
Coskii, to politics in Texans Die from Heat Exhaustion After Governor Bans Water Breaks
@Coskii@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Meanwhile Beijing just banned working outside after 10 days of over 35c degree days. It’s really weird to watch this country unravel.

NaibofTabr, to thepoliceproblem in Texas cops arrest 11-year-old honors student and put him in solitary confinement for three days

But instead of suspension, Garza summoned a police officer to arrest Timothy at school. In a video that Rincon shared with the Observer, Timothy puts his arms up on a wooden shelf and waits to be handcuffed as directed by a police officer.

These are adults who feel threatened by an eleven-year-old child, because he asked some questions. The entire country should be ridiculing them until they’re too embarrassed to leave their homes.


No no no no she was annoyed and felt disrespected because he asked questions. She’s a cunt and I hope the rest of her life is long and miserable.


She’s a cunt and I hope the rest of her life is long and miserable.

Careful now, she 'll send SWAT after you! 😂


Oh fuck your right!


questioning authority is the biggest no no for conservative babies

SpaceMonk, to politics in Homegrown Neo-fascist Movement Marches in Austin

People don’t get that Buchenwald was a place specifically built for the murder and burning of innocent human beings. Nazis planned a massive facility to eliminate human beings who did nothing wrong.

Think about that. Think if you were an engineer in a room full of other engineers and you were trying to figure out how much fuel was needed to burn X amount of humans in X amount of days.

Women and children. Burned alive for being born a non-Christian. Remember Nazis were cultist Christians.

That is some really sick shit. And fascist Americans are the legacy of THAT mixed with the Confederacy.

@TechyDad@lemmy.world avatar

Having visited the Holocaust museum in Washington DC - something I’d recommend everyone do if possible, though you’ll need a lot of time to recover emotionally - I know that the big thing that allowed all that to happen was dehumanization.

During my visit, I walked through one of the train cars used to transport Jews to the death camps. The plaque said how many people were crammed inside, but I couldn’t picture that many people in that tiny train car.

Then, I realized my problem. I was trying to fit PEOPLE. Even if the people I was trying to fit in the train car were imaginary, I was still treating them like people. I switched to trying to fit human shaped luggage and suddenly I had plenty of room.

So when Republicans dehumanize groups, for example, by calling LGBTQ people “child groomers,” then I recognize it as Step 1 in doing some really bad things to them. Once you’ve convinced enough of the public that a certain group of people aren’t really people, you can do anything to them.

It’s extremely scary and it’s happening here. We’re not at the “LGBTQ/Jews/political opponents sent to death camps” stage yet, but we’re on the path to that and need to turn around quickly. The further we go down the path, the harder it will be to get away from that horrible ending.

@Machinist@lemmy.world avatar

I wish more people on the left realized this. It’s been my experience that a lot of the left are insulated from just how big a threat the Nat-C’s really are. Most people lack the historical knowledge to see just how spooky the similarities between the rise of Nazi Germany and events in the US over the last few years. The Beer Hall Putsch and the response to it are frighteningly similar to January 6th.

Due to the rural/urban divide, even in red states, most of the left aren’t seeing or hearing how far off the deep end a big chunk of this country has gone. I’m a redneck, have a heavy southern accent, beard, truck and most of the other stereotypes. People just assume I’m conservative.

The shit strangers just say to me is unreal. “Putting the n*****s back in their place, only good democrat is a dead democrat, the Storm is coming and then they’ll see.”

The racism has gotten worse, or at least way more open, people didn’t used to be so openly racist even when they thought they were only talking to likeminded individuals. I almost never heard anti-Semitism until a few years ago, there are so few Jews in the south it just wasn’t much of a thing. Baptists tended to support Israel. Now they’re getting talking points from whatever Q-hole they’re feeding from and talk about Jewish conspiracies. I can only think of a couple of times I heard Jew-bashing. One was an actual Klan member and the other moved to the south as a teenager.

There’s always been anti-black racism, it’s the south, but BLM ripped the lid off. Claims that black men were punching white women in Wall-Mart in town and that the cops weren’t stopping it. Crazy shit.

And then there’s the queer community. If you have a queer kid, and you’re smart, you get that kid into an online school. The hatred is truly vicious and supported by the State.

We’re getting the fuck out in the summer of '24 and moving up to Yankee land. Figure it will be a lot safer there.

@Sanctus@lemmy.world avatar

The path back becomes overgrown as soon as you traverse it as a society. We’ll need to steel ourselves and prepare to find out the worst of our countrymen. The effort to repeal this mental conditioning will be tenfold of what it was to get us here. It creates a vicious cycle and those consumed by it will not awaken until literal blood runs through figurative streets.

chatgeepeetee, to politics in Texans Die from Heat Exhaustion After Governor Bans Water Breaks

party of pro life

pineapplelover, (edited ) to thepoliceproblem in Texas cops arrest 11-year-old honors student and put him in solitary confinement for three days

How big of a fucking dick do you have to be to make lies about an 11 year old and fuck up his future?!

