box464, to random

In other news, I just updated the Calckey AiScript documentation. It now includes an in-depth explanation of the syntax using AiScript version .11

This ports a translated version of the official AiScript documentation on the topic, but reorganized a bit and added guidance from my own experience.

box464, to random

Some additions to the Calckey Plugins documentation 👀

Added links to two useful AiScript Visual Studio Code Syntax Highlighter and Auto-complete extensions created by @kainoa and @tubone24.

Added link to a small but growing collection of Plugin templates that can be used to jump start your plugin development. Just getting started here!

kainoa, to random

Oh, and... here's another teaser for what's coming up 😉



@kainoa It's official. Calckey is now known as "coming this summer", or "ctsummer" for short. You read it here first from a trusted source that isn't making things up at all in any regard whatsoever and you should believe every word typed without any proof. Boost to spread this obviously not fake, real factual announcement.

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Finishing up my Calckey Plugins week with a fun one. MFM (Misskey Flavoured Markdown) is quite an expressive art form and a great entry to coding, math, and styling (but having fun and not realizing your'e learning something) 🤫

Here I've created a plugin generator, which writes the AiScript code based on a few pieces of information provided by a user in a form.

box464, to random

I'm happy to announce my final Calckey Plugin for this series. It's actually more than a plugin. It's a plugin generator!

Create a plugin that stores your favorite MFM art, a signature, your favorite emoji chain, or common replies (great for admins, I think!)

I appreciate the input I received from the MFM creator community and I'm already seeing some great stuff being built based on this code.

Keep creating and keep having fun. 💗

box464, to random avatar

Continuing my discovery of AiScript and Calckey Plugins with a new entry - “Lister”, which adds post actions in your timelines for adding accounts to your lists in a few clicks.

Check out the end of my blog post for some insights into the development process.

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Continuing my dive into Calckey's Plugins with a "Share to Mastodon" action item. Using the plugin framework, I can add new menu items to various parts of the Calckey UI. And then open a new window to my generated url.

An interesting aspect is that the framework allows access to the Calckey API. Check the end of the post for the developer details if you're so inclined.

box464, to random

Did you know there are other platforms outside of Calckey ​:calckey:​? There's one called Mastodon ​:mastodon:​, and if you'd like to share posts from your Calckey timeline to Mastodon, I've got just the plugin for you!


This plugin is also a good demonstration of the possibilities of using and is my first dip into using the Mk:api call to retrieve data from the Calckey API and pass it through as data in the plugin. Additionally, I store variables in local storage and retrieve it as needed. Nifty!

box464, to random

Dear Calckey community, here's my first Plugin I'm introducing this week. You've already seen me talk about it. Try it out for yourself!

The Highlighter Plugin will take a specific word or short phrase and highlight it throughout your timelines. You can customize the colors and turn a sparkle effect off or on.

One thing I'm not sure about is where to store these plugins for public use. They are pretty long to add to a note. Maybe a Calckey page? Most likely they will end up in a git repo, but that's not very user friendly.

Anyway, for now, you can grab it from my blog. I hope you enjoy it. 😊

Understanding Calckey Plugins (

Calckey Plugins are an overlooked component of the platform. Mostly because documentation is scarce about them. No more! Here's my first post in a series on plugins, introducing the concept and providing a guide to ensure users can make informed decisions about installing plugins they find in the community....

box464, (edited ) to random avatar

Calckey Plugins are an overlooked component of the platform. Mostly because documentation is scarce about what they are and how to use them. No more!

Here's my first post in a series on plugins, introducing the concept and providing a guide to ensure users can make informed decisions about installing plugins they find in the community.

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