
AH. DevOps Engineer. I post about #Gaming, #SteamDeck, #Linux, #Anime, and #Tech in general.

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irfan, to random

I made a post on @irfan but I'm honestly not sure if it even went through but - I'll be migrating my account from ff, and this account, to my new account over on @irfan possibly today. Hope it goes well!


@irfan @irfan getting an error tryna migrate from lol, why am I even surprised. I'll migrate this acct first - see u there!

irfan, to random

oh god ive been lightheaded since yest cos i restocked my vape juice a lil late n im still waiting for it to arrive in the coming days, so in the meantime im forced to smoke with some tester vape juice ive received in the past. all is well except my usual vape juice is 6mg in nicotine, while the testers are all 50mg+ 😭

irfan, to random

ok now that im done coding (for a v lil bit) im gonna try my best to finally not postpone migrating my accounts to when i wake up later. ive given up getting my posts from but i hope the migration would slide without a hitch, wont hold my breath for that tho. this is my first time trying to migrate 2 accounts into 1 so i guess we'll see how it goes.

irfan, to RSS

No one'd care abt my development projects that only I have knowledge/context of lol but I'm documenting this anyway.

I have a project I regrettably named Rizz which tracks an #RSS feed and posts update on #Mastodon.

I have another project named WaktuSolat that tracks "local" #Islamic prayer times and posts them daily on Mastodon.

Both of them are separate projects, with 2 different code bases, but largely share the same code. Updating them can be tedious, fortunately, they're simple projects hence, very stable so updating them need not be frequent. But as the projects grew, I have more ideas of feature enhancements so I thought to create a "framework" (I'm SUPER bad with programming terminology so idk if this is even appropriate) of sort that I could build these 2 projects on so that updates to said framework would benefit both of these projects automatically.

So I created a new project, again, cringingly named Mango (Mastodon-#Django). I then merged both of Rizz's and WaktuSolat's code bases into it and reworked it almost in its entirety in order to somewhat set a "standard" the 2 projects (and future ones) could/should conform to for everything to work. Caused me more gray hair than I thought it would and finally, its 0.1.0 release is done and ready.

So now both Rizz (example: @lowyat) and WaktuSolat (example: @waktusolat) have been upgraded and ported to use Mango version 0.1.0. On the surface, things should largely be the same but with some added features:

  • Both projects now support posting to multiple Mastodon accounts. Useful if I'd want to mirror an account for whatever reason such as if 1 instance gets blocked (i.e., I could mirror future posting to another backup account (i.e.

  • Both projects now support tracking multiple feeds. Useful for cases such as, for Rizz, if I want it to post news from a particular news site from both its English and Malay feeds - or if I want to create a "general" Tech account that posts news from multiple sites specific to tech.

  • Both projects now support updating its Mastodon accounts' profiles such as its name, bio, links, etc. This is especially helpful for my future plans of letting my friends on the #Fediverse to provide their own Masto accounts for me to deploy Rizz/WaktuSolat for them on my #Kubernetes cluster.

  • Other boring/reliability stuffs such as better implementation of ensuring to adhere to Masto's 500 char limit, more reliable parsing of feed tags, slightly better algo at mimicking a more organic rate of posting (i.e. post some instead of all existing updates), and so on.

Other things worth noting:

  • WaktuSolat actually supports updating/posting prayer times of everywhere in #Malaysia, and also in #Indonesia, but my account posts only for #KL for now.

  • Since #COVID19's hot again, I'm planning to start a new project for it, also based on Mango. That would likely only include Malaysian numbers.


@alexdeathway @lowyat @waktusolat the first "creative" thing I could think of for an "RSS" name was Rizz bcos it was indeed the word going around at the time 😭 thanks for ur kind words!

irfan, to random

bruh i need to stop getting to bed at ~5-6am lest i want to die of heart attack before 40. i've been doing that pretty much every weekend previously, ever since i've stopped working tho i've been doing dat daily. every time i code i get so lost into it i feel and think of nothing else.

irfan, to twitter

I've always been annoyed at the insane number of affiliate posts on the local side of . How ridiculous would it be if I take up the affiliate programme and be the only Shopee affiliate on this tiny side of the since I love reviewing (ranting) about stuffs I buy/use anyway 😭

i blame my joblessness for even thinking of this lmao

irfan, to windows
irfan, to Steamdeck

#SteamDeck is the first #Valve hardware I own, second being the Steam Deck Dock. I finally know what #Apple shills feel like cos I’m now the same with Valve and I 100% want and need more hw products from them. Whatever they cook in the future, I hope it’ll include a #SteamOS laptop (they’ve included great speakers, mic, and amazing haptic/“fake” touchpads on the Steam Deck, I need em in a laptop), a SteamOS “console” box perhaps, and a #gaming controller as good as the built-in ones on the Deck. The cherry on top would be them selling these hardware at a low margin or even loss like they did with the Deck, to keep them affordable with the hopes of enticing more people into the #Steam ecosystem like they’ve successfully done with me.


