
When r/WorkReform sprang up overnight and proposed to elect moderators, Reddit's admins threatened to ban the subreddit for that

Fuck Spez. Fuck Reddit. Build kbin.

Dee_Imaginarium, avatar

Build Kbin Fediverse.

I like Lemmy more than Kbin, personally, but we can federate together and build up the fediverse 😄


I think Lemmy looks a bit more manageable but the people running it seem slightly concerning. I don't want to get attached to a place just to leave again.

Dee_Imaginarium, avatar

Yeah, I'm not a fan of them either so that's why I joined different instances. Beehaw has been a really good one but I was enjoying before this account too.

Lells avatar

Indeed, it's no different than preferring say, light-theme to dark-theme

Banzai51, avatar

I like the fact Lemmy seems to have a ton more instances, but I like the look of Kbin.

Dee_Imaginarium, avatar

I'm the opposite haha, I think Kbin has some cool communities and stuff but I way prefer the look of Lemmy. To each their own! Beauty of the fediverse is that we can choose our own platform but still interact 😄


Any mobile web apps for kbin I can use for iPhone? Like wefwef for Lemmy?

Dee_Imaginarium, avatar

Idk maybe, I implied I don’t use Kbin with that comment from 25 days ago. Not sure why you’d ask me tbh.


Funny how he repeatedly uses phrases such as “the extent that they were profiting off of our API” but has never used the phrase “the extent that we rely on freely provided content and freely provided moderation. If it weren’t for the tens of millions of people who are giving us free stuff we wouldn’t even exist.”


I have yet to profit a single dime off of Reddit. After over ten years (11th Cake Day is coming up), and nothing to show for it but piles of worthless Karma.

pizza_rolls avatar

I'm deleting all my free content off reddit. It's not particularly exciting content, but I have answered a few questions people probably ask on Google (recipes, cleaning tips, etc) that will now be gone. Just gotta back up my most important stuff first


I have one thread on /r/SVU that got to the top of Google Searches and people keep coming back to after over 9 years.

I made a copy of it here, but I don't think it will get the same traction.

espais, (edited ) avatar

I nuked the past several years of gif making from my account. Felt like slicing out a troublesome family member and it still weirdly hurts to have done that.


It's like cutting out a toxic family member when you still care about their kids.


but if you sell your account you can get hundred of dollars! That's upwards of $9 a year of pure profit.


Hmmm, assimilate my account into the faceless horde collective of disinformation drones for a cup of coffee... Hard choice


He was referring to app developers who charged for license or for premium features. Those people “profited” or at least, took in revenue.

ahriboy avatar

Reddit is already dead. Old.reddit will be removed soon.


OTOH, will now always live in my /etc/hosts file, pointing to the where the admin is only half as bad of a poop.


Reddit is deaddit. Long live the glorious Lemmy-Kbin Continuum.


Spez claimed that there are no plans to shut old.reddit down. We’ll see.

AnonymousLlama avatar

So much for moderators being "free to run their communities as they choose" as this article outlines

It's pretty obvious they're given free reign until they happen to disagree with admins and then it's "they're holding subreddits hostage", "they're just Stewarts" etc

Reddit admins will legitimately say and do anything to frame this as not their own fuck up


Stupid Stewarts. >:-(


Lol stewards.

Lells avatar

allow ordinary users to vote moderators out more easily if their decisions aren’t popular. He said the new system would be more democratic and allow a wider set of people to hold moderators accountable.

blinks loudly What could go wrong? 🤣


Oh, I know this one! A bunch of Nazis are going to get together, vote out the mods of transgender/gay/Jewish subreddits, and turn them into uber-right-wing hate parades.


While I do think that probably would happen

The most likely thing i'm expecting is people will vote out the r/adviceanimals /wholesomememes mod because of how much it was advertised that he took over the subreddit from the original mods.

Then they will put him back and disable the vote feature.

Optionally it just immediately becomes found out that certain mods can't be voted out to begin with


The can also put some weights on the vote or add a couple of thousands vote to whoever they want... Who's going to audit it?

demvoter avatar

Does he even use his own site? What a fucking disaster that will be.

pizza_rolls avatar

I'm pretty sure spez wants the site to be a right wing hell hole, the admins actions on removing content certainly reflect that in my experience


Lol one of the 10 AMA questions he answered linked to a meme making fun of him.

