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RogerBW, to boardgames
@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar
RogerBW, (edited ) to random
@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar

You bend down and examine the inscription and read:

‘A life that's spent at odds with death,
Can dull the mind—the broadsword's edge.
But even-tempered swords and heads,
Fall easy where the foolish tread.'

While crouching, you catch sight of the ceiling. A dense mass of swords are suspended, points downward, in the air above your head. You feel sure that there is a connection between these swords and those inscribed in the flagstones.

→ Step on the flagstone directly ahead of you that bears two swords?
→ Step on the flagstone to the left that bears one sword?
→ Step on the flagstone ahead and slightly to the right that bears one sword?

RogerBW, (edited ) to random
@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar

With a whirl of colour, you find yourself in a long, grey hall. You guess that you are close to Shasarak for at the far end of the hall you see a door engraved with a large Shianti rune representing Shasarak's name. Guarding that door is a grotesque creature, a servant of Shasarak. It is a demon, summoned from some ghastly netherworld that only the dark sorceries of Shasarak could reach. The demon has a high, humped back and a square, flat face that bears two blank, emotionless eyes, colourless and entirely lacking in any warmth or feeling, like pebbles by an unknown sea.

‘Hail, enemy of my master,' it breathes. ‘I have waited for you. My master told me you would come.'

You step closer. With some concern you see that the demon has affected the shape of a man, with blonde, gilded hair. You tell yourself that this is no man, but a demon in human guise. The demon stands tall; it mocks. ‘Why have you delayed? What are your reasons? I have waited so long … so long to meet your challenge. I am powerful; I am mighty! Know you, that I am the Ipagé, greatest of all demons under my master's command. My power is that of hate, for indeed I hate you, free and unstained as you are, unheeding of the powers that I and my master hold most dear.'

The creature's tirade of scorn is unrelenting and, to you, quite meaningless. It does not hate you, but what you represent: the wild, free, unrestrained wisdom of the Shianti. Shasarak has taught it that this wisdom is meaningless. You know that this is a wisdom, not born of knowledge, but of the freedom of the spirit, of the soul to follow its own way, sure that a mind without hate or resentment can do no harm. The Ipagé hisses like a serpent as you approach. You notice that its body is transparent and shimmers with an eerie light. The door to Shasarak's chamber lies directly behind this evil guardian. So far it has made no attack.

→ Attack this creature of hell?
→ Ignore it and head straight for Shasarak's door?

RogerBW, (edited ) to random
@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar

‘Now I have you,' he says with a snarl. He raises his staff to meet your attack, and there is a blinding clash of magical fire that fills the room with light.

‘No, Grey Star,' Tanith shouts. ‘Do not fight him.'


You have CS 16 END 25.

(In the book "You may stop fighting at any time".)

→ Stop fighting right now?
→ Stop fighting when you're at half Endurance?
→ Stay with the fight to the bitter end?

RogerBW, (edited ) to random
@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar

Without slowing your steed's thundering gallop for an instant, you ride down a wailing, two-headed beast with mottled skin and rubbery feelers. Other beasts scatter in a cloud of dust, blood, and flashing hooves. You sweep past the demons in a matter of moments. They attempt to pursue you but your fleet-footed Simar steed is too fast for them. Eventually the demons slip out of sight.

The sun is high in the sky: it is past noon. At last a range of hills comes into view: the Hills of Tilos. You have suffered no further attacks nor have you sighted any other demons in the last two hours. Where can they be? Samu said they numbered in the high hundreds. Why have they not sought to prevent you from reaching the Hills of Tilos, home of the portal that is the sole gateway to their world?

→ Expend 2 WILLPOWER on using the Higher Magick of a Visionary?
→ Expend 1 WILLPOWER on using the Magical Power of Prophecy?
→ Neither?

RogerBW, (edited ) to random
@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar

You take aim once more and send a bolt of magical flame rushing towards the Flying Snake. Once more your aim is true and the creature drops dead with a shrill cry of pain. The attack has cost you 2 WILLPOWER points.

