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RogerBW, to books
@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar
RogerBW, (edited ) to random
@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar

Beyond the Nightmare Gate

[I've rebalanced the combat automation to favour saving Willpower over Endurance 2:1 - it seems a lot easier to get back Endurance. No bonus Willpower or magical powers this time.]

Tanith takes you by the hand and you step forward into a tunnel of swirling mist. As the outline of the Shadow Gate fades behind you, you gaze at your new surroundings. Horrified, you perceive strange shapes and pale faces writhing within the tunnel wall. The faces stare at you vacantly, mouthing indistinguishable words, and you walk along the tunnel to a barrage of murmuring voices, muffled cries, moaning, and sobbing. Tanith looks at you but says nothing, the terror in her eyes mirroring your own. ‘Such a place could drive a man insane,' you say, quietly.

The two of you walk faster into the unknown, your hearts pounding with anticipation. Finally, the tunnel opens on to a vast plain of white cloud suspended beneath a sunless sky. Stepping onto this twilit plain, you notice that the light of the sky casts no shadow and disappears into absolute blackness above your head. Looking down, you can see no solid ground beneath the cloud, which somehow supports you. Like the Shadow Gate before, the tunnel of mists fades away and you find yourself staring out across the bleak silence of the Daziarn. Scanning the distant horizon, you sight the outline of a building. Tanith tugs your arm. ‘Look!' she says, pointing away to the left. You follow the direction of her outstretched arm to see the hunched figure of a man, gliding slowly across the plain.

→ Head towards the distant building?
→ Question the man?

RogerBW, (edited ) to random
@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar

The Black Rod suddenly erupts into flame in your hand. You scream with pain as the yellow fire shoots up your arm and explodes within your body. You fall to the ground before the Shadow Gate. Tanith calls out your name but you have no ears to hear; you are a victim of the malignant fire of Shasarak. The last sound that you hear is the Wytch-king's snarling laughter.

You have failed before the very gateway of your quest.


The rippling shadow of the Kleasá blurs momentarily and the yellow eyes like fangs shine with hunger that almost forces you to step back: such is the intensity of the malice glinting there.

→ throw the Black Rod at the Kleasá
→ give the Black Rod to the Kleasá

RogerBW, to random
@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar
RogerBW, (edited ) to random
@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar

You take out the red jewel. Drawing on the Power of Sorcery from the Astral Plane, you project your will into the Gem and it begins to glow, shining with a blood-red light. You throw this power at the Kleasá and attempt to bend it to your will. Tanith's body becomes rigid and, stiffly, she turns her head towards you. The Kleasá remains unaffected and emits a chill laugh. You have used 2 WILLPOWER points. [2 left.]

→ Use your Magical Power of Sorcery against the Kleasá [without the Gem]?
→ Use the Black Rod of Shasarak?

RogerBW, (edited ) to random
@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar

You turn and run across the plain, half-dragging Urik along with you. ‘Where is it?' you cry, desperately.

‘Down … below our feet. I feel it but cannot see it.'

The Scree Wyrm slithers towards you and Samu battles the monster as it tries to coil around him.

→ Try to help Samu?
→ Or not?

RogerBW, (edited ) to random
@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar

At the cost of 1 WILLPOWER point [4/41], your Magical Power of Prophecy tells you that the north passage leads out of the tunnel complex and on to the plain of Desolation Valley.

→ Take the passage leading north?
→ Take the passage leading east?

RogerBW, (edited ) to random
@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar

[OK, given that this isn't a super dramatic decision, I won't ask for a tiebreak…]

You wield the Power of Sorcery against the door. In a flash of sparks, your energy bolt ricochets off the granite surface and slams into the cavern floor inches from Hugi's feet. You sense that the door is held by a power far greater than your own.

→ Use Psychomancy?
→ Use Prophecy?
→ Try to think of something else?

RogerBW, (edited ) to random
@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar

Closing your eyes, you summon a vision of the future at the cost of 1 WILLPOWER point [7/41]. Your Power of Prophecy tells you that the wall of flames will not burn you.

