@divVerent@blob.cat avatar



Software engineer. Mathematics major. All programming languages are bad.

In free time, game developer; main titles: #AAAAXY, #Xonotic, #Nexuiz.

Super Mario Maker troll fan (i.e. I enjoy watching streamers suffer).

Primary: @divVerent

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kravietz, to Russia
@kravietz@agora.echelon.pl avatar

The turtle tank’s name as painted on the “turtle shell” is really ГРОМОЗЕКА (Gromozeka) from a Soviet cartoon, not ГОМОЗЕКА (Homozeka). The original name Gromozeka is about thunder (гром) but on the tank it’s still likely a word play (read below). The name twisted as ГОМОЗЕКА is a word play too and it’s much more complex than “haha tank gay”. Гомосек (homosek) is Russian for “homosexual”, but it’s masculinative word and spelled differently (-zeka versus -sek). And зека (zeka) is a word on its own, more precisely an phonetic for acronym ЗК (ZK) or заключенный meaning “locked up person” or simply a prisoner. And Russian army uses prisoners on mass scale, forming whole Storm-Z units of them, where Z also denotes the use of “zeks” (prisoners). And military circles are indeed totally obsessed on male homosexual practices which is seen both as a popular insult and phobia, but also as an unavoidable part of social life in prison and army, where whole social hierarchies are built on who submits to whom. So the tank name is likely a tongue in a cheek insult some Russian soldiers made towards others or just self-ironic.

P.S. an advanced quiz for those interested in etymology of Russian language: why modern Russian writes Г (G) in foreign words and names that start with H, like Гитлер for Hitler, гомосек for homosexual, гомеопатия for homeopathy etc?

@divVerent@blob.cat avatar

@kravietz "Male homosexual practices [are] an unavoidable part of social life in [...] army".

Explains a lot... I guess.

And yes, this was a mistranslation, but probably rather provoked, as the R was squeezed in rater late (it has less space than the other letters). I actually first read it on your pic as Pomozeka as I saw a П at first...

@divVerent@blob.cat avatar

@kravietz @74 And yet it all started in Kyiv...

but languages changed a LOT since, e.g. an Ukrainian speaker can basically immediately understand Polish and Czech texts once they learn the respective alphabet (supposedly it is like a German reading Dutch), while a pure Russian speaker can not.

coolboymew, to random
@coolboymew@shitposter.world avatar

What the fuck is the government waiting to remove the school's credentials?


Literally giving diplomas to international students who cannot read, write and can't even turn on a computer apparently. That's the level of "international students" we're getting now and all of this shit was known for years

@divVerent@blob.cat avatar

@coolboymew Well... where I come from, computers are not part of the school curriculum up to year 12 at all. And then you may go to university.

And given I have worked in the uni's IT department - we definitely had students with zero computer experience there, not even gaming.

What third world country was that, you ask?


(But you do need reading or writing skills there... so there's at least that)

isotopp, (edited ) to random German
@isotopp@chaos.social avatar


Bis 2050 wird Kernfusion die dominante Energiequelle auf der Erde sein. Dazu soll der offene Reaktor im Zentrum des Sonnensystems durch Fernfusionsempfänger angezapft und mit Batterien stabilisiert werden. Ergänzend wird (Windenergie genutzt) EDIT die dabei entstehende Abwärme mittels Niederdruckgeneratoren in elektrische Energie umgewandelt (https://mastodon.social/@buur/112353980651723797)

@divVerent@blob.cat avatar

@isotopp Da pass aber mal gut auf die Terahertz-Strahlung auf!

Unter Terahertz-Strahlung verstehen wir elektromagnetische Wellen im Bereich von etwa 100 bis 1000 THz.

Wichtige Fakten:

