

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.


Good news! There’s one simple solution to all that - you just have to get governments to do their job and have them make sure the corporations exist because they benefit the people, instead of the way we’re doing it now

Just 1 easy step!


Then who will you look down on? When you life is nothing but frenemies you’re in competition, when you have some reminder of the things you did to the world over money that means less than video game points, when you realize the people who cheer you actually are just cheering for the company you bought and the people you squeeze dry and discard. When you accidentally see a post from a hater and realize not only do they have a point, they also know you better than your fans.

In the quiet moments, when feelings of emptiness and anger at the world you played an active role ruining, you get to look down on them.

You must be living a great life, because just watch how they put on a smile and dance not because you’ll pay well (you won’t), but out of fear that your mild annoyance could wreck their life. That the kids you forced them to have could be taken because they’re already on the brink of homelessness, and they need this job. The fear that just for funsies, you might make a few calls and have their life methodically torn apart.

And that’s why they won’t try to kill us. We keep their little dominance games less adversarial. We’re not the game pieces, we’re the board - and if the board shrinks there’s a chance of actually losing the game.

We make them feel powerful and superior, because here’s the thing - no one who has a billion dollars and keeps actively working to make more is doing it because they’re happy - at that level they’re not even doing it because they like the game - millionaires might enjoy it, but it’s like playing poker with a 5¢ buy in - they’d be building something for free if it was about building things or making deals - they’ve already maxed out how lavish a life can be

No, they’re doing it for respect from their peers. Because they think it’ll make them respected by the people they respect, but it won’t. But they were raised to believe money was worth, because what’s the alternative - to recognize you deserve none of it?

No, the truth is, this world sucks for everyone. Some people find joy anyways, but most of us just have varying degrees of mental illness


One of my favorite things to do with chat gpt is having it rewrite things as Trump. I wasn’t interested in rereading the constitution a second ago, but it’s going to be tremendous, you wouldn’t believe how great it’s going to be


Ok, I’ll engage you on this one, your position at least seems internally consistent.

Let’s play out this example - your 2 year old niece is sick, and so are you. You recently found out that she even exists - you didn’t know you had a sister until CPS told you she’s your responsibility.

An action that risks your life could possibly save her… Let’s say a liver transplant. It has to be you, you’re her only living family member. And because of that, you’ll also be responsible for her - you can put her up for adoption when this is all over, but you’re still on the hook for the medical bills whether this works or not.

She’s guaranteed to die if you don’t give her the transplant, and you would almost certainly recover quickly on your own.

If you go through with the transplant, she has a slim chance to live, and an even slimmer one to have a decent quality of life.

But in your current state, the transplant is very risky - at best you’ll see a lengthy and expensive recovery, after missing months of work you’ll be tens of thousands of dollars in debt. Complications could see you paralyzed or in lifelong pain, and it’s very possible both of you die on the table - maybe even likely.

The doctors are telling you it’s a terrible idea to go through with this, that the risk is unacceptable and it would be a mercy to just let her pass, but they’re obligated to go through with it if you insist.

Now, no one is stopping you from going through with it - if you want to put your life on the line for another, that’s your decision to make. You’re her guardian now, so it’s your decision if she should have to go through the pain for the chance at life, no matter how small.

That’s all well and good - I’ve seen enough to know that death is often a mercy, but if you believe otherwise there’s not much to say

Now, here’s my question - should the government be able to force you to attempt the transplant?

Some of these details might seem weird, but I was trying to stick the metaphor as close as possible to a very real scenario with a dangerous pregnancy. The only difference is - the doctor is performing an action here, but withholding one with the pregnancy.

You’re not though - pregnancy is not a lack of action. It’s an enormous commitment, especially when it’s atypical. It can even be a practically guaranteed death sentence - if the fetus implants in the fallopian tubes, it’s already not viable - at best you’re waiting for the fetus to grow big enough to rupture them, and hoping the bleed that causes doesn’t do too much damage before you can get help.

