
It’s amazing how little leverage they have when you stop using their products.


Don’t worry. They will find ways to force you using their products.


Meh I think they might be overestimating their market position if that’s the strategy


I think they’re in a better position than Microsoft when they tried to make ActiveX and Silverlight a thing. They own the two most visited websites. On top of that, they own the most used web browser and the most used operating system (judged by web use).


Their behavior is that of a monopolist.

However, they are not selling food or shelter. There ways to defeat their OS, is custom Roms for now, etc.

Other solutions will need to be developed but it seems we have some products being worked on as we speak but not mainstream ready.

It don't be easy fight but if people vote with their money and feet, we customer should win in the end. That is unless daddy Sam boxes us in, and mega corps deff lobbying for that too.


More than you think. They are also actively seeking ways to make that leverage effect more people.

They are defining web standards. They control chrome and chromium. So all of the alternative browsers that aren’t safari and Firefox are using Google’s web engine. Even Firefox and safari are beholden to Google as they fund both these web browsers through their default search deals.

Google after many failed messaging apps has taken on RCS messaging. They provide most of the supporting infrastructure through their Jibe servers. They don’t allow anyone but themselves and Samsung to make an RCS app on android. They also had a campaign to pressure apple to use RCS. It’s likely apple’s RCS will be following Google’s Jibe service closely, as they’ve already said their will work with Google on this. Google successfully got most RCS messages going through their servers, with apple on board with RCS itll see most SMS messages defaulting to RCS and most of those going through Google.

They also have deep hooks into education market with their OneDrive/Google docs products and Chromebooks.

Most privacy focused android alternatives recommend Google hardware.


I haven’t used sms for half a decade if not more…


I wish I could.

I’ve tried for years to get people over to things like XMPP, which is cross platform since, well, forever.

No dice.

ReveredOxygen, avatar

It’s the most common way to contact people in the US


I see. In Europe, everyone’s on Whatsapp, Telegram or even Signal, nobody uses sms :)


I’ll call that an incorrect and generalizing statement. The adaptation of these apps differs a lot from country to country, and SMS is definitely not dead yet. Beside people still texting, it’s also being used for verification codes, order confirmations, postal tracking notices, scamming, phishing and so much more!

effward, avatar

Most of my personal communication goes through Signal, but I still get a ton of SMS messages.

  • 25% spam
  • 40% scams
  • 30% one time passwords for shitty sites/apps that don’t support better 2FA options
  • 5% iPhone users who refuse to install Signal

Real useful stuff…


I use Safari, Firefox, and DuckDuckGo.

clegko, avatar

They are defining web standards. They control chrome and chromium. So all of the alternative browsers that aren’t safari and Firefox are using Google’s web engine. Even Firefox and safari are beholden to Google as they fund both these web browsers through their default search deals.

🎶 I think I’ve seen this film before… 🎶


Agreed we need to quickly move away from this

Zealousideal_Fox900, (edited )



yea lucky enough i switched to firefox a year ago


How is this even legal? So now suddenly every chromium extension has to go through a play store style review? How is Google entitled to do this on their competitor’s browsers?


They can do it if a competitor has forked Chromium but not bothered to provide their own addon store. For example, Edge supports its own store plus Google, Vivaldi only supports Google


That’s cute… Does anybody actually use Chrome apart from mainstream noobs?


Mainstream noobs are 99% of the market.

Step out of your echo chamber

Roflmasterbigpimp, avatar

I switched to FireFox slightly before all this Adblock-Drama came up. Simply because i realised Chrome was getting ridiculously slow ._.


Any article summary?


It’s a short article…


It’s going to open a tab in the browser while closing the app. That’s more trouble than I wanted.


Sounds like you need to look into new client if opening any link closes client.


Sounds like a lot of work


Google is disallowing “remote code” in extensions and classifying blocklists (the lists of urls that ad blockers use to know what to block, which are just text files hosted on remote servers like github) as remote code. As a result, any blocklist updates will need to go through the extension review process, which typically takes anywhere from a few hours to a few weeks.

Google often updates YouTube’s ad delivery on a daily basis. Blocklists must also update as frequently to keep ads blocked on YT. If Google requires that blocklists go through the review process, they can drag their feet and essentially render the ad blockers useless even if they have to allow them to stay in the extension store.


Firefox is loving every week of this as they head towards launch. Market share is guaranteed to improve.


You have more faith in people’s giveashit than I do.


It’s not really about giving a shit, but when you’re used to no ads, then seeing ads is an inconvenience. And that’s usually even more potent than people giving a shit or not


The problem is Firefox is not really an independant organisation; (it’s not independant from Google).

The_Cunt_of_Monte_Cristo, avatar

If you are talking about Mozilla gets money from Google for default search engine deal, Apple also gets money from Google. That doesn’t make Firefox depended on Google.