Your journey proceeds without further incident. You can see the wide, forested pass a few miles away. Once you have gained the safety of the trees, you will wait for the demon host to seek you out, and then make a final dash for the Lanzi bridge on the River Dosar, where Samu and the Masbaté will be waiting for you. But your spirits have lifted too soon. Heading straight towards you is a dark cloud of wings and snakelike bodies. It is a flock of flying snakes numbering at least twenty.

→ Try to make a dash for the forest?
→ Make a stand?

RogerBW, to books
@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar
RogerBW, (edited ) to random
@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar

You head south in pursuit of the lone figure. Soon you have drawn close enough to be able to see that the figure is humanoid in shape, although it runs with a curious, shambling gait. The shimmering heat haze prevents you from discerning any further details. Abruptly it comes to a halt. You quicken your pace. Tanith has begun to lag behind but offers no word of protest. Purposefully you stride towards your prey, but stop dead in your tracks when you come within fifty paces of it.

Standing before you is a squat, malformed creature. Its features are grotesque and distorted; its back is bent at an impossible angle; its limbs twist like a gnarled tree. The eyes stare out of a knuckled face at odd angles above a raw gash of a mouth that snarls and spits as you approach. The creature crouches low and then leaps at you. You raise your Staff in readiness but the attack does not materialize: the creature has disappeared! The creature is nowhere to be seen. You look at Tanith, a question half-formed on your lips.

‘Some creature of Shasarak's,' she states coolly. ‘Demons rule this land now, though once it was a place of untamed beauty. At his command it has become a realm of fear.'

You wonder if the creature has gone to warn others of its kind, or whether it simply fled in fear. Whatever the answer, one thing is certain: you must keep moving. You still have not located any food or water, and evening is drawing in.

→ Go east?
→ Go south?

RogerBW, (edited ) to random
@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar

You rein the exhausted stallion to a halt. Your whole body aches as a result of its relentless, galloping stride. You gaze westward, certain that the pack are in pursuit, but there is no sign of them. Time passes and you begin to feel uneasy. The plain is flat and featureless, and the afternoon sky is clear enough to be able to see far into the distance, yet there is no sign of the demon plague.

→ Backtrack a little?
→ Continue east?

RogerBW, (edited ) to random
@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar

You walk over to one of the black holes situated close by. Peering in you can see only an absolute, impenetrable blackness. ‘Perhaps these, too, are Gateways,' suggests Tanith.

→ Put your hand into the hole?
→ Enter the hole?
→ Continue towards the Crystal Tower?
→ Use the Magical Power of Prophecy?

RogerBW, to movies
@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar
RogerBW, to random
@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar
RogerBW, (edited ) to random
@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar

The light from your Staff is making you an easy target for Shadakine crossbowmen and you decide that you might be better off without it. The fighting is coming closer.

→ Head towards the sound of the fighting?
→ Try to find Sado?

RogerBW, (edited ) to random
@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar

‘We will advise you as best we can,' he replies. ‘Although it is your own wisdom that has brought you, this far, you should not be afraid to trust your own judgement. In the matter of the inevitable challenge of Shasarak, we advise you not to stand against him immediately. He embarks now on a war that will be costly to his strength and demanding of his powers. Wait for him to weaken himself with some great deed of sorcery before journeying into his dark halls for the final duel. First ensure the safety of the Army of the Freedom Guild. Without your help, they will perish. Be on the constant lookout for allies, for the Wytch-king has many enemies, and look to the Forest of Fernmost—a mighty power dwells there and it will do well in your service.'

His voice grows faint.

‘Alas, Grey Star, there is not time for more. The bridge we have created weakens now. Step warily, for the land is beset with dangers, though there are friends there also, friends you would not expect to see … '

With these words, his voice fades completely. You pray that the Shianti have conserved enough energy to transport you back to the real world.

