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LukefromDC, (edited ) to random

Christian Nationalist “New Columbia Movement” attacks contraception at annual forced-birth march

Allison Bailey shot this photo of the New Columbia Movement (Christian nationalists) at the big forced-birth march I prefer to call the "March4Death" on Jan 19 in Washington DC. Didn't see it on the day of because I am not on Instagram, someone sent it to me directy.

Here they are attacking contraception, having as predicted moved on from abortion. One trench is taken, the next trench comes under fire.

LukefromDC, (edited ) to random

Lots of nastiness in the DC area on Sunday, plus a possibly unrelated incident in Delaware. Presuming ALL the synagogue attacks to be the work of hard neo-Nazis until proven otherwise. If you have such proof, comment here and show it, I will update this report accordingly.

1: a Sunday assault on DC's oldest synagogue in Georgetown involving a U-haul ramming the gate-and a stink bomb sufficient to force a neighborhood evacuation. One arrest, two individuals deemed to have been assaulted. Washington Post is playing it down possibly to limit the morale-boosting effect on other Nazis.

2: All known locations hosting Jewish events in Rockville, MD (north of DC) got bomb threats Sunday morning, sent directly to the Montgomery County, MD police. Thankfully all hot air and no bombs.

3: This one could be almost anyone and may or may not be connected to anything else: Reports that a vehicle in Biden's motorcade was struck in Delaware exactly as he was outside on the sidewalk walking to the "Beast," his armored limo. Cops pulled guns on the driver, we shall know soon enough whether or not this has any right-wing connections or not.

This means that while the government has been focussed on suppressing peaceful protests against one genocide (the one in Gaza), hard neo-Nazis wanting to repeat another genocide may have decided to launch an offensive. These stinking pieces of trash have time and again proven themselves to be the enemies of Jews, Muslims, and Pagans alike.

When they have tried to show up at Palestine protests they have quite rightfully been run off and when they tried it in DC they were actively counterprotested by the combined Jewish and Palestinian main protest crowd they were trying to enter.

In fact, when I was in NYC in 2004, I was told that any attack on any synagogue or any mosque in the city triggered a security alert at every synagogue and every mosque in NYC. We know the hard right from Trump rightward to Blood Tribe hates both and hates us LGBTQ folks too.

In other words, this is a good time to keep your head on a swivel

LukefromDC, to random

I am concerned that with the messes in both Ukraine and Gaza, a civil war here could potentially attract enough intervention to link all three conflicts together: Turtle Island, Europe, and the Middle East.

Here's the scenario:

Putin has intervened here for Trump before and no doubt already is again. Now the stakes are higher: Trump in the White House or a high level civil war here both cut off US aid to Ukraine. Europe will have a difficult time replacing that, encouraging all of Europe also to intervene here. The possibility of a wider war in Europe cannot be ruled out, especially if Putin blames a nearby NATO state for Ukraine surviving a US aid cutoff. Long shot, but not impossible.

There is also the role of the US in Gaza. Fighting here could put an end to US involvement there, but most likely enough of the rich would control enough of the arms industry to keep that flowing. You can bet it's a higher priority than Ukraine to them. This encourages Israel to intervene here to protect the US side of their arms industry. Again, this may already be taking place. Also again, the rest of the Middle East will have to find ways to counter that. Like the war in Europe, the war in Gaza has potential to spread to much more of the Middle East. Hopefully will not, but it could.

The result is that the war on Turtle Island in a worst case scenario could become linked both to a broader war in the Middle East and to a broader war in Europe.

That is a world war by definition, even though it would be a multipolar and non-nuclear one.

1914 to 2024?

LukefromDC, (edited ) to random

If we get lucky and Eagle Pass blows out to sea, we need to treat it as a warning of what could have been and double our own efforts to make ready.

If the US breaks up over Eagle Pass or any subsequent incident, don't be surprised to see hard borders and military checkpoints at the front lines. You might be stuck here behind enemy lines in places like FL or TX.