Not to mention if a fetus dies in the womb after it gets to a certain size, it rots and leads to sepsis - unclear laws and harsh punishments have already led to situations where doctors refused care for both of these life threatening cases, and in both these cases the odds aren’t slim, they’re none. In the second the fetus was already gone… Sometimes when they induce labor the fetus isn’t even in one piece… It’s pretty grisly

I don’t agree with your belief that a potential life is the same as a life, but let’s set that aside - I can respect that as a belief

So… My root question to you is - Should you be able to force someone to risk their own for someone else?

If so, how sure do you have to be that the other person will die no matter what you do before you’re released from the compulsion to put your own health on the line?

There’s always at least some risk of pregnancy turning fatal for the mother. How much danger do you have to be in for the math to check out?

And also, to what point should politicians with little understanding of medicine be able to deny you care?


That ship has sailed… So many sites don’t actually change pages, they just load different data - it’s way faster and looks better

Problem is, the back button takes you off the site no matter where you are, so now you can change the URL and change the history through code to have the best of both worlds

Then, there’s the people who do it badly, and there’s the people who think “hey, if you need pro StarCraft level clicking speed to back out of my site, maybe for some reason that will make them decide to stay”


Frankly, I think this is the only reasonable stance to take with Facebook.

They do a lot of good things. They do a lot of bad things. The entity itself has zero understanding of the difference

Take the good - Facebook has invested in the maturation of a lot of technologies…as the only clear victor in social media, they very literally have more money than they know what to do with, and they threw some of that at FOSS

Leave the bad… Or more accurately, do everything you can - not only to block their data collection and manipulation of you, but also of your friends and family. Ad blockers, local cdn, and Firefox if they’ll go for it

And most importantly, keep them far from the operations of anything you hold dear. The fediverse should make this list - this is something important. It’s social media without an agenda - that’s both rare and pretty damn important for all of us

They can’t stop. There’s a lot of good people at Facebook, but they can’t stop - that’s just what a corporation is. I’ll happily break down why from first principles, but the takeaway is this - every last employee of Facebook could be the most moral, competent group out there and it’d still act like an amoral cancer on society

It’s not a matter of good or evil, they will take every path that promises ROI on a time frame inversely proportional to their size, and they’re freaking huge…


I share your priorities, but I don’t think you understand the depth and breath of how they can ruin this for us… The only guarantee is that, at some point (maybe tomorrow, maybe in 5 years), they’ll ask “how can we extract value from this investment?”. That’s what a corporation is, it can’t help it anymore than fire can choose how hot to burn

But even before then, we have misaligned goals. At best, their priority is to generate an endless stream of advertiser friendly content, extract information about users, and grow endlessly. At worst, they want to use us to help kill Twitter while ensuring federation of individuals does not become a viable model for social media

Against Lemmy Karma

There is already a total count of up- and downvotes, but please never add karma to Lemmy. We don’t want to deal with karma farmers and minimal karma requirements to post. I don’t care about the moderation issues because karma brought more harm than good. Please never add that bloody dreadful thing to Lemmy. I already saw a...


I like karma - gamification is fun, humans like watching number go up

I think the answer is to localize it. Maybe community/server based, maybe make it bleed off with time, maybe do all of these and use statistics to come up with a way to make the metric useful somehow

What we don’t need is karma done badly, and there’s a lot of far more important things to worry about first - I think we should put it way on the back burner and wait for an elegant proposal for how to handle it


There’s also a way to add matrix usernames to Lemmy accounts, so it’s possible to make an app that ties the two together. Is that a feature people would care about?

If Lemmy and Mastodon continues to get popular, we will eventually get Instance wars.

If the descentralization of social networks continue, we will have to prepare for the eventual rise of the instances wars, where people will start to fight about which instance is better and which one is weird to be in and so on, but that’s for the future of us all.


I’m actually working on this haha.

It’s definitely a v2 feature, but it’s in the works


I’m totally on board with this. Most of this stuff is random culture crap I could take or leave, but common use of /s is practically an excuse not to make an effort to understand the other person’s POV.

Being a charitable reader and trying to understand the other person is everything.