Firefox and Apple are different kinds of companies though.

The_Cunt_of_Monte_Cristo, avatar

When it comes to browsers they are same kind of companies.

LWD, (edited )


  • Loading...

    I switched to FF on mobile a few months back and I finally switched to FF on desktop earlier today.

    I had been a chrome user for maybe 15 or 20 years? I don’t actually remember when chrome came out but I started using it shortly after.


    How is it still a problem for anyone? I haven’t used Google in years and I am unexpectedly still alive


    We have prescribed terminals in our classrooms that are wiped between classes and only have chrome included. It’s a fuckin’ pain to have to load uBlock in each class in each section every day, because for some reason, our uni’s IT department only supports chrome.


    only supports chrome

    Nothing auspicious here! /s


    Nah, they went with the route of least resistence. Gotta remember, they’re dealing with thousands of students (college aged kids now just don’t use computers the same way and don’t want to learn how to, at large) and faculty (people who may be doing this job for decades and refuse to learn computers beyond the minimal requirement).

    Evkob, avatar

    This reminds me of years ago when I was trying to get my grandma off of Internet Explorer.

    The only thing that worked in the end was adding a shortcut to the desktop and changing its icon to IE’s. For a lot of younger people, or older folk who resisted computers until the 2010s, Chrome is the internet, the same way my grandma thought IE was the internet.


    Are you able to access anything like USB drives? There are portable versions of Firefox you can carry around with you.


    Yeah, I have ‘em, but links still default to fuckin’ chrome, which makes “impromptu” PowerPoint supplements awkward.


    There are also portable Version of libre office for Windows, which you can configure to open in Firefox.


    Most people use Google


    Well let’s say they shouldn’t for many reasons, the most obvious being Google’s systematic push at harvesting every last data about your life. In my country, many schools ban chrome from their devices for this very reason


    What happened to the ad blocker detection thing a month ago. Did Google remove it or does uBlock Origin have a permanent workaround now rather than needing to clear cache and reload?


    I had to clear cache and reload yesterday.


    It’s still an ongoing war, but with Manifest V3, Google will have an advantage over adblockers because they will be in full control over the frequency of extension updates, how many ad blocking rulesets they’ll allow, and perhaps when no one is looking, prevents those rulesets from targeting their own domains. The latter is the nuclear option that’ll instantly piss off the whole tech world if implemented now, but perhaps slow boiled frogs won’t notice it once the heat is high enough.


    Setting up a huge privacy lawsuit by trying to force us to allow these horrendous advertising tracking scripts.


    I’d like to think so, but it’ll never happen.


    They regularly try to add things to break it, and uBlock’s devs update it as fast as possible. They’ll probably slow down on these breaking changes as it falls out of the spotlight and people slowly forget about it.

    nadram, avatar

    This website talking trash about Google ads 🤣

    avidamoeba, avatar

    Holy fuck, 3 ads for the same thing that take up half the page?

    Thank developers for ad blockers, I don’t even see those anymore.

    LazaroFilm, avatar

    My 5 years old decided to switch to Firefox after I told him google chrome will not block ads on YouTube anymore.

    1984, avatar

    That’s the iq it takes yeah. :)

    Not saying anything bad about your son, hopefully you understand what I mean.

    LazaroFilm, avatar

    Don’t talk to my son ever again! /s Yeah most adults are just very tall 4 year olds.


    Proof: Elon and his Crayola-designed truck


    Escaping the musk-spam is truly impossible in this platform, no wonder people are leaving.


    He still topical. Leave if you feel the need to.


    Meh, it gets old.

    Yea the truck is trash… That’s news from two yeas ago.

    It’ll die, I’d rather stop wasting time on such a banal subject.

    Bread and circuses.


    People won’t stop talking about current affairs!

    sour avatar

    can you invite 5 year old to fediverse when older


    Kids are more open to change than adults.


    I’ll never understand why so many people seem to be afraid of change. To me change is exciting, something new to explore, a chance to learn something new.


    It will happen as you get older. You might not even realize it, and it will start with disliking changes that are objectively bad. But soon it will be changes that are neutral, and eventually changes that are positive but not very positive.


    Not hard to believe these rumors of super low morale within the industry are true.


    What rumours are those?

    Corgana, avatar

    Oh cool thanks I’ll take a look 🧐


    From what Bay Area friends told me, just a new really tense non-collaborative or innovative walk on eggshell environment since switching back from WFH to hybrid/in-office.


    Jail house rules engaged

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    I’m wondering if Chromebooks can run Firefox? I’m guessing not. I know you can install adblockers on them. Not after mid-2024, I guess.

    It really sucks that an affordable notebook computer means getting locked into an advertising system. You can get a Chromebook for under $100 and they have a very, very easy-to-use OS. They’re great for poor people and elderly people.

