
Our politicians may not always get along, but at least they agree about hating brown people.

ComradeChairmanKGB, avatar

Anyone got the “tankies and the burden of being right all the time” meme on hand?

PolandIsAStateOfMind, avatar

Socialism with Cassandra characteristics

"For of all sad words of tongue or pen, The saddest are these: ‘Tankies right again!’ "

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

Ah yes Deep State is a conspiracy theory… fuck you, every single supporter of 2 party terrorist state called USA.


Trump: There’s no “me” in “work together.”

Biden might as well try to convince a rock that it can jump if it tries really hard.

Turd_Ferg, avatar

These comments remind me that the fediverse is just a small version of reddits echo camber.


Don’t talk with insurrectionists

Scary_le_Poo, avatar

Biden made a direct appeal to Trump, asking him to join him in telling Congress to pass the bill, which was tanked after Trump rallied his allies in Congress against it.

“You know and I know it’s the toughest, most efficient, most effective border security bill this country’s ever seen,” Biden said. “So instead of playing politics with the issue, why don’t we just get together and get it done?”

What a fucking rag. Read the above and tell me where Biden invited Trump to work together.

Fuck NBC.

aphlamingphoenix, (edited )

“Why don’t we just get together and get it done?”

Seems like an invitation to work together to me.

PanArab, avatar

Their puppet master told them to do so.


Republicans don't want the bill that Dems tried to pass. They like hr2 better. It was a stand alone bill that was just for the border. It didn't have funding for Ukraine, Israel, etc. mixed in with it. Not only that, but the Dems bill doesn't stop all these people from coming across the border. Biden could solve the problem with his pen if he wanted to. All he has to do is put the executive orders back in place that Trump had and most of this would stop. The only reason he's even at the border is that it's an election year


Hahahaha now biden is interested on "talks’ about the border? F that guy… 4 years of open border and now he wants to talk about it because the election is coming. Screw him…

franklin, avatar

Open border? I think you must be confused.


Hahaha nope, go down south boy 🐸👌🐸

franklin, avatar

If you say so, have a good day fine sir.


Your God you couldn’t act anymore like an uneducated hick if you tried lol


open borders is when you keep all of Trump’s policies, deport more people than him, build his wall, and allow fascist Republican governors to build razor wire on the border and kidnap people

these people are such rubes


Are you aware of the remain in mexico policy?


More like deranged and/or a victim of disinformation. The US-Mexican border is one of the most aggressively controlled borders between countries that aren’t at war in the entire world.

It’s easier and less expensive (before interest and other predatory student loan fees, at least) to get into an Ivy League university as an American than it is to legally enter the US as a Mexican.

As for undocumented immigrants, most of those are people from Europe and Canada who entered legally and then overstayed their visas.

The amount of people crossing the Mexican border illegally is absolutely miniscule in comparison, but Mexicans and other people from Central and South America tend to have more melanin than Europeans and Canadians, which means racist Republicans fear and loathe them.

franklin, avatar

Oh no I definitely understand what’s happening but I just don’t think I will change their opinion in any meaningful way.

research shows that people don’t change their opinions in the face of facts because political ideology is a fundamentally emotional thing. It’s a shame that tribalism is so deeply ingrained in humanity.


Yeah, it’s tragic how effective propaganda can be, especially when repeated over and over as fact by people you trust, like is the case with Faux News and the like and the open borders lie


You don’t understand biden’s border policy at all.

He’s increased border security for his entire term and agreed to further than the most severe border closures conservatives asked for, only to have the conservatives turn tail, proving them to be bad faith negotiators.


What border policy?


Biden’s. Are you not even aware of what you’re ignorantly complaining about?


Are you actually blaming the conservatives for the current amount of illegal immigration right now?


Since they reneged on a deal two months ago to secure the border?

Yes. Obviously.

If two parties(Democrats and Republicans) agree to secure the border and then one party (the Republicans) reneges on the agreed proposal and runs away so that the deal falls through, it is that party’s(the Republicans) fault that the deal has fallen through.


I think you are referring to the bill with aid to Ukraine, Isreal and Tawaiin, corret? If so, that bill was terrible and literally did the opposite of secure the border.