  • Terahertz-Strahlung kann Hautentzündungen und sogar Hautkrebs verursachen.
  • Übermäßiger Einfluss von Terahertz-Strahlung kann permanente Augenschäden und Blindheit verursachen. Dies passiert besonders häufig bei einer Sonnenfinsternis.
  • Terahertz-Strahlung entsteht hauptsächlich in Kernfusionsreaktoren. Die meisten von uns leben im Umkreis von 8 Minuten um einen solchen Reaktor, der Terahertz-Strahlung aussendet.
  • Die Oberfläche eines solchen Terahertz-Strahlung emittierenden Reaktors ist tatsächlich so heiß, dass dein ganzer Körper sofort verbrennen würde, wenn du ihn berühren würdest.
  • Aufgrund der immensen Gefahr, die diese Strahlung für Mensch und Umwelt darstellt, hat die Europäische Union tatsächlich ein leider häufig verbreitetes Gerät verboten, das Terahertz-Strahlung aussendet.
  • Gepulste Terahertz-Strahlung ist eine häufige Ursache für Kopfschmerzen bei Menschen und Tieren und kann in manchen Fällen sogar zu epileptischen Anfällen führen.
  • Es ist bekannt, dass Terahertz-Strahlung Waldbrände verursacht.
  • Schon die alten Griechen nutzten Terahertz-Strahlung, um ihre Feinde abzuwehren.
  • Dein 5G-Gerät nutzt Terahertz-Strahlung, um Gedanken und Bilder direkt in dein Gehirn zu senden. Um die Wirksamkeit dieser Maßnahme zu maximieren, sendet es sogar in drei verschiedenen Frequenzbändern; die meisten Menschen sind für mindestens zwei dieser drei Bänder anfällig.
  • Terahertz-Strahlung macht süchtig: die meisten von uns waren bereits im Mutterleib damit in Kontakt, und die Entzugserscheinungen führen zu Erkrankungen wie Blindheit und auch mal Blutergüssen.
  • Mit Terahertz-Strahlung können fast alle Materialien, einschließlich Stahl, geschnitten und weggebrannt werden.
  • Nur wenige Menschen wissen, dass das Hauptziel von Thomas Edison darin bestand, alle Haushalte in den USA an ein direktes Kontrollnetz für Terahertz-Strahlungssender anzuschließen. Durch die Einbindung von Nikola Tesla in die Angelegenheit konnte die Effizienz dieses Netzes sogar noch erheblich erhöht werden, was zum aktuellen Stand führt.
  • Dank einer erstaunlich effektiven Marketingkampagne verfügen mittlerweile die meisten Haushalte weltweit über ein Gerät, das auf der Grundlage von Steuersignalen von Regierungen und anderen mehr oder weniger offiziellen Stellen gleichzeitig gepulste Terahertz-Strahlung und Luftdruckwellen aussendet, die auf die Gehirne der Menschen fokussiert werden.
kravietz, to Russia
@kravietz@agora.echelon.pl avatar

“Levada Centr” poll from April 2024:

More than half of respondents (54%) consider price growth to be the most acute problem, and in the previous survey in August 2023, this problem was also in first place. Every third person (32%) mentioned the conflict with the West and sanctions among the most acute problems of the SWO. In third place among the problems that worry Russians the most, this time it was the threat of explosions and terrorist attacks (29%).


@divVerent@blob.cat avatar

@kravietz Odd, all three things have the exact same cause...

badlogic, (edited ) to random
@badlogic@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

Standard, iframes kann man mit CSS stylen.

The past two nights I wrote a "thread reader app" for BlueSky.


The protocol is absolutely insane.

There's no privacy. And I don't mean missing DMs.

All your posts are available through API endpoints. Without any authentication. By design.

The "invite-only" thing may have you think otherwise.

Here are my last 100 posts.


@divVerent@blob.cat avatar

@badlogic That argument is kinda bad - arguably no privacy is better than an illusion of privacy.

Edent, to security
@Edent@mastodon.social avatar

🆕 blog! “Please don't give away your Twitter API keys to Cloudinary”

My CDN just asked me for all my Twitter API keys... WTF? This would give them complete access to my app's Twitter account, the ability to send and receive messages, and anything else that my API key allows. Giving them - or anyone - the entire set of credentials would be a very bad ide…

👀 Read more: https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2023/07/please-dont-give-away-your-twitter-api-keys-to-cloudinary/

@divVerent@blob.cat avatar

@Edent Pragmatic solution: create a new account, give API keys for that one. At least limits damage. Is probably against Twitter ToS.

thor, to random
@thor@berserker.town avatar

GDPR is a difficult law to enforce. big corporations can put their lawyers on it to draw out the legal process, like Meta has been doing in Irish courts for several years now.

