@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar



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@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Most of the time, lemmy.

Obviously, the difficulty with very niche communities not being useful here can be annoying.

And, being real, the lack of robust moderation tools makes moderating a pain in the ass.

But, overall, I find the people on lemmy less prone to bad behavior, and the discussions more rewarding. That makes up for the underlying missing functional things worth it.

Reddit, even before they went full asshole as a company, had the major problem of being big. Humans are assholes for the most part. The more people you have, and the lower the bar for entry, the more of those assholes are going to be a problem.

Lemmy has assholes too. The usual knee jerk reactionaries, trolls, and that sort of thing. But the very minor extra effort of having to pick an instance reduces how many of the brain dead assholes will put in the effort. The assholes are a better quality of asshole lol.

But damn, there were some long established communities on reddit that simply can’t be reproduced here because you can’t make old communities. There are a ton of subs that had been around since subs came around. You can’t duplicate that kind of organic growth. There’s very few C/s on lemmy that have a real sense of community yet. I think it’ll happen, but it hasn’t had time for a lot of real cultures to spring up the way reddit had.

I miss the hell out of those long established neighborhoods.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

For me, it was an inability to only finger strings properly, even after about six months of practice. My hands, even back in my teens, were huge. That includes big fingers (size 14 ring at the time)

Since I didn’t have the freedom to try other instruments in a useful way, I just decided I had better things to do with my time than fuck around making dissonant sounds on a guitar.

But, before you give up entirely, maybe try learning a simple song all the way. That was what actually made my decision. I knew what it was supposed to sound like, knew where my fingers were vs how the strings were supposed to be used, and knew I’d never make the music that drove me to want to try in the first place.

If you can manage to learn one song and play it to the point you can tell what you’re playing, I say keep going. From that point, it’s a matter of practice and figuring out what lessons work for you.

But it is a learning curve that kills a lot of potential players of any instruments. I hang with an old high school friend that fronts a band. I’ve had this conversation with him (and he reached the same conclusion I did after teaching me a little on both tenor and bass guitar, that I might so something, but it wouldn’t be what I wanted) about getting past that wall.

He said that in person lessons are the best way to get past the initial “what the fuck is going on” stage where nothing seems to work. A lot of people pick up a book, or watch videos and try to get going. But those methods don’t work for everyone. So you kinda need someone that can give active feedback on all the little things that go into learning your first song.

And that’s what he says the goal should be; you pick a simple song, learn it, and then improve on it. Takes a few weeks for a lot of people to get something like amazing grace or Mary had a little lamb down to the point that it sounds right. But you have to start simple because you’ve got to get your hands used to the job. It can take a thousand plus repetitions of a given action to commit it to memory in a way it becomes fluid and natural (which is a thing in martial arts, btw, you have drill the hell out of a technique before you can spar with it).

But it’s also okay to give up. It’s your time, your energy. If you’ve discovered that the return on that isn’t fast enough to give you what you want/need, why waste part of your life banging against the wall? Sometimes a learning curve isn’t worth climbing.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Nothing wrong with that :)

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Cover your ass, then follow orders. The job is, whether anyone likes it or not, to do what a supervisor tells you. If the supervisor is an idiot like yours, that doesn’t change. Do the job, cover your ass, and hope for the best.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

If you’ve covered your ass already, that’s pointless. Hell, if you’ve already got a record of his orders vs your recommendation, it’s more trouble than its worth.

If you don’t, then that’s perfect.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Whatever the equivalent word would be. Leader, chief, boss, it doesn’t really matter.

As long as the concept of a single leader existed, it would have been applied to something like bees. Wouldn’t need monarchies to recognize a central focus of an insect group, and pick the closest word for that.

You could maybe argue that there might be some alien species that had no concept of ever needing a decision maker, and they would have to coin a new word for the main reproductive entity of a hive. Something like mother might be used, if the aliens had that concept at all. Perhaps “generator” would be a close enough equivalent that the imaginary aliens would be almost certain to have a similar enough concept.

But humans had a concept of needing someone to make decisions about things way back. So I don’t think it’s a realistic enough idea to say that in the absence of monarchy that we wouldn’t have some kind of term for a person in charge.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Shit, I have all of the above, in multiples.

I have kind of abandoned keeping a gaming PC up to date because I get sick of the bullshit. But the one I have currently isn’t too far behind, hardware wise.

But I use it for piracy, image management (including editing), video editing, etc. The stuff that punks out other devices.

I have a dedicated media PC that is hooked up to the TV and stereo, but is isolated from anything else. That’s what I still run Windows 7 on because musicbee on Linux isn’t ready for prime time.

Then there’s my wife’s old computer that’s hooked up to my kid’s tvt, not that it ever gets used. But it’s functional, so until it dies, that’s what it does.