Why do they need a bill to secure the border when they already have the ability to do it?

Varyk, (edited )

Passing bipartisan legislation is how things should legally and transparently be done in the US democratic system.

A better question is; why are conservatives clutching their pearls over a non-critical issue like border security and then fleeing once someone agrees to provide funding and measures for securing the border?


Outside of passing a bill with billions of military aid for proxy wars in foreign countries, it was still a shitty bill. I am fine with using the system correctly, but why not stop the bleeding first and actually prosecute the law?

Are you aware of what it even did? It literally just codified that 5000 people per day can illegally enter the country by any means, and then after that they have to go through the port of entry, and if I am remembering correctly it doesnt even start taking place till the end of the year. And then it made it so that all the court hearings adjudicating it had to take place in DC. No person should have accepted that bill even if it didnt shove military aid to kill people around the world.

Varyk, (edited )

It is irrational but consistent that conservatives took getting what they wished for as a terrifying cautionary example of…getting what they wished for.

Border security is a non-critical earmark that baby-brained conservatives whined for more action on and then cowered from once their plaintive cries were answered.

Ukraine should get as much aid as they want. Any other conclusion is nuts. Or selfish. Or cowardly. Or short-sighted.

CableMonster, (edited )

I dont think you read my comment…

And the Ukraine war is over, they lost, you wanting more aid is just encouraging more death of ukrainians.

Varyk, (edited )

I read your comment.

The Ukrainians want aid, and they should be provided with as much as they need.

Do you mean Russia lost? 413,000 Russian troops lost so far to Ukraine’s 31,000.

Not to mention the massive equipment loss.

I don’t think Russia has completely lost yet as they haven’t fully retreated, but by losing 13 soldiers for every one Ukrainian, Russia is certainly on its way.

Even if Russia manages to temporarily occupy an annexed piece of land for a little while, everyone knows how weak they are militarily now. More countries are turning to NATO as a direct result of the invasion and raising national defense because of Russia, international investment in renewable energy, Russia will be suffering from sanctions and a lowered global dependence on oil for decades.

Russia is definitely the loser here.


413,000 Russian troops lost so far to Ukraine’s 31,000.

Hold up, do you actually believe this?


You think everyone, including Russia, is tricking you somehow? Why?


I am not being tricked, I dont believe those numbers, I have no idea what the numbers are.

So you do actually believe those numbers?


I believe those or similar numbers provided by every country analyzing casualties in this war, including Russia.

You don’t. Why?


Because they are obviously propaganda. If you believe “the bad guys” have lost 13x more men than “the good guys” then I dont really know what to tell you. I have one stat that will help you realize you are being lied to; Ukraines militaries median age is up 10 years to 43 years old in the past two years or so. [Cue furious googling to figure out how to dismiss this data as normal]

Varyk, (edited )

So your baseless “believies” are telling you that Russia and every other international corroborating report is strategically overreporting Russia’s losses.


Also, the age of the Ukrainian military is going up as the younger generation(comprising much of the military, especially the front lines) is killed and the age of recruitment has been repeatedly heightened.

No “googling” required.

CableMonster, (edited )

Those numbers are underreported for Ukraine and probably overreported for Russia. The reason is obviously propaganda on all sides.

Also, the age of the Ukrainian military is going up as the younger generation(comprising much of the military, especially the front lines) is killed and the age of recruitment has been repeatedly heightened.

Exactly, and now think about when the military is a million people or so, how many would need to be dead or wounded for the number to rise by 10 years.


Okay. For a third time, why do you think Russia is overreporting their losses?

And if Russia is “winning”, why are they retreating and losing ground? Why has Russia’s “one-week” conquering passed its two year mark? And why are they losing all of their military equipment? A deliberate ploy to throw away all of their advanced equipment and vehicles so that nobody will guess Russia is actually winning?

You think Russia is just pretending to take literally 100 times longer than they planned to win this war while sacrificing their troops and equipment?

How savvy of them.


Ukraine claims 413k, russia claims less, I dont know what you are referring to. Obviously Ukraine and Russian numbers will be bullshit, but I am not the one believing either side.