@MudMan uh, defo no sarcasm involved. Apple has also made and sold an actual game console and controller before, it failed hard and I wouldn't even consider it existed. Same with the old Steam box and controller.

They promised SteamOS support for general desktops, they never said when - also it's Valve, people know they take forever to release anything let alone relating to hardware. They haven't forgotten abt it tho and have mentioned it again as recent as the OLED edition release. Their latest take was that it's still their highest priority but it'll take a long time still to work on drivers that are atm still Deck-focused/tuned, and that their priority is to first get it to work with similar, non-Deck handhelds before expanding to desktop PCs.

AFAIK they've never actually promised Windows support, but it's great that it works in any capacity anyway based on what they've provided. I would've preferred them not to even bother tho cos the Deck's clearly not designed for Windows and vice versa.


@defrisselle they could, but I would defo prefer them to design and ship the laptop themselves as they did with the Deck. that should keep costs low at the very least (Frameworks have amazing hardware but relatively costly), and also I would be very interested in what they're able to cook up themselves.

irfan, (edited ) to NieR

Resumed my playthrough after leaving it for quite a long while and man, really, almost nothing ever gives me the feels yet / never fail in making me feel something so strongly. Its simple yet powerful story, its unmatched music and sound design, its somehow perfect movement (I keep emphasising how important this is to me in games), combat, and gameplay mechanics, and most importantly its amazing set of characters that you couldn’t help but feel invested in… Nuts just how long I’ve ignored them in the past. was the first I bothered to platinum/100% in gameplay and achievements, I’ve a feeling I’ll do the same with Replicant as well.

irfan, to random

I have no idea why they made fishing so hard in a like lol, esp coming from which was expectedly easy as a non-fishing focused game.

irfan, (edited ) to gaming

Speaking of the landscape on , I think performance-wise it's certainly been comparable between Linux and . I definitely have not noticed any difference between the two, not to say there isn't any. Compatibility wise, most games should work out of the box on , especially if the game does not use any anti cheat software that specifically prohibits from working on Linux. Pretty much all games I'm interested in playing don't have this issue.

The ONLY difference I notice between when I was still on Windows, and now that I've primarily and exclusively been using Linux for over a year for all things including gaming, is the streaming/recording experience while gaming. I've always used an GPU since it's always offered not just the most performant but more importantly to me, the most efficient graphics card. One nice thing about NVIDIA cards is the NVENC encoder, which from what I've been keeping tabs on, 's implementation/equivalent to it has still not matched/surpassed NVENC.

Back when NVENC 1.0 came out, my gaming experience (when I was still on Windows) changed entirely as it allowed me to game AND stream/record my gameplay on the same PC with barely any performance cost. When they upgraded to NVENC 2.0, that performance cost continues to go down drastically, and I have never gamed without recording or streaming my gameplay to my partner/friends via .

On Linux, for one, Discord does not yet natively support streaming an application with audio (which renders it pointless). I work around this by using a custom Discord client instead, Discord-screenaudio which is available as a . For recording purposes, I still use . So, the only difference so far in gaming on Windows and on Linux, is that on Linux, I absolutely cannot game while also recording or streaming on the same PC. It's fine if I delegate the recording/streaming to another PC via a capture card, but I don't do that as that'd be too costly. There's NVENC support too on OBS on Linux, but for whatever reason, while recording and gaming simultaneously on the same device on Windows gave me pretty much no performance hit, it butchers my performance significantly if I do the same on Linux.

I feel like this is one of the few things that could be improved, gaming-wise on Linux. If you're not a data hoarder and you live life dangerously without the need to document/record absolutely everything you do including gaming, you're fine gaming on either platform lol. On Linux, at least on NVIDIA GPU, you will certainly need a secondary PC to do your streaming/recording while you're gaming.


@c512l this is a good find! It’s been 3 years since it started, and some months since the last update on that issue tracker but I’ll keep tabs on it.

It’s great if it’s possible to record + game on AMD GPU on Linux with only minimal performance hit. I just haven’t seen much talk of this at all on either GPUs on Linux, mostly only on Windows. I’ve lived with it tho and just don’t record/stream games anymore. Would love to if I could do so again someday.

irfan, (edited ) to KDE

Dude. I've always used the default (on , I think) app for my PDF needs on , and it's been fine and I'll continue to do so. But annotation isn't its best quality.

I needed to sign some documents today and was looking into any apps I could use my cheap "drawing tablet" with to annotate. You could sorta make do with Okular for that but it's "drawing" annotation isn't really designed for anything but to draw lines - so everything will be "blocky" or "jagged" rather than appear natural/free flow.

Looking up online people kept recommending , I ignored it too many times just bcos of its very Linuxy name lmao but IT'S SO GOOD and is exactly what I (and YOU) need. You could use it to draw/write notes as you would on say, an , or even to draw/annotate on PDFs. I've just started using it at the time of writing this but I love it already and can see that it's very capable, and intuitive.

I literally just connected my drawing tablet to my dock, installed the Xournal app from the app store as a , open up my PDF with Xournal and started writing and exported my doc as a PDF. People need to know about this app.



