Tabletop Roleplaying Games

davidrevoy, avatar
ArneBab, avatar

@davidrevoy Wow, that’s awesome! I didn’t know could do this!

Does this also work with scanned pencil drawings?

ArneBab, avatar

@davidrevoy For smudging: I just tried rubbing the sheets together and didn’t see any smudging, but I think I didn’t put on enough to actually see that. I’ll try making it darker …

here’s a first test without smudging and without any postprocessing.

grumpygamer, avatar

What are your favorite quests in a RPG-ish game? Personally I like the one where you have to kill 10 rats.

Trevorgoodchild, avatar

@grumpygamer LIGHT CRUSADER for SEGA Genesis!


@grumpygamer In almost every RPG I've played going back to Seiken Densetsu 3 (secret of mana 2) on SNES (it might have been a fan-translated ROM, sue me) I've always been a fan of quests that originate from your party members.

Going over to a party member and asking something like "I've heard you mumblin in your sleep, what's up?" then hear that NPC pour his guts out... I know the world is burning and all, but my friend's in trouble so I'll help him first.

shimminbeg, avatar

I just think it would be interesting and distinctive for one (1) character in the party to actually use an actual weapon literally ever.

DarkestKale, avatar

@BigJackBrass @shimminbeg @worthlessbums @Supervinh47
Shim, do not suddenly feel the need to write a superhero advent based off this image...

RogerBW, avatar
BigJackBrass, avatar
shimminbeg, avatar

@RogerBW @DarkestKale @BigJackBrass Can modern science derive anything from what we do know? It appears to be canonically magnetic, if that helps.

RogerBW, avatar

@shimminbeg @DarkestKale @BigJackBrass Ferromagnetic, hard but not as brittle as one might expect. It'll work nicely on an induction burner, when someone invents them, but I suspect it's pretty much magic stainless steel.

lumpley, avatar

So I'm making this phantasmagoric fantasy game with my 17-yo design partner Tovey. Working title: The Demon Tree.

One of the design specs, straight from Tovey's vision for play, is that it has to feature exciting, dynamic, fast, tactical, multi-round and multi-participant fight sequences. Fights can't be over in a single roll or two, like in Apocalypse World, and they can't be a static slog of attrition, like in (some) D&D.

lumpley, avatar

@herrold I do, if there is such a transgression! This particular demon just found its way over somehow. If the PCs stick around, maybe I'll delve into its backstory.

Creating a demon is a relatively short series of options and prompts. One of the strengths of this ruleset is that most things' writeups, inluding demons', are freeform text, like traits in Dogs in the Vineyard. To create a demon you mainly just follow some prompts to choose or write its traits!

herrold, avatar

@lumpley thanks! What'd the physical bits look like while you were playing this fight with your now adult children?

What do player characters risk in a fight, and how does that risk open up, if say they make a leading attack(obvious), while another character makes an attempt at a more deceptive, following attack?


Why are you playing #solorpg systems? #ttrpgs are living off their social interaction and emergent storytelling, which is not-existent or strongly diminished when playing solo. Which system do you play and what makes them work for you? #rpg #pnpde #pnp


@kik @lextenebris So much text. And yet I fail to see what new bring to the table. My intention was never to shame #solorpg players. I was just genuinely interested in motivation/experiences...even quotations marks are ignored...sigh


@samurro @lextenebris As you say, so much text. If you're still failing to see the interest of solorpg, maybe it's time to consider you may have preconceptions and are attached to them, to the point of refusing the answers to your very questions. And yes, you get heat because your contempt is showing.

loevenbruck, French avatar

Et voici la modélisation de notre champion, Jimmy Angel, le personnage de @Tackian , pilote virtuose et bourreau des coeurs.

oliviersaraja, avatar

@YannKervran @loevenbruck @Tackian ha ha c’est vrai qu’on est plusieurs à cocher ces trois catégories.

oliviersaraja, avatar
vilain, French avatar

@athenavocat @vilain c'est marrant, est-ce que du coup faudrait voir ça comme un signe ?
(C'est beau les coïncidences)

athenavocat, avatar

@Cassefiel @vilain ohlala ohlala ohlala okay j'irai voir quand je serai plus en vacances là, ça me remontera peut être le moral

AlicePotiron, French

Quelques photos de Bicolline pendant le prémontage de samedi.
Durant ces journées les joueurs peuvent venir installer leur camp, réparer ou améliorer leur bâtiment pour ceux qui en ont, entretenir le terrain etc.
Durant le temps de jeu, aucun éléments rappelant le monde moderne ne sera autorisé. Vêtements, glacières, voitures, téléphones etc, tout ça doit rester dehors ou invisibles pour les autres joueurs durant les événements.