And you just changed the discussion to something different. The border has not changed signficantly since fall of 2022, Ukraine is about to lose because they are running out of people to fight. I am just telling you reality of the situation not the propaganda.


Russia still claims over 300k troop losses, so they’re still losing even according to their estimates more than 10 soldiers for every one of Ukraine’s, even if we believe that Russia is overreporting their losses, something that doesn’t make any sense and is not evidenced or corroborated by any reports.

I have not changed the conversation.

I have consistently asked you why you believe Russia is overreporting their losses, for which you have no answer.

You are not telling me any “reality”, and you are the ones spouting baseless propaganda, as far as I can tell.

Russia is losing this war. It doesn’t seem like they’re going to win anything, I don’t see how you can consider this altercation anything other than a massive loss for Russia.

Losing 10 times the troops, losing most of their military equipment, burdened by sanctions for decades, pushing all of their opponents to renewable energy and to NATO so that they’ll steadily and annually lose the advantage of their main export, to repeat a few Russian defeats.

Taking literally 101 times longer, so far, than they thought to achieve a “victory” over a couple of regions in a country vastly smaller than them with a smaller military?

Proving that Russia has a sickly, weak military capability with soldiers ready to surrender as soon as they are sent into Ukraine?

What a coup.


You just make things up that no one is saying. Literally all the things you are saying are not what people are claiming or what they have been saying. To everyone but you and other people that have eaten the propaganda, Ukraine is about to lose, you can believe silly propaganda if you wish but its not real.

Varyk, (edited )

Why don’t you give me an example of something you think I’m making up?

That’s quite a broad accusation to make without any evidence to back it up, while I have reliable and credible sources that corroborate everything I’ve written here.


You keep claiming russia is saying what it isnt saying, and you are just accepting what Ukraine is saying as the truth. If you actually want to know what everyone says about causalities, I think wiki has probably gotten pretty close to what everyone is claiming.


Tell me which things I’m specifically saying that you think are wrong.

Show me which the sources you believe are correct.


“You keep claiming russia is saying what it isnt saying, and you are just accepting what Ukraine is saying as the truth.”

Please see wiki numbers and I am guessing they have what you want.

Varyk, (edited )

Are you specifically referring to mainstream Wikipedia?

Because they corroborate my numbers as of 2024.

Most estimates are at 30000 plus casualties for Ukrainian forces and 300,000 to 400,000 plus casualties for Russian forces.

10 to 13 Russian soldiers dead or wounded for every Ukrainian.


Cool, look again, the number of 30k is propaganda, and so is 413k.


Okay, well that is your source.

So if you want different numbers then the numbers everybody else agrees on, you’re going to have to provide a different source.


They dont agree on those number… Literally if you looked at the wiki you would see that those are not the numbers the US government even uses.


So we’ll ignore all the other sources, any other websites, and all of the other countries, and just look at the US estimated deaths on a Wikipedia page you are not providing but are vaguely referencing:


That site doesn’t have that information yet. Stunning statistics, thanks for wasting that time.

Here’s the proof of that website not having the Russian death count you are referring to:


Yeah and as you can see all the numbers are less except Ukraine government. Why do you think people agree with the 400k number or the 30 k number?

Varyk, (edited )

Okay, so let’s back up a moment and center here.

You denied the same numbers you have provided as your sources.

Then you said as proof that the US number of Russian deaths you think are correct are incorrect, I should check your source, Wikipedia, which has no US-estimated numbers of deaths. And finally you want to know why I agree with the 300k 30k numbers.

All casualty reports, including those from Russia, and the Wikipedia page you keep referencing, agrer that there have been hundreds of thousands of casualties in the Russian side, and far fewer casualties on the Ukrainian side.

These numbers make perfect sense since Ukraine has so much global support, advanced weapons and funding while Russia does not.

These numbers make sense because Russia’s military predictions had their victory occurring at one week or less, and they’ve taken over two years so far, demonstrating how weak their military is.

These numbers make sense because every credible source agrees on the numbers of over 300000 casualties.

Including your sources.