My laptop is exclusively for my writing. Dual boot with win 10/mint Linux. The win10 exists only for a specific piece of software that makes publishing to amazon easier. No games, but I do some media playback with it when I have to travel.

Phones suck at media management, word processing, and pretty much everything else tbh. Too many lobbyists limitations, too much crap for proper multitasking, no good apps for long form writing. But I do use them as music players at home via headphones.

Tablets are for portable video consumption, crappy mobile games, and reading. Some short form writing is possible on a decent tablet.

I don’t see phones taking over much of what I use a laptop for, ever. And the screen size of even the biggest phones would suck for media management, even if it was realistic to store large amounts on one.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Not that anyone wants them, but I’ve had the same policy about my books. They got “leaked” by a friend that put them in his soulseek folder. Doesn’t bother me at all

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Dammit, now I have to deal with all those boys in the yard

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Eh, it doesn’t start out about looks, based on my experience and talking with the serious lifters I used to lift with.

A lot of the guys that end up roided out like that don’t start with that look as the goal. Some do, yeah. The ones that do tend to come from a place of wanting to look like their fictional heroes (wrestlers lol), or from having looked up to previous body builders.

But a lot of them start out ranging low wanting to get strong. It starts because you can feel and see the progression from being a fairly normal strength to being the person people call when a fridge needs moved.

But you always hit a wall. How far you can go is mostly genetic, with nutrition being the next biggest factor. The way over that wall is hormones. You bypass your genetics and push.

Along the path of getting strong you end up seeing so much change in your body. And you’re getting all those move chemicals from pushing your body harder and harder. It turns into a form of addiction and part of the “fix” is seeing your work in your body.

So lifters start out getting strong and getting natural big as the goal. This kind of extreme, steroid driven body is what happens when that becomes an obsession.

Now, my ass was not willing to use steroids, so I didn’t get to this extreme. But I know guys, and a few gals, that did. I’ve never actually met anyone that started out wanting to go this far, but plenty that ended up there. But I can tell you from my personal experience that once you start feeling your body develop, the thought of maybe trying to go there is an easy one to have.

No bullshit, once I hit my personal wall power lifting, it was disappointing to not really be able to make major gains the way I could the first few years. And I was never into the bodybuilding side of things, and definitely wasn’t competitive.

Now, body dysmorphia also factors in. Can’t say otherwise because it’s a massive thing with the folks that go to this extreme. This guy might not see himself in the mirror the same way other people do. Tbh, at my peak, I sure as hell didn’t see myself accurately. There was still that kid inside my brain that was never strong enough, never big enough. I had to have my suits custom made, but I never saw myself as being as big as I was. My personal self view wasn’t as skewed as it gets with some of the serious guys that go to this extreme.

It isn’t that you don’t look in the mirror and see a lot of muscle, you do. It’s just that it never looks right. Again, my version of this was mild as hell, but you can’t imagine how often you’d see a dude like this, flexing into a mirror and saying something like “man, I just can’t get my pecs big. They’re so flat.” It can be so extreme a disconnection between self image and external reality that this dude could possibly think he’s too small still, that he needs to get bigger. I don’t know this guy, so please don’t think I’m speaking for him in specific, I’m coming from a general place.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

I do wish that media coverage would stop calling it a regrowth drug. It might get there eventually, but that’s not what it is, and it causes issues with people misunderstanding medical science.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Do I need to do my grandpa Joe defense rant? Because I can.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Remember, you asked for it lol. It is long, so wall of text warning.

Aight, I enjoy the joke too.

However! I encourage people to remember that grandpa joe is not a faker in the world he’s from!

Since the movie is what most peeps remember, and where the memes usually come from, the first thing to remember is that it’s a musical.

Musicals, by the established rules of the overall genre, do not reflect reality at all times. Even mostly dramatic musicals like Man of LaMancha break some reality in order to function as musicals. Take the scene with the ruffians and “Dulcinea” as an example.

Second, the movie. Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory is essentially a fantasy piece. You’ve got the Oompa Loompas as prime evidence of that. Orange skinned humanoids that do not exist in the real world (jokes aside). Many things in the chocolate factory break the laws of physics or otherwise bend reality. There’s geese laying golden eggs, ffs.

Third, the theme of the movie isn’t actually torturing children. The theme of the movie is the redemptive and uplifting power of dreams. That’s achieved by the journey of Charlie getting his golden ticket and everything in his life getting better.

Grandpa Joe hasn’t been laying there in bed faking it (though, in movie, there’s never anything about the grandparents being unable to move or walk at all, they’re just frail and weak).

He is in his eighties or nineties.

What gets him up and dancing isn’t that he was faking and forgot to, it’s joy.

