

On the up side, if anyone wants in, they are free to create accounts on other instances

@Blaze@dormi.zone avatar

Indeed, especially with 0.19 that allows you to migrate your subs and block lists in two clicks

@Gort@lemm.ee avatar

Wish that was around when I moved from lemmy.world to lemm.ee some time ago. It would have saved me a bit of time. Nice that it’s there for the future, though.

Danterious, (edited )

The part that annoys me is that this was done silently even though last time they said they would ask their users. Hopefully it was just an admin that didn’t get the last memo.

Edit: the community -> their users


I suspect something involving law enforcement or legal. Still would love if LW admins updated on this.


Any good pro piracy instances?


Yepp - the one this community is on 🏴‍☠️

db0, (edited )
@db0@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

The speed that this happened suggests they might have gotten spooked by something. Put down the pitchforks mates and give them a chance to explain first.

EDIT: Welp, I expected an explanation by now…

EDIT2: lemmy.dbzer0.com/post/16795373


If there’s anything they should be spooked by, it’s the pitchforks!

Sabata11792 avatar

Ill take a pitchfork in the guts any day if it keeps me away from being a debt slave to Disney for the rest of my life.

@RiikkaTheIcePrincess@pawb.social avatar

😞 🧑‍🌾


They got lawyered maybe.

@Mubelotix@jlai.lu avatar

I’m doubtful


Wouldn't be surprised if they got some personally delivered letters from the legal department of a big media company, given that they blocked visibility to some magazines on other servers.

Trebach, (edited )

Per https://lemmy.world/post/13320356, they got a takedown notice and started going through everything with a fine toothed comb.


Don’t you guys have an admin chat group. Or at least you guys would have some way of keeping in touch since this has happened before.

@db0@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

We do, in fact. They never gave a heads-up, and none has responded until now. I found about this from this post


That’s unfortunate.

@Flatworm7591@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar
@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

because lemmy.world is yours as much as it is ours.

It’s funny because someone on their team started banning people from that thread for disagreeing with their stance then when called out for it they quietly changed the instance bans for community bans, in an awesome display of pure pettiness one would normally see on Reddit.

When I described the previous removal as LW having a feud with dbzer0, that was why.

@tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

To be fair they do say they “need to be” transparent, not that they were going to be :p

@Flatworm7591@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar


@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

“Just a heads up for when we do this again: we know that it sucks, and we are doing it anyway.”


They’ve just posted.

It’s not a good explanation. The only thing that changed was their own minds.

@empireOfLove2@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

average lemmy.world moment

being the biggest has it’s problems

@Amir@lemmy.ml avatar



of itself

@RobotToaster@mander.xyz avatar


@MalReynolds@slrpnk.net avatar

WTF is a glowie?


It refers to how obvious undercover agents can be in online forums. So obvious that they glow

@MalReynolds@slrpnk.net avatar



A paranoidal schizophrenic and a single dev of Temple OS thought thar he’s watched and messed with by federal agencies. He knew, because he could see a glowing aura around them undercover agents. After his ramblings about it, 4chan boards users who watched his streams as a lolcow (a person of interest who can be milked for lulz) took this slang term from him. Then it spread everywhere.

Down the Rabbit Hole episode about him and his slow sad demise: youtu.be/UCgoxQCf5Jg?si=JlPs70O5gQCvau2z

@MalReynolds@slrpnk.net avatar


@RobotToaster@mander.xyz avatar

The CIA got him in the end.


Working with the 3-letters has its disadvantages, HA!

@jackmarxist@hexbear.net avatar

Lemmy.world is the stupidest instance around


I don’t know, at least its not stuffed up to its assrim with Marxist filth.

Arelin, (edited )

Instead it’s filled with zionazi and anti-piracy filth.

I prefer my filth Marxist and materialist flavoured thank you very much.

@Urist@lemmy.ml avatar

I mean, I like my Marxist content to be good and not filth. Maybe that’s what he meant.


Says lemm.ee user lmao


What’s wrong with lemm.ee?


Probably just using Texas_Hangover’s lack of logic against them


Well where the hell else are we supposed to store our Marxist filth?


only to the begging of the rim

Ignacio avatar

Indeed. In my opinion, it's called lemmy.world but it's too US centric to have the .world domain.

@lemmesay@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

classic US

@CARCOSA@hexbear.net avatar


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  • Danterious, (edited )

    Yeah this admin is only 1 month old. So it does seem likely that they weren’t around for the last outrage.


    It’s Spez’s Lemmy account.


    Sigh. At least the benefits of federation include being free to move into other instances while LW can pull stuff like this (probably because they get the heat from being the largest instance).


    A disunited federation is still a federation.

    AFAIK, lemmy.world cannot remove !piracy (but block this community or instance), because lemmy.world is another instance.

    Pirates interested in this communities will find a way to lurk or participate.


    If we’re to have any chance at convincing more Reddit users to join the Fediverse, the main Lemmy and Kbin instances need to stick together. While the piracy community being among the biggest arguably doesn’t make for great optics (having a greater variety of communities above the 50k user mark would help bring more users to Lemmy), a fragmented federation only helps Reddit. Beyond that, this community has rules in place to ensure that posts stick to the discussion of piracy, and not piracy itself.

    Alsephina, (edited )

    Nah I wouldn’t want Lemmy to attract anti-piracy bootlickers (specially considering why we left Reddit for Lemmy in the first place). This being the largest community is a good filter imo.

    @RobotToaster@mander.xyz avatar

    Defederation really should be last resort, a lot of admin use it as a first one. (Even dbzer0 censors 187 instances)

    kbal, (edited )
    @kbal@fedia.io avatar

    The vast majority of those (on the dbzer0 list) are obviously just copied from someone's medium