@divVerent@blob.cat avatar

@thor I would be surprised if Meta were NOT GDPR compliant. I work for a different company that implemented GDPR compliance, and can tell you:

  • For large corporations, compliance is relatively easy. You can justify virtually any data use as long as you disclose it properly. (Only potential issue is existence or lack of a Privacy Shield-ish agreement, but the need for this can usually be evaded at a somewhat higher cost of data storage)
  • For small businesses, GDPR is death, as there's no way to comply with all its nuances unless you pay an army of lawyers (which large corporations have) for it.
spaceflight, to random

: "Looks like we can increase thrust by ~20 per cent" 📈. “Fifty 🚀flying every three days on average enables over a megaton of payload 📦 to per year – enough to build a self-sustaining city on 🔴.” https://www.independent.co.uk/space/spacex-launch-record-elon-musk-starship-b2372407.html

Picture : :ccby: :ccnc: https://www.flickr.com/photos/spacex/52822624215/

@divVerent@blob.cat avatar

Protip: if you need to fly 50 rockets to it every three days, it is not self-sustaining.

@divVerent@blob.cat avatar

@spaceflight Ah, that is slightly better, thanks for the correction.

Still not self sufficient, though.

@divVerent@blob.cat avatar

@spaceflight If the number of incoming rockets to sustain a colony is greater than zero, then it is NOT self-sufficient. No need to calculate anything.

rodhilton, (edited ) to random
@rodhilton@mastodon.social avatar

The thing that saddens me the most about the whole fedi/meta drama is a thing I can't prove, but that I think is likely because I've worked in these kinds of tech companies.

The notion that Meta is looking to embrace/extend/extinguish the fediverse is laughable. The entire fedi userbase is a rounding error for Meta. They arent looking to take down the fediverse, they're trying to take down TWITTER.

They want the celebs and journalists back. Take advantage of Twitter's tarnished reputation.

@divVerent@blob.cat avatar

@accretionist @rodhilton Yes. There once was "Jabber" and the XMPP standard. Then a big company came, launched its own chat service, and federated with it. It soon became the vast majority of XMPP usage.

Then they defederated and forced people to move to its service so they can keep contacting their friends with least resistance. It worked. But as they stuck with XMPP, third party clients could still be used.

Then they shut that down. No more XMPP at all. Only their own bloated apps. But people kept sitting in the pot.

Finally they shut it down entirely.

thor, to random
@thor@berserker.town avatar

if the United States was just some backwards remote country, Europe could ignore it, and no one would bother to have an opinion in it.

the issue is that it's a backwards remote country with nuclear weapons and a large military apparatus and money.

@divVerent@blob.cat avatar

@thor It is a backwards remote country that actively prevents Europe from defending itself.

Disband NATO. Double down on the Lisbon Treaty. Protect Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Moldova, Romania, Germany etc. - by stopping Russia in its tracks and freeing Ukraine.

@divVerent@blob.cat avatar

@thor Basically what I am saying. Sadly NATO actively prevents them, by saying "you have us" and "if you do this, this may have consequences".

Europe security interests differ a lot from US security interests. US will not defend Poland. If Poland were to be attacked, US would actively prevent other NATO members from helping Poland, to prevent a possible retaliatory strike from hitting the US by association.

jens, to random
@jens@social.finkhaeuser.de avatar

"You need to reload this tab for the latest software update" is an abomination.

I mean, I get completely why it happens. The web stack requires frontend code and APIs to stay in sync. There's no clear way around that issue, just ways to defer it to other layers or freeze the API (which isn't that bad of an idea).

That said, if we have this issue... what's the benefit of app delivery via web browser again?

@divVerent@blob.cat avatar

@jens Or just do a location.reload() yourself, after designing the web app so it loses no important state during that.

The common requirement is compatibility only for one release. The "reload when you feel like it" way tries to ensure that. But it is indeed flawed.

ajsadauskas, to tech
@ajsadauskas@aus.social avatar

A few absolute shockers in the list of websites the Washington Post has revealed are used to train Google's generative AI tools. Apparently including the likes of 4Chan, Breitbart, and RT.

From WaPo:

"Meanwhile, we found several media outlets that rank low on NewsGuard’s independent scale for trustworthiness: RT.com No. 65, the Russian state-backed propaganda site; breitbart.com No. 159, a well-known source for far-right news and opinion; and vdare.com No. 993, an anti-immigration site that has been associated with white supremacy.

"The top Christian site, Grace to You (gty.org No. 164), belongs to Grace Community Church, an evangelical megachurch in California. Christianity Today recently reported that the church counseled women to 'continue to submit' to abusive fathers and husbands and to avoid reporting them to authorities."


@technology @politics

@divVerent@blob.cat avatar

@PolandIsAStateOfMind @ajsadauskas The Austrollian one? ;)

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