
They want the land. Not the people.


This would be international outrage if a palestinian said this about Israelis


It makes sense since Israel is a theocracy


Biden and Netanyahu: Way ahead of you, buddy!


1 By the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept when we remembered Zion.

2 There on the poplars we hung our harps,

3 for there our captors asked us for songs, our tormentors demanded songs of joy; they said, “Sing us one of the songs of Zion!”

4 How can we sing the songs of the Lord while in a foreign land?

5 If I forget you, Jerusalem, may my right hand forget its skill.

6 May my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth if I do not remember you, if I do not consider Jerusalem my highest joy.

7 Remember, Lord, what the Edomites did on the day Jerusalem fell. “Tear it down,” they cried, “tear it down to its foundations!”

8 Daughter Babylon, doomed to destruction, happy is the one who repays you according to what you have done to us.

9 Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks.

Not quoting this to express my support, just reminded me of of the genocidal Psalm 137


This is nothing new. Israel doing has been doing this for decades.


It’s basically the same as what Hamas has been saying forever. Basically both sides want eachother wiped out.

@Grant_M@lemmy.ca avatar

Netanyahu and his acolytes are a scourge – as are Hamas.


Which one caused the other?

@Grant_M@lemmy.ca avatar

Both are shit and need removal.


Without one, the other doesn’t come into existence.

@Grant_M@lemmy.ca avatar

Neither are better than the other. Both shit.


Yes, but to reiterate, one caused and funded the other.

@Grant_M@lemmy.ca avatar

Right. And Hamas did not have to carry out a terrorist rape attack and abduct hundreds of international civilian hostages. Both Hamas and the Netanyahu regime are shit. There’s no excuse for either.


Which one was in existence first and caused the other to be created?

@Grant_M@lemmy.ca avatar

It doesn’t matter because Hamas and Netanyahu are both deranged murderers.


It matters, but victim blaming fits your ideology so that’s why you can’t say it.

@Grant_M@lemmy.ca avatar

The victims are Palestinian civilians killed by the Netanyahu regime, Israelis killed by the Hamas terrorists and international people who were killed, raped and taken hostage by Hamas. That is my stance, whether you like it or not. Now, go away.

@mihor@lemmy.ml avatar

This is what you support when you vote for biden. Or trump. Or RFK.

@Grant_M@lemmy.ca avatar

Just trump/RFK


This is a Jewish Israeli extremist. Dont judge all of us based on this abhorrent example.


I have taken pains to point out that Zionism does not equate Judaism. Three of the men from whom I have learned the most about this conflict are all Jewish, Noam Chomsky, Norman Finkelstein and Ilan Pappé.


This is a Jewish Israeli extremist.

… who teaches at a yeshiva that gets its funding from the Israeli government… guess he’s not so extreme he can’t get government funding. Embarrassing. Even in the relatively thoughtless USA we would cancel that sponsorship in a second.




Do Israeli institutions not have mechanisms to dismiss officials who vocalize rhetoric like this?


No clue. I’m just pointing out the existing association. He could be 1 in 1000 or he could be in 1 in 4.


In my experience 1 in 4


They have mechanisms to dismiss the rest


Sure they do, but do they want to is the real question.


Actually those yeshivas to get funding from Israeli government are more likely to be extremist.


Israeli democracy often resembles more of a Jewish “theocracy” I say that as a former Israeli voter. There is a huge coalition of religious politicians that work together to keep money flowing to the orthodox haredi voters whonare invaluable to them.


It’d be like asking Hamas the same question, clearly we shouldn’t judge the Palestinian innocents on Hamas’ views, nor should we judge Israel on this guys views


Don’t worry, we’re judging you (Israel) by your actions, which… checks notes… are in full alignment


I’ll judge Israelis on the actions and words of their representatives and armes forces.

Doesn’t seem that much different to this extremist.


