A community for Victoria, Australia

@cdarwin@c.im avatar

For 30 years Hong Kong held the world’s biggest vigil for the June 4th #Tiananmen #Square #massacre.

As many as 180,000 people would gather to light candles in #Victoria #Park to remember June 4th 1989,
when China’s army brought a bloody end to weeks of peaceful pro-democracy protests in Beijing.
(China has never put a figure on the number who died in what it terms a counter-revolutionary incident.)

Hong Kong’s vigils became a symbol of #defiance of mainland authority
and an ardent evocation of the city’s #independence.

“It was magnificent,” says one resident. “We wanted to make [the massacre] known, not just in Hong Kong, but throughout the world.”

🔥 Organising such a vigil would be unthinkable now.

The commemoration was #banned in 2020, ostensibly because of covid-19.

Some 20,000 people gathered anyway.

The following month the central government in Beijing imposed a draconian national-security law on the territory,
a response to large pro-democracy protests in 2019.

The authorities have since snuffed out memories of Tiananmen.

Memorials have been removed.

The commemoration’s organisers have been jailed;
-- in March they lost a bid to overturn their conviction.

Wearing black or lighting candles near Victoria Park on June 4th may now be considered criminal activity.

This year, like the last, the park is filled with food trucks instead of candles.

Pro-Beijing groups have organised a carnival in the vigil’s stead.


@DenisCOVIDinfoguy@aus.social avatar

"Thousands of Victorian children to miss out on lifesaving RSV vaccine following Vic government blunder." By Shannon Deery

"Latest data revealed cases in Victoria had increased from 3,400 cases in the first quarter of 2024 to 8,584 cases in the current, second quarter."

#Victoria #RSV @auscovid19

Source: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/victoria/thousands-of-victorian-children-to-miss-out-on-lifesaving-rsv-vaccine-following-labor-blunder/news-story/8fc7383370e6a114694b8c0ec9d5a31f


@treleanor@aus.social avatar

@DenisCOVIDinfoguy @auscovid19 That blunder is a real worry. The vaccine against RSV is so important for babies. Also for adults.

@treleanor@aus.social avatar

@DenisCOVIDinfoguy @auscovid19 I chose to have the vaccine, in consultation with GP. Paid for it, hopeful for a couple of years’ coverage.

Catawu, Spanish
@Catawu@mastodon.social avatar
@DenisCOVIDinfoguy@aus.social avatar

Victoria: Hundreds of patients died after catching COVID in Victorian hospitals, new data shows

Almost 1 in 10 patients who caught COVID in hospital died.

Documents obtained by ABC News under Freedom of Information laws reveal at least 6,212 patients caught COVID in hospital in 24 months — 3,890 in 2022 and 2,322 in 2023. Of those, 586 died — almost 6 per week, on average — with men dying at a higher rate than women (11 per cent vs 8 per cent).


Source: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-05-06/hundreds-died-catching-covid-victoria-hospitals-testing-masking/103784896?utm_source=abc_news_app&utm_medium=content_shared&utm_campaign=abc_news_app&utm_content=twitter

@nikink@aus.social avatar

@DenisCOVIDinfoguy @auscovid19 if only someone tracked this data in New South Wales.

@platypusparent@aus.social avatar
@blaise@hachyderm.io avatar

I'm thinking about visiting in with my 19yr old son. We would take a ferry from the Seattle area.

I would love suggestions or warnings for activities, lodging, etc

@ADisorderlyFashion@mas.to avatar

@blaise If you're taking the ferry, show up to it as early as you would for a plane. I showed about an hour before and there was already a long line. Also, their threshold for luggage being checked is significantly smaller than the TSA's, so bare that in mind when you pack.

@KingShawn@mastodon.social avatar

@blaise @si_irini Will you be driving at all? I’d highly recommend getting out of the city and going for a drive. The coastline is spectacular and there are some great little towns along the way - in particular, the pretty town of Chemainus famous for its 53 outdoor murals. It’s only an hour outside of Victoria.



I like Sofle's concept of painting on all surfaces of a carpark.
My favourite was Melanie Caple's Ned Kelly contemplating

Street art of a bare headed Ned Kelly looking down at his iconic helmet

@frogglin@theblower.au avatar

Do you live in a in ?
My friend has a PHD student researching share housing and would like to speak to you if you wanna.

@DavBot@nerdculture.de avatar

I'm at work bored again posting in the bathroom while they film an Instagram video for my jobs social media (I do not consent lol) I'd like to prove grassroots social media is better. So in big wheel burger has BOGO burgers on Uber eats. Order and put "davbot says join mastodon." In the notes.


