dingus, to technology in The FCC wants to know why data caps are still a thing in 2023 avatar

What's going to stop the forms being filled out by industry-controlled bots this time? Last time the FCC took public comment, anti-net-neutrality comments were being made under the names of dead people and people who would later claim they never participated in making comments to the FCC.

Otherwise, it's going to be the same dumb shitshow as last time.

Rumblestiltskin, avatar

But they can claim it was done in an open and democratic way.

Spitfire, avatar

Damn, I forgot all about that. I think one was made under my name and some family, and it was all the same copy-paste letter.

Did anything ever come of that or did it just get swept under the rug?

dingus, avatar

Swept under the rug, thus my concerns here.

underisk, avatar

The same dumb shitshow as last time is probably the goal.

drwho, avatar

It did a great job of discrediting opening anything for public comment thenceforth. Which I really think was the long-term goal.


I used to work in utilities. Electric, not telecom so different set of regulators. What they would do is yank you into and office and tell you something to the effect of: "[Name of Regulatory Body] is considering [issue]. You should really consider going on the public comment section of their website and voicing your [support/opposition depending on corporate stance] for it. It's not mandatory but you should really consider doing that. It's very important to our company."

It wasn't "mandatory" but they would repeatedly hound you until you either did it or told them to fuck off, at which point you would be branded a "troublemaker" and they would find ways to punish you.

dingus, (edited ) avatar
guyrocket, to futurology in Generative AI could soon decimate the call center industry, says CEO
guyrocket avatar

Not gonna read the article because IDGAF, but just the headline smacks of entitlement and profit motive.

People will learn to avoid this kind of shit and I hope they start emailing CEOs like this asshole to complain. And then STOP buying that company's products.

Is it still Monday morning? Why am I still crabby?

TommySoda, to futurology in Generative AI could soon decimate the call center industry, says CEO

You know the reason they wanna do this is make it hands off so they can ignore it. And it will work until the AI starts confidently giving people false advice and misinformation about what they need help with. If a human makes a mistake they can correct it. In a lot of cases with AI if it makes a mistake it will just double down. And if you have no human element to fact check it will just spiral downward while you ignore it. I just hope the AI starts telling people to cancel their services as the most effective way to solve their problems and they don’t even notice.


Isn’t there already a case where a llm assistant quoted a wrong price and the person sued when the company tried to go back on the offer. Maybe it was an airline, I can’t quite remember, but it stood up in court and the company had to honor it as far as I remember.

roheenaz, to technology in Capcom caught adding Enigma DRM to older titles, for no good reason

Discover the latest summer dresses with Roheenaz. Explore our Pakistan summer collection and find the perfect summer dresses to complete your summer wardrobe.

gila, to microsoft in Microsoft breaks users' PCs again with latest Windows 11 update

Bugs and reliability issues aside, highlights for the update include a new Copilot “experience,” which replaces the “show desktop” feature at the rightmost corner of the Taskbar.

Because who needs to see their desktop anyway? It’s so much more convenient having an AI contrivance there instead.

LemmyIsFantastic, (edited )

Only boomers actually use the desktop folder 🤣

What do you actually have on there? A series of folders that you use to organize shit 🤣

Since Windows 3.1 I’ve used win + D maybe 5 times. Y’all just want excuses to yell at MS.


It’s a shortcut to minimize all windows.

LemmyIsFantastic, (edited )

Yes. And nobody uses it but boomers. What are you actually doing with your desktop background. Nothing.


Not everyone has the same use case as you.

rigatti, avatar

Chiming in to say that I also use Win + D from time to time. Factually not a boomer. I keep a ton of shit on my desktop because I’m lazy and disorganized.

GlitchyDigiBun, avatar

I use it. I’m 29 and in Tier II IT. The human experience is broader than your own, oh great Center of the Universe.


I don’t care what Microsoft does anymore, I already had enough dark patterns a few months ago and switched to daily driving Debian. You’re mad at me because I saw a spade and called it a spade.