Source: wiki, which is whatever they link to.

The US estimate of causalities; Russia - 315k - current

Ukraine - 170-190k - as of August, so its higher now

See sources in wiki for more details!


So if we choose to believe that those numbers are correct, Russians are losing soldiers two to one, have taken over 100 times longer than they thought to complete this mission, and are burdened with sanctions that will cripple them economically in the frail hopes that they’ll be able to tenuously secure two regions of a country that take their ass for two years now?

That weak Russian military force and its leaders that have ended up ruining their own countries future prospects are the losers. Russia is the loser here.

queermunist, avatar

Russia’s economy is growing faster than Europe’s lol


That is a lol.


and are burdened with sanctions that will cripple them economically

American propaganda. Those sanctions have harmed the US more than russia. It might be one of the things that changes how economics around the world works.

And its still not 2 to 1, it would be 3 to 2, and russia has a much larger population to draw from. Ukraine is losing, and the best stat to confirm this is their median soldier age of 43, they are running out of people.

Varyk, (edited )

Wow! I’d love to hear your reasoning on how with the US dollar is booming, low unemployment, GDP growing every quarter, interest lowering, consumer spending rising, somehow the US sanctions on russia are hurting the u.s more than Russia.

What a topsy turvy world you live in.

Russian has basically insured that their top export will become largely irrelevant in the next decade, without any sanctions.

That’s not the win you seem to think it is.

Also, yes, if you make up numbers, it can sound like Russia isn’t losing as bad as it is losing, if you also ignore how they’re crippling their nation economically, diplomatically and militarily for at least decades and are getting their asses kicked for 2 years now by a country they thought they would take over in a week, without any significant permanent land gains.

Russia is losing hard.

And again, even if they get their measly two provinces temporarily, the decades of diplomatic and economic blackballing they’ll endure for at least decades, especially since everyone knows now how weak the Russian military is now, has severely ruined their future.

All Russia has done with this is make himself look terrible. Morally, prove that you can’t trust any treaties they sign, show how weak their military is, and ruin them financially and diplomatically.

Meanwhile, Ukraine is going to be supported globally and be receiving restitution from Russia for decades, after having kicked their ass in a war Russia loudly proclaimed they would win and have lost for 2 years.

Russia is the loser here.


Dude, you just believe anything that you are told by people. I can tell you and show you that your causalities were obvious propaganda, and then you just shift to different propaganda.


You always say things are propaganda without providing any evidence or counterpoint.

All I’m doing is telling you about corroborated facts that disagree with your baseless theories.

That’s called evidence.

There are several facts that you can’t deny, but that doesn’t mean that they aren’t real.

It means that they are true and you don’t like them.

Like Russia losing this war.


You think that if it takes 20 comments to kind of convince you that 400k and 30k are bad numbers that I will be able to convince you that particular sanctions were not affective?

Varyk, (edited )

You saying that the agreed upon numbers are bad does not make those numbers bad.

And no, I don’t think you’ll be able to convince me of anything that I have better corroborated facts for from multiple credible and reliable sources, while you spout vagaries and baseless innuendos.

Having said that, I do like being proved right repeatedly, so feel free to take your best shot.


You literally are repeating the Ukraine numbers, and I point to less partisan numbers that are much different but you still think you are right by repeating propadanda. Sorry dude, you will not be able to understand any arguments.


By using corroborated facts from credible and reliable sources, I think my logical conclusions are more sound then your baseless ones.


So you still think the death are “413,000 Russian troops lost so far to Ukraine’s 31,000”?


Since the conflict is ongoing and we don’t have undisputed fact, I can’t tell you the definitive answer you want.

All we can reliably go on are the agreed upon estimates, which at the moment indicate over 300k Russian casualties and over 30k Ukrainian casualties.


Why would you think the Ukraine numbers are more reliable than the US numbers?


I’m not using the Ukrainian numbers and I haven’t made that claim.

You getting turned around again?


The 30k is the ukraine number, they are the originator of it. Anyone else that is using it gets it from Ukraine.


Got any evidence for that? I understand the number is based on the names of fallen soldiers confirmed to identities.