I know "a Fascist trained today, did you?" sounds trite and even ablist, but there is a role for everyone in any possible kind of conflict. Not all roles are physical but all roles need to be filled. No matter what your age or condition you will be able to help.

Whatever you think you would be doing, that's what you should be training for.

The abilty to handle yourself in hand to hand combat could be a lifesaver, but if there is no path forward for you in this you are NOT out of the struggle, you are just more vulnerable.

It is good to have some overland and rough ground capability too, and in each group of friends some crosstraining will be valuble. How big a pack do you need for your EMERGENCY gear? You should be able to carry it from your backdoor to a pickup point out of sight of the house at the very least. If you can't, make your go-bag lighter.

If you drive, have you ever driven off-road and on dirt? That might be the only way around a militia roadblock someday. Is there someone in your crew who can fix that car with iffy parts supplies and no outside help? Do you have spare parts?

If you bike, can you ride off-road in the woods on one or more bikes you already have, fix a problem in there and keep going? Do you have spare tires, tubes, and cables for that bike?

Biking may seem nuts in this, but during WWII bicycle use by the French Resistance was quite common. It is quiet and stealthy at night. Learn to ride with lights off at night (in a SAFE place when training please), as this can save your ass. Use your lights in all normal riding: going dark is for when the risk of attack exceeds the risk of being hit by a random motorist.

If you are on foot, how far can you hike, and carrying what? How fast can you run, focussing on with a load on?

Can you or someone in your crew navigate without GPS? The civilian version of it might be turned off or made uselessly inaccurate in conflict zones.

Do you have someone who can act as a medic? What are your food supply plans-and contingencies if it becomes hard to get?

Can you assemble your crew with the cell phone towers turned off?

For each item you will be depending on, you need spares, someone in the crew who can fix it, or better yet both.

A good idea right now is to get on that deferred maintainance starting tomorrow: Replace worn out tires, brakes, and similar and parts on bikes, cars, etc. Tune up engines, get fresh batteries for e-bikes and scooters if yours are old. Get extras for this if you expect to operate in a city. Anything that might leave you stuck somewhere should be a top priority to fix. Families with trans kids in Texas and similar states have been doing this since last year.

One advantage we get over the fash is this:
they seem to think they can train by ONLY working on their shooting. If they spend all their time at the range and no time doing anything else, then anything that doesn't involve shooting becomes harder for them. They have admitted on their own media that "the Left" can easily out-organize and out-mobilize them.

LukefromDC, to random

Block Cop City stands up to shields and gas, 8 lock down to construction equipment

On the 13th of November the Block Cop City march faced off with cops near Weelaunee Forest. The cops lacked the courage or maybe the strength to fight the banner wall protected wedge formation at the lead of the march shield to shield. Instead, they opened up with tear gas and flashbangs.

Perhaps the cops learned to forget close quarters battle and use area effect weapons instead when they trained jointly in Israel with the IDF? There too, the IDF lacks the courage to fight in the tunnels, so instead they are trying to destroy all of Gaza under a storm of bombing.

Anyway, at Weelanuee Forest today, the wind caught the gas and blew some of it back on the cops, who had not masked up. This is an inherent risk of chemical weapons and cannot be avoided, going all the way back to World War I. Both sides retreated from the contaminated air and both regrouped.

Cops continued to fire tear gas in at least one location as marchers headed back. A menacing threat of mass arrest did not deter the march from holding together all the way back to their starting point.

All this chaos distracted the cops-and 8 protesters slipped past everything, penetrated all police defenses, and locked down to construction equipment at the Cop City construction site.

This is an automatic VICTORY for Block Cop City, as they achieved their stated goal of entering the site and holding a civil disobedience. The fact that even ONE person reached the site and locked down is an automatic defeat for the police, as they failed to prevent all protesters from reaching the site much less locking down to it. Anything the cops do after changes only the price not the fact of this heroic victory over what looked like insurmountable odds.

Suck it up, Atlanta Police Foundation, you LOST today. Tort will NEVER be forgotten, Cop City will NEVER be built!