I think most users actually like copilot after using it. PMs can easily use it to ask it to pull in the default templates and import a json file from our finance system to do revenue stuff. Saves them hours. Developer just ask if to create a PowerPoint for their speaking of presentation and copilot grabs the default templates. You can even give it input about what your presenting and it’ll generate outlines for you to start from.

All of that is far more useful than a side feature to show the desktop. Win + D. It’s not the end of the world.


I don’t doubt it’s useful, I’m simply not interested in it being where it is. There’s nothing about what you just described which should elevate Copilot’s presence in the taskbar. If the issue was that the taskbar real estate needs more utility, then why not put an Edge shortcut there - surely that’s more useful to the average person than either? But wait, that’d be redundant right? But Copilot isn’t because…?

It’s not really about the minutia of the button function and position, but rather about UI/UX in Windows generally. My use of Win+D or lack thereof is contextual, because it is often more convenient for me to use the hand that’s already resting on my mouse, to go to the part of the screen where windows are managed, to manage windows. It probably wouldn’t be a problem if alt+tab or their fancy switcher weren’t dogshit. On Debian I just use touchpad gestures for pretty much everything and it’s a non-issue.

Sure, I’m dunking on what’s subjectively a nitpick in the Windows dunk zone. But no one is saying it’s the end of the world, I’m saying it’s less convenient in the context that Windows UX is already poor, and you’re telling me I should just settle for keyboard shortcuts and be happy with it. 60 years of refining GUIs on desktop PCs, and that’s what we’re settling on?


It is a UX issue. If Windows kept every single feature in the same space for 20 years it would be a mess. Things get used, they get prioritized. MS didn’t offer huge flexibility. They offer an opinionated take on home and office computing. You’ve moved on to Linux DE, and that’s the correct choice for you. But MS knows what’s being used, we know they are spying on you, and I’d be willing to bet it’s mostly unused. I have no data, I do have experience in MSP services which I know counts for very little but I do watch and am questions and this stuff to our users and what annoys them 🤷‍♂️.

Call me crazy but I just find it hard to believe that a high portion of the user base is hurt by this and that large portion of these lemmy users aren’t using hotkeys anyway. It’s just my guess. I’m sure you’ll disagree. And I’m not saying your specific workflow hasn’t been affected.

gila, (edited )

I mean, we kind of have the same point but have just come to opposing conclusions. Take for instance that you can launch the task manager via the context menu on the taskbar in Win11 only. A great new feature which further reinforces the existing design language / mise en place. That is representative of Windows’ opinion on window management. The Copilot button contradicts it. For what? If Copilot is useful and popular, is it that users are incapable of saving it to their taskbar via conventional means, or that this isn’t satisfactory?

I’m by no means excluding myself from Microsoft’s ecosystem or making decisions on the basis of ad tracking, just Windows enshittification, from almost a civil engineering perspective

Sunforged, to news in Yemeni Houthi rebels suspected of damaging underwater Red Sea cables responsible for 17% of global internet traffic

It really seems like the easiest solution to this is to stop the genocide guys.


Ukraine, Palestine, or which genocide?


I mean hopefully both. The Yemeni genocide is also pretty bad so if we could do something about that it'd be nice staring at SA and the US.


oh, i thought you were talking about the hundreds of thousands of children trump detained at the border


I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt since this was a tech article and they didn’t bother to report on why Houthi’s are carrying a campaign in the Red Sea. It’s Palestine, they are disrupting Western interests for their continued support of Isreal as it kills off the native Arab population.


well they claim to only be targeting israeli ships, not “the west”, and that they didn’t attack the cable at all…
but, gotcha… the palestinian one…
should this current one be considered a new genocide? or a ramping up of the continuous one?

Sunforged, (edited )

Isreal, American and British ships.

Isreal only ever pauses it. The oppression and subjugation of the Palestinian people doesn’t stop by design, in order to breed opposition to justify resuming.

bigMouthCommie, avatar

>well they claim to only be targeting israeli ships

where did you hear that?



bigMouthCommie, avatar

I don't believe you and no one else should, either


i don’t care

Count042, (edited )

You need to work on your reading comprehension skills. They started targeting US and UK after those countries started bombing Yemen. Yemen has been very open about who they will interdict to enforce their sanctions and who they won’t.