I understand the number is based on the names of fallen soldiers confirmed to identities.

And who comfirms that for them? Ukraine does. I feel like you dont understand that both sides do propaganda, which is the reason you believe Ukraine is going to win when they are obviously not.

Varyk, (edited )

You have a great many confused feelings.

Ukraine has won the initial conflict Russia set out for, almost exactly two years ago.

They are still winning the extended conflict Russia is perpetuating.

It depends on how you understand winning. I define it in this instance by every indication of the strength and prosperity of a military and its country and the effects of the conflict on that military and country.

In the scenario, Ukraine comes out vastly ahead in every significant metric.

Russia is ruined for decades in most significant metrics and hasv already been definitively proven to be a lesser power.

You judge winning according to…believies?




Russia is losing this war by every measurable statistic.

They are losing more soldiers.

They are losing global goodwill and actively gaining international accountants aligned against Russia

They’re not gaining any land.

They’re losing more equipment. They’re losing more vehicles of aircraft.

They’re losing uncountable billions of dollars in oil sales that they are not getting back because the countries that used to trade with them are pivoting rapidly to sustainable energy.

Russia is losing hard.

queermunist, avatar

They’re losing uncountable billions of dollars in oil sales that they are not getting back because the countries that used to trade with them are pivoting rapidly to sustainable energy.

Only a few more decades until sustainability! 🤡


You are really behind the times aren’t you?

Sustainable energy is exploding.

In a few months, Germany reduced oil imported from Russia by 20%, from 35% and are actively replacing that energy loss with renewable resources.

Many other countries are doing the same.

Russian just cut off the remainder of the profit margin they had for their oil fields during extended years in the future they’ll be economically disadvantaged.

queermunist, avatar

70% of renewable energy in Germany is fucking wood burning.

We are not even close to sustainability. I’m sure Europe can get by without Russia by relying on LNG and renewables, but my point is that sustainability is not happening.


Sustainability is happening.

Every year solar panels become more efficient and cheaper.

Solar cars are going into production that refuel 40 mi a day from the Sun.

Korean infrastructures are being installed by All of the most powerful countries sustainable and renewable green infrastructure at significant rates to phase out fossil fuels in one to two decades.

Wind farms are being installed at rates that break records every year.

Title currents are being used to produce electricity, more nuclear powers being installed this decade than an all of human history.

Sustainability is happening very rapidly.

queermunist, (edited ) avatar

Web searching has become so fucking useless. I just wanted to look up how much solar has been installed on a year-by-year basis and make a projection based on that, but I can’t fucking do it. It makes me feel stupid and old, as if I’m some grandma trying to figure out how computers work. It didn’t used to be this way! I should be able to look this shit up no problem, but I keep finding the same fucking shit that’s only about 2022-2023 or propaganda pieces from think tanks. I can’t find a simple ten year graph. It’s maddening. I can’t even argue with your first point because I’m too fucking stupid to use the internet. Fuck this, I’m not going to kill myself trying to argue with you.

Varyk, (edited )

Totally understand, search engines have degraded severely.

This is a pretty good overview of how sustainable and renewable energy is exploding, especially in the last 10 years or so:…/decade-renewable-energy-investment-led…

The US is investing triple the amount of money into renewable energy that it is into fossil fuels

10 years ago. Renewable energy had maybe a 12% share of the market, and in 2024, global renewable energy use is breaking 30%.…/share-of-renewable-energy-in…

It’s too cost effective at this point to ignore renewable energy any more, so everybody is switching

brain_in_a_box, (edited )

the age of the Ukrainian military is going up as the younger generation(comprising much of the military, especially the front lines) is killed

But you’re claiming that Ukraine has only lost 31,000 troops, with means a fatality rate that is completely negligible on demographic scales.


I said the casualty, not fatality, rate of the Ukrainian military is over 30,000, not only 30,000.


What’s your point?


You falsely claimed that I said there have only been 30,000 Ukrainian deaths.

This is incorrect.

I said that there have been at least 30,000 Ukrainian casualties.

I’m correcting your false premise.


