@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar




Situationists never die, they’re just remixed.

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@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

I want to live in a world where no one feels they are struggling so much that they need to turn to selling their body for sex.

However, I don’t live in that world, so in the meantime I support sex workers, because sex work is work.

The men who use their services? That’s a tougher nut to crack.

My partners brother is heavily mentally disabled and pushing 40, he’s still very much like a child, but obviously does not have a child’s libido. This man has never had an intimate interaction with a woman. He might never get the chance, he struggles to talk to women, even women who have similar issues as himself. I think sex workers could be beneficial for him, in the right context, for giving him intimacy he may otherwise never experience. I don’t think he would ever think/know to pursue a sex worker, but I could be wrong. There’s also the issue of his emotions began to be involved, which leads me to…

I’d be more worried about him finding OnlyFans and blowing through all his disability money each month instead of realizing he’s not actually getting much out of such a “relationship.” He’s the kind of person who a parasocial relationship like that could really damage their already troubling mental health. The same thing could happen with a prostitute, but they are less likely to hang the relationships on fake social cues that say they care about you. He’s not quite advanced enough to understand that these women are being paid to pretend to care, I don’t think.

Also, there’s other types of men who use these services I’m sure aren’t a net positive. There are plenty of conservative men who already view a standard relationship as a sexual transaction (I take care of girl = she give me sex), so they’re not far from viewing everything women with transactional already. Secondly, not only do the already view it as transactional, many of these conservative men turn to prostitutes because average women simply don’t want to date them because of their horrible, outdated views on women’s bodily autonomy. They are already angsty and moody because of women not wanting to date them, and they often are willing to take out their frustrations on the woman they paid to serve them. I see these men as not respecting and hurting the women they turn to for sex work.

Anyway, just some quick thoughts on the subject.

@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

Socialists don’t hate markets, they hate workers not having any power or democratic choice in how they interact in the market.

Workers owning the means of production just means the workers are doing the same work but they are in ownership of the factory and the profits. They will still sell the products they produce in a marketplace.

Legendary PC developer says Denuvo is “a punishment to the consumer” (www.pcgamesn.com)

Quote from the article: “The inclusion of intrusive DRM softwares [sic] like Denuvo is a choice that yields an unfair punishment on the consumer,” Running With Scissors says. “Respect the consumer, make a game they want to play, and you will never feel the need to fight piracy. The gaming industry deserves a better future,...

@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

Running With Scissors is a “legendary” developer?

Postal was a violent mess that didn’t age well.

Postal 2 was a buggy mess that also didn’t age well.

After that, it was just legitimately bad games on top of the humor not aging well. (They literally don’t even acknowledge Postal 3)

Seriously, who the fuck would label them legendary? They’ve been a broken mess for over a decade.

@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

I have drawn myself as a chad and you as an ugly wojack so my position is clearly the correct one.

Windows users hate this one neat trick.

dingus, (edited )
@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

This one is a tough nut to crack, because generally I agree, but holy fucking shit we’re talking about Kiwi Farms here.

There is nothing not one fucking thing that place produces that isn’t a garbage fire of harassment, abuse, and violence.

Usually the EFF is spot on, but I find their argument in this case pretty weak. While I think there are better ways to handle this as well than straight censorship, like give me a break, EFF, no one is doing anything about these scumfucks. I would give one shit about such an argument if I felt there was anything that would happen to stop this, but I’m pretty fucksure it won’t. If I felt like law enforcement was closing in and as was going to charge everyone involved in the site under some sort of gang-harassment law (which probably doesn’t even exist), then maybe this argument would hold weight. But I don’t feel like that, and I feel like the more people make weak arguments for horrendous places like this, more vulnerable people will continue to suffer Kiwi Farms abuse, harassment, and violence.

To put it even more simply: When a person uses a room in a house to engage in illegal or just terrible activity, we don’t call on the electric company to cut off the light and heat to the entire house, or the post office to stop delivering mail. We know that this will backfire in the long run. Instead, we go after the bad guys themselves and hold them accountable.

Who the fuck is actually doing that, EFF?? You’re basically arguing for endless abuse from these fucks because the justice system doesn’t give one fucking shit about what they’re doing because the justice system doesn’t generally give a fuck about vulnerable people.

That’s what must happen here. The cops and the courts should be working to protect the victims of KF and go after the perpetrators with every legal tool at their disposal. We should be giving them the resources and societal mandate to do so. Solid enforcement of existing laws is something that has been sorely lacking for harassment and abuse online, and it’s one of the reasons people turn to censorship strategies. Finally, we should enact strong data privacy laws that target, among others, the data brokers whose services help enable doxxing.