Sure, without it there will be misunderstandings… But coming back and clarifying “I thought that was obviously sarcastic” is the kind of little nudge that makes both people reread what they wrote, and introspection keeps a community healthy.

It’s embarrassing when you misunderstand someone or if you didn’t get your basic position across - and frankly it should be.

And if people get nasty the second they see a bad take, that’s a symptom of being in an echo chamber (or at least a very polarized community)


Like what? I'm about to launch an app just in time for the shutdown, my goal is to capture this wave and spread them out. If I haven't covered it already, I'll see if I can take care of it today


I really like how willing people are to read and write essays. I like to lay out my argument, cover likely arguments against it, reread it, maybe edit it down or come back to it later.

It makes me understand my own position better, and sometimes I realize I'm wrong (or they no good would come from convincing someone I'm right) and I delete it

On Reddit, people would just skip over it, hell a few people called me out on my response being too long and let me know they didn't read it... One guy said something like "who even are you, I don't know you and my gf doesn't talk to me that much"...it was deeply confusing

“Reddit cannot survive without its moderators. It cannot.” - The Verge (www.theverge.com)

That’s a recent quote from Reddit’s VP of community, Laura Nestler. Here’s more of it: This week, Reddit has been telling protesting moderators that if they keep their communities private, the company will take action against them. Any actions could happen as soon as this afternoon.


Yeah, people will do something just for fun, to profit personally, or to spite someone

The moment they realize someone is making money off it, they start getting FOMO - humans are very loss adverse. No one wants to miss out on free money

But what if they had turned around and said, "fine, we'll start hiring you guys. You'll get paid hourly, but you'll have to do the proper paperwork, be given guidelines from corporate, reviewed on your performance regularly, and you might be relocated to undermoderated subs"?

Most of them wouldn't be into it - they don't actually want to work for Reddit, they just don't like feeling like someone else is sitting back and living off their work while they get nothing. The reality is, they're not doing a job, and they generally don't want to be (there's a difference between a job and work, especially work that benefits others vs a job protecting the cash cow)

When someone does a service for you, you act grateful and offer them lemonade and gift cards, you don't try to turn it into a job, and you sure as hell don't break their tools and ask when they'll get back to work

Reddit repost bots are spam, and that needs to be stopped.

Ok, imagine this, you are on reddit (say, a slow hobby focused subreddit), everybody there is nice and knowledgeable, and one day, the mods there announced that since there is not enough "content" on the sub, they are going to use a bot to repost content from 9gag in order to "bolster engagement" and "grow the community"....


I think it adds character. I didnt like when they were global, but when they hung around certain subreddits it gave flavor to the place

Limited and local are the keywords here though


I mean, keeping them local is easy - if anything much easier. I like the idea of summoning them, maybe a mod summoning and banishing them to have them watch a community

And bots shouldn’t be acting like humans, they should be doing things only they could or should do. Like haiku bot, n-word bot, things like tallying votes for AITA, or even tracking nominations and building best of communities

They were misused on Reddit, but we can do more with them here. Probably starting a goodbot that messages admins so they can stay ahead of the inevitable bot explosion


Totally agree - when the server was quiet and empty it was one thing, but the server isn't quiet or empty anymore.

It's annoying seeing memes reposted by bots (people can do that just fine all on their own), but I've seen stuff like AITA threads - the OP isn't even here to read it... Is the idea to judge people behind their backs?

I found it extra upsetting because I'm hoping the Lemmy version will be more like AITA using to be - it turned from "who is the problem here" to "did you have the right to do this"


That's funny, I did the opposite - I got used to developing on osx, then Linux, but that was always on my work computer - my desktop has always been Windows (I'm still using the same license and chassis from the computer I bought in high school a decade and a half ago).

Then I burnt out hard, and started picking up contracts here and there, but didn't have the money to pick up a second computer powerful enough for gaming or work. So I ran virtualbox and avoided cmd like the plague for a while... It was driving me nuts, so I made plans to run Linux with Windows in a hypervisor - I was looking at pci passthrough so I could give it direct access to the graphics card.