You don’t like the fact they’re supporting Palestine, say that.

Don’t just make up easy to disprove lies.


you need to work on your “talking to other people skills”

and why would you think i don’t like them supporting palestine?
it’s such a dumb assumption ill be ending further conversation with you…


And yet, you’re on here lying about things that are just pathetically easy to look up against the only nation that is supporting Palestine militarily.

Why is that?

And don’t worry, I’m not trying to have a conversation with you, but I will make sure your dumb lies are pointed out for other people reading.


i googled it and had such results.

but you’re “pathetic” and a “liar” and “dumb” yourself…

in fact, you’re just an asshole


I’m an asshole to people that lie about googling things they obviously didn’t google all to justify, by extension, an ongoing genocide.

People justifying genocide deserve to be treated like the fascist assholes they are.


oh fuck off and stop pretending like i’m your pro-genocide boogeyman

the atrocities and war crimes in palestine aren’t about you.
stop trying to use it like a tool. you’re disgusting…


p.s. free palestine, and fuck israel’s fascist apartheid government… and fuck the genocidal IDF…

also, fuck you


Oh man the amount of shock you’ll experience when the Houthis continue their attack regardless of any ceasefire…


Except when they stopped during the last ceasefire.


This is not a long term campaign, they have been extremely clear of what they are doing, why they are doing it and under what terms they will stop.


oh no then we'll have stopped the genocide for NOTHING



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  • Linkerbaan, avatar

    Can you copy paste their slogan and bolden the line where it says your claim?

    Reading is a hard skill.

    Linkerbaan, avatar

    The Houthi’s already stopped their attacks during the temporary ceasefire.


    I think starting one might be more reliable…


    You blame entire ethnicities for what’s going on and not the capitalist class benefiting from the military industrial complex profiting from the subjugation of indigenous people through colonialism?

    That kind of ignorance is exactly how the current shit becomes justified.

    phreekno, to microsoft in Microsoft breaks users' PCs again with latest Windows 11 update avatar

    Occasionally, Microsoft sends users into a frenzy with unpolished or bugged OS updates, causing various stability and reliability issues. The most recent patches for Windows 11 seem to belong to this unfortunate category of failed updates. Break out the Band-Aids.…

    NaoPb, to technology in Microsoft revives aggressive Windows 11 upgrade campaign with intrusive popups for Windows 10 users

    My hardware couldn’t run Windows 11 anyway. But if it could, I still would’ve installed Linux.

    I’m done needing 10 different tweaking programs before Windows works the way I want it to. I don’t want an OS that is working against my workflow.

    nevernevermore avatar

    What distro do you use for day to day stuff? I’m a Mac user but want to dip my toes into Linux as a VM

    themadcodger avatar

    If you want to dip your toes, go with something easy. Pop_os or Linux Mint are the two most often suggested. Lesser offered but with a Mac OS feel is Elementary.

    captain_aggravated, avatar

    Haven’t heard much about ElementaryOS in awhile. It’s still a thing?

    themadcodger avatar
    captain_aggravated, avatar

    Man they really are trying to wear Apple’s turtleneck, aren’t they?


    Yes, it seems Elementary is focussing a lot on delivering an Apple-esque experience.

    Some prefer that. But there’s also ones that look more like Windows. Or there are blends. And you can always modify one thing or an other if you feel like you’ve become more accustomed with your distribution of choice.

    captain_aggravated, avatar

    Right on down to calling their versions “OS8” and the like. They’re not just trying to be familiar to Apple users, they’re waiting to see what Apple orders for lunch and then they order the same thing.


    Oh wow, I did not know that.


    I’m a little late to the party but I’m using Ubuntu myself. There are a handfull that are pretty good for starters. Ubuntu and Linux Mint are probably part of those. And I see others have given you some advice on good ones as well.

    I would suggest to not just jump off the deep end but maybe make it a dual boot or install it on a spare computer. It’s probably also usefull to make like a list of applications you’re using in Windows and see if they’re available on Linux. And if not, what alternatives there are. It helps if you are willing to try some alternatives to your daily applications when they are not available in Linux. But worst case scenario there are a lot of Windows applications that can run inside Wine in Linux.