A swirl of colour passes before your eyes. Instinctively you reach for Tanith's hand and clasp it tightly. The walls of the circular chamber shimmer in and out of focus: the Shianti are transporting you from the Daziarn plane to the real world. A brilliant flash of light fills the room and you close your eyes involuntarily. When you next open them you look upon a vast plain of grass that undulates like the sea beneath a clear, sunlit sky. The journey is complete.

The Moonstone is still in your hand. However, where once it shone with the purity of white light, it now glows a smoky grey. You can but guess at the meaning of this transformation.

[You have CS 16, END 55, WP 91.]

→ Use the Magical Power of Prophecy?
→ Or not?

RogerBW, (edited ) to random
@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar

You take out the red jewel. Drawing on the Power of Sorcery from the Astral Plane, you project your will into the Gem and it begins to glow, shining with a blood-red light. You throw this power at the Kleasá and attempt to bend it to your will. Tanith's body becomes rigid and, stiffly, she turns her head towards you. The Kleasá remains unaffected and emits a chill laugh. You have used 2 WILLPOWER points. [2 left.]

→ Use your Magical Power of Sorcery against the Kleasá [without the Gem]?
→ Use the Black Rod of Shasarak?

RogerBW, (edited ) to random
@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar

You reach out and touch the statue. With a start, you realize that this was once a living creature that has been turned to stone by magical means. The use of this Magical Power has cost you 1 WILLPOWER point. [36/41]

You walk along the corridor and eventually come to the bottom of a flight of stairs. You mount the steps and arrive at a landing. A cell door leads off it. It has been locked, but the key is still in the lock.

→ Use the Magical Power of Prophecy?
→ Or not?

RogerBW, (edited ) to random
@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar

Beyond the Nightmare Gate

[I've rebalanced the combat automation to favour saving Willpower over Endurance 2:1 - it seems a lot easier to get back Endurance. No bonus Willpower or magical powers this time.]

Tanith takes you by the hand and you step forward into a tunnel of swirling mist. As the outline of the Shadow Gate fades behind you, you gaze at your new surroundings. Horrified, you perceive strange shapes and pale faces writhing within the tunnel wall. The faces stare at you vacantly, mouthing indistinguishable words, and you walk along the tunnel to a barrage of murmuring voices, muffled cries, moaning, and sobbing. Tanith looks at you but says nothing, the terror in her eyes mirroring your own. ‘Such a place could drive a man insane,' you say, quietly.

The two of you walk faster into the unknown, your hearts pounding with anticipation. Finally, the tunnel opens on to a vast plain of white cloud suspended beneath a sunless sky. Stepping onto this twilit plain, you notice that the light of the sky casts no shadow and disappears into absolute blackness above your head. Looking down, you can see no solid ground beneath the cloud, which somehow supports you. Like the Shadow Gate before, the tunnel of mists fades away and you find yourself staring out across the bleak silence of the Daziarn. Scanning the distant horizon, you sight the outline of a building. Tanith tugs your arm. ‘Look!' she says, pointing away to the left. You follow the direction of her outstretched arm to see the hunched figure of a man, gliding slowly across the plain.

→ Head towards the distant building?
→ Question the man?

RogerBW, to random
@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar

With all the speed you can muster you sprint down the stairs and along the corridor of statues. Tanith is close behind as you rush into the room of mirrors. To your horror, an iron door falls to block your escape. You have no choice—you must turn and face the monster.

Heart pounding, you spin round, your Staff held in readiness to attack. The lizard bursts into the room. With a look of horror it instantly tries to leave but it is too late. Its own baleful gaze, a gaze which turns others to stone, is reflected on itself. It stops dead in its tracks, a victim of its own fatal power.


RogerBW, (edited ) to random
@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar

[OK, given that this isn't a super dramatic decision, I won't ask for a tiebreak…]

You wield the Power of Sorcery against the door. In a flash of sparks, your energy bolt ricochets off the granite surface and slams into the cavern floor inches from Hugi's feet. You sense that the door is held by a power far greater than your own.

→ Use Psychomancy?
→ Use Prophecy?
→ Try to think of something else?