But then wsl came out and it just didn't seem as important. Even as Linux gaming has grown, I just haven't felt the need to switch... It's sometimes finicky and setting everything up on a new computer is a pain, but the only time I considered switching one of my machines over is setting up LLMs - that was a real pain to coax into working, and it'd run better on Linux

AITA for telling my kids about my wife's cheating?

A couple of years ago I discovered my wife of 25 years was having an affair. I kicked her out and told her to go be with him (maybe that's another AITA question). She asked what I would tell the kids, who at the time were 20 and 17 years old. I said I was going to tell them the truth. She pleaded, "please don't tell the kids." I...


NAH (excluding cheating obviously)

Having gone through a very similar situation, I'll just say that I don't know if there's a right answer - I think they'd find out eventually, but a few years to let it fade would've hurt their relationship with their mom less

And unless she sucks as a mother, that isn't going to make their lives easier.

At the same time, maybe hearing it from her will make it easier to move past it, or maybe they would have blamed both of you and tainted both relationships... Who knows?

I would've told you to wait until they had a little more life experience to temper the blow, but it's a judgement call. Neither option is right or wrong - they didn't necessarily need to know, but it is also the truth behind an event that will change the course of their life.

You're their parents, and your only responsibility towards them is to do what's best for them. Even if I had all the facts, it's not obvious what that is - it's a judgement call


I've got a plan. I thought to myself "jeez, pretty crazy you can run a personal Lemmy instance on raspberry pi". So I start thinking - how much could you do on a phone? The answer is - a lot if you do it as you go

I'm pretty good with data - and there's a lot of it there free for the taking. But I'm not a company, and I neither want nor need your data. I don't even need a backend - you talk directly to the fediverse, and your phone crawls the network alongside you.

I'm not paying to process it either, so I don't even have to be that efficient about it - I only need to handle one person's data, on their phone, as they go. I tested it on the Android go phone ATT sent me for free a while back - the thing is a toy that doesn't even run a full version of the play store, and it had no trouble running it

I've laid some pretty significant ground work, and I'm nearing a release - it's not doing anything fancy yet, but it looks decent and it's a great foundation to build on. For now, the recommendations will be just stuff you've scrolled past, but once I build it out it's going to be so good I'll have to remind people their data never leaves their phone.

After all, it's based on how humans meet naturally - through common interests and meeting friends of friends

I'm testing the posting right now - I've been pretty stressed when I remembered that other people probably like to post, and I need to finish that and a new-user onboarding that will plop you on a bunch of servers to get a feel for them before you sign up. Keep an eye out for Flemmy, I'm putting it on the play store by Saturday, and an iPhone build will be not too far behind.

Well, I guess I should probably wire up the inbox... It's kind of therapeutic posting without being able to see replies, but probably not improving my social skills


I think it should be dramatic - it's a very serious choice, and it shouldn't be made lightly or quietly. Especially when it's because of social rather than technical reasons

It should be a big deal, and admins should feel the need to answer to the community when they make that choice. It needs to be dramatic, or it'll become too easy


On the plus side, I'm about to open the beta that handles both just fine (plus a lot of features no one else is doing yet). The deadline I for myself is Saturday when the Reddit clients go down.

Unfortunately it was built by someone who lurks and comments, and I realized even though merging feeds from accounts on different servers is going to be awesome, other people like to post and I need to stop getting off track

The stress of the timeline is starting to get to me and I'm terrified no one is going to give it a chance, but I've fixed most of the things that drove me nuts in jerboa... That should count for something, right?


On the plus side, I'm about to open the beta that handles both just fine (plus a lot of features no one else is doing yet). The deadline I for myself is Saturday when the Reddit clients go down.

Unfortunately it was built by someone who lurks and comments, and I realized even though merging feeds from accounts on different servers is going to be awesome, other people like to post and I need to stop getting off track

The stress of the timeline is starting to get to me and I'm terrified no one is going to give it a chance, but I've fixed most of the things that drove me nuts in jerboa... That should count for something, right?

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