His ordeal began five days later. In the late morning of September 8, Timothy was pulled out of music class and ushered into a room where he found Garza, Assistant Principal Michelle Saucedo, a district police officer, and a counselor sent from the district’s central administrative office. He was told another student had just reported that Timothy said he was planning to kill the principal. Rincon said she was called and rushed to the school but was not allowed to be in the room while Timothy was being questioned.

“When the police officer had his body cam off, they were yelling and telling me, ‘We’re gonna go to the full extent. We’re gonna put you in a lockbox,’” Timothy said. “Then, when the body cam was finally on, they were so nice.”

Timothy told me he had explained to the school and district officials that the accusations were not true, that the only conversation he had that morning was with two other boys about wearing his sweater over his uniform.

Just read the whole article. It’s fucking astonishing how big of an ass these people are. Not only is the principal fucking ill but also the superintendent, principal, assistant principal, district counselor, and police officers.

I hope Timothy continues to speak up and reaches his goals to become an oncologist. I hope these fuckers learn from their mistakes and if not, hope they rot. Thanks Texas Observer for writing about this story.


If police turn their bodycams off then that should automatically disqualify their testimony and cause a major fine (which they would need to pay off personally)


More likely little Timmy will have lifelong cptsd and develop addiction issues throughout puberty to cope. After which the cops can bust him again and go “See? We told you so!”.

ACAB. No exceptions, ever, anywhere.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Once again perpetuating the school-to-prison pipeline that so many people of color get shunted down.

totallynotaspy, to thepoliceproblem in Texas cops arrest 11-year-old honors student and put him in solitary confinement for three days

Her email is easily googled if you want to let the child abusing fat bitch know what you think of her illegal actions because her ego got hurt.

520, (edited )

Don't get me wrong, absolutely fuck these vile pieces of shit

But also let's not give them an excuse to play the victim of an internet mob.

Protest, write to representatives and school boards, campaign to have those involved leave office or be prosecuted, do not send threats.

We have a sociopathic principal, and a police force that allowed themselves to be used as a weapon against a 10 year old. There are multiple people that should not be in the positions they are in. They deserve to be removed from their positions, they deserve to be sued or prosecuted for their role in this travesty. They do not deserve to be forced into hiding for fear for their lives, and neither do their loved ones.

@cedarmesa@lemmy.world avatar


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  • 520, (edited )

    Unhinged people can come from all walks of life, not just the far right.

    Exhibit A

    Now, given how there is a young child very much at the victim of this, and the state was essentially fully complicit, in addition to the typical unhinged, there will be A LOT of people absolutely seeing red and typing without thinking.

    Baines, to thepoliceproblem in Texas cops arrest 11-year-old honors student and put him in solitary confinement for three days

    oh texas, what a shining example of republican values


    Republicans don’t even need to defund the schools. The schools keep doing it themselves.


    you think this just happened in a bubble? lol


    I didn’t say that at all. Rmfeayadl

    YoBuckStopsHere, to politics in Homegrown Neo-fascist Movement Marches in Austin
    @YoBuckStopsHere@lemmy.world avatar

    So a Trump rally?

    @gAlienLifeform@lemmy.world avatar

    A lot of “very fine people” for sure

    lowdownfool, to news in Texans Die from Heat Exhaustion After Governor Bans Mandatory Water Breaks
    lowdownfool avatar

    You have to dig into the article to discover that the deaths are completely unrelated to HB 2127. It doesn't go into effect until September 1st. I'm anti-Abbott and this bill but the author or editor is not being honest here.

    JDPoZ avatar


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  • lowdownfool,
    lowdownfool avatar

    It is exaggeratory in the present,

    Which makes it easily debunked and future deaths ignorable to certain segments. It's not about "going high" - just not being liars.


    Thanks for doing the heavy lifting so I didn’t have to read it.


    High quality comment!

    Most of us never click the articles lol


    The title is definitely implying a more direct connection than exists in reality, and the article doesn't go into detail on when the bill is meant to go into effect. The author could be using it as an example of how much worse things could get once the bill goes into effect, especially with the references to the effects of past ordinances mandating water breaks.

    But I agree, there's definitely some intellectual dishonesty going on.


    Well, the article says the anti-water break part of the bill goes into effect September 1st, and that is as much detail as I personally need.


    Huh, I stopped reading after the little star symbol right above one of the ads, thinking that was the end of the article.

