maralorn, avatar

Something extremly awesome happened. After switching to -24.05 my system just feels … more snappy?

I don’t know exactly why. I think it might be the update to 0.3.0.

\cc @ifreund

athas, avatar

@maralorn @ifreund do you run the release branches of NixOS? I think I did so initially, but switched to master because releases didn't work well for me, for reasons I no longer remember. Reconstructing potential issues, is Nixpkgs committed to backporting security fixes?

AngryAnt, avatar

@athas @maralorn @ifreund Security fixes will hit the active branches, yes.

Using master is very unreccomended as you're running without any test- or cache coverage.

maralorn, avatar

Switched all my machines to 24.05.

Basically no hickups. Thanks to all contributors for a great release!

hexa, avatar

@mangoiv Yeah, I think release managers can bypass branch protection. @maralorn

mangoiv, avatar
nobodyinperson, avatar

Man, the longer I have :nixos: and :manjaro: running in parallel, the more annoyed I am by the :archlinux: way, e.g.:

· Python update ⇒ all python-based packages must be rebuilt. -installed packages also need reinstallation.
· separation between distro repos and AUR is anoying. 'yay -Syu' (or whatever) never really works in one go (be it some stupid sudo prompt later)
· so many AUR packages don't build reliably or at all.

AngryAnt, avatar

@adnan @nobodyinperson Certainly. And consequently the resulting images will be a lot more lean than what you would otherwise end up with.


AngryAnt, avatar

@hasnep @nobodyinperson When I moved to Linux I would maintain markdown files with notes & instructions on what I'd done and how to repeat. Nix let me skip the human step in executing my instructions.

Janik, avatar

Gotta love #lix

I encountered a small inconvenience bug earlier today, reported it to them and it took less then an hour for a cl with a fix being opened.

#nix #nixos


@Janik Cool, uses . I like that :)

hexa, avatar

24.05 branch-off happened. Snuck in a small reformat of the python packages at the last minute.

Currently, evaluations are running, nixos-24.05-small has already completed eval and is building.

It will be mostly cached from nixos-unstable-small anyway, so its channel should be available within the next two hours.

hexa, avatar

@sandro The churn of individual commits doing reformatting of single packages frankly pisses me off. It consumes too much bandwidth and I wanted that to end.

There is never a good time to do it, but this was the best time to do it.

I have no regret for making this choice.

sandro, avatar

@hexa We should have waited another 6 months. There are still glaring issues around lib.optional/s wild formatting.

danielsiepmann, (edited )

Any Idea why I'm unable to update due to "No space left on device" even if there are 23G available?

Edit: The issue was caused by number of inodes.

this path will be fetched (458.58 MiB download, 464.67 MiB unpacked):
copying path '/nix/store/4mc1wf8b6jad08wlfqaw6zvv7007d51d-linux-firmware-20240513-zstd' from ''...
building '/nix/store/l4drcr95rzznb9n18rl95cjhzrvwi96q-system-path.drv'...
error: mkdir /nix/store/swcchba29bqmm9mjfgs7flsmhw1fw4wg-system-path//share/locale/az: No space left on device at /nix/store/ line 267.
error: builder for '/nix/store/l4drcr95rzznb9n18rl95cjhzrvwi96q-system-path.drv' failed with exit code 28
error: 1 dependencies of derivation '/nix/store/6zlwarcc34qv5h2rfq2pj83h7zzcimm8-nixos-system-hikari-24.05pre628669.6c0b7a92c301.drv' failed to build

nixpkgs > df -h
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
devtmpfs        395M     0  395M   0% /dev
tmpfs           3.9G   16K  3.9G   1% /dev/shm
tmpfs           2.0G  4.3M  2.0G   1% /run
tmpfs           3.9G  1.1M  3.9G   1% /run/wrappers
/dev/dm-0       102G   74G   23G  77% /
/dev/sda1       511M  200M  312M  40% /boot/efi
tmpfs           789M   44K  789M   1% /run/user/1000
pbsds, avatar

@danielsiepmann If not the inodes, you might want to clear out /tmp or even look at your boot partition.


