grus avatar

grus avatar

you sound a little bit too excited about seeing a tiny pink penis

grus avatar

@Mr_Buscemi is right. It's about Prigozhin, the leader of the Wagner group and Putin's ex-best friend getting removed out.
Ever since the armed rebellion that he attempted the Russian state media apparatus and all of the millbloggers as a whole have been ordered to remove Prigozhin completely, to erase him from the public view.

And that is similar to soviet tactics from Stalin's time, where similarly erasures have been performed.
The most well known ones was the picture in which Stalin appeared next to Yezhov, Yezhov former chief of NKVD eventually fell from Stalin's grace, long story short he got a sham trial and later executed.

grus avatar

btw, did those bot farm instances actually did something so far? Like, anything bad?
I watched them grow to insane ammounts a while back but haven't really checked up on them since.

grus avatar

go off queen sksksk, HIMARS are such a gemini thing omg

grus avatar

lmao, this is fucking hilarious
I can't believe I'm saying this but... based elon?
The feddiverse as a whole might be soon flooded with people tho, prepare yourselves, they comin'

grus avatar

Oh-oh, that a sign that something is happening to good ol' Nigel. I expect some news to announce it soon.
Also anyone remembers when Nigel gave Assange a USB stick in the Ecuadorian embassy a couple years ago and got really angry/upset when people started asking him what was on that stick? I remember.

grus avatar

If you want to see me commit war crimes, take my bread away.

grus avatar

Every bread you take,
Every move you make,
I'll be watching you 😠

grus avatar

I thought about that one too at first, but couldn't think of a good couple bread-related lyrics so I switched to The Police :))

grus avatar

Thank you, I also wanted to try it out, but after a few quick tries that led me to a page where I needed to fill in a form to get the data, I gave up.

grus avatar

Can you sauce this with some context? Is the Crimean bridge a propaganda/extending Russo-imperialism project for Russians, as the kerch bridge was before the funni?

No, no. Nothing of that sort.

The Chonhar bridge connects Kherson oblast to Crimea.
The problem is that this bridge one of the very few locations that Russians can use

The bridge that they just bombed is the one shown in red. Dark blue puts Russians well within HIMARS range, while light blue puts them just barely at the end of that 50km HIMARS range.

The other option that Russians can use to get to Crimea is through Kerch bridge.

Imho, the bombing of the Chonhar bridge should be seen as the official start of the coming Siege of Crimea.

tagesschau, to Ukraine German avatar

Ukrainische Gegenoffensive: "Die Situation ist sehr schwierig"

Über die ukrainische Gegenoffensive ist wenig bekannt - außer wohl, dass Kiew sie sich leichter vorgestellt hat. Es laufe "langsamer als gewünscht", so die offizielle Botschaft. Minen und Drohnen würden den Vormarsch bremsen. Von Rebecca Barth.


grus avatar

@tagesschau Die Ukraine hätte schon vor langer Zeit F16 erhalten sollen. In dieser Hinsicht hat Europa sie völlig im Stich gelassen.

grus avatar

Bridges are designed to take a lot of stress, thus by default are notoriously hard to destroy/collapse.
Still, even with just this damage the bridge is very likely unusable and will take the Kremlin several weeks to repair while Ukraine can always destroy it again in a matter of seconds.

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