If he used a functional app that showed links, he could have noticed and not embarassed himself. But because he used the trash Reddit puts out, he had no idea.

AnonymousLlama avatar

One of those ideas that seem good on paper, until it's actually put in practice and you see how dogshit it is.


It can backfire for spez, but I mean that's a good feature given that some mods are indeed awful.


Glad I left Reddit tbh, so far Lemmy/the Fediverse seems to be way better.


I like the concept, and so far I like the implementation, but it's still far too early to gain mass adoption based on what I'm seeing from bugs (account creation silently failed on multiple instances, and login can also silently fail) as well as how registering can feel like jumping through hoops. I wanted to register for beehaw but don't much care to go through an interview process. Then I wanted to make sure I could access beehaw content, but saw they recently defederated from and, so I had to make sure not to register on either of those.

I don't know this will catch on. Currently each instance is so small, and the communities are even smaller. I worry that content won't update often enough to warrant checking more than once or twice a day. We'll have to wait and see how much this all grows and matures. I'd like this to be my Reddit replacement, but we'll see.


I'm tempted to say it's better, but, unfortunately, in many ways it's not.

What Reddit had, most of the time, was semi-canonical communities. There was /r/python, /r/linux, /r/privacy, etc. The diaspora of Lemmy is a shadow of all of that. Surely, there are a dozen or so (at least) /c/python communities on Lemmy, but is there a single one that's anywhere near as active as the Reddit one? No. Not so far, at least.

And unfortunately, I can say as an instance admin, the lemmy moderation tools are just flat bad. We had to turn off open registration and enable email verification, not because we would otherwise need it, but the Lemmy moderation tools are 100% reactive and only operate on a 1-by-1 basis. If a spambot signs up 100 fake accounts, I have to go and individually ban each and every one of them. There's no shift+select, ban.

Don't get me wrong. I'm glad to be here, and Lemmy's great, and there's far less toxicity (so far). All I'm saying is, (1) there's work to do, (2) don't gloat.


We're not there yet, imho, but Reddit definitely feels like damaged goods, and the atmosphere has gotten toxic and polarized. So I think we're going to see a slow decline, unless they somehow get their community management back in order, but the recent comments by the CEO seem to suggest he sees the community as cattle, basically.


Reddit was pretty unpolished when I joined 13? years ago. There is something awesome about being on a frontier where posts are getting 20 comments instead of 2,000. Everybody gets a chance to contribute and be heard.


Stop giving thus self righteous, money hungry dickwad a voice, The Verge. Jesus christ. The more he talks, the dumber and more like Elon Musk he looks.


There was also an article of how he admires the cost cutting of elon musk with twitter


You mean the massive NetzDG violations?


I think it was about the employee cuts, we don't talk about the bad stuff


The employee cuts were what lead to that clusterf...!


Everyone needs to realise it doesnt matter. Enough people already came to lemmy for us to carry on without reddit. Now we just do the normal long haul work - help users who need help so people start searching lemmy for tech solutions, post our normal content here so there is a reason to stay, upvote and comment others work so there is engagement. The rest will follow as this grows and grows. We have already won. Lemmy is no longer a fringe interest.


Completely agree. As long as users keep engaging and don't into the old habit of lurking we have nothing to worry about.

db0, avatar

I feel the same way. Critical mass has already been reached


I feel like another critical change happened, and that is that Reddit's users views of themselves changed. The idea that we are giving Reddit free content and labor so they can profit from it is spreading around.

An ugly underlayer has been laid bare and many are finding they don't really like it.


help users who need help so people start searching lemmy for tech solutions

For a moment, I misread this as "tech positions" and got excited about a job board on here.


Community idea: we develop a fake company that we all "work" at so that we can vouch for each other and use our "experience" on our resumes.


Or just list it as volunteer work...


Lemmings re-discover ancient multibillion dollar corporate CEO secret strategies

ram, avatar

I'll be your reference if you'll be mine.


Im not here to hunger strike from reddit until i get hungry. Im willing to hunger strike till i die. Fortunatly lemmy seems to be a source of nourishment but ive made my decision.