Bicolline. Vue d’une des auberges d’inspiration médiévale. Des fanions jaunes et bleus traversés la rue de part en part.
Bicolline. Roulottes colorées de la vieille ville.
Bicolline. Place de La Croix celtique.

athenavocat, avatar

@AlicePotiron ouiiiii meilleure ville du monde. En toute objectivitude.

BigJackBrass, avatar

Looking through the recent RPG news—ENnie winners, GenCon releases, that sort of thing—and I found myself wondering if I'll ever see a new game that interests me more than the ones I already have. I suspect that the market has changed sufficiently that either my sort of gaming isn't catered for, or else it's retreading ground covered by stuff on my shelf. The new games might be great, but I don't feel excited about them. Still, keeps the spending down 😁

DarkestKale, avatar

@RogerBW @BigJackBrass @somedude I actually bought new dice the other day (after realising I only had one d8 & one d12 when I played Blade Runner), and... I thought I got ones that matched my current stuff - but no, one of them has white lettering and the other gold.

BigJackBrass, avatar

@RogerBW @DarkestKale @somedude Don't turn into @lordof1 , he'd hate the competition.

jake4480, avatar
jake4480, avatar

@synlogic For real. I do try to be careful about what I put on too- but then stuff gets damaged, damn rust monsters too! 🤣

synlogic, avatar

@jake4480 rust monsters are the ultimate party pooper

NPC Creation Complexity

Confession time: I am not overly enamored of "rules-lite" RPG systems. As long as the system is coherent and well-thought out, I prefer it when the system has rules for all sorts of things - from tactical combat to running chases to social encounters to falling damage and so forth. I like GURPS, I like D&D5E, I like Pathfinder...

BigJackBrass, avatar

Wow… I can't recall how long it's taken, but tonight Whartson Hall reached the end of Masks of Nyarlathotep. Although I've played it before, I never made it very far into Egypt before meeting a grisly demise, so this has been quite a trip. Did we succeed in saving the world? Well, you'll have to check your newspapers for 1926 to find out (or just listen to the episode when we release it on Friday).

BigJackBrass, avatar

@RogerBW @lordof1 @DarkestKale Paces? Which scale, sir?

RogerBW, avatar

@BigJackBrass @lordof1 @DarkestKale Imperial, obviously. I'm shocked that you need to ask.

Kiloku, Portuguese avatar

O post do @captbarba79 ( me inspirou a compartilhar meus personagens de () feitos no
Primeiro: Henri Cartier, Ranger Orc com seu fiel falcão verde (NÃO É UM PAPAGAIO), Melon Volant.
Segunda e terceira imagens: Prof. Dr. Nazim Yavuz (Nível 1 e nível 10 respectivamente) um historiador que virou mago aventureiro.
Quarta imagem: Nyara Lyennir, elfa guardiã (meio q uma versão laica de paladino) que luta pra libertar seu povo da escravidão.