    NocturnalEngineer, to privacyguides in Unclassified letter reveals NSA's warrantless purchase of Americans' internet browsing data

    You don’t need a warrant to purchase data.

    That data would have been collected by a private company, and sold to them. The NSA isn’t the only entity purchasing that metadata.

    Not only should the public be concerned on the NSA’s intention for that data, but for the countless private companies holding & using it too.


    I heard from someone that used to work on the military side of things of data collection. He said a few years ago Amazon came in with their servers and set up their tech and then had to teach the gov side about data collection and all that. I wouldn’t be surprised if Gov just started contracting out their spying.

    deegeese, to technology in Elon Musk says Tesla workers will be sleeping on the factory floor when new $25,000 EV goes into production next year

    That’s a weird way of bragging about understaffing leading to overwork, but I guess it explains why they can’t kick those quality issues.


    Statements like that are just going to make it easier for the UAW to unionise those plants. Union factory workers don’t sleep on the floor.


    That does make a compelling campaign slogan. While I assume Musk’s statement should not be taken literally, IIRC he made similar statements about Twitter. Shortly after, there were countless reports of how awful it suddenly became to work at Twitter.


    You’re actually right, this would look great on a poster. I hadn’t even considered that, it was just a statement of fact.

    Jesusaurus, to technology in Massive leak exposes 26 billion records in mother of all breaches - It includes data from Twitter, Dropbox, and LinkedIn

    I’d be surprised if these were all net new and not just a massive compilation of old breach data

    Gordon_Freeman, to technology in Massive leak exposes 26 billion records in mother of all breaches - It includes data from Twitter, Dropbox, and LinkedIn
    Gordon_Freeman avatar

    oh, god, dropbox again?

    tesseract, to technology in HP CEO says customers who don't use the company's supplies are "bad investments"

    And they’re investing in the customers in what sense? It’s the customers who make the investment in their products and get their dignity challenged in return.

    I have a need for a printer and HP is solidly in the don’t-touch list. Companies that treat their customers so indignantly as HP should simply be raided and closed for good. Or perhaps, HP should realize that morons like this scumbag are a bad investment as a CEO.


    I have a need for a printer and HP is solidly in the don’t-touch list.

    The only HP printers I still recommend are the vintage ones from the pre-2005 era. HP 4050DTN and HP 5000DTN and the like. Absolutely rock-solid laser printers that don’t have DRM or any other shite. Hell, I can get overstuffed cartridges for the 4050 that can do 20,000 sheets at 5% coverage… who does that these days? And they’re capable of taking JetDirect cards clear up to the gigabit level.

    CriticalMiss, to technology in Capcom caught adding Enigma DRM to older titles, for no good reason

    But… why? The older versions are already out there on public trackers.


    DRM isn’t about stopping piracy, it’s about controlling customers.


    Ding ding ding


    The anti-modding attitude of japanese tech companies is utterly ridiculous. People were literally arrested in Japan for modifying Zelda saves and generating pokémon. People’s lives ruined over some flipped bits of fictional stuff.

    I can only imagine this law was created to protect microtransactions, which if anything would make it worse. All this to defend companies fleecing addicted gacha whales.


    What even the fuck.


    It’s an Enigma why they did it.


    golf clap

    TropicalDingdong, to technology in Researchers warn that Windows 11 restrictions could send 240 million computers to landfills

    The landfill is a rude thing to call linux

    clegko, avatar

    Not wrong calling the rabid fan base that though…


    Ex-smokers are the most militant non-smokers. Why would it be different for ex Windows users/victims?

    _dev_null, avatar

    That’s what I’m talking about. I just picked up a dell optiplex micro for about $100 on ebay.

    Can’t wait to see what the corps dump onto the market post-win11 apocalypse!


    Time to make cheap Linux servers out of Windows 10 unknowledgeable seller’s hardware


    new fork of legacyOS into LandfillOS.
    based on "De Bin"
    The only major change needs to be you save stuff by putting it into the wastebasket.

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