@pbsds It actually was inodes. But thanks for your suggestion :)

leftpaddotpy, avatar

Wrote a post on how to do reasonable pinning for non-flake configs using a simple shell script, npins, and nixos-rebuild. I also talk about how tools like nixos-rebuild and nix-channel are skeletons in our closet that we need to actually replace and deprecate as a community, to bring people up to modern practices.

#nix #nixos

leftpaddotpy, avatar

@whitequark ok, sure, but that could also be done in a far more scrutible way by a CI job that updates the file and then the machine auto pulls its config or so.

whitequark, avatar

@leftpaddotpy this is true but the reason I use Nix is because it enables me to maintain more infrastructure with less work

so adding more work on top of that (the GHA treadmill or its equivalent for another platform) is just not appealing?

it's not like I would ever really want to roll out an old commit

jonoabroad, avatar

Help your elderly idiot folks, how can I find the device file for one of my network cards?

Either I have this podman option reversed or everything hates me.


spmatich, avatar


ifconfig -a

should show the host interfaces, although you might need to use

nmcli con show

Depending on your variant. Containers will usually use a bridge interface

jonoabroad, avatar

@spmatich yeah I am unsure if it is Nix, podman, some combination or 🤷‍♂️

I think it's working, but also, 😬

raito, avatar

I have been working on something, which is not totally ready.

Most of the deployment tools in the ecosystem are tailored to... NixOS. NixOS can run in a bunch of places, but not easily on 256MB RAM devices and 32MB disk.

For that, you have plenty of options, one of them is (

Liminix is currently tailored to OpenWRT-class APs/routers and I worked on bringing support for the Zyxel NWA50AX ( 1/???

doomy, avatar

anyone have a good resource for converting a binary to a #nixos service? I think i got pretty far with @readeck but i have no clue how to handle the /etc/ files it claims it needs and keep getting vague 203 errors.

sandro, avatar

@doomy @readeck I usually find a similar service and copy paste from that.

You place files in etc with environment.etc and then you bailsically construct the systemd service and maybe enable a few other bits it needs.

davisrichard437, avatar

Okay I'll bite... which side should I be on for the drama?

AngryAnt, avatar

@davisrichard437 This post was an excellent lightning rod. Thank you for your service ;)

jakehamilton, avatar

The latest issue of #NixPkgsNews is out!

If you enjoy the weekly recaps and would like to support me continuing them (as well as getting some perks), you can now subscribe on Patreon!

#Nix #NixOS #NixPkgs

Qyriad, avatar

instead of talking so much about what flakes are for, maybe we should talk more about what they do, because it's actually very little. flakes DO the following:

  • manage a single, top-level lockfile
  • force a specific entry point for a Nix expression
  • change the CLI syntax you use
  • turn on "pure eval" mode by default
  • make you git track your files (for git repo flakes)

those are the actual things that flakes effect to Nix code

#NixOS #Nix

chrism, avatar
yisraeldov, avatar


"there is no moral difference taking money from Anduril or from Microsoft. Microsoft has had multi-billion dollar Pentagon and other agency contracts for many years now, and the things they produce are used wherever the U.S. Government wants to use them, including as tools for war and border control."

100% this. is so embedded in that it is hard to take any complaints about other partners or sponsors seriously.

sandro, avatar

@yisraeldov @chrism NixOS is not deeply embedded into GitHub. Many CI checks are just executing shell code in the end which can be early run locally and be adopted and everything specific to GitHub would need to find a replacement, like the labeler.

The main problem is scalability. Running your own infrastructure on that level of size, complexity and availability is a major undertaking and eg. Gitea couldn't even handle the amount of forks.

bitprophet, avatar

ME: hm I should make one (1) change to my programmable keyboard.

30 MINUTES LATER: well, my random weird devicemapper issue went away after uninstalling/reinstalling docker and rebooting a few times, but now docker seems to require root, when it didn't before? wtf

Computers may have been a mistake. (Also, it's amazing how far my desire to tinker with my setup has plummeted now that the community is splintering.)

bitprophet, avatar

Well, nothing another reboot didn't fix! What is this shit, Windows?

And this is a /headless/ Linux box, at that, so can't blame any of the huge pile of desktoppery bullshit one might otherwise blame, either.

webology, avatar

@bitprophet I was bulk updating a bunch of small servers last night, which included a few DO boxes.