    So much for putting an adblocker on Grandma’s computer now.


    The pricing only really works if you factor in the advertising afterwards.


    There are ways to run Linux on Chromebooks

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    Sure, but do you think Grandma who spent $100 on a Chromebook at Walmart is going to be able to figure out Linux even if their grandson knows how to install it? Chrome OS is the push-here-dummy of OSes. You really can’t get much simpler. This is dangling a carrot in front of them so they’ll be forced to look at endless advertising.


    What point are you trying to make with this narraw example? What percent of user base is the grandma?
    Asking for a friend.

    Also, you are wrong. Mint is point and click, just like windows, android and Mac.


    That’s fair enough although I’d argue some desktop environments and Linux distributions are usable very easily. Remember that people like grandma are using “the operating system as a bootloader for the browser” and if they can open Chrome or Firefox they’re good.

    That being said when writing my response I admittedly had you in mind as the user who simply wanted to save money.

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    Well I do want to save money, but I’m not interested in a Chromebook for myself. My mother-in-law swears by hers though.


    If all you need is a cheap laptop, there’s thousands of deals on refurbished or used ones. You don’t need this year’s model to browse the web and send email.

    Throw Ubuntu or something on it and you can go even cheaper hardware wise.


    I have 10 year old Laptop that runs fine. It runs even finer on Linux.


    Just get a linux or android tablet instead.

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    My mother-in-law, who has a Chromebook, doesn’t want a tablet because she wants a reliable keyboard. That makes sense to me.

    Also, lots of school systems have opted to give their students Chromebooks and turning educational platforms into advertising platforms is criminal. Currently, my daughter’s school Chromebook (thankfully she returns it in a few weeks) is ad-free unless she goes to a third party website. How long is that going to last?

    “Just get a Linux tablet” is not a universal solution. Nor is all of these people saying people should just get older refurbished or used notebooks instead. That will work for some people, sure, but it will not work for all people. Not for school systems and not for people who already own Chromebooks and can’t handle a Linux learning curve.

    That said, according to others, you can install FF on them through their Android compatibility, but how long will Google allow that?

    I’m sorry, but “just switch to X” is really not a solution for a lot of people. And they don’t deserve this from companies like Google.


    It’s not all about advertising. It’s just that Chromebooks are practically disposable and locked down enough to break most LMS, and prevent idiots from breaking / installing stuff. And Netbooks have fallen out of vogue.

    Corgana, avatar

    If she’d allow you, you could always put a little pihole ($10-20) on her network (with the bare minimum lists so that it doesn’t break things too often). Wouldn’t change anything about her computer.


    Just started running PiHole with a couple lists (default + more restrictions) and have seen zero negative effects so far. Surprising really.


    you can have refurbished thinkpad for the same price and you don’t have to deal with some chrome-crap.

    honestly, the fact that people have to be reminded there are alternatives to chrome is the most mindblowing fact from the article.


    You can run the android version or use the Linux VM. Neither are great but are workable. Unless they've changed it recently, you can also dual boot them and run Linux off an external drive.

    I'd honestly say skip the Chromebook, get an older used laptop that is known to be fully supported by Linux, install a lightweight distro, and off you go if all Grandma needs is a web browser. Older used laptops are usually far better powered than a cheap Chromebook for the same price anyways. Plus it fights e-waste.

    A further option is to do adblocking at the router or through the computer's own networking system or something like a Pihole. These all come with their own pros and cons.


    I’d honestly say skip the Chromebook

    It’s not always an option. For example, every computer in my house runs normal desktop GNU, except that I was forced to buy a Chromebook because my university’s proctoring software only supported that, MacOS, or Windows.


    Windows in a VM on Linux?

    clegko, avatar

    Lots of those fucking proctoring softwares detect when you’re in a VM and refuse to run. 🙄

    EngineerGaming, avatar

    Afaik there were ways even around that.

    clegko, avatar

    There are but sometimes you want shit to just work. Annoyingly, a real windows computer is the easiest sometimes.


    Yeah I remember our school stuck out like a massive sore thumb and ran Linux on its computers until the very, very fucking end. The Dept. Education eventually threatened budget cuts that would kill the school. They eventually folded but to really make it hard for the dept. ed they said that all the laptops that were already running linux could and would continue to run linux. The reason why is because of some monitoring program the dept. ed wanted to put on that linux wouldn’t run.


    A lot of chromebooks run linux pretty well since chromeOS is essentially just linux which is always an option.


    I’ve installed the Android version of Firefox on my wife’s Chromebook via the Google Play store. There’s also a way to enable Linux within ChromeOS and install the more full fledged version of FF.


    DABDA, avatar

    “Wow! The future conditional pluperfect subjunctive.”

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