Majority held views among the population are in support of Gazan genocide and withholding all food from entering Gaza. The settler society at all levels understands its interests demand genocide.


Exactly my point, this extremist does speak for the majority.


Ok, well if that’s the case what is your community going to do to ensure he does not receive support from you, and that he can not recruit from within you, and that your community does not produce more extremists like him?

Usually in this type of situation the answer is to act outraged on social media.


And more importantly, is it ok if we carpetbomb his neighbourhood?


Not the OP, but sadly, the israeli state has a vested interest in supporting rabbis like him who act as an arm of extreme statist propaganda.

Even though the “disciples” of these kinds of rhetoric are not likely to serve in the military, they will egg on the existing population and do their spiel of making bullshit stories up.

And while I’d love to be in a position to go all “not all of us are like that”, and while I’m aware there are some Israelis who fight to get food in gaza, my entire family and most of my friends and colleagues spout this kind of extreme rhetoric, and i honestly feel like I’m slowly losing my mind over it.

There is not much willing in any community, and not much hope anything will change internally for the time being.


Most of my family believes similarly to this Rabbi. I feel like if I try to defend the Palestinians or put an ounce of blame on the Israeli occupation I’ll be excommunicated.

I instead try to teach the undecided, usually the ones who have been ignorant to the situation or those who haven’t yet “taken a side”. I grew up in an orthodox Jewish settlement on the west bank so I belibe I can speak with some amount of authority.


Your situation sounds pretty miserable and you do have my sympathy.

I’m naive to the nuance of the Israel / Gaza / extremist situation. My comment was just a tongue in cheek commentary on the nature of ideologies and extremism.

Ideologies tend to attract and / or produce nutters, provide them succour, but then disclaim their behaviours.


No judgement to you all from me. War is a conductive environment for extremism. War is hell, after all.

Crass_Spektakel, (edited )
@Crass_Spektakel@lemmy.world avatar

He is not just an extremist but also an Idiot.

Killing everyone in Gaza is just dumb because there are also several 10.000 Israeli soldiers in Gaza.

But meh… we already learned that extremism breads brain rot. Hamas is proof of it.



Drax? Is that you?




So basically he said the same exact thing Hamas says about Jews?


Does that make it any less abhorrent?


The difference is that Israel is considered an occupying power and has responsibilities under international law as such. https://lemmy.ca/pictrs/image/0e860517-df1b-4ba4-9bc0-08b0c4e63906.png


“The difference” is that Israel’s formal position is not the elimination of Palestinian Arabs. Zionism as we know it primary exists because of widespread genocidal attitudes towards Jews.

I’m not defending Israel’s heavy hand here by any means. I am just tired of everyone on the internet feeling free to just ignore all the historical context wrapped up in this conflict.

mods_are_assholes, (edited )

“The difference” is that Israel’s formal position is not the elimination of Palestinian Arabs.

Sure, it’s not what they say they are doing, but genocide is literally what they are doing.

Why does it matter what they say when it does not mirror their actions?

Don’t forget a song recently praising genocide hit #1 on the charts


Israel’s formal position is not the elimination of Palestinian Arabs.

The UN has found credible evidence to the contrary https://lemmy.ca/pictrs/image/cf5630da-3707-4c9c-8765-64ff88a35272.png


Zionism was from the very beginning a settler colonial enterprise. Yes genocidal attitudes towards Jews may have been used to promote the idea, but the end goal was always possession of land.

In its initial stage, Zionism was conceived by its pioneers as a movement wholly depending on mechanical factors: there is a country which happens to be called Palestine, a country without a people, and, on the other hand, there exists the Jewish people, and it has no country. What else is necessary, then, than to fit the gem into the ring, to unite this people with this country? The owners of the country [the Turks] must, therefore, be persuaded and convinced that this marriage is advantageous, not only for the [Jewish] people and for the country, but also for themselves.



It’s worth noting that the ones who rejected that mandatory Palestine map were the Arab Palestinians.


