beehaw.org/c/news or !news on a lemmy server so the lemmy server will recognize that community and list it, you'll then be able to join it, participate, mod it (if you're given the rights) etc.

@SubArcticTundra@lemmy.ml avatar

Ahh great thanks for this!


Yeah same here, Reddit is my social media mindless scrolling app and I'm really happy I have a promising looking alternative


Been exploring Lemmy for the past hour or so... actually pretty impressed with what I see. Hope it manages to take off!

  • All
  • Subscribed
  • Moderated
  • Favorites
  • random
  • DreamBathrooms
  • magazineikmin
  • thenastyranch
  • hgfsjryuu7
  • GTA5RPClips
  • Youngstown
  • slotface
  • tacticalgear
  • everett
  • rosin
  • kavyap
  • Durango
  • mdbf
  • Backrooms
  • anitta
  • InstantRegret
  • ngwrru68w68
  • cisconetworking
  • normalnudes
  • khanakhh
  • ethstaker
  • osvaldo12
  • modclub
  • tester
  • Leos
  • cubers
  • provamag3
  • JUstTest
  • All magazines