This wall of fire is nothing but an illusion, cast long ago by the wizard of Taklakot. Something of great importance must lie beyond this stone doorway. You pass through the flames and, as you cross the threshold, the flames simply melt away: you have dispelled the wizard's illusion.

You are standing in a huge cavern. Eyes gleaming greedily, Hugi shoulders past you and runs headlong down the carved stone steps that lead to the cavern floor. ‘This must be the place!' he says, excitedly. Immediately, he begins to search the chamber, scrabbling among the rocks and debris and then, with a jubilant cry, he unearths an old and rusty chest. In an instant, he has removed his wallet of thief's tools and, with practised ease, sets about the lock. Swiftly, he masters the challenge, flicking open the lid with a hungry look. His face drops. ‘Books!' he snarls contemptuously.

You walk over to his side and peer down at the leather-bound tomes. A closer examination reveals a shocking surprise.

The cover of the tome is emblazoned with a Shianti rune. A deep dread stirs in your heart as you slowly translate the meaning of the symbol—Shasarak. This symbol can mean but one thing: your mortal enemy, Shasarak the Wytch-king, is a Shianti Master! If you decide to keep the book, mark it on your Action Chart as a Backpack Item. At the bottom of the chest you notice a slender Black Rod, with the rune of Shasarak upon its silver tip. If you wish to keep this Black Rod, mark it on your Action Chart as a Special Item (which you carry in a pocket of your robe).

Meanwhile, Hugi has busied himself with his search for gold. ‘No gold … nothing,' he blubbers.

‘Come now, we have no time for this, Hugi. Is there another way out of here?'

Disgruntled by the lack of treasure, Hugi ambles to the far side of the cavern and points to an outcrop of rough-hewn granite. ‘Here is a door,' he says, ‘but it is magic-locked. A problem for you to solve, eh Wizard?'

→ Use the Power of Psychomancy?
→ Use the Power of Prophecy?
→ Use the Power of Sorcery and 3 or more WILLPOWER points?

RogerBW, (edited ) to random
@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar

A long and thorough search reveals nothing. He is not in the passage.

[Since the banqueting room was the second most popular choice, I'll go with that here…]

All you find in the banqueting room is a pile of human bones and some rats that are gnawing on them.

→ Look for Hugi in the throne room?
→ Leave the palace without Hugi?

RogerBW, (edited ) to random
@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar

Urik gives you a look of bewilderment. You nod confidently, as if you know exactly what you are doing. The bizarre procession of madmen and mad women moves at a stately pace through the wide archway that leads from the throne room. Samu looks as solemn as ever but Hugi's face wears an expression of astonishment. You enter a dim, candlelit hall dominated by a long table. Rats scuttle across the table, running for their bolt-holes as the assemblage enters the room. You sit down and wait to see what happens next. ‘Dinner is served,' announces a gaunt, grey-faced servant. A limping, squeaking, three-wheeled trolley is pushed into the room. At the far end of the table, the deranged king moistens his lips with his coated tongue and tucks the table cloth into the top of his torn silk shirt. The tarnished silver dish is uncovered and a wave of revulsion churns your stomach: on the silver platter is a hideous array of human limbs.

The king stands up, brandishing a rusty carving knife. ‘Would you like an arm or a leg?' he enquires innocently.

→ Accept?
→ Refuse?
→ Seek guidance from your Power of Prophecy?

RogerBW, to random
@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar

You are in a large, low-ceilinged chamber, littered with shards of fallen masonry. Urik and Hugi lie in a far corner. They both remain silent. What use are words now?

You curse your bad luck. You are sure that some wizardry is required to free you from this prison, but you are weak and still have to reach Desolation Valley. It is sure to hold other dangers for you. You are suddenly distracted from this moody introspection by the sound of shouting voices, and the noise of a struggle coming from above. Suddenly, the door of the chamber is thrown open. Looking down on you is the figure of Samu, smiling broadly, sword in hand. ‘How?' you cry in disbelief.