If it’s worth noting, you should cite sources.


I’ve come to hate people asking for sources in the interwebs. If you ask me for the sources for Gleiwitz or Mainila, or anything else, it’ll be as hard to find as on this subject.

People who are ready to invest their time in writing a short comment may not be ready to do that for finding sources for you. And that’s valid and doesn’t mean you’ve won an argument or something. Arguments can’t be won or lost anyway.

And people who are really ready to find sources are mostly not the good ones, it’s, say, genocide denialist Turks\Azeris and the sources they link are trash or don’t support what they say.

So you are making it seem that the other side has no sources when they may have and not giving sources seem worse than giving garbage sources.

And on your question - the Wikipedia article has some sources which seem fine.

CaractacusPotts, (edited )

Flaky… understood.

Socsa, (edited )

For me, it’s more kind of shocking that so many people feel like they can confidently comment on these events without basic knowledge of the very well known history surrounding them. Someone who has such large gaps in their knowledge probably isn’t worth debating further, and simply highlighting those gaps should provide pretty good view to anyone else reading this conversation about what level they are operating on.

This is especially notable when you see accounts which literally do nothing besides comment on this conflict.


I think you are putting unneeded conditions where there should be only one - whether you want to participate for your amusement.

Arguments do not expose truth. Arguments are not won or lost. If the arguing sides are trying to impose some position, to win some fight, then the argument is garbage.

Nothing shocking here either. They do what they want with their time.


And we condemn Hamas, so…


Man if every one in the world judged every American based on what one crazy preacher said we’d be in some trouble.


Yeah, although if the American state were sponsoring said crazy preacher it would be an issue. The Rabbi and his Yashiva are sponsored by the Israeli government as the article makes clear.


I don’t know if you haven’t been paying attention to Mike Johnson and some of the Republicans lately but well…


Rabbi Eliyahu Mali and his Yeshiva are sponsored by Benjamin Netanyahu’s government


I’m guessing you’ve never seen CPAC.


Well, the prime minister, the finance minister and the head of defense all have said similar things over there in Israel. At some point you have to believe that what they are saying and their actions are speaking for themselves and their words and actions are saying “no one is innocent and even if they were we are still going to kill them all so we can get the land.”


I mean, it’s kinda like judging America based on Pat Robertson, the Westboro Baptist Church, Steve Bannon, Steve Miller, and Trump.

Yes, we should beleive people like Trump when they say how awful they are. The fact that he was elected and is the presumptive Republican nominee says a lot about the American right, right now. But it definitely doesn’t mean that Americans in general are awful people.


Are these people:

Pat Robertson, the Westboro Baptist Church, Steve Bannon, Steve Miller, and Trump.

Currently in charge?

Because Ben Gvir, Smotrich, and Bibi Netanyahu are all literally in charge of the country commiting genocide right now.


What’s the purpose of that “currently”? Because if you meant that what’s in the past is less real, it’s not. Just removed from us by one coordinate.

Killing_Spark, (edited )

It means there was a majority of people who decided these people shouldn’t be in charge after witnessing what they did when they were in charge?


That wasn’t the case when they were in charge, obviously.

JustZ, (edited )

Their party is about to get shit canned, because Israel is a democracy and these people don’t represent the people.

snek, (edited )
@snek@lemmy.world avatar

Israel is a democracy despite that almost everyone who has power in the government is a racist genocidal maniac?

@ahriboy@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

There’s no democracy in MENA.

JustZ, (edited )

I never understood why some people would say it was anti semitic to criticize Israel in certain ways, like people say the BDS movement is racist, but it’s exactly things such as this that made me start to see it, and now I can’t unsee it. People rabidly hold Israel to a different standard and only one explanation consistently makes sense.

One Jewish nutbag bloviating his hatred into the void is asserted by some as evidence the the whole of Israel has evil, genocidal intent.