I had one of those oh shit moments while I was upgrading the box to get Tailscale updated. Thankfully, everything was fine, but I thought I would lose access while the box took a minute to respond.

onepict, avatar

You have one more day before applications close for by @nixos_org and @NGIZero

If you're curious about Nix this is a paid opportunity.

onepict, avatar
onepict, avatar

@nixos_org @NGIZero

My project @librecast benefited from last years when we applied through @review

We are still benefiting now as our package maintainers agreed to keep packaging us.

So if you are curious about how to package for perhaps there is also a project you'd love to contribute to and have in Nix. This is your chance to learn and work with other folks.

squirrelroad, avatar

why is there and ?
Why not just merge them together ?

sandro, avatar

@dwagenk @squirrelroad I don't see how replacing nix with different 3 letters in all terms would solve the naming quirk.

Also IMO that's not such a big issue. Most languages have a language and compiler/interpreter which is named the same.

sandro, avatar

@squirrelroad 🤷
Also aux seems to be just a community which primary goal is rebranding?

zperk13, avatar

Trying out

I am getting very annoyed with the way it just imports everything

There's a reason we don't do "using namespace" or "use library::*" or "from library import *".

Ok I see a function here. Is it built in or imported? I have no idea.

Or if you somehow know it's not builtin, ok, but which of the 20 imported things is it from?

sandro, avatar

@zperk13 Even if it would have a FHS layout, things wouldn't always work out of the box and if you really need one, it can be emulated with a fhs env.

sandro, avatar

@zperk13 It doesn't. There a few keywords and everything else is either in builtins or in lib. lib is split into multiple sections but everything is also directly available under lib. and mostly those sections are not used and implementation details.

That people overuse with lib is slowly worked on to be removed.

xenya52, German avatar

Für mich persönlich ist schwer verständlich…

sandro, avatar

@xenya52 Was genau?

Häufig ist man mit fd und rg gut beraten und findet sehr schnell was man sucht, weil es eben nicht über tausende kleine repos verteilt ist und man wissen muss in welchem man jetzt genau suchen muss.

nobodyinperson, avatar

Nice, I managed to package this little utility 'highlight-pointer' for :nixos: , which is very helpful during screencasts.

It was very easy to do having already made an :archlinux: PKGBUILD.

dedsyn4ps3, avatar

@nobodyinperson I've had the same experience recently after launching a new command line tool I created for GNOME desktops.

Having that hands-on experience with PKGBUILDs definitely makes putting together a or standard derivation a lot more straightforward and easy to understand for sure! 🙌👌 :arch: :nixos:

jbzfn, avatar

:owi: Lix, a community run fork of CppNix and an implementation of the Nix language

「 Lix is developed by a diverse group of users – and accordingly is committed to providing a space that’s safe for users and developers typically underrepresented in technical projects. We take moderation seriously, and are committed to preventing bad actors from driving out marginalized groups 」

sandro, avatar

@jbzfn it's a fork, not an implementation. Tvix is an implementation.

w96k, avatar

Nix original creator Eelco Dolstra has stepped down from Nixos foundation:

aeva, avatar

I don't actually have time today to work on any side projects, but I thought I'd run through the basic setup steps for MonoGame aaaand

bash: ./bin/Debug/net6.0/MyGame: cannot execute: required file not found

... which required file ._. ???

I think this sort of thing means it tried to dynamically link something and failed. I run into this whenever I try to run loose builds of Linux games on , but idk what to do about it.

aeva, avatar

I think I fixed everything that was reported missing by ldd, but it still cannot grasp ye flask :/

aeva, avatar

can someone help me with what i should expect from the
services.xserver.virtualScreen option.
From the source code I gather that it just appends

"Virtual ${toString cfg.virtualScreen.x} ${toString cfg.virtualScreen.y}"}

to the monitor section
but what does that do? I don't know enough about x11 and the docs are not really helping me...

sandro, avatar

@baer That's the x and y of the virtual screen.
The example will turn into

"Virtual 2048 2048"

koalalorenzo, avatar

Today I learned: #nix-infect, to transform a vm from another distribution into #NixOS, mostly for cloud providers that don't offer this option! (Including #DigitalOcean and #hetzner). I am going to use it! :)

#TIL #Cloud #Nix

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