If anyone's curious, the drawing tablet (I keep italicising this because IDK if it's actually good enough for REAL artists lol instead of a casual user like me) I use that I find very affordable, and that is definitely way more than good enough for me is the Star G640.

I got it 2 years ago for 103 MYR (~22 USD), but today without any discounts I see that it's come down to just 79.99 MYR (~17.27 USD). I initially got it just to play the game, , and it's been perfect for that. Since then I've doodled around with it here and there on and I honestly love it. I definitely would have loved to use it more tho to digitally annotate documents, so I'm super happy I've the perfect app to use it with now!

It works perfectly on my main ( based) PC, and also my pretty much plug and play. The only complaint I have is that when used on a 2-monitor setup, the surface of the tablet is then shared/used for the entire length of the two monitors (so left most area of the tablet interacts with the left monitor, and right most area of the tablet interacts with the right monitor) which makes it awkward - but I'm sure that's not specific to this tablet but a thing in general I haven't figured out yet. If you're using a single monitor setup though, you're golden.

Honestly, I've never needed an but I've always wanted one to use for note taking or annotating PDFs - I never ended up buying one cos it's too expensive for my very minor need. Happy to report I'll likely never own an iPad now 🥳


irfan, to foss

There are many apps that I'm happy with as an alternative to a proprietary app, some of them I actually prefer over any proprietary apps. 's one of them that I actually prefer over other apps I've used as a video editing software, including Premiere Pro and Vegas. It works super well on and .

irfan, to random

i'm officially that uncle, my niece stumbled upon a gameplay vid on and she immediately asked her mom to message me asking if I had the game 😭

irfan, to random

Manekineko has a smoking zone very close by. That’s all I need.

irfan, to Steamdeck

Interesting. The Nested desktop mode on the #SteamDeck has been super useful, but cannot be remoted into via #AnyDesk and the like, cos it's in #Wayland rather than #X11/#Xorg. In that case, the Deck will still require the actual Desktop mode which still does run on X11.


@bitpirate i'm definitely ignoring TV, while RustDesk I'll definitely take a look for myself if it's current experimental support for Wayland's any good but definitely not an option/recommendation for Deck users since they're not avai as a Flatpak afaik. AnyDesk is.

irfan, to Disney

My partner and I played for the first time and IT’S SO FUN and definitely worth every penny, honestly. Super happy to finally have another local multiplayer worth playing other than lol. On the side of things, and also speaking of Mario Kart, I tried and honestly, for a “free to play” game, it’s pretty good and definitely the closest “competition” to Mario Kart. I’ve purchased the other games just bcos I want a Mario Kart that isn’t but they’re all honestly garbage - Speedstorm tho has the potential. My final judgement of the game will ultimately boil down to figuring out how easy (or not) it is to unlock the Local Multiplayer feature without spending a dime cos atm, that mode’s still locked.


honestly my highlight of the game is my partner and I screaming at Luigi for getting "Bowser Space" after a roll, cept I screamed his name correctly, while my partner confidently confused his name as Linguine. after confusing Margot Robbie's name as Margie Robert last time post-watching the Barbie movie, I now have no doubts that she's awful with names 😭

irfan, (edited ) to Steamdeck

Since I’ll have to return my office #MacBook Air M1 soon, I spent the entire day yesterday on the go and at home #coding and browsing only on the #SteamDeck undocked and it’s been surprisingly great. Not perfect though, but only because of some WiFi issues but even that was only on my #iPhone ’s personal hotspot (fixed by just restoring the connection).

Battery life definitely wasn’t as good as the M1, which is expected, but it lasted me longer than I thought. I sat at a foodcourt and used the Deck for a couple of hours at ~5pm, then coded on it again at about ~11pm right until I was done at ~6am with about ~10% battery left. Honestly, not bad. Definitely offers a better developer exp (to me) than #macOS though, that's for sure 🤠

Another thing of note is that unlike some experiences shared by a small number of grown, white male on #YouTube - I definitely (did not care and) did not receive any stares or "judgements" at all using the Deck this way at all sorts of places and surrounded by all sorts of people (casual old folks, professional setting, kids, etc.) in my almost a year of owning it. I think it's a cool concept, and why give a shit about strangers staring anyway if you're unlucky enough to be surrounded by a judgemental, kpc crowd.


@hammerheadcorvette hey, super sorry for being super late in checking this out but as expected, the drawing tablet works as intended pretty much plug and play on the Steam Deck as it did on my main Arch Linux based PC.

It works on the desktop itself (as a mouse), it works on Krita/Inkscape/GIMP, and it even works on Xournal++ for PDF annotation. If you're curious, the drawing tablet I'm using is the "XP-Pen Star G640". I bought it 2 years ago for 103 MYR (~22 USD), but today, I see that it's only 79.99 MYR (~17.38 USD) without any discounts. I bought it for the game, OSU, but it works well enough for me for everything else including note taking and drawing (which admittedly I don't do much).


@hammerheadcorvette happy to help!

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