    @Pandantic@lemmy.world avatar

    Since then, 11 people between the ages of 60 and 80 have died of heat-related illness in Webb County, the Associated Press reported. Most did not have air-conditioning in their homes. A teen and stepfather died while hiking in extreme heat at Big Bend National Park, per a National Park Service release. According to the Texas Tribune, at least nine inmates, including two men in their 30s, died in Texas prisons that lack air conditioning. And at least four workers have died after collapsing while laboring in triple-digit heat: a post office worker in Dallas, a utility lineman in East Texas, and construction workers in Houston.

    Only 4 of them were even workers out in extreme heat, and none of the deaths are confirmed to be from that.


    The suggestion that employers didn’t start using it to abuse their workers immediately is ludicrous.

    These deaths are completely on Abbot and the GOP

    lowdownfool avatar

    Do you have actual evidence or is it just something in your head? I despise abusive employers and don't trust any corporation but the breaks are still mandated until September 1st.

    Reverendender, to politics in Texans Die from Heat Exhaustion After Governor Bans Water Breaks

    Well no one could have predicted this. Sadly, nothing can be done. /s

    Mbourgon, to news in Small-Town Politics, National Consequences: The Supreme Court takes up a Texas power struggle involving allegedly retaliatory arrests of two councilwomen.

    Texas Fifth Circuit. Says it all.

    stembolts, (edited ) to news in Small-Town Politics, National Consequences: The Supreme Court takes up a Texas power struggle involving allegedly retaliatory arrests of two councilwomen.

    Doot doot doot.
    The United States is becoming a fascist police state.
    Doot doot doot.
    Can’t protest, can’t object, can’t question. Just obey!
    Any disruption to the profit machine means your comfortable existence is forfeit.
    This is fine.
    Actually let’s elect more strong men, they’ll surely make it better. /s

    I always wondered why the founding fathers were looked at with such admiration and reverence for founding a country with concepts that seemed like common sense. I misunderstood. It wasn’t common sense at all, rogue arrests, intimidation, threats, that is actually common sense to the monkeys that we humans are. I guess I was naive.

    When the people rise up, crush them. Sure is easier than listening, responding with ideas, and respecting democratic institutions.

    PrincessLeiasCat, to health in After Abortion Ban, Texas Teen Birth Rate Rises

    Resources for Texans seeking access to healthcare:





    If you need help getting an abortion go to these sites:



    These sites offer access to abortion pills, even in Texas. Please be safe and be aware of clinics (e.g. Crisis Pregnancy Centers) that give out dangerous misinformation on abortions and pregnancy.

    If you want to give money to some pro-choice charities, try here:

    fundtexaschoice.org - The Dallas-based nonprofit Fund Texas Choice assists Texas residents with lodging and transportation expenses to abortion clinics in and out of state. It also provides information on organizations that can help with funding the procedure.

    www.laslibres.org - Las Libres is a Mexican feminist organization that supports women seeking abortions and control of their own bodies; this now includes those who contact them from the United States.

    teafund.org - Texas Equal Access Fund provides funding to low-income people in the north, east, and Panhandle regions of Texas who can’t afford an abortion. It also offers emotional support through a confidential text line, support group, and virtual clinic companion program.

    janesdueprocess.org - Jane’s Due Process helps young Texans navigate parental-consent laws and confidentially access abortion and birth control. It offers Texas teens and young people free legal support, one-on-one case management, and a text line for those needing information on birth control and family-planning services without parental involvement.

    www.lilithfund.org - The Lilith Fund, an Austin-based nonprofit, provides direct financial assistance to Texans in central and southern regions of the state who need an abortion. It also offers an emotional-support hotline

    www.theafiyacenter.org - The Afiya Center, or TAC for short, is a reproductive-justice organization in North Texas that provides refuge, education, and other resources to Black women. The center has its own “economic enrichment campaign” focused on funding projects for women of color living with HIV/AIDS (and those at risk). It also supports programs that are providing abortion access in the state.

    thebridgecollective.org - The Bridge Collective serves central Texans by offering transportation to abortion clinics for people within 100 miles of Austin. It also provides free reproductive-health resource kits to those who are within 30 miles of Austin. The kits include Plan B, pregnancy tests, condoms, and information on sexual and reproductive health.

    avowtexas.org - Avow (which was previously NARAL Pro-Choice Texas) fights for abortion rights through community building, education, and political advocacy. The Avow Foundation funds research, public education, organizing, and more to educate Texans on the importance of abortion access.

    Also: 20 Organizations Fighting the Texas Abortion Ban

    Please feel free to copy and share this and to add your own links.



    @Fudoshin@feddit.uk avatar


    I was hoping for free tea bags. :(

    prole, to thepoliceproblem in Texas cops arrest 11-year-old honors student and put him in solitary confinement for three days

    “When the police officer had his body cam off, they were yelling and telling me, ‘We’re gonna go to the full extent. We’re gonna put you in a lockbox,’” Timothy said. “Then, when the body cam was finally on, they were so nice.”