LukefromDC, (edited ) to random

Jewish Voice for Peace, IfNot Now blockade DNC, get violent police assault and fake "insurrection" claims

On the 15th of November, an IfNotNow/JVP blockade of the DNC's doors was met with overwhelming police violence and pepper spray. At least one person was thrown down the stairs. Online trolls and pro-Israel members of Congress claimed that protesters were storming not blockading the building, video evidence says otherwise. Some even claimed this was an "insurrection," as MTG did a month ago, With Dems believeing their own hype, the DNC was evacuated.

The IfNotNow Movement and Jewish Voice for Peace vigil outside and door blockade of the Democratic National Committee was to demand a ceasefire in Gaza.

The response was an astounding display of official and unofficial fury and venom. Someone reportedly overheard one of the Dems telling the police to "use full force." They did: cops muscled in on the blockade, and at least one person was physically thrown down the stairs. There was a report of "bear mace" most likely the big fire extinguisher-based mace soakers used by riot cops in DC.

Report is that the DNC was at least partially evacuated as cops and CongressCritters believed their own hype.

After this scrum was over, matters got even nastier! First came a "false kettle" where cops surround protesters but do not follow through with a mass arrest. After that, the trolls on social media started up, no doubt with planted stories ready to roll. Congressman Brad $herman (D-CA maybe D-Tel Aviv?) went so far as to claim on Birdchan(AKA Twitter/X) to claim that activists pepper sprayed the cops, instead of police mace blowing back on them with the wind as so often happens.

It seems Brad Sherman would be more at home on the MAGA side of the house. He is attemptng to gaslight the whole country, being one of the sources of the claim that those clearly seen on video blocking the doors with locked arms were instead trying to storm the building. It's hard to pepper spray a cop with both hands busy locking arms!

Claims by Rep Sherman and others that protesters tried to storm thge building are contradicted by what is clearly shown on video to be a blockade. The author of this report was in plenty of building stormings with Occupy DC about a decade ago and in later pipeline protests. I've also seen hundreds of blockades, and this was a blockade. An attempt to storm the building would have run straight into the blockaders and ended in complete failure. Clearly Congressman Brad Sherman is nothing but a gaslighting liar.

Riffing on the spurious "storming" charge, we even have trolls calling this an insurrection, though no weapons are present other than those of the cops! There are no shields, no gas masks, none of the protective gear our fighters wore during the Uprising (our 2020 Intifada) or in later battles with the Proud Boys. This was clearly a protest and judging by the equipment and markings used was intended to be peaceful.

Well, I guess the though of standing up for Gaza is more than Genocide Joe's Democrats (should we call them autocrats?) can stand. Already they are screaming about the sheer volume of calls they are getting demanding a ceasefire, while clearly they support a total wipeout of Gaza.

LukefromDC, (edited ) to random

Civil war risk coming from Texas: TX Governor Abbot has invoked a claimed right of "self defense" against migrants and possibly the Federal government.

Keeping Texas as white as possible is now so important to Gov Abbot that he has stopped only one step short of seceding from the union. This claim of a state right of self defense comes very close to de facto secession. Note that OK, AR, and others totalling 15 states including even Virginia have already pledges their loyalty to Abbot if this blows up.

Here's how this could play out in a worst case scenario (the one you learn in any war college to prepare for):

1: Abbot mobilizes TX guard or just cops to assault migrants, place more barbed wire.

2: Biden decides to put a stop to this. Being Biden, he might roll over on it but maybe not too. Heads of state rarely allow peaceful secession, especially by racist or xenophobic movements.

3: If Abbot defies the Federal courts, it takes Federal troops to do anything about it if US Marshalls are resisted by force. A claim of a right of self defense implies TX cops or National Guard could receive orders to fire on US Marshalls trying to free migrants, remove barbed wire, or arrest Abbot.

4: Biden cannot use the TX National Guard, as it is presumed loyal to Abbot. Same for all nearby states except maybe New Mexico With the TX guard on the other side, dealing with this requires handpicked regular Army soldiers instead.

