@Dave@lemmy.nz avatar



This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

@Dave@lemmy.nz avatar

It links to the legislation which seems to support it:

A person exercising a search power in respect of any data held in a computer system or other data storage device may require a specified person to provide access information and other information or assistance that is reasonable and necessary to allow the person exercising the search power to access that data.

Effectively, if the police search is otherwise legal, then they can compel you to unlock your phone. If you don’t, you can get up to 3 months in prison:

178 Offence of failing to carry out obligations in relation to computer system search

Every person commits an offence and is liable on conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 months who fails, without reasonable excuse, to assist a person exercising a search power when requested to do so under section 130(1).

However, section 130 (2) says:

A specified person may not be required under subsection (1) to give any information tending to incriminate the person.

But clarifies in 130 (3):

Subsection (2) does not prevent a person exercising a search power from requiring a specified person to provide information or providing assistance that is reasonable and necessary to allow the person exercising the search power to access data held in, or accessible from, a computer system or other data storage device that contains or may contain information tending to incriminate the specified person.

So basically, if the data used to unlock your phone can incriminate you, you don’t have to provide it. But that doesn’t protect you from incriminating evidence on your phone.

So I guess the moral of the story is that if you’re a drug dealer, make sure your phone password is “ImADrugDealer” and then you can’t be forced to provide that information. But I guess they can force you to unlock it without telling them the password? so I’m not sure what section 130 (2) had in mind.

(I’m also not a legal expert 🙂)

@Dave@lemmy.nz avatar

The law says you do have to make it easy for them, and that you can be sent to prison for up to 3 months if you don’t.

@Dave@lemmy.nz avatar

That’s awesome! I tried to read back through posts but didn’t find the answer to my question: the mission is simply to test the deployment works (I guess mission success!) But they said they would also give it a spin afterwards, but I haven’t seen the planned target? Where are they driving it to?

@Dave@lemmy.nz avatar

Ah, and I misunderstood what “deployed” meant in the original post. They haven’t deployed the sail yet, just got the thing into orbit.

NotTheOnlyGamer, to fediverse
NotTheOnlyGamer avatar

Is it just Kbin, or does every fediverse service have the issue of being totally swarmed with bots advertising illegal pharmaceuticals? Is this just the result of limited moderation?

@Dave@lemmy.nz avatar

With Lemmy, we have seen huge numbers of bots at times but most large Lemmy instances have registration applications turned on. As in you apply to join an instance instead of just being able to make an account.

By default this means waiting for manual approval of your account, but many instances set up automated approval behind the scenes.

This function means many spam bots are averted before the public sees them, and also spammers avoid instances with registration applications.

I mention this because Kbin, or at least Kbin.social, doesn’t appear to have registration applications which makes it a prime target for spam.

Also Lemmy has coordination between dozens of instance admins sharing details of spammers. I.e. a lot of hard work behind the scenes. I’d guess the lack of moderation at the admin level also accounts for part of the issue on kbin.

(A lot of Lemmy spam also comes via federation from Kbin.social, so much that many instances block high spam communities on Kbin and some block Kbin completely).

@Dave@lemmy.nz avatar

It’s so weird. They want to improve healthcare services by cutting staff.

Is this just an attempt to bring in private companies?

@Dave@lemmy.nz avatar

I don’t know what premium board games normally cost but holly hell, now I really want yo play it! But I don’t really want to spend that much 😅. I guess I can take out a mortgage.

@Dave@lemmy.nz avatar

Doesn’t entry level basically mean “what’s the cheapest you can get, while still being worth getting”?

Dave, (edited )
@Dave@lemmy.nz avatar

I once worked somewhere where someone emailed 10k people (the whole org) a document that they shouldn’t have. Then hundreds of people replied all “I don’t think this is for me”, then hundreds more replied “please stop replying all”. The email server was locked up for hours, no one could email anyone as it worked through the backlog delivering millions of emails.

@Dave@lemmy.nz avatar

With these political analysis pieces from RNZ where they investigate a claim from a politician, some of them the answer is actually yes, what they said is close enough to true. But it’s pretty rare, to say the least.

@Dave@lemmy.nz avatar

You’re probably right, but I’d argue it was the minister rather than RNZ trying to stoke that sentiment though.

@Dave@lemmy.nz avatar

I think performant is probably the key thing here. There were ad blockers before and there are alternative ones now, but the thing that sets unlock Origin apart is how light weight it is.

@Dave@lemmy.nz avatar

I have so many questions, but mostly I’m wondering if ye is derivative of Kanye and Yeezy is a derivative of Ye, then how do I pronounce Kayne, Ye, and Yeezy?

@Dave@lemmy.nz avatar

I was serious, thanks for the explanation! I didn’t know much about Kanye so just assumed Ye was from Kanye and Yeezy from Ye, but it seems that assumption was wrong.

@Dave@lemmy.nz avatar

That’s a weird response to the person who is explaining the post to you.

@Dave@lemmy.nz avatar

Some custom phone OSs (definitely GrapheneOS that mostly only works on pixels) will have the option for it.

Another way is to use something like Tracker Control (installed through F-droid not the info-only one on Google Play) and that let’s you disable internet access for a specific app.

Dave, (edited )
@Dave@lemmy.nz avatar

As someone who likewise freaked out when I got a pihole setup and 30% or more of requests were blocked, the early days are normally just the same requests endlessly retrying. So while it blocked 11k, if they weren’t blocked it would probably only be a few hundred. Probably poor programming not covering the fact it can be blocked.

Still better to block, though.

@Dave@lemmy.nz avatar

Yeah, that’s pretty much it 😐

@Dave@lemmy.nz avatar

For the surround sound, I’ve heard many let you boost the centre speaker for voices but I don’t have surround sound so can’t confirm.

For headphones, my grandmother had them (this was at least 15 or 20 years ago) and everyone else could still hear the TV.

A bit of a search and apparently many TVs have a setting to play out both, otherwise use a splitter on the HDMI or optical connection used for your surround sound. This way you get both. Just make sure the TV headphones you buy take the right connection type.

@Dave@lemmy.nz avatar

I try not to buy stuff until I’m planning on using it, but sometimes plans don’t work out.

My storage is to just throw it in a box of junk 😆

@Dave@lemmy.nz avatar

Might be the brain tumour, but it was cut out and the balance issues didn’t go away so hard to know.

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