    How are we still letting cops just turn off body cams? It defeats the entire fucking purpose.


    The shouldn’t be able to ever turn them off while they are working and if they do. Immediate suspension, second time formal inquiry, 3rd time he’s out in his ass.

    I feel like you guys can’t even control your own police


    I feel like you guys can’t even control your own police

    Um. No. We absolutely cannot


    You can tell…by the way that it is.

    blanketswithsmallpox, (edited )

    Fwiw the biggest issue with bodycams is that they’re expensive as hell. Milwaukee wanted to get better equipped with them a few years back and nobody wanted to pay. People want to defund police but it throws so much off. Even when they want to defund, Republicans refuse to push legislation to get more Crisis workers who can help and fund mental health care.

    Most voters barely want to fund schools, let alone the police and poor/addicted/troubled lol.


    @gkd@lemmy.ml avatar

    The cost of a body cam doesn’t have anything to do with policies on whether or not they can be turned off.


    Besides the fact that it effects even having one to turn off you mean?


    The cost isn’t the cam itself, it’s the servers and their software and IT administrators to maintain them, the personnel to audit the videos, and the personnel to respond to records requests by being able to locate archived files and redeact private information of the people the police interact with in the requested videos. Spinning up and maintaining multiple departments that just didn’t exist before a body cam program was implemented is a significant resource draw.

    If the auditing personnel aren’t hired in sufficient numbers, or the IT personnel to keep the video archives actually usable, then turning off of bodycams won’t ever be caught.

    @gkd@lemmy.ml avatar

    But what does that have to do with a bodycam being turned off during an incident? We see them clearly disable them or cover them on their own. I’m not saying they need to be turned on 24/7, that’s obviously not feasible.

    @GladiusB@lemmy.world avatar

    Privacy. Can’t go to the bathroom. They use it and abuse it.


    The ability to turn the cam off while you shit could easily have come with a rule that states that if you turn your cam off while doing cop stuff you’re fired, but it didnt. Privacy in the bathroom is the excuse, not the reason. The reason is that cameras exonerate the innocent and impugn the guilty without regard to status or favor, and cops want to continue to break the law and hurt people who haven’t broken the law. They’re a street gang. There is no cop who enforces the law without fear or favor, there are only criminals and cops that ignore crime committed by people they like.


    The ability to turn the cam off while you shit could easily have come with a rule that states that if you turn your cam off while doing cop stuff you’re fired, but it didnt.

    Easy. If you turn off your cam, you’re not a cop anymore, you lose your legal powers.

    Take a shit while turning off your cam? No problem, you don’t need to be a cop for that.

    Shoot someone after “accidentally” turning your cam off? You just killed someone likely while trespassing with no qualified immunity. Enjoy prison.

    prole, (edited )

    Too bad. Make it part of what you sign up for when you become a cop. “You wanna be a cop? Well a few people may end up seeing you pee, just so you know that.”

    There are people who have to piss into cups in front of people constantly. Surely that’s not an onerous demand to ensure the integrity of all bodycam footage. Who would ever see the raw uncut (lol) footage anyway? A jury maybe? in which case, blur out the dong. Easy.

    I don’t know… I’m just not convinced by the “privacy” angle.

    Edit: I guess other people’s privacy could be a concern. Though I bet AI is good enough that, if we really wanted to be honest about it (lol), we could figure out a way to filter other people out completely in a way that can be verified etc. etc. But that’ll never happen.

    They don’t work for us anymore; they’re not “public servants.” They’re a (militarized) force that serves the interests of capital. They don’t defend people, they defend private property. That’s where the root of the problem lies. These people aren’t becoming cops to make the neighborhood they live in a safer place, most of the time they don’t even live in the neighborhood they serve. No, these people become cops because it lets them hurt people.

    They’re just a gang of thugs that happens to serve the interests of those with the most money and power.

    @GladiusB@lemmy.world avatar

    I don’t know. I hear the anger and I think there are some bad cops. But I think they are good ones out there. And they are people too. I can’t punish someone’s rights because of some assholes.

    I hear what you are saying and there should be a way to handle it. I’m just not convinced that running them full time is the solution. Maybe limiting the turning off and if it’s done too many times in a row there is lockout and automatic reviews.


    People always seem to forget the second half of the old saying about “bad apples.” The full phrase is, “a bad apple spoils the bunch.”

    In other words, all it takes is one rotten person to bring an entire group down.

    FlyingSquid, to thepoliceproblem in Texas cops arrest 11-year-old honors student and put him in solitary confinement for three days
    @FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

    This makes me want to cry. That poor boy. His life could be ruined by this. The mental anguish could set him down a path to failure when he was on one to success. He’s going to be afraid of school now. He will have gone from loving learning to fearing the educators.



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