AnonymousLlama avatar


Just an anonymous llama 🦙🦙🦙

/kbin Road to Release devlog series

From today, I'm starting a small series of daily devlogs where I'll be describing the changes being implemented before the official release of the first version of /kbin. As I mentioned earlier, I had some minor turbulence in my private life from which I'm slowly emerging. I have partially stabilized my life situation in various...

/kbin current code changes
AnonymousLlama avatar

Cheers for the continual update mate, always good to see how the project evolves

AnonymousLlama avatar

I'm pretty fond of these little Velcro straps I got from Amazon that are like 10cm x 30cm, you use them to push all your computer cables into them so you can neaten them up. I've got several of them strapped back to back and it's a pretty decent solution (and being Velcro you can just pull it apart later on)

Why am I being suspended?

I created an account on a few days ago. A day after creation, my account was suspended. My appeal was denied and no reason was given. So I assumed was not accepting new accounts, so I moved over to and created an account there. Today that account was suspended as well, again...

AnonymousLlama avatar

I'd also argue that regardless of the server size, it takes literal seconds to explain why your account is getting banned, it's absolutely within the realm of reason that if your system allowed automated signups that you as an admin have an obligation to not be a shitcunt and at least give a reason as to why you're banning accounts.

AnonymousLlama avatar

I still occasionally run across the odd dodgy website that tried to disable zooming (along with other oddities like trying to disable right clicking on desktop) and it feels honestly that most of these annoyances come about because some asshole in the company (the CEO, lead designer, marketer, whatever) sees any changes to their websites from the user as "ruining the experience", disregarding the whole concept of accessibility in the modern web

AnonymousLlama avatar

Always good to see more people looking into platforms besides Twitter, plenty of great places out there

The New 8bitdo Retro Keyboard shipped early. Small-ish Male Hand for scale. (

I can try to answer any questions, but it doesn’t seem like the 8bitdo Ultimate software is availible for download yet. Im not big into mechanical keyboards, this is actually my first, so I don’t have much direct comparison experience to other keyboards....

AnonymousLlama avatar

Probably a good idea not to trust anything at face value from this bloke, he's the dodgy discount IRL version of Tony Stark

AnonymousLlama avatar

Make sure to never include your face when sending nude pics. Plenty of anonymous dick pics out there.

AnonymousLlama avatar

It's a shame it's not written in a PHP framework or something that's more common. Plenty of devs have been helping about contributing to kbin development, it sounds like it's a lack of manpower on Lemmy's end that's contributing to this

AnonymousLlama avatar

You'd think if she really wanted to live she'd jump through any amount of hoops needed, you know like your life depended on it.. apparently not

AnonymousLlama avatar

For an "experimental vaccine" it's had a pretty amazing job at limiting the severity of covid and reducing deaths. If only all experiments were that successful

AnonymousLlama avatar

Gonna be so much YouTube drama from this one down the track, love watching a shit show unfold 🍿

AnonymousLlama avatar

I rarely grope people, I usually keep my hooves to myself!

AnonymousLlama avatar

I thought the selling point behind most Twitter like services is that it's focused on negative positioning. E.g. things that are negative focused get more attention and engagement

AnonymousLlama avatar

Boos are just IRL downvotes, perfectly valid to just ignore them if you know you're right

AnonymousLlama avatar

The best take on here. The reasonable one that still highlights how much better it is compared to other mainstream services

AnonymousLlama avatar

Are we just really posting selective parts of this video? I could have sworn that when journalists / the media do this everyone is up in arms about bias and creating a narrative, but when we do it I guess it's fine?

AnonymousLlama avatar

Gamers Nexus (another highly respected tech YouTuber) called out LTT for their mistakes and performances over the last few years, the overall point being that they're moving too fast and causing multiple mistakes in their content.

There's a current controversy with a company called Billet who gave LTT a custom water block to test and instead of testing it properly with the 3090 it was made for, they tried it with a 4090 card (and it obviously didn't work)

Linus doubled down on their results saying it wouldn't have mattered anyway because it's a rubbish product and no one should buy it (which came across very poorly, why even agree to test a product if you know your going to trash on it)

The whole situation specifically looks like it's triggered some upcoming changes in LMG and hopefully the outcome is better, more accurate video content

AnonymousLlama avatar

I'd like to highlight that there's been a recent PR that's added the licensing to several files

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