Agreed, I have moved on. Lemmy is at the place now that it feels more like what the Internet should be. It feels more personal and tight knit. By the end with reddit, I felt so much like a tiny fish in a gigantic pond that it felt completely pointless to comment on anything.


Lemmy is a “ground floo” for the next random tidbits of knowledge aggregator. And I don’t mean that as Lemmy is new, but rather it’d the next port-of-call and mature enough to be engaging while not being entrenched in decades’ old procedures.

I’m excited. I logged off Reddit when Christian shuttered Apollo, signed up on Beehaw and never looked back.


Hell yeah. Quality content is what Lemmy needs right now, the rest will follow


I can’t say I’m shocked, but I am disappointed. But at the same time - Lemmy/Kbin is the answer. This is the way.


This is the way


The changes are coming at a good enough clip that it feels like it's worth taking a stand here. Even if things don't feel like reddit yet, we're getting there. Enough people leave and they'll have a pool of content consumers and no creators and that's a fast ticket to a quick death.


It's important to remember it's early days. Things aren't as smooth as reddit now, especially with Federation, but they're going to improve.


Reposting a comment that applies here:

Yeah, moderating a large sub isn’t as shake-and-bake as the admins seem to think. They might “hire” scabs, but the scabs are probably going to slack off pretty hard and might not even understand the tools and procedures that can make it effective but not stifling to content.


I don't think they care? As long as they can pump the communities with ads so they can IPO.

fiah, avatar

can't pump the community with ads if the community gets overrun with content offensive to those advertising companies

Pekka, avatar

Simply replacing all the mods sound like a good way to kill a subreddit, Reddit probably has no way to pick good mods... Mods will need some connection with the topic, and you don't want to pick random users with no experience for large subreddits.

scrubbles, avatar

get ready for sudden and radical rule changes, non enforcement of rules, nsfw, bots, spam, all kinds of fun crazy shit in the subs with mods removed. I'm sure a percentage of subs would stay the same, but I don't think that percentage is very high.


Don’t forget there are literally Nazis being employed as Mods


Finally! Godwin's law!

Banzai51, avatar

Man, I was mod for a tiny subreddit for a TV show that was niche. We still got slammed with bots, nsfw, spam, etc. I can't imagine what the big subs are like, and I laugh at Reddit trying to insert their people into that situation.

scrubbles, avatar

I'm mod of one and I'm worried about that kicking up, I feel like I'm not ready. Any recommendations?

Banzai51, avatar

Just make it part of your routine to check on things. Encourage your users to report spam, etc.


I can already hear the CPA/affiliate marketing bots spinning up lol.


How many people think any such "election" Reddit holds will be a sham?


I have no faith that spez won't add fake votes to his preferred candidate


Alright! Time to Boaty McBoatface this thing.


Yarp. Time to start blasting holes in the hull.




Either vote in our own orrrr vote in people who will just destroy the sub.

mobyduck648, avatar

I hate to sail on that old hellsite

Leave her Johnny leave her

The algo’s fucked and the app is shite

And it’s time for us to leave her


Steve Huffman should resign.

slacktoid, avatar

Why? Let Reddit burn. also, he is the god of Reddit. It is how the system is set up. BDFL. Now he's no longer Benevolent.


CEO is beholden to shareholders. He would be replaced with someone tasked with doing the same thing.



Would still be poetic justice. Remember when they threw Ellen Pao under the bus? They forgot to hire a scapegoat for this round of unpopular decisions.

entropicdrift, avatar

Good luck with that! I'm excited to see the fireworks as their brand-new mod teams use their brand-new mod tools right as they go public. Should be quite a show.


And on top of that when the new mods find out it's just like a regular job but without pay tons will bail out.

btw: thank you mods, honestly, after doing for a little while I think you are saints.


or the people who now see an opportunity to take over a sub and power-trip

there is no good outcome for reddit with this situation


And on top of that when those "tools" don't materialize and they're more overworked than previous mods having to manually squash bots and alt right trolls, even more will bail.


It's not that they're for this specifically... It's that they are send centered. They're the same 75% of the population that is willing to cross the picket line at Starbucks cuz they want their coffee. They don't think about the workers rights, they only care about coffee.

The same people just want memes and football and porn. They don't care about what's behind the scenes unless it directly impacts them. And let's be honest, the reddit changes (for now) impact like 10% of reddits user base. That's not enough for them to give up some dumb memes for

President_Pyrus, avatar

And I bet spammers will target the subreddits where mods have been removed.