  1. ACAB, the cops are corrupt and you can’t trust them.
  2. The courts are corrupt and you can’t trust them.
  3. We’re living in a hell-hole of a gerontocracy where government can’t pass a fucking bill to end Daylight Savings time, and you expect them to do something about policing this when we can’t even get cops to do their fucking jobs without murdering innocent citizens in the process? Get the fuck out of here, EFF, you’re a joke now.
dingus, (edited )
@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

Oh man, do I dare even wade in on this issue. It has gotten so sticky.

  1. There’s a real chance that this attack was successful because of intelligence passed through former US President Donald Trump.
  2. The attack did not represent the will of everyone who lives in Palestine.
  3. The response from Israel so far has been wildly disproportionate and has labelled everyone in Gaza as an enemy, worth pulling access to important things like water and electricity to the whole area. They are calling them “human animals.”

There are literally zero good guys in this situation.

You have the former President of the US and his party who have fully embraced trying to push an authoritarian dictatorship in the states, so they have firmly placed their bets alongside foreign authoritarian dictators whom they want to make allyship with.

You have Hamas deciding to murder people for going to a concert. Maybe the concert was politically motivated or something, but from the sounds of it, it was just… a music concert and wasn’t necessarily a home to the most racist of racist Israeli’s. Plenty of the people who died there that day could have been moderates or leftists who don’t hate the Palestinian people. There are lots of moderates in Israel, you just don’t hear about them as much, because like the US, our crazed conservatives are so loud they drown out anything else in the news cycle. Like why the fuck else would I have been so familiar with the name “Netanyahu” for the last 20 years of my life, but I could hardly bring up the name of moderate or leftists Israeli politicians to save my fucking life. Because Netanyahu, like Trump is the one out doing crazy shit and causing headlines. So likely innocent people dead for a political attack that is likely going to destroy even more innocent lives in Gaza.

Then finally you have Israel deciding (like usual) to take a total disproportionate and racist response where you’re punishing each and every Palestinian for the crimes of a few. It’s racist because they have decided that “all of them are the same.” If you can’t view a group of people as a disparate group who might not all feel the same way about every little thing, you’ve chosen to stereotype them, especially if your view of them is negative, you’re choosing to be prejudiced instead of accepting that everyone is an individual, and no individual deserves to be punished for the crimes of another.

Fuck this whole shit ass clown show. We’re all just trying to have a decent fucking life here. They’re right to call out Israel, they’re wrong to not call out Hamas and Trump right alongside them.



It’s also starting to have a mild 9/11 feel, where the government was warned repeatedly, and you’re starting to wonder if they sort of just… let it happen because the aftermath would be politically convenient for what they wanted to do politically?

I mean, it’s Netanyahu we’re talking about here, I 100% firmly believe he’s enough of a scumfuck to let it happen on purpose so he could use to his advantage.

Zero good guys. The Bad, the Badder, and the Ugly.

dingus, (edited )
@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

The sale of Pebble was supposed to include the developers jobs. They found out very late in the game that this wasn’t true. He screwed his devs on the way out. Basically said “fuck your job, good luck.”. Real shitty way to handle it, imo.

Coupled with the fact that it meant all real support for Pebble was gone as well, it really was about Micigovsky making out with a bunch of money and saying “good luck, I dont actually care what happens” to his devs and the people who bought a Pebble.

The way it shook out just doesn’t make me trust him. I think he would do the same thing again, sell to a more scummy third party who will strip Beeper for profit when he isn’t making enough money.

I honestly distrust their business model as a successful long term one, based on his past.

@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

Guy behind Beeper fucked Pebble smartwatch users and developers on his way out.

So when Beeper isn’t making enough money and he sells it… Will you trust who he sells it to to keep it secure instead of aiming to use data for ads or some shit?

I won’t.

dingus, (edited )
@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

I’m sure everybody working three jobs gets a day off on election day and enough spare time to go to all local political functions. /s

Dude over 60% of the US lives paycheck to paycheck. Maybe stop blaming them for lack of participation when most states make it outright difficult to participate. Missing work means risking losing their job (At-Will Employment ensures this, just like it makes discrimination legal. “We didn’t fire you cuz you’re gay, it’s because you missed a spot/were three minutes late one time.”), and if they’re working paycheck to paycheck, it also means being unable to pay rent or bills. Risking homelessness just to fucking vote. That’s what you’re asking of over 60% of US citizens.

Young people make the least money and have to work the most to get ahead, but we are always blaming them for not showing up on election day. Sorry they were at fucking work instead of risking homelessness. Because ending up homeless will really help them if the Democrats win, you know how good Dems are at solving homelessness! /s

They kick homeless people out of city centers in Democrat cities, too. Because businesses making money matters more than a humanitarian crisis I guess.

Most people don’t have the time nor the money to be involved and that is on purpose.