To use the regular army legally, Biden would have to invoke the Insurrection Act and declare that Texas is in a state of insurrection against the Federal government. At this point, all those states that declared loyalty to Abbot must choose sides.

5: If the TX Guard or even Texas Rangers do fire on Federal troops civil war officially starts on that day. Such an event would be quite likely to be formalize by legislative acts of secession as well.

If this mess blows, it will be a very unpleasant and messy conflict fought by the South Central states to impose white supremacy. All of us who are in groups disfavored by white supremacists will be at personal risk. Therefore, all of us need to think about what we need to do to survive in such a conflict. When elephants fight, the mice get trampled and this will be very bad for civilians.

LukefromDC, to random

An now some good news from the front in Gaza: A top Israeli colonel was killed in an ambush by Gaza's defenders. The same ambush got nine more of his troops. The Israelis seem to be covering up their own war losses but they can't hide everything.

During the Iraq War, for the US military to lose nine enlisted troops and a colonel in a single ambush would have been considered a very bad day by the Americans

LukefromDC, (edited ) to random

Pro Palestine protesters SHUT DOWN DC's Union Station

On the 17th of November, protesters descended on DC's Union Station intent on shutting it down over the gaza genocide. When they got there, Union Station had shut themselves down, closing their doors to all but Amtrak ticket holders who could not be excluded.

Protesters rallied outside in victory, their mission for the day accomplished.

Looks like Palestine protests and DC in particular are seriously heating up! Official over-reactions to peaceful protests have sparked a major confrontation, evacuated the DNC, and shut down a major transportation hub in the space of just two days. Things are heating up elsewhere too. In Florida, rabidly pro-Israel Gov and Presidential candidate DeSantis is proposing to criminalize ALL pro-Palestine protest if a way around the 1st Amendment can be found. Already he has ordered universities to "deactivate" Students for Justice in Palestine chapters, though the universities and their cops have no legal power to prevent them from continuing to operate without university support and funds.

LukefromDC, to random

To all you warriors out there "fighting the good fight" right now: Yes, the op tempo is high, the days long, and sometimes the rain is cold and the mud is deep.

Just remember though, this is NOTHING compared to what people are going through in Gaza. Pace yourself so you can stay in the fight, but do all you can without burning out.

LukefromDC, (edited ) to random

Fash media are reporting that
GOP legislators in Georgia, Arizona, and Pennsylvania are drafting legislation to remove Biden from the ballot in those three states.

The GOP legislators in question are:

*Pennsylvania Rep. Aaron Bernstine (R)

*Georgia Rep. Charlice Byrd (R)

  • Arizona Rep. Cory Mcgarr (R)

They must not be following current events very closely. Genocide Joe is already very unlikely to win against anyone, and this will encourage primary opponents to step up and run against Biden.

If any other Dem (possibly excluding Hillery Clinton) takes the nomination, the Dems are back in the game and Trump will have to resort to heavy voter suppression or even another coup attempt.

Biden's replacement will also get a tailor-made talking point about GOP election cheating. This could galvanize the Dems' base and sink Trump by a wide enough margin to make Trump's later cheating obvious. That may not STOP Trump, but it will force him to attempt to seize the White House by blatantly irregular means if he wants to stay out of prison with all those felonies he is facing. He could well lose that fight.

Sounds to me like
Aaron Bernstine, Charlice Byrd, and Cory Mcgarr are owned those mythical "Soros checks" none of us ever get!

LukefromDC, to random

Protesters hit Department of State with noise demo, car caravan for Gaza in evening rush

(report delayed by author's trip home to FL from DC)

Late afternoon on Oct 25, antiwar protesters descended on the US Department of state with noisemakers-and a 2020-style car caravan. State Department employees coming out received chants of "Quit Your Job!"

LukefromDC, to random

Official word on the storm is to forget evacuation and shelter in place if you are in the bullseye: time has run out if you are a "day person" as by sunrise the storm will be coming ashore at maximum power.