‘The river carried me downstream before I was able to resist its current,' says Samu. ‘I've been looking for you everywhere. Luckily for you, I was nearby when the wretches of this city caught you. I saw them bring you to this crypt. Wait a moment.' Swiftly, he turns and slashes at a wretch who is trying to drag him away from the door. He swats his assailant like a fly then turns to face you once more. ‘Come, we must hurry.'

He pulls each of you out in turn, and stops to deliver a kick at two wretches blocking a doorway that leads from the crypt. ‘This way,' he says, indicating a narrow passage that leads upwards. ‘These creatures seem reluctant to travel this passage. They will not follow, I think.'


RogerBW, to random
@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar
RogerBW, to random
@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar
RogerBW, to Podcast
@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar

Is 1958's Vertigo a masterpiece? Everyone seems to say so. Find out what @lordof1 and I thought in http://ribbonofmemes.org.uk/archive/2023/Vertigo__1958_.html

RogerBW, to random
@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar

Anyone in or near may be interested in this attempt to reopen the as a pub now that planning permission for flats has been refused. (sadly, their only online presence is on Facebook).

(Personal interest - this was the excellent pub at the end of my road, until the landlady died and the landlord sold up - to someone who gave him an explicit promise to reopen as a pub.)

RogerBW, (edited ) to random
@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar

The wretches fight with each other in a contest to be the first to leave. Once they have slain one of their kind they rush through the door. Outside, the street is now full of wretches and you scour the room to try to find another exit.

You discover a small door at the far end of the hall which opens on to a narrow alley. A loud banging warns you that the wretches are attempting to break down the door of the hall.

→ Stand and fight?
→ Enter the alley?

RogerBW, (edited ) to random
@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar

‘We are friends, Gatekeeper. Open up now,' you say, uncomfortably.

‘State your business,' the Gatekeeper replies.

‘We are merchants,' continues Hugi, taking up the charade. ‘Here to trade our silks for the rich treasures of Gyanima.'

‘What's the password?' the Gatekeeper snaps. ‘You can't come in if you don't know the password.'

‘Crows foot!' says Hugi immediately and more than a little hopefully.

The Gatekeeper holds his hand out in front of his face and looks it up and down as if checking off an invisible list. ‘No, that was yesterday. You've given me the Luneday password.'

‘But today is Luneday,' replies Hugi indignantly.

‘It is?' says the Gatekeeper, astonished. Mutely, all three of you nod your heads. ‘Very well then, you may pass.'

The Gatekeeper vanishes and moments later reappears in the archway, lifting the non-existent bar on the non-existent gate and ushering you in with a show of great respect.

You pass through the archway and into the city. ‘Gatekeeper, would you mind holding my horse for me?' asks Hugi, holding out the reins of an imaginary horse. The Gatekeeper accepts the non-existent reins and leads the imaginary horse away. Hugi shrugs. ‘Sorry, I couldn't resist it,' he says with a smirk.

You walk along the deserted street, past old buildings, many of which are still intact, although, due to the strangeness of their designs, it is impossible to guess their original purpose.

→ Explore one of these buildings?
→ Continue along the main street?

RogerBW, to random
@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar

You mark your pentacle in the dust and begin to chant. The Deathgaunts come no further but remain outside the reach of the spell, whispering. The four of you stand huddled within the pentacle, each regarding the Deathgaunts with frightened eyes.

‘Grey Star,' says Samu in a hushed tone. ‘They have not departed. We cannot remain here forever.'

‘They can,' comments Urik.

You possess an Azawood Leaf…

‘Old Kundi have idea,' says Urik, suddenly. He produces a small hollow sphere of metal, which is attached to a short metal chain. ‘Give me Azawood leaf!' he demands. He places the Azawood leaf inside the hollow sphere and asks you to light it with your Staff. As the smoke of the slow-burning leaf begins to drift up from holes in the sphere, he whirls the ball above his head. You see his plan, recalling that, with a similar device, the Kundi men saved you from certain death when the Cave Mantiz attacked you in the cloud forest of the Azanam.