GJ is transformed by joy, by happiness. His grandson has, through luck or destiny, gotten the golden ticket to a brighter, better life! This doesn’t trick Joe into forgetting his infirmity. It gives him the joy to overcome it.

Joe’s transformation, rejuvenation, is because he is so filled with joy that his grandson will have a new life, that it changes him into the grandfather he wished he could be. Don’t forget that he had sacrificed his one real pleasure to give Charlie a chance at that.

But, look, I know that the grandpajoehate is ostensibly a meme. It’s a joke poking fun at the very musical rules that allow a bed-bound person to magically be cured in the first place. But it never acknowledges the fact that his spontaneous rejuvenation is magic, and that the magic is the magic of love.

In a cynical world, we believe that love is not transformative because the real world grinds us down. But love can be transformative for us too. We just have to be willing to let it work.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Laddie, ye betterrrrr develop ain, afore ye git strung up by yer playerrrrrs.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Because it takes longer to roll up a new one than a table really needs as an interruption.

Purely practical imo. You don’t want things derailed that early. Later on, a death can be worked with, made part of a story. In the first three sessions? It’s just a pain in the ass

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Legit, I don’t fudge rolls because it’s not fun for me.

If a roll would fuck up the session/adventure/campaign, I just straight up tell the players I’m making a call and override the results. It doesn’t happen often, and it’s really only when rng just screws things, like when you get multiple nat 1s in a session, way out of line with what makes sense without some kind of gymnastics to explain things in game.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Nah, fudging is slightly different.

Fudging is saying “the roll was 19” when it was actually 18, and 18 was a fail. That’s a form of lie.

Straight up saying that the roll is being ignored totally, or that the person should roll again isn’t fudging because it’s open and honest.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Ngl, I don’t like unpickled cucumber, but I’d try this anyway. With a fork handy, but a good sourdough should hold up to a sauce like that.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Just audio, or miked?

I found some by klim that have been very durable so far. Something like five years and no issues. Well built, come with their own case. Wired buds. Sound can be a bit muddy for music, but not unbearable. In calls, they’re great.

Bluetooth wise, check out tozo. They do respectable buds on a budget. Not the best sound, but acceptable, and their mics pick up decently. Battery life is decent.

Back to wired, if you can find a sale, the tin t2 model is damn good sound for the price range. You usually have to be patient to get the 50 price point, or go used. But they really do sound great on a phone with a decent DAC. But that’s sound only, no mic.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Legit, in the real world, wolverine’s healing factor is the most useful. Other stuff is about tricks. His kind of healing means no cancer, no Alzheimer’s, no strokes, no heart attacks, nada. A long, healthy life free of disease of almost any kind.

The only drawback is the semi-immortality. A long life watching others die would suck hard. It’s already bad enough with a regular life span.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Eh, it isn’t about the quality of the work, it’s about disposable income vs desire for a modified thing. It’s going to be a hard sell. The form factor limits who will want it as an item for use, and the price is way above what most people would pay for that kind of thing for use.

It’s also very difficult to mount or display, so someone into the art itself would be less interested vs a more conventional form factor for that kind of art.

Like others have said, build a portfolio and try for commissions. The time and effort involved to modify something like this without a buyer lined up is better spent elsewhere if you aren’t doing it for your own pleasure as the primary goal.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Point A: never, ever whine about votes. It’s lame as fuck. You take the downs and the ups and whining about the downs, or crowing about the ups is just bullshit.

PointB: I agree with the basics of what you said, but you miss a huge factor. Read on if interested.

I agree wholeheartedly that any commer product throwing vegan in front of a word for another food is bullshit. I even agree that the path to good vegan foods is abandoning the idea that meat needs replacing when there’s entire cuisines that offer amazing food built around non meat, non animal sources.

It is also important to note that not only am I not vegan, I troll vegans occasionally by calling them religious zealots (because the ones that you run into are lol. The nice ones just live their lives and don’t bother anyone.)

However, unless a person is raised without exposure to meat based foods, the truth is that meat is yummy, and a lot of foods that we take for granted and love are either meat based, or contain animal products.

This means that new vegans are trying to figure out how to change their entire life, and need help getting there. And, even as they learn more about plant based diets, they’ll be having people they love that still eat meat, and substitutes become a form of good manners. Having substitutes isn’t a bad thing. Again, I make fun of the jerk vegans, but being able to choose what kind of ingredients go into what I’m eating is a huge plus.

But how is anyone supposed to run searches for recipes without the word vegan being involved? “Non animal product sausages” is going to bring back wildly different hits than “vegan hotdogs”.

The vegans I know (and cook vegan food for) did eventually transition away from a reliance on “replacement” dishes. But it’s a process and it’s one that means they’ll miss some of their old favorites unless they do make these kind of things.

Point C: dude, don’t rub your pet peeves on other people. It’s rude.

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