RogerBW, to raku
@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar
RogerBW, (edited ) to random
@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar

Closing your eyes, you summon a vision of the future at the cost of 1 WILLPOWER point [7/41]. Your Power of Prophecy tells you that the wall of flames will not burn you.

This wall of fire is nothing but an illusion, cast long ago by the wizard of Taklakot. Something of great importance must lie beyond this stone doorway. You pass through the flames and, as you cross the threshold, the flames simply melt away: you have dispelled the wizard's illusion.

You are standing in a huge cavern. Eyes gleaming greedily, Hugi shoulders past you and runs headlong down the carved stone steps that lead to the cavern floor. ‘This must be the place!' he says, excitedly. Immediately, he begins to search the chamber, scrabbling among the rocks and debris and then, with a jubilant cry, he unearths an old and rusty chest. In an instant, he has removed his wallet of thief's tools and, with practised ease, sets about the lock. Swiftly, he masters the challenge, flicking open the lid with a hungry look. His face drops. ‘Books!' he snarls contemptuously.

You walk over to his side and peer down at the leather-bound tomes. A closer examination reveals a shocking surprise.

The cover of the tome is emblazoned with a Shianti rune. A deep dread stirs in your heart as you slowly translate the meaning of the symbol—Shasarak. This symbol can mean but one thing: your mortal enemy, Shasarak the Wytch-king, is a Shianti Master! If you decide to keep the book, mark it on your Action Chart as a Backpack Item. At the bottom of the chest you notice a slender Black Rod, with the rune of Shasarak upon its silver tip. If you wish to keep this Black Rod, mark it on your Action Chart as a Special Item (which you carry in a pocket of your robe).

Meanwhile, Hugi has busied himself with his search for gold. ‘No gold … nothing,' he blubbers.

‘Come now, we have no time for this, Hugi. Is there another way out of here?'

Disgruntled by the lack of treasure, Hugi ambles to the far side of the cavern and points to an outcrop of rough-hewn granite. ‘Here is a door,' he says, ‘but it is magic-locked. A problem for you to solve, eh Wizard?'

→ Use the Power of Psychomancy?
→ Use the Power of Prophecy?
→ Use the Power of Sorcery and 3 or more WILLPOWER points?

RogerBW, (edited ) to random
@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar

You sense that the Jahksa has summoned an Elemental wind against you. He must be unconcerned for his own safety and bent on your destruction whatever the cost. The use of this Power has cost you 1 WILLPOWER point. [36]

→ Use the Magical Power of Elementalism?
→ Attack the Jahksa?
→ Do something else?

RogerBW, (edited ) to random
@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar

Urik gives you a look of bewilderment. You nod confidently, as if you know exactly what you are doing. The bizarre procession of madmen and mad women moves at a stately pace through the wide archway that leads from the throne room. Samu looks as solemn as ever but Hugi's face wears an expression of astonishment. You enter a dim, candlelit hall dominated by a long table. Rats scuttle across the table, running for their bolt-holes as the assemblage enters the room. You sit down and wait to see what happens next. ‘Dinner is served,' announces a gaunt, grey-faced servant. A limping, squeaking, three-wheeled trolley is pushed into the room. At the far end of the table, the deranged king moistens his lips with his coated tongue and tucks the table cloth into the top of his torn silk shirt. The tarnished silver dish is uncovered and a wave of revulsion churns your stomach: on the silver platter is a hideous array of human limbs.

The king stands up, brandishing a rusty carving knife. ‘Would you like an arm or a leg?' he enquires innocently.

→ Accept?
→ Refuse?
→ Seek guidance from your Power of Prophecy?

RogerBW, to random
@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar
RogerBW, (edited ) to random
@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar

At the cost of 1 WILLPOWER point [35], you try to wrest control of the winds from the Jahksa. Rigidly, he stands at the far end of the craft, testing his power against yours. The storm howls and the little craft shakes and swerves wildly. The ferocious winds carry the ship along but the Jahksa still exerts control over the storm.

→ Expend another WILLPOWER point?
→ Cease your struggle for control of the storm?
→ Attack the Jahksa with your Staff?

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