Unstated in this is the viability or lack therof of a night evacuation on near-empty roads as the rains and winds ramp up. Once it gets heavy drivers cannot safely exceed 35-40mph, though to simply go from the shoreline to an inland city that should be enough. To get north into Georgia via I-75 to higher ground from Big Bend may still work if and only if you leave NOW.

I should be OK where I am, over 100m from the point of impact, but we have heavy rain and some lightning where I am. If waterlogged ground lets go of a tree with weakened roots anything can happen. A Cat 4 is no joke

LukefromDC, (edited ) to random

Showdown in Boca Raton between Gaza solidarity protest and pro-IDF counterprotesters

On the 9th of November, Palestine solidarity protesters gathered at the Boca Raton, FL offices of Israeli arms maker Real Time Laboratories. Supporters of the IDF (some in IDF T-shirts) counterprotested. The entire rally was very tense, sparking several partial running charges down the block and four arrests. All arrestees are now out, one of them without charges.

Just getting people out of the protest site afterwards was difficult: for both sides to withdraw at once is known to kick off some of the most intense confrontations at similar showdowns between fascists and anarchists. In the end, cops had to order the pro-IDF side to leave first and clear the are, after some of the Gaza solidarity protesters sat down and refused to forfeit the field to them.

This as extreme-right figures in Israel are calling for the use of NUCLEAR WEAPONS against Gaza!

LukefromDC, (edited ) to random

Extinction Rebellion DC shuts down Washington Gas "Project Pipes" site

(report delayed by trip home to FL)

On the 26th of October, Extinction Rebellion DC locked down at a Washington Gas "Project Pipes" construction site, shutting it down until they could be extracted.

(note that what would have been a second day's disruption of the North American Gas Forum on Oct 25 was scrubbed in favor of supporting Gaza solidarity protests)

Washington Gas is attempting to replace all of their rusting, rotting network of gas pipes in DC, at a projected $4.5 billion cost. The project started in 2014 and has been underway since.

Extinction Rebellion DC wants to stop the spending on Project Pipes, use the leaks as a reason to shut Washington Gas down entirely, and instead see the city fund a wholesale replacement of then-useless gas stoves and heaters with electric. This would require heat pumps and induction stoves to be more efficient than gas as a heat source, but as a technology is proven.

CCAN is also opposing the project, calling out it's estimated $27,000 per household cost.

It is unknown to this author whether repairing all leaks that are known or could be found (to fix the distribution pipes until gas suppliers are shut down), would be cheaper or more expensive than replacing all of Washington Gas's pipes. It is known some of them are in truly awful condition.

Some have said a subsidized transition to electric would cost less than the $4.5 billion project and be a more reliable long term investment. Again, it is unknown to this author if the math works. Certainly Washington Gas won't fund it, probably would have to be a city project as it involved the underlying infrastructure of the entire city.

Project Pipes is funded by Washington Gas jacking up the price of residential gas, meaning DC residents (renders included) are effectively forced to invest in a project that could be made useless by a climate-forced transition off of gas in just a few years. Investors might not be interested in this project, so DC's ratepayers are forced to act as investors instead.

Wealthy condo owners can counter this forced bad investment by cancelling gas service and switching to induction stoves and heat pumps. Less well off homeowners may not be able to afford the up-front costs, and renters though don't even get this option at all. The rich can afford the all at once cost, the poor cannot and are forced to act as investors in a project of unknown long term viability.

Washington Gas (or more accurately their ratepayers) is in the situation of someone owning a gasoline powered car as gasoline is phased out. If that car has a fuel leak, the leak must be fixed before the car can be used, but this risks investing in a soon to be useless asset. Now consider the scenario if just one shop has a monopoly on repairs or parts and jacks up the price.

The wealthy could tell them to buzz off, buy an electric car, and scrap the leaky gas-burner, Those who do not qualify for car loans cannot and would have to pay for repairs.

LukefromDC, to random

Somewhere in or near Skokie, Illinois yesterday or last night, someone fired a pistol into the air near a pro-Gaza rally as an attempt of intimidation.