Urik steps outside the circle of protection and begins to advance on the Deathgaunts. Immediately, they step back in fear of the cloud of smoke that Urik is carrying towards them. As they retreat, Urik breaks into a shambling run and plunges into their midst. With a fearful moan, the Deathgaunts fade and Urik shouts in triumph.

You have used 3 WILLPOWER points through the use of Evocation [12/41], and one Azawood leaf [none left].

Steeling yourself for the long march through the night, you strike out and pray that the Deathgaunts do not appear. You are already tired, and the chill fever that the Deathgaunts have inflicted on you is wearing down your resistance.


RogerBW, to random
@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar

As the creature draws nearer, hurriedly you scratch a pentacle into the dusty ground with the tip of your Staff. The shining being is a Deathgaunt, an undead spirit raised by Shasarak to roam the realm of the living. As you begin to chant the warding words of Evocation, the creature hesitates, and then stops, hanging as if suspended just above the ground. The use of this Magical Power has cost you 3 WILLPOWER points. [16/41]

The Deathgaunt looks on as you usher your three companions within the protection of the pentacle. You possess no Magical Power capable of damaging this creature, for its body is not of the real world; your Wizard's Staff cannot help you here. You remain within the pentacle and continue to chant the warding words of Evocation. Eventually, with a whispered cry of frustration, the Deathgaunt dematerializes.

You press on through the barren wilderness, more anxious than ever to reach your goal. The Deathgaunt has given up its attack for now but it is not destroyed and could return at any time. That night, with the black Mountains of Morn looming above you, you stop to make camp.

You possess the Magical Power of Alchemy and have an Azawood Leaf in your Herb Pouch…

You take out one of the huge leaves and unfold it. Before going to sleep, you soak the leaf in the river and place it on the dying embers of the fire. The smoke of the Azawood leaf should, hopefully, prevent the Deathgaunt from approaching. You have used one Azawood leaf. [One left.]

The pungent aroma of the Azawood leaf fills your nostrils as you sink into a deep sleep.


RogerBW, to random
@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar

‘I think we should find out who it is,' you say. ‘We'll lay a trap.'

‘I am a warrior of the plains,' says Samu. ‘This is an easy matter.' You make camp and build a huge fire. As soon as you have done this, Samu leaves, telling you not to move from the grove until he returns.

Dusk gives way to dark, and you and Urik grow more and more apprehensive. Suddenly you hear a strangled cry.

Samu enters the grove of trees. Held in a headlock, and gurgling pleas for release, is a scrawny-looking man, dressed in a leather jerkin and bright scarlet breeches. Immediately you recognize him as the thief who tried to steal your money in the cavern of the Freedom Guild. ‘What are you doing here? State your purpose!' you say, leaping to your feet. The thief lets out a long gurgle by way of reply.

‘What are you doing here?' you repeat, angrily. Samu tightens his grip on the thief's neck.

‘Being … strangled!' he squawks, clawing desperately at the thick arm around his neck.

You give Samu a nod and the brawny giant releases his grip. The thief collapses to the floor in an untidy heap, choking for breath and rubbing his bruised throat. Urik chortles with laughter. ‘Get up!' you command.

The thief staggers to his feet, an indignant expression on his face as he brushes the dust from his clothes. ‘What have you got to say for yourself, thief?' you ask.

‘I am Hugi of Suhn,' he says, haughtily.

‘Was it you who tried to rob me in Karnali?'

‘For that oversight I apologize, Master Wizard,' he says, barely disguising the smirk on his hawkish face. ‘If I had known that you were bound for the Forbidden City, I would have offered my services at once.'

‘How came you by that information?' you snap angrily.

‘I … er … listened at the door after Sado sent me out,' he replies innocently.

‘Shall I kill the spy now?' asks Samu, menacingly.


