@wyri@haxim.us avatar



Maintains :wyrimaps:, :reactphp:, a couple dozen asynchronous #PHP (:php8:+) packages, and destroyer of servers.

Hashtags: #php, #fedi22, #kubernetes, #reactphp, #devops, #opensource, #helm, #k8s

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wyri, to random
@wyri@haxim.us avatar

I am a Dwarf and I'm:

@wyri@haxim.us avatar
@wyri@haxim.us avatar

@brunty Here is the latest incarnation (AFAIK): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnBvEddq7nw

@wyri@haxim.us avatar

@edorian :hattip:

wyri, to github
@wyri@haxim.us avatar

Honestly, #GitHub could use a report spam feature in the UI instead of opening a ticket. Getting tagged in random issues hijacked with posts of crypto scams is getting ridiculous at this point.

wyri, to php
@wyri@haxim.us avatar

Been putting the finishing touches on Bunny's transformation into PR. One of the major things for me there is visualizing the changes, especially the breaking changes. For example switching from a promise based API to a fibers based API:


wyri, to random
@wyri@haxim.us avatar

Great, really should have a look at based images: JavaScript Actions in Alpine containers are only supported on x64 Linux runners. Detected Linux Arm64

wyri, to terraform
@wyri@haxim.us avatar

today with their release while I'm doing a production release: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdauwcK_5WU

@wyri@haxim.us avatar
bagder, to random
@bagder@mastodon.social avatar
@wyri@haxim.us avatar

@bagder Congratulations!

venite, to random Dutch
@venite@mastodon.nl avatar

Voorzetsel-oefening. Is het keerpunt van de roeimarathon op, over, of boven de A1?

@wyri@haxim.us avatar

@venite over

dwarf, to random
@dwarf@borg.social avatar

Man I hate SAP

@wyri@haxim.us avatar

@dwarf Everyone does, even SAP hates SAP

wyri, to Synology
@wyri@haxim.us avatar

About to free more than 500GB of storage on my with this one weird trick!

@wyri@haxim.us avatar

Ok, so the one weird trick is to limit the amount of report to I dunno 10? Currently, I have 596 🤐

wyri, to random
@wyri@haxim.us avatar

When I get to replacing switches, I'll either have to go full layer 3 switches for anything my home cluster connects to or go with a layer 3 core switch as my NAS is hooked up there. The traffic from Star Gate to Star Gate Command is purely inter VLAN traffic because all my switches are layer 2.

P.S. Yes the MB/s numbers are off, haven't tweaked those correctly yet 😅

Skoop, to Symfony
@Skoop@phpc.social avatar

#SyliusDays conference day starts with Łukasz talking about the new #sylius features!

@wyri@haxim.us avatar

@Skoop That is brilliant slide design fitting right onto the blackboard 😍

wyri, to random
@wyri@haxim.us avatar

The #US might have Air Force One, but #NL has the better looking Rail Force One: https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rail_Force_One


SuitedUpDev, to random
@SuitedUpDev@mastodon.online avatar

Also my brain is extremely jetlagged.

I just said annyeonghaeso to a Dutch cashier 😅

@wyri@haxim.us avatar

@SuitedUpDev De wat?

@wyri@haxim.us avatar
SuitedUpDev, to random
@SuitedUpDev@mastodon.online avatar

I've been listening to a lot of complaints from a German friend about Deutsche Bahn for years.

Today I'm taking my first train with Deutsche Bahn, we are already almost an hour too late with departing from Frankfurt Airport.

Deutsche Bahn is a joke.

wyri, (edited )
@wyri@haxim.us avatar

@dwarf @SuitedUpDev Had that during our honeymoon. Ended up standing for two hours in a hall way while DB employees complained about safety 🤦‍♂️

afilina, to random
@afilina@phpc.social avatar

Ugh, the PHP CS Fixer setup instructions for PHPStorm are so long and confusing that I might as well just use the CLI instead. I've been told that I'm a very impatient person :)

@wyri@haxim.us avatar

@afilina thanks for the reminder, still need to set that up through Makefile => Docker 🤐

wyri, to php
@wyri@haxim.us avatar

Reimagining how to deploy my applications to . Turn between sub chart and Operator style. Requirements:

  • A way to pick up configuration from the code (cronjobs, queue workers/vhosts so deployments etc) and transform that to to resource changes
  • No Helm plugins etc
  • The possibility to run things either all in one pod or to split them out into different deployments/cronjobs depending on the project needs

It's about time we do some actual native

@wyri@haxim.us avatar

@p1ng ow yeah I said goodbye to FPM a decade ago. Not deploying that 🤣🤣🤣

dwarf, to random
@dwarf@borg.social avatar

It's hot outside

@wyri@haxim.us avatar

@dwarf It's not even that, the fietspad is fully parallel to the road and you can see it from your mirrors. Source: Me in our car 😅 .

NL is just fine, we shouldn't let boomers drive at this point. It's been to long ago since they got their license

wyri, to Ubiquiti
@wyri@haxim.us avatar

First part of a new long term home project coming in. An #Ubiquiti PoE+ switch to power a small #Kubernetes cluster built using #raspberrypi nodes. Going to blog about every step once it has been completed. But it is going to be a few quarters long project doing bit by bit

@wyri@haxim.us avatar

Started working on the cable gutter for all the #networking and #light (#USB) cables. Started with the patch panel on the left (home office) side.

Outside view of cables coming out heading towards the home office switch.

@wyri@haxim.us avatar

After that, I did the node patch boxes and hooked each node into it. Tomorrow I'm putting a wall around the gutter to keep everything in one place. And after that figure out how to create a patch box for the USB lighting cables.


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