You know, anyone can just go back up the comment chain and see that you’re lying. What are you trying to accomplish?


I’m not sure what you’re talking about.

What are you implying?


I’m not implying anything, I’m being quite explicit. What are you trying to accomplish by lying in a way that will be obvious to anyone who’s read this far?


Are you trying to pretend I’m lying to further your line of false reasoning?

If not, please supply the statements you’re confused by.


Man, it’s just you and me here, nobody else is reading this deep into an old thread on an obscure website. You’re wasting your time with these rhetorical games.


I admit to mistakes when I make them and am very sincere in my arguments.

Since you refuse to supply the supposed statements you’re confused about and I have no self-contradictory statements in the comment chain that I’m aware of, the most reasonable conclusion is that you’re lying to perpetuate your line of false reasoning.

If this is not true, please supply any evidence to the contrary.


Who are you expecting to convince with this?


I’m simply responding to you.

You made a false claim about what I wrote.

The truth is in the other comments, and i’ve reiterated it for you since I assumed you made an honest mistake.

You said that you understand lying won’t work because the truth is in the above comments, so now I’m trying to figure out why you’re making up this story.


Ok, but again, who are you hoping to convince with this act?


Again, only respinding to you.


So what are you trying to accomplish?


Correcting your earlier false statement. It’s a few messages previous to this one.


Ok, but it’s me here, who are you trying to convince?


Correcting your mistake. That’s all.


Yes, but, to who?


Can you be more specific?




At least we can say you didn’t try.


Who was that ‘zinger’ for the benefit of?


I zing for the zing.


Well, I tried.


As noted above, you did not.




Maybe you’re weak, maybe you weren’t trying. Who knows?


That’s just the same “I’m deliberately misunderstanding your comment to insult you” thing you already did.


You claimed I wrote something I didn’t.

I asked you to provide evidence.

You did not provide any evidence.

Not exactly a scheme.


Ok, but again, you know you’re lying, I know you know you’re lying, and you know I know you know you’re lying, so what’s the point of this act you’re doing?


I’m not lying, as shown in the comments.

You have accused me of lying without providing any evidence.

You’re being held accountable.


See, this is why I keep asking you who you’re trying to convince?


Again, I’m correcting your mistake.

I don’t care about convincing people of things as much as you do.

The point here is to correct your mistake.


For who’s benefit though?


Again, it seems as though you have a performance obsession that I simply do not.

I correct mistakes.


But it’s just us two here, and we both know I wasn’t mistaken, so what’s the point of your act?


All the evidence points to you being mistaken.

If you can prove otherwise, please do.


Ok, but again, it’s just us two here, and we both know I wasn’t mistaken.


Then provide evidence.

So far, there’s no evidence of what you claim I said and clear evidence of what I said.


It’s still just the two of us here man.


Putting aside your misunderstanding of public forums, my comments are all correct according to the comment history while your stories have no basis in truth.


Yeah, but we both know that isn’t true, and nobody else is reading this deep.

Varyk, (edited )

We can put aside you misunderstanding public forums again, but you’re still wrong and the comments above have borne that out.

If you believe you’re correct, please provide evidence.

Since you’ve been unable to provide any evidence but keep lying, each subsequent comment you post without evidence is your continued tacit agreement that you’re lying.

I appreciate that you keep proving yourself wrong, so keep it up.

It’s nice when you prove me right and I don’t have to do anything.


Who are you trying to convince?


I appreciate your concession.


Wait, were you the “I appreciate your concession” guy on reddit?


Thank you again.


Again, who are you trying to convince?

Varyk, (edited )

I will not turn down you repeatedly admitting you were lying ad infinitum.

It’s very gratifying for you to provide me with continuous affirmation.


Ok, but It’s still just us two here.


You have no evidence again? Thanks for the win.


So, that’s what I mean when I ask you who you’re trying to convince; you say ‘win’ like you think there’s some kind of arbitrator or jury you’ve convinced.


Yusss, thank you again for not providing any evidence and admitting you were lying.


Who do you think you’re convincing?


I’m not sorry for your loss


What exactly is it that you think I’ve lost?


Thank you, I appreciate it.