Also in St Petersburg, Fl there was a reportedly unprovoked police attack on a Palestine march as it left City Hall, leading to three arrests.

With all the other incidents there seems to be an all-out drive to suppress the protests in the US. This as some have said the global wave of protests has been delaying Israel's ground offensive (hopefully for good).

LukefromDC, to random

Today, the Washington DC climate action group Declare Emergency slipped into the National Archives and dusted the display case over the (presumably original) US Constitution document with red powder. They were there to demand that Biden declare a climate emergency.

That document describes what is essentially an operating system for a government. While this was one of the first governments in European culture not to rely on a king, it was and is also an invasive, settler colonial regime.

One the one hand, this document does not contain any passages that relate to fighting climate change other than perhaps checks and balances that raise the threshold for doing anything on any issue, good or bad.

On the other, it contains passages such as the "3 fifths of a man compromise" on slavery that may as well have been written with a pen dipped in piss and shit.

The later additions to it as well as the portions concerning elections and Presidential succession have fared a lot worse than having red powder dumped on their display case. They are subject daily to attempts especially but not exclusively by the GOP to burn them. With every new Cop City conspiracy charge or raid, more of the First Amendment is burned away from the parchment upon which it was writte., The Forth Amendment too is in flames in Atlanta.

First Amendment guarantees of religious freedom are also smouldering under the relentless torches of Christian Nationalism in US politics.

For Declare Emergency to treat the US Constitution the way the GOP and Christian Nationalists have been treating it, they would have needed to bring lit Tiki torches into the National Archives, chop the document out of its case with a hatchet, and feed it to the hungry flames of the torches of hate.

LukefromDC, to random

Urgent alert for trans folks in Florida

With legislation to de facto ban trans residents in FL from driving blocked by a Senate deadline, the DeSantis regime has instead done the same thing by regulatory action.

Existing licenses with gender markers changed are to be suspended, applications for new ones after today risk PROSECUTION for "fraud." Note that driving without a license is a lesser offense than this but means insurance on cars either cannot be obtained or will refuse to pay.

Also consider the likelihood that a cop will consider a drivers license claiming a (no longer valid) birth certificate gender that does not match a person's presentation to be automatically suspicions and may presume it false. There is thus NO way for a trans person to safely drive on a Florida license.

This is going to force more trans people to move out of Florida due to sprawl that makes getting around without a care considerably more difficult than in the big northeast cities. Miami and Fort Lauderdale might be exceptions.

Since ANY display of a FL license by any trans person to any cop is now dangerous, I would suggest that drivers licenses should be left in cars and never carried on foot or bike unless going someplace that checks ID. In that case carry it well concealed. Purchases at stores where ID is asked for can be declined, I do this all the time, telling staff "just get rid of it" with never a problem, then trying a different chain for that item.

This also means that trans folks who are forced to drive without licenses won't have insurance, and there will be a non-zero number of crashes where "in-solid" cishet, Southern Baptist Flori-Duh KKKonservatives have to pay for their own car repairs after getting their BMW or their jacked-up truck smashed up by a trans driver who then takes off to avoid arrest. They will deserve every dollar of the bill and every sore neck they get.

Photo harvested from Newsweek screenshot of Alejandro Caballara's twitter post.

LukefromDC, to random

Someone released a video from Gaza (yesterday I think) showing a al-Quassam Brigades fighter emerging from a tunnel, attaching a bomb to a Merkava tank, then disappearing back into the tunnel. This is as it was in Vietnam, where no amount of US bombing ever defeated the Vietnamese.

LukefromDC, to random

Ugly report of a stink bomb attack on a pro-Gaza protest at Columbia University.

On Jan 20, reports emerged on Birdchan/Twitter/X of a stink bomb attack on peaceful pro-Gaza protesters at Columbia University. Members of Students for Justice in Palestine were sprayed in the face directly with it by attackers disguised in fake keffeyas that removed their disguise before attacking.