Um personagem estilizado em computação gráfica. Ele é um homem de pele negra e olhos castanhos claros, com uma grossa barba cinza-escura que se junta com um bigode igualmente grosso. Ele veste um turbante vinho-acinzentado, e um manto da mesma cor. No pescoço está amarrado um lenço vermelho, e em sua cintura um cordão também vermelho. Na mão direita porta um enorme livro de capa amarela, e na cintura um livro pequeno de capa vermelha.
Um personagem estilizado em computação gráfica. É o mesmo personagem da imagem anterior. Porém agora seus olhos tem uma cor vibrante violeta. Ele não veste mais o turbante, revelando cabelos em dreadlocks, com faixas cinzas/brancas. No lugar do turbante, agora há um diadema de ouro, com uma enorme ametista, da mesma cor que seus olhos. Sobre o manto agora há uma leve armadura de couro marrom-claro, com detalhes em vermelho. Porta nas costas um cetro com ponta de estanho. Na mão direita leva um belo arco de madeira com detalhes em ouro. Na cintura tem uma aljava com algumas flechas.
Um personagem estilizado em computação gráfica. Ela é uma elfa de pele parda. Tem cabelos pretos curtos com "side-cut". Seus olhos são azul-celeste quase brilhantes, e com pupilas em fendas ao invés de círculos. Ela tem uma cicatriz horizontal na testa, e outra diagonal sob o olho direito. Sua orelha direita é mais curta que a esquerda, pois um pedaço foi cortado em algum combate anterior. Ela usa brincos prateados simples. Ela veste uma armadura de couro cinza com reforços metálicos no peitoral e nos antebraços. Nas costas usa uma capa verde com rasgos. na ponta. Ela porta na mão direita uma espada curta, e na mão esquerda um escudo redondo de madeira com reforços metálicos.

Pinoinha, avatar

@Kiloku @captbarba79 te desejo uma boa mesa! e não hesita em sugerir esse tipo de abordagem pro grupo, 80% das regras de DW são sugestões que podem ser adaptadas ou alteradas ao desejo da mesa

Kiloku, avatar

@captbarba79 É mais narrativo e menos tático, eu diria. É um sistema sob o guarda-chuva de "Powered by the Apocalypse", que é uma família de sistemas de RPG. As rolagens em geral são 2d6.
Não sou a pessoa ideal pra falar bem de Dungeon World pq apesar de jogar, é um sistema q eu acho só "ok" 😆

brunus, French avatar

Au Decatlhon ... rayon escalade... un grand et gros mec barbu avec un t-shirt de roliste "Let's roll"...

  • Z'ont pas de chaussons d'escalade en 53...j'vais faire comment moi ?
    Ha bin ouai, c'est plus un sport d'elfes qu'un truc de gros barbares barbus !

N'empêche... je veux le même t-shirt ! 🤩

brunus, avatar

"Artists/Designers receive 1 Euro per shirt sold"
"By having your shirt appear on Qwertee you just give us permission to sell your design for one day only."
Heu... il y a des t-shirts qui sont en vente depuis plus d'un jour... j'ai bien compris ou ils ne respectent pas leur propre charte ?

Bougl, avatar


Je crois pas que Couerti soient réellement des gens sympathiques. Les derniers que j'ai connu qui versaient quelque chose aux créateurs (à part un sourire entendu), c'était le Goéland. Mais il est mort mazouté.


Yay! I've finally made it into! I'm actually really excited about that haha.

I'm here to meet people from the and communities. Sound off in the comments... pretty please? 🥺

RPBook, avatar

@goddessrealm ooh, that's an interesting set of periods🙂 I can see that following you was a good idea.


@RPBook definitely! I feel the same way about following you back. 😉

I'm sure you'll be putting out some really interesting content, and I'm going to do my best to do the same haha!

ArneBab, German avatar

The Dark Eye MEGA bundle:

That’s the game that got me started with and accompanied me for many wonderful years and which likely saved my life.


@ArneBab My first rpg also (in the french translation: l'oeil noir). Last game was probably around 1990. I wonder how the game has evolved since.

ArneBab, avatar

@juergen_hubert This is for the English speaking roleplayers. Since you speak German, better get the German original 🙂

What are some creative ways for a GM to deal with narrative for when players are not able to attend a session?

Hey all, my friend is starting a new game. We have some newbies joining and their attendance maybe hit and miss, with work schedules and life. What are some creative ways your groups have managed missing players outside of someone paying for them one session?


Has anyone seen a list of supplements / sourcebooks / adventures of note? [Having failed to notice one I backed over a year ago not getting delivered] for whatever reason

Tim_Eagon, avatar

@bluetyson Like a comprehensive list?

BigJackBrass, avatar

Right then, time to dust off my Witchfinder for tonight's session of Warhammer. I need to work on achieving my goals.

lordof1, avatar

@shimminbeg @BigJackBrass @DarkestKale *may cause some corruption

RogerBW, avatar

@lordof1 @shimminbeg @BigJackBrass @DarkestKale "Do not exceed recommended dose (one teaspoon per millennium)"

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