

The Sunlight Of Celestia!

Adores #MLP, #Blind empath, charismatic ophiuchus, loves Chocolate & Coffee, Bootleg remixer & African Djembe Drummer.

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

queenslight, to android

By the way,

If you have enough patience for it, you can produce a fan episode using the web interface on a mobile device:

, where lines & audio editing can be made using Pro if on :


, or Ferrite for those within the world:


queenslight, to fediverse

Greetings to the & ,

Been awhile since I have posted here, but at least things have been, pretty much okay...

The social server I'm on is having some issues but I'm patient.

I'm slowly coming up with an update audio skit with the gang thanks to


(which shockingly works very well on devices), also am very proud to have tested it's interface for accessibility issues. Honestly it turned out well in the end.


Speaking of AI, if ya haven't checked out the VTuber yet, do be sure to give her a look/listen over on YouTube and elsewhere!


(above link is her Official channel).

There is just something about her and the man behind her that's so, captivating and charming!


And that's all from me really...

I wouldn't say life's been boring, just, stressful.

Anyway, thanks to all new followers that have found me on either FireFish or on here, and everyone have a good night/morning!

ClassicGameRoom, to random

The new season of Classic Game Room (CGR Year 25) will start to be released on January 1, 2024.

In the meantime, we're going to roll out collections of our past 24 years of work celebrating a wide variety of game consoles and related weird-ass accessories. Make a note on your calendar, JANUARY 1. Classic Game Room Year 25. Maybe the final year, maybe the beginning of the next 25 years of content. Get ready.


Greetings! Trenton from Denver Colorado here.

I wanted to personally thank you and all who follow, for continuing on this truly legendary series!

I would also like to mention, that your Daily Motion Classic Game Room page made so many years ago (with all unedited content intact) is still surviving to this very day!


May YT never mess with you, ever again, and please
let the world know that said relic exists!

Peace and Power!

queenslight, to random

Shared from Bing: Michael Gambon, actor who played Prof. Dumbledore in 6 'Harry Potter' movies, dies at age 82

queenslight, to mastodon

Greetings to all new and returning followers here among & !

Yes, I have been over on these days (see profile for link if ya wish to follow me there), but life's been okay I guess.

Nothing too exciting honestly to share (not even in 500 characters), but hopefully more as the fall progresses.

The only thing exciting right now (as of this post), is me going to Starbucks at around lunchtime to get their last 'buy one get one' deal on their Fall pumpkin drinks.


The only other news to share honestly, is that I'm also still sending feedback on 1UI 6 (now on beta 5), and that Custom Bixby voice feature (which honestly sounds better to me over Apple's Personal Voice (in which ya have to record 150 sentences vs 10 with Bixby), just sounds more natural to my ears. Oh, and ya can have more than one voice variant. Yeah, most US folks won't use Bixby worth fish sticks (never seeing Google Assistant natively letting you customize your voice anytime soon either).



Strange. What phone do you have? And the easiest way to set it up is to hold down the side button then the interface should pop up. Also, thanks to Bixby Routines (AKA Modes And Routines), I have the 'Ask Alexa' button mapped to a double-press of the power side key.

You can also start bixby via the Settings app on your phone by searching for it.

Thanks to the Routines Plus module via the Goodlock app in the Galaxy Store, that's how I got that Alexa trick to work.



If ya want to remap the button to the Google Assistant instead, grab the Registar Goodlock Moduel (which also let's ya use the BackTap feature.
(Bixby Not required for that one).



that is an odd one. you definitely may want to give the samsung team a call. or text to 1-800-samsung on your phone if you do not wish to call.

do let me know if you want the samsung accessibility phone number and email address also.



as a samsung galaxy s23 plus user myself, though the color is purple, i have had luck getting bixby to work by simply clearing its data/cash via the device care or app settings screen.



which software of the 1UI are you running? definitely give samsung feedback in the members app if you haven't already called them.



if you're a verizon customer particularly, they are very bad with beta updates when it comes to the stuff.



well, that's a relief.

queenslight, to random
jessiepp, to random

@queenslight hi there dude good evening.



Greetings! Hope your evening has been well.

queenslight, to random
queenslight, to random


Just in case folks haven't heard yet, both and , got some competition now with the screen reader!


And for what its worth, it ain't half bad for what it is! Although, Braille/external keyboard support ain't there yet. Gotta start somewhere...

The latest is Version v1.1.0.20230818114242.9, Last updated Aug 17, 2023.

sunlightbirdie, to random

Good morning, everyone. Hope everyone has a great day today. It is still hard to believe that it is Thursday, lol.



Good morning Portia! I say, for a Thursday, this one for me may be one of the most calming I ever had.
Something tells me there'll be something special to it.

queenslight, to random

Shared from Start: USPS Is Suspending Services in Illinois, Colorado, and Vermont, Effective Immediately



I noticed that the iOS version of Microsoft start and bing for that matter, can be quite confusing. It used to be on the iOS version, slides were in a action rotor, on Android they just simply are displayed in a row. Basically you just swipe past through them. It's like the Android version of Microsoft's programs with the exception of Outlook, have been designed better on the Android side. Maybe Outlook has gotten some improvements, but I tend to use the Yahoo mail app instead.

FreakyFwoof, to ai

Want to be put to sleep by a license agreement? Here's a fake version of me reading a portion of the GNU license, set to chilled out music just for fun.


Sounds like, that was using version 1 of the 11 Labs language model. If so, how impressive! And if that was version 2? Talk about radical! Either way, I can't tell the difference! That is some chilled reading!


@FreakyFwoof impressive!! If that wasn't the pro version (which is being slowly rolled out to people if thy person decided to create a clone of their voice), said clip must have been from version one of the standard language model.
Again, that is some chilled reading!

queenslight, to random

So! Uh...

What use to be called Calckey is now called, ?

Well, it's a flaming hot name of fantastic proportions if I have ever heard one...
Great, now I need to refollow the 'other' crowd, again! Good thing most of them I still have in my followers list.., particularly the crowd of 'CheeseCakes', which sadly makes up most of that list!

I'll do that this afternoon...



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