I think what will happen is that a lot of the subs are eventually going to end up in the hands of the few mods who love sucking up to the admins and the mods who are in it for the dopamine they gain power-tripping instead of the mods who are in it to make the subreddit the best version of itself.

This will only further the "5 Mods Control 92 Of The Top 500 Subs" issue and lead to overall less happy, less engaged users.


undefined> This will only further the “5 Mods Control 92 Of The Top 500 Subs” issue and lead to overall less happy, less engaged users.

With that many subs, they couldn't be good mods even if they wanted to. It is truly only a power trip and badge collecting at that point.

It's like bragging that they're the CEO of 3 companies...ok so you're doing a terrible job managing 3 companies instead of trying to do good at 1.


I was a mod on a big sub for awhile many years ago and it was a literal horrowshow every day. It was an endless torrent that never stopped, the mod team basically ran 24/7. It was guaranteed you would see at least some fucked up bigotry every time you looked in the queue because the sub was a regular target for those people. It was really just a nonstop firehose of all the worst the internet has to offer, one reported Reddit comment at a time, forever. The tools I had access to were janky browser plugins and things like that, stuff previous mods had built themselves years before because the actual Reddit tools were inadequate. The sub involved so much moderation the team was very organized and you had to put in a certain amount of work every month, it really was like a part time job where you get to set your own hours but can be "fired" for slacking. You often feel emotionally drained afterwards just like a real job, and you start feeling anxious when you "clock in" because fuck not this same miserable bullshit yet again, just like a real job. I have so much respect for quality moderation, it is not at all easy in any way.

rysiek, avatar

@coldredlight @peyotecosmico interesting!

Do you have any thoughts on what kind of mod tooling the Threadiverse needs to make mods' work easier?


I don't really have enough experience with them yet to have specific thoughts but my impression is they are very basic currently and need a lot of work. One thing that's really important is being able to do bulk actions against multiple users quickly. I remember the times when big attacks would happen and we would have a sudden flood of obvious problem users posting comments blatantly intended to cause disruptions, being able to efficiently respond in the moment to that scenario can be really important. It sucks when the mod team lacks the ability to respond quickly because in the meantime users trying to have a real conversation end up getting harassed, angered, and driven away with the impression the mods are worthless. You don't want to have to fight your tools and spend a bunch of time per individual action because by the time you get to dealing with the full swarm of trolls the conversation might have really taken a turn or be basically over so you end up cleaning things up after it doesn't make much difference for the users. Also, bots like automod are extremely useful and important so I would say the fediverse needs them ASAP. I never messed with the bots when I was mod but they were definitely like a force multiplier for the mod team.

varx, avatar

@coldredlight @rysiek It seems to me that search would be critical. An ideal workflow during a flood might look like:

  1. Search for a particular keyword (or regular expression 🤩)
  2. Multi-select relevant comments
  3. Optionally: Review list of the associated usernames, possibly annotated with account age etc. and allow deselecting any that were accidentally included
  4. One-click ban + remove recent comments of all users in list.
twipped, avatar

@rysiek @coldredlight @peyotecosmico from my experience modding on Facebook, the things I most often wished for were just better views of incoming comments. Being able to sort and group by time on a certain post, for example, and then filter that list by keyword so I can take bulk actions.

Being able to restrict who can comment on a post helps a LOT. The amount of harassment I had to deal with dropped significantly when I could change a post to only accounts over a certain age, for example.


With all the time and effort mods like yourself put into looking after subs, does Reddit not have at the very least a way of publicly rewarding moderators that do some much work keeping subs running? I know fellow Redditors can hand out ‘rewards’ but something directly from Reddit would show the community how much mods are appreciated and required.


Not that I'm aware of, but this was many years ago now so things could be different. I personally wouldn't have wanted any kind of public reward because that can paint a target, you get direct messages from problem users and other issues that come with recognition. I never publicly mentioned being a mod anywhere on Reddit, it was one of the things the mod team warned new mods about because trolls and other problem users will start targeting you directly once they see that you're a mod.

fouc, avatar

There are enough power hungry people ready to jump in the first opportunity they get to moderate

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