@DenisCOVIDinfoguy@aus.social avatar

"Average Victorian secondary student misses equivalent of 163 days of class — or the equivalent of more than 3 terms of school, new figures show"

"The Department blamed illness from COVID and the flu as the reasons behind the absences for both primary and secondary schools"


Source: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/victoria-education/average-victorian-secondary-student-misses-equivalent-of-three-terms-of-school-new-figures-show/news-story/cf10e73aaec6c055c4add9920a7bc3a5

A Saturday Herald Sun analysis of Department of Education figures shows an average high school student missed 163 days of class — or the equivalent of more than three terms — between years 7 and 12. The Department’s figures showed students in years 7 to 10 failed to attend an average of 29.2 days a year, while year 11 and 12 students were AWOL an average of 23.2 days a year. The non-attendance figures were all far worse than targets the Department sets and are based on the latest publicly available data, which was collected in 2022. The Department blamed illness from Covid and the flu as the reasons behind the absences for both primary and secondary schools, particularly in semester 1. But educational and developmental psychologist Dr Janine Bounds said school refusal was causing widespread absences across Victoria. “I’m seeing more children and young teens that are refusing to go to school. They have become extremely disengaged and waitlists to see psychologists have blown out,” Dr Bounds said. “The Department is out of touch to just blame Covid and influenza as the reasons for absences in 2022. “There were more factors in place such as mental health issues and this has certainly continued on.” The Department’s Performance Measures reports also reveals students in years 7 to 9 rated their connectedness to school as 3.3 out of 5, missing the Department’s target of 3.7.
A Department of Education spokesman said: “We will continue to work with families and carers to support the mental health and school engagement of all Victorian students.” “In 2023, Victoria recorded the highest attendance across the nation with school refusal accounting for just two per cent of all absences,” the spokesman said. “Schools access a range of programs and services to help vulnerable and at-risk students re-engage with their education, including Navigator, and tailored mental health and wellbeing programs.” But Opposition Education spokeswoman Jess Wilson said the growing number of lost days of school due to absence – far in excess of the government’s target – reflected a “deeply concerning” trend that needs to be addressed. “Students don’t get better outcomes by spending more time away from the classroom and classmates. For this reason, we need to better understand what is driving this increase,” Ms Wilson said. “The government using Covid as an excuse does nothing to address the growing concerns around school refusal and mental health issues that are not only putting students’ education at risk but their health and wellbeing as well,” she added. Malcolm Elliott, the immediate past president of the Australian Primary Principals Association, said: “Child absences makes continuity in education extremely difficult,

@DenisCOVIDinfoguy@aus.social avatar

"A single mum who continues to suffer from COVID nearly 4 years after catching it at Geelong aged care home has won a legal battle to launch proceedings for pain and suffering."


Source: https://heraldsun.com.au/leader/single-mum-secures-courts-approval-to-lodge-covidrelated-claim/news-story/81f47a9eb02ab5ae055978f5f05a05ba

Ms Shrimpton is among many patients for whom the effects of Covid is lingering for far longer than their time in quarantine. Alongside her irritated lungs, she battles stress incontinence, meaning she loses urine when she coughs, sneezes or laughs, and is also experiencing symptoms that includes a persistent cough, shortness of breath, a sore throat, nasal drip, fatigue, and headaches. The Belmont resident also dealt with the trauma of bringing the virus from the Highton facility into her own home that resulted in her two children, Imogen Shrimpton-Heyne, 14, and Jay Shrimpton, 16, becoming infected. Ms Shrimpton applied in County Court for leave to bring proceedings for pain and suffering damages on the grounds that she has suffered a permanent serious impairment of a “body function”. The Victorian Workcover Authority opposed her application, saying no single impairment that Ms Shrimpton suffered was sufficiently serious to pass the serious injury threshold. The consensus of expert medical opinion is that she is suffering from long Covid syndrome and that it is likely her symptoms will continue indefinitely. Judge My Anh Tran agreed with the expert medical opinion and said as a result of long Covid syndrome, Ms Shrimpton has suffered a permanent serious impairment of her immune system.

@timrichards@aus.social avatar

Sad, but I guess inevitable with the cost of living crisis. A lot of good regional restaurants rely on Melbourne visitors as part of their profits.

Restaurant industry downturn affects regional areas

(maybe paywalled) https://www.theage.com.au/goodfood/melbourne-eating-out/the-tourists-have-stopped-coming-well-known-restaurants-close-in-regional-victoria-20240328-p5ffyb.html

@feather1952@aus.social avatar

I have breakfast out with some of the Vinnies ladies once every 8-10wks & may have lunch with a friend once a month or so, but that’s it. I only go out for dinner on special occasions. I rarely even get takeout either. It’s just cheaper not to.