Targeted bombings of tunnels, valid military targets, with cell phone warnings, pamphleting, and roof knocking is described as indiscriminate.

Not giving foreigners the same rights as natively born or naturalized citizens is called literal “apartheid.”

Israel must stop bombing immediately or America should burn our alliance and feed the Jews to Iran, only Israel though, for Hamas it’s all “keep up the good work! Death to America!”

snek, (edited )
@snek@lemmy.world avatar

Palestinians in Gaza are natively born. They are not foreigners.


Fucking thank you, I am so tired of people marginalizing already heavily oppressed victims.


Gazans aren’t foreign dumbass


Dumbass they are to Israel.

@snek@lemmy.world avatar

No but most Americans feel free to judge me on my religion based on what a handful of crazy preachers say.


Yeah the problem there is the word handful.


In what way aren’t the crazy preachers representative of a massive segment of the population here?


I gave you the grand old party.


Same thing they did to the Canaanites. They haven’t changed their MO since The Bronze Age Collapse.

feedum_sneedson, (edited )

totally the same people

AngryCommieKender, (edited )

Israelites enforcing the word of EL? The Canaanite God of War? Yep. Same exact philosophy that has been handed down since The Bronze Age Collapse. Their blood may, or may not, be different. Their ideology is exactly the same. Genocide of their cousins.

Just accept that Israelite “history” from Exodus on is mythology, as in the authors lied, which was common at the time, and you’ll see how these ideas are exactly the same, as are the people espousing such hatred for their fellow humans.


as are the people espousing such hatred for their fellow humans.

You are likely European by ancestry while writing that, be more self-conscious or something

feedum_sneedson, (edited )

I think this is basically antisemitism. It has to be pretty blatant for me to play that card, but come on man.


Which is fun because under further review it turns out that the Hebrews were Canaanites themselves. They genocided their own neighbors.

AngryCommieKender, (edited )

Israelites enforcing the word of EL? The Canaanite God of War? Yep. Same exact philosophy that has been handed down since The Bronze Age Collapse. Used against their cousins again.

Just accept that you’re Israelite “history” from Exodus on is mythology, as in the authors lied, which was common at the time, and you’ll see how these ideas are exactly the same, as are the people espousing such hatred for their fellow humans.


They genocided their own neighbors.

That’s pretty much how everyone acted in the bronze age tho…


Sure but we didnt need to build an international religion out if it which should have disappeared at least 200 years ago


I really do want to get into this conversation with you because I can already tell your understanding of religion and history comes from sassy youtubers but I know from experience it never really goes anywhere because people like you can’t confront the fact that your worldview is tainted by irrational bigotry.

But I’ll leave you with this nugget: Organized religion is the only reason we were able to transition from small nomadic tribes to densely populated cities and literally kickstarted the historic era. For the VAST majority of written history religion and governance were basically the same thing.


I sure do get tired of motherfuckers insulting us for not accepting that bronze age bullshit. Religion killed 1/3 of Europe with one decree alone during the Black Plague. Imagine how much faster civilization would have advanced without a bunch of psychotic delusional retards running around yelling KILL ALL THE INFIDELS!!! Religion literally kept people from washing their hands or learning to read. Everything you claimed was a positive was in fact the opposite… the civilization that happened was in SPITE of religion when it wasnt seriously hindered and delayed by religion. It doesnt take any YouTube bullshit to know this.


Thank you for proving my ‘sassy youtubers’ assesment of your knowledge on history.

Religion literally kept people from washing their hands

See? That’s what I mean.


I understand why you said that because you took an oversimplification as an absolute, but there is medical history of people including doctors not washing their fucking hands for surgeries because science is a lie and God would decide who lives and dies.


Well they didn’t call for the slaughter of all cattle and livestock so, progress?


“They make a desert and call it peace.”


🤦‍♀️ “Let’s do what we’re already doing!”
Like wtf

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