RogerBW, to maliciouscompliance
@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar

New excuse for a new week! "This page transmits information using https protocol. Some vendors cannot receive opt-out requests via https protocols so the processing of your opt-out request is incomplete." (This after the komonews.com page put up a fake modal "updating your preferences" which, let me guess, wouldn't have been a thing if I'd just accepted all.)

RogerBW, to random
@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar

The Warward's mind is already weak with fear and it is a simple matter to exert your power over his brain and grip it with a murderous compulsion. Suddenly, the Warward walks towards the Shadakine Wytch, unable to resist the desire to slay that you have placed in his mind.

Before the Wytch can resist, the Warward strangles her to death. Immediately the light of the Kazim Stone is extinguished and the Shadakine warriors before the fortress falter. With a jubilant cry, the soldiers of the Freedom Guild charge forwards.

You totter on unsteady feet. Your struggles have made you feel faint with exhaustion. A strong hand grips your shoulder to steady you. You look up and see Samu, the giant warrior that you freed from the slave train of the Shadakine, outside the walls of Karnali. He has joined the Freedom Guild, it seems. ‘Are you all right?' he asks.

You nod. ‘I will be.'

‘Then I must away,' says Samu, drawing his massive broadsword and brandishing it in the air. ‘The Shadakine filth must be purged from the face of the world!' He speaks with a terrible vehemence, as if he would be happy to complete the whole task himself. He then turns and lopes towards the Shadakine with an easy, athletic stride.

That night, the streets of Karnali are filled with joyous celebration. The surviving Shadakine are flushed out from their bolt-holes and imprisoned in the dungeons beneath their own fortress. It is a great victory for the brave fighters of the Freedom Guild, for at last, after many years of oppression, the people in this small corner of the Shadakine Empire are free.

In a chamber in the Shadakine fortress, you sit with Urik and Sado of the Long Knife, who toasts you with a huge goblet of wine. ‘To you, Grey Star,' he says, ‘I give my thanks and good wishes. Long may you endure.'


RogerBW, to Podcast
@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar

Is 1948's The Treasure of the Sierra Madre a masterpiece? It's certainly our manliest film yet. Find out what @lordof1 and I thought in https://ribbonofmemes.org.uk/archive/2023/The_Treasure_of_the_Sierra_Madre__1948_.html

RogerBW, (edited ) to random
@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar

You hold the Gem tightly in your hand and allow its power to flood through you. Immediately, your mind is assailed by a multitude of memories, for the Gem is ancient. You sense the good and ill wills of those who have possessed the Gem in the past; easiest to define is the evil of the Shadakine slavemaster who owned it last. Uncomprehending of its power, he had used it for petty thefts and crimes, manipulating those who had earned his displeasure.

You gradually come to understand the true nature of the Gem. It is a transmitter of thought, a magical item capable of increasing and amplifying mental energy. It is capable of controlling only one mind at a time, but your Magical Power of Sorcery will enable you to transmit this power across a great distance. The use of the Power of Psychomancy has cost you 1 WILLPOWER point.

You exert 2 WILLPOWER points [18/41] and attempt to control the mind of the user of the Kazim Stone.

You locate the glow of the Kazim Stone. There, you encounter the mind of the Shadakine Wytch, intent upon her labours over the Stone—so intent, in fact, that she fails to notice your presence, hovering at the edges of her mind, gauging its power.

Taking care to shield yourself from the yellow glare of the Kazim light, you trace the shaft to its source within the fortress. The Shadakine Wytch fails to notice your presence, lurking like a crimson corona at the edge of her mind. The strain of her effort to uphold the courage of so many of her countrymen shows plainly on her pock-marked face.

You then notice another mind in the chamber of the Wytch. It is that of the Warward, Kiro, the hard-faced military governor of the Shadakine garrison in Karnali. He is sweating profusely, his fear of the wrath of the Wytch-king weakening him.

Control the mind of the Warward, Kiro?
Control the mind of the Shadakine Wytch?

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