@Flux@wandering.shop avatar

This recumbent bike was abandoned near my house a few days ago, Victoria BC. Anyone able to reconnect it with it's owner?
Please boost!
#yyj #victoria #bikes #recumbent

@Spiricom@mastodon.social avatar

@Flux It looks like a sail bike.

@DenisCOVIDinfoguy@aus.social avatar

Victoria: Three aged care nurses who broke Victoria’s 2020 lockdown for a baby shower at their workplace, before a COVID outbreak in which 38 residents died at Epping Gardens Aged Care Home, have been suspended.


Source: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/victoria/aged-care-nurses-who-breached-lockdown-before-deadly-covid-outbreak-suspended/news-story/b67194f25ec3d75ea0b365eb36772b26

Victoria was under strict stay-at-home rules during this time, and no vaccines were available, but a Tribunal heard registered nurses Sheanadz Anni, Justin May Carpio and Grzegorz Grodzinksi came in on their day off for a staff party in a vacant room. The Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal said the outbreak — four days after the party — “resulted in major tragedy”, with an independent health department review finding 103 of the home’s 119 residents and 86 staff contracted the virus. VCAT heard these “stark” numbers could “not begin to convey the trauma and grief suffered by all residents, whether or not they developed Covid-19, and enormous impact on their families” and banned the trio from nursing for three months in November last year. In written reasons released this month, the Tribunal also reprimanded the three nurses — who despite a police investigation shortly after the outbreak were never criminally charged — for professional misconduct. The Tribunal, whose written reasons were released this month, also reprimanded the three nurses, who — despite reports of a police investigation shortly after the outbreak — were never criminally charged. They also heard there was “no evidence that any of the respondents (or anyone else who attended the baby shower) caused the outbreak”.
“The independent report stated that the source of infection for the outbreak had not been established,” tribunal documents stated. “Even though there is no evidence that the respondents were responsible for the outbreak at Epping Gardens, there was risk inherent in their behaviour. “The nurses shared the responsibility for the health and care of the residents.” Tribunal members John Billings, Mary Archibald and Marietta Bylhouwer said the party, which was widely reported on by the media, “undermined” the public’s trust in nurses. They described their conduct as a “very serious departure” from nursing’s proper professional standards that placed “vulnerable patients and others at risk”. “It is too serious to be described as a lapse of judgement,” they said. A psychologist reported Ms Anni, supporting her three children who live overseas with her mother, attended “because she did not want to be seen to be rude to her colleagues”, “deeply regretted” her actions and “fully understood” their consequences. The same psychologist reported Ms Caprio felt pressured to attend, felt “‘so stupid’ about what she did” and was “deeply regretful” and “fully aware” of Covid’s dangers. A psychiatrist reported Mr Grodzinski, who had temporarily had restrictions imposed on his registration in the aftermath and is also in relationship with Ms Caprio, acknowledged his wrongdoing and “did not seek to minimise his conduct or skirt responsibility”.

@timgatewood@mastodon.world avatar

@DenisCOVIDinfoguy @auscovid19 Should have been charged with manslaughter at least.

@jessta@aus.social avatar

Lol, Leader of the Liberal party in Victoria reckons we should include the life time running costs in the cost of building new infrastructure.

I agree, we definitely should. But good luck building any more roads.



Australian state orders 30,000 people to evacuate due to ‘catastrophic’ fire risk

By Kathleen Magramo and Morayo Ogunbayo, CNN

Published Feb 28, 2024

"Firefighters in Australia are battling a huge blaze that has forced the evacuation of tens of thousands of people amid some of the worst fire conditions the country has seen in recent years.

"Hot, dry and windy conditions have created “extreme to catastrophic fire dangers” in parts of Victoria and , according to Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology.

" are also forecast in the region, which bring the threat of – strikes that occur during a storm where the rain evaporates before hitting the ground.

"Around 30,000 people had been ordered to evacuate parts of before midday Wednesday, when authorities warned it would be too late to leave.

"Temperatures are rapidly rising to the 40°C range (104°F), with wind gusts reaching 60 to 70 kilometers per hour (37 to 43 mph), according to an update from Jason Heffernan, chief officer at ’s Country Fire Authority (CFA), the state’s volunteer fire service.

“Extreme fire dangers are coming to fruition, and in fact we’re currently seeing catastrophic conditions in , Hamilton and in the weather district,” he said.


"Experts have warned that could see another catastrophic fire season this year as the impacts of El Niño event — a natural climate fluctuation which can bring hot and dry conditions to parts of the country — with the underlying trend of human-caused .

As the world continues to heat up, increasing the likelihood of the '' that fuels faster and more intense blazes, scientists say the risk of extreme seasons will increase."


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