Absolutely. Democrats have already tried to make several deals with the covidiots and they have refused. They don’t want a deal, they just hate brown people and want to screw over the left. Nothing at all new there.

PanArab, avatar

There was bound to be a huge overlap between 100% Hitler and 99% Hitler.



blazera avatar

None of the quotes from Biden mention Trump?

Parsani, avatar



Okay, so there’s a master example of how to finesse your opponent. The guy may be 81 years old, but his brain is working just fine.

Omegamanthethird, avatar

Dude is the definition of speak softly and carry a big stick. He’s fucking smart. He’s done this type of stuff all term. It’s how he kept us from going into default.


Didn’t Biden call the dude and enemy of the state on a few occasions?

Impeachment… Colluding with enemies of the state…

I’m being facetious of course, I’d rather they break the tradition of trying to impeach every president on their way out the door, but still, how you gonna have a meeting with someone you yourself called an enemy of the state?

queermunist, avatar

He probably doesn’t remember.

Omegamanthethird, avatar

The GOP as a whole is actively antagonistic with America. But you have to work with them if you want to get anything done.






Please explain how.


The exact same way the GOP keeps getting things done: do not capitulate, and tell the people why the other side is wrong. Don’t say stupid shit like “we have to pass it to see what’s in it!!”

Super easy, barely an inconveninece.


The GOP is mostly into destroying things through inaction, which needs very little work.

To have a functional government to do good things is necessary.

I think your ideas are a naive.

ComradeChairmanKGB, avatar

The French have a nifty invention just for such a problem.


Because he knows Trump is going to Trump and refuse to work with him. Biden’s perspective= win win and shows the orange broke dumb shit is all smoke and mirrors.

queermunist, avatar

Trump’s supporters don’t care, so all it shows that Biden is a fascist collaborator.


How long have you believed Joe Biden is a fascist collaborator?

queermunist, (edited ) avatar

Since he collaborated on genociding Palestinians by bypassing Congress to ensure Israel got more weapons.

Now he’s trying collaborate on a fascist anti-refugee border deal with the fascists and their fascist leader.



If you’re not voting, why haven’t you done something already to stop him?

What would make me think that with your track record of doing nothing in the past, that you would start now?

queermunist, avatar

Because I’m not as brave as Aaron Bushnell.


And what did he accomplish for the broader left, except eliminate somebody who could have been participating in direct action?

queermunist, (edited ) avatar

The Arab Spring was started by a self-immolation in Tunisia. If there’s any form of protest that matters, this is it.

It also showed the people struggling on the ground in Gaza that we aren’t all heartless monsters in the West, which is why PFLP and Hamas both came out in support. That matters.

It’s also an inspiration to all of us and an indictment of our own cowardice. How can we sit at home too afraid to act when someone else can do something so awe inspiring? It’s humbling, and we need to be humbled.

What the fuck have you done?

anarchost, (edited )

The Arab Spring was started by a self-immolation in Tunisia. If there’s any form of protest that matters, this is it.

Self-immolation is the one form of protest that matters to you? Your answer to leftists being inactive is to get them to kill themselves?!

It also showed the people struggling on the ground in Gaza that we aren’t all heartless monsters in the West

Literally doing what?

queermunist, avatar

Self-immolation is the one form of protest that matters to you? Your answer to leftists being inactive is to get them to kill themselves?!

It’s the only protest that has ever accomplished anything. Point me to a single act of protest by any person in history that has ever accomplished as much as self-immolation.

Literally doing what?

Ask the PFLP and Hamas. They’re the ones that actually praised Bushnell and honored their sacrifice.

ComradeChairmanKGB, avatar

Anyone paying attention has known that for decades. When Biden eulogized Strom Thurmond, he certainly didn’t do it out of a dislike for fascists.


I think that’s a little too advanced for Biden, but it wouldn’t surprise me that hear a staffer suggested exactly that… Don’t think much of Biden, but the current white house is doing damned well IMHO.

I do sincerely hope trump opts out. None of his fan base is going to be affected in the slightest either way, because cult, but trump will think he’s god gift for participating, and his head is already way too fucking big.

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