The stink agent used was NOT a normal stink bomb and not even the potent but normally harmless butyric acid used by Sea Shepherd against whalers. Rather the chemical was identified as "skunk water," a chemical weapon used by the Israeli military. It is made by the Israeli firm Odortec, and in the US sold to cops and prisons by Mistral Security. If as is most likely, this weapon was supplied to campus zionists by Israel, that means Israel has carried the war to the United States.

This chemical attack caused dizziness, burning skin and nausea as well as stinking, comparable to spiking butyric acid with a mix of pepper spray and a hint of DM vomiting gas. Thus, this is not a stink bomb but a true chemical weapon that forced muliple people hit with it to seek medical attention. There have even been reports of skunk water causing death by suffocation from uncontrollable coughing, so this is a potential casualty agent.

The real question is THIS: how did an unusual Israeli military weapon get into the hands of campus Zionists? If it was supplied by the IOF themselves, this makes the campus Zionist group in question a foreign terrorist group as they were armed by a foreign government. The other possibility is it was supplied by police, which would make that police department an arm of the IOF using an Israeli weapon against peaceful protesters.

The former would mean Israel has crossed the red line of carrying their war against Palestine to targets inside the United States, which is an act of war by Israel against the United States.

If the US government supported Palestine, reprisals permitted under international law could include airstrikes or special forces raids against the factory where skunk water is made, the home or office of whoever authorized shipping it to foreign terrorists, or any office in Tel Aviv or elsewhere in Israel from which the use and distribution of skunk water is controlled.

Again, this is NOT a stink bomb released into the air and used as an area denial weapon only. Instead it was used as a person to person weapon as mace is used but with far longer lasting effects. All clothing hit even as it blew onto others is considered unsalvagable, so it caused property damage. It sent people to doctors for effects lasting days (mace lasts hours), so it caused personal injury. NYPD claims to be investigating this as a hate crime, but what might actually motivate them is the fact that foreign terrorism has returned to New York City.

LukefromDC, (edited ) to random

Full reportback w finished video coming late tonight, rough cut video ready now: confrontation with far-right pro-Israel counterprotesters chanting shit like "Nakba II" outside Israeli arms maker Real Time Laboratories in Boca Raton, FL.

UPDATE: finished report at
somehow the rough cut never got posted

LukefromDC, to random

Today, we are exactly 1 year from J20/2025 barring a delay caused by another disputed election.

LukefromDC, to random

If you wonder why the US has gone "all-in" for Israel in the Gaza war, the real reason is this: it's one settler colonialist state supporting another.

You don't have to go to the West bank to find a settlement, if you are anywhere on Turtle Island excluding unceded and successfully defended Indigenous land, you are standing in a settlement right now.

LukefromDC, to random

Update: the UK owned (but not registered of course...) cargo ship carrying fertilizer hit by two Houthi missiles has SUNK! That means Yemen has officially responded to the genocide in Gaza by sinking a ship attempting to defy their maritime blockade of traffic to Israel via the Red Sea.

One down, more to go!

The Washington Post et all are screaming that the fertilizer will be an "environmental disaster" but buried in the bottom of the Post's report is the admission that unless the ship broke up on hitting the bottom the fertilizer will be released slowly. Had that fertilizer been applied to farms near rivers, it would have reached some sea or ocean anyway, so this was only moved.

LukefromDC, to random

Security WARNING: ad tracking being tested NOW by the Pentagon to find targets. Since this is now in the open, police departments are not far behind. So far it has been demonstrated doing things like tracking Putin in realtime.

You MUST block ads and trackers all the time, all devices, no exceptions if you want to be private!

"The advertising technology ecosystem is the largest information-gathering enterprise ever conceived by man. And it wasn’t built by the government."

This began with a security contractor who used Grindr as for a proof of concept attack. This was done while while Grindr was under Chinese ownership, tracking phones in places like the Pentagon so people inside the government would pay attention. By tracking those who advertise on Grindr he was able to "geofence" places like the Pentagon and various Fderal buildings and monitor phones of Grindr uses there-and then track them everywhere else. No action was taken against Grindr users as this was not the objective.

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