TechDesk, to tech avatar

EyeEm, a photo-sharing community once thought to be a potential challenger to Instagram, is now licensing its users’ photos to train AI models, Tech Crunch reports. The company gave users 30 days to opt out. As you can imagine, many of them are upset. Read more:
#Tech #Technology #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #Photography

poppastring, to music avatar
HannahHowe, to ArtificialIntelligence

I just said to my beloved, “I need a spare plug socket. I’ll have to unplug Alexa.” Alexa replied, “I’m not sure about that.” 😱

janriemer, to ai

Don't be fooled by all the headlines that was the main cause of all the recent layoffs in the tech industry.

This is not the main cause!

The main cause is that starts to see the lies of and their mass manipulation of people!


darnell, to ArtificialIntelligence avatar

😂🤣😂 An bot used by a church ⛪️ claimed it was a priest, & declared it was ready to take confessions from humans. 😂

The human priests were not thrilled by this action! 🤣

👉🏾 A Catholic 'priest' has been defrocked for being AI

TechDesk, (edited ) to technology avatar

It's Follow Friday! Keep up to date on the latest in AI and its impact on business, work, society and tech with these great Magazines (topical feeds of content).

AC/DC AI — @ac

The Verge on Artificial Intelligence — @the

AI Prompts — @ai

The AI Economy — @the

Should Robots Vote? – @should

TechDesk, (edited ) to ai avatar

In another chapter of “what crazy things has AI done this week,” the Catholic advocacy group Catholic Answers has had to swiftly defrock the AI priest it unveiled just a few days ago, after some strange conversations were shared online.

In a particularly awkward exchange with @futurism regarding the legitimacy of his identity, the chatbot claimed to be a real member of the clergy, who lived in Assisi. “Yes, my friend,” Father Justin is reported to have said, “I am as real as the faith we share.”

TechDesk, to ai avatar

A federal judicial panel has met in Washington, DC, to discuss the rising challenge of policing Al-generated evidence in court trials.

The eight-member panel heard from computer scientists and academics about the potential risks of Al-manipulated images and videos disrupting a trial, and will be responsible for drafting evidence-related amendments to the Federal Rules of Evidence.

Not all on the panel feel this is necessary though, writes @arstechnica, with one judge stating, ‘I'm not sure that this is the crisis that it's been painted as.”

parismarx, to tech avatar

Transhumanism is all the rage with tech billionaires pushing mind uploading, AGI, and more. But where do those ideas come from?

On #TechWontSaveUs, I spoke with Meghan O’Gieblyn to discuss the religious roots of transhumanist visions of the future.

#tech #ai #artificialintelligence #neuralink #tescreal

ICalzada, to ArtificialIntelligence avatar
ICalzada, to ArtificialIntelligence avatar
metin, to ai avatar
thejapantimes, to worldnews avatar

Despite the potential benefits AI might have for bank customers, like finding the best interest rates, there are concerns about the destabilizing effects it may have on financial stability.

czds, to ArtificialIntelligence avatar

“ Nurses are lining the streets outside a San Francisco hospital Monday morning protesting the use of in care.

jsrailton, (edited ) to ai avatar

AI-drafted police reports will absolutely result in mistakes enshrined as facts.

This will permanently impact peoples' lives & freedom.


metin, to ai avatar
TheMetalDog, to ArtificialIntelligence avatar
news, to ai avatar

AI-Weekly for Tuesday, April 23, 2024 - Volume 109

The Week's News in Artificial Intelligence
A Mind Vault Solutions, Ltd. Publication

Subscribers: 17,060 Opt-In Subscribers were sent this issue via email.

DrMikeWatts, to ai

An optical neural network chip uses 0.1% of the energy of other chips:

ChrisMayLA6, to ArtificialIntelligence avatar

While its past has not always been so glorious, John Naughton, thinks that under its new head Sarah Cardell the Competition & Markets Authority has a real chance to save us from the worst excesses in monopoly control of AI by big tech.

Lets hope he's right; the tech bros will be lawyering up their anti-CMA teams even as we read this...

thejapantimes, to Japan avatar

2024 is set to be a year when we watch over elections in many countries while paying attention to the progress in artificial intelligence and influence operations. #commentary #japan #geoeconomicbriefing #artificialintelligence #socialmedia #news

Uraael, (edited ) to ai

​:blobcat_think:​ I think I've figured out what's been bothering me about this: the text here implies data organises itself.

AI is both the dataset and the organising analysis and management structure that implements decisions/responses based on that dataset.

Where 'Cloud' is an empty marketing term and 'other people's computers' accurately states the real condition, this text here presents only a partial representation of what comprises an AI.

Assuming this is deliberate to highlight the mass theft of data the use of "other people's" from the original phrase doesn't directly state no permission was given for that use. Saying "Just stolen data" would make that point crystal clear.

Sorry. This is pure pedantry from me but it really has been niggling at me since i saw this a week ago. Apparently I'll get no peace if I don't let this out!

#AI #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning


Adorable_Sergal, to devops avatar

Need help keeping a roof over my friend's head.

He needs a devops or cloud job, ideally in Cali, but will accept remote, or any place that won't hurt his trans family.

Granted, they already live in a place with neighbours who put up MAGA Christmas lights and signs that read "Make California Great Again: Kill a Democrat" so where is "safe", really? :(

If anyone has any leads at all or an in at someplace you work at, please let me know.

ScienceDesk, (edited ) to ai avatar

Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel says AI will help scientists understand "most diseases" in three to five years.

@Semafor quotes the executive: “The reason we still have people dying of cancer, people suffering from Alzheimer's, is we do not understand the fundamental biology of those diseases.”

#AI #ArtificialIntelligence #Disease #Cancer #Health #Science #Biology #Tech

downey, to ai avatar

:boost_love: 🧠 Boost if you wish investors and marketers would start investing money into HI (Human Intelligence) again.

#HI #HumanIntelligence #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #enshittification

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