Get outta here with this “you just gotta vote harder” BS. Political participation is stacked against regular citizens purposefully.

dingus, (edited )
@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

I didn’t say I wasn’t going to vote. I was simply pointing out that telling people to “vote harder” isn’t working, and for very real and visceral reasons such as risking employment and ability to care for oneself. You can’t act like real reasons that prevent people from being able to participate aren’t part of the conversation.

Democrats are still the better choice, but I really don’t like people who could do more choosing not to because it’s easier to rake in money and sit on their hands while the Republicans act the fool, and then acting like it’s the voting public’s fault. That’s some kind of abuse. “I know we don’t treat you very well, but the other guys will actually really hurt you.” It feels like a threat. “We’ll let them hurt you if you don’t do enough for us.”

We need a real leftist party in the US. Yet the top Democrats think we need a Republican party. They think we need a lunatic far right fringe always pushing us to the brink of authoritarianism. Why the fuck would they think we need that instead of a true leftist party? Because they like how much money they can make off how the game currently works. It is a game to them.

“I will say this—you’ll be shocked, probably—I think the country needs a strong Republican Party [like] we need a strong Democratic Party…but this is not it,” Pelosi said. “It isn’t our judgment about what it should be. It’s their judgment, but it’s a missed opportunity for America.”

@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

Wake me when a third party is viable in the US. Unfortunately, as it stands, with First Past the Post voting, third parties currently do nothing but split the vote. That’s purposeful, too.

There’s unfortunately just so much that has to change for this country to move forward. There isn’t going to be a revolution, I agree with that, but it’s also not going to get better by trying to work within the status quo.

dingus, (edited )
@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

Woo we have full employment because everyone is so poor they are working three jobs! /s

This is why people don’t take Democrats seriously. Too much crowing about bullshit like this.

It’s like the ACA, they crowed about how many more Americans were now insured, but they didn’t talk about how universal healthcare would mean you don’t need to cover everyone with “insurance” anymore.

Just like a few years ago when they crowed about how a thanksgiving dinner was like $3 less than the year before.

It’s all public relations propaganda bullshit.

The parties aren’t the same, but they serve the same masters of capital who only want to see US citizens getting scraps. Democrats love to pat themselves on the back for the bare minimum for their citizens. They know they don’t have to try because the other party literally wants to kill their political enemies. Not hard to sell yourself as “better” when it is as simple as “we aren’t actively trying to kill you like they are, but we will let you starve to death or die of medical complications.”

“Because we are capitalists and that’s that.”. -Nancy Pelosi

@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

Gonna be real difficult to recover from if you lose the device with your passkeys on it or that device is broken.

Couple that with eSIMs and you are looking at a lot of headaches for the non-tech savvy.

Supposedly you can use a security key but they are pushing biometrics, yikes!

Wait until passkeys and all their issues have been solved by the major players.

Don’t lock yourself out of your digital life chasing something flashy and new.

@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

I dunno, I always thought it was meant to mimic organics.

“Cable management” inside the human body is horrendous. So it felt like in the mixing of machine and biology, the machines had to become more biological in the way they worked to function properly in tandem with the Borg biology.

@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

…and you’re treated as culturally insensitive if you point out that it’s partially motivated because of two bullshit ass religions, and the reason they won’t stop is because they’ve each just got to prove their God has the bigger dick, even though they’re technically the same God.

@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

Look man, if your options are literally only “do nothing and accept your fate” or “kill a bunch of innocent people who never did anything to you and actually may have supported you” then maybe you should just give up and accept your fate, because we’re literally seeing how many more innocents are dying because of this. They didn’t put a dent in Israel’s defenses. They gave Israel more excuses to the international community to murder even more innocents. Great plan, Hamas. I’m glad it worked out so swimmingly and actually changed things instead of just continuing the same bullshit cycle. /s

If you can point to me out how this is going to result in anything other than more death and destruction, feel free to clue me in. Because fuck nothing has changed. They didn’t take out the people responsible. They didn’t change the power balance, and now even more Palestinians are paying the price because Israel is a fucked up aggressor.

Acting like a bad plan that resulted in more innocents deaths is some great blow against the establishment is dumb as fuck.

@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

I think you may have to start a new community for this, I’m genuinely not sure where a story like this might go. Excellent, though. Very interested to find out more.

The “Casual conservation” community is probably too casual for this. Maybe creating something like /c/WildPersonalStories ?

@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

Good idea, link the community and post here, too, thanks.

@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar
@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

One of my local food banks has a community dinner once a month. The food isn’t anything to write home about, but it’s free.

@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

Agreed, of course. Was just pointing out that such a thing did exist. Charities are not the most effective way to handle such issues, absolutely.

Charities absolutely rely on things like public relations and advertising campaigns to raise awareness that they exist and/or need funding. It leaves everyone at the mercy of which charity is “most popular” and if yours isn’t very popular, you could see it disappear. It also means a significant portion of the budget is spent on things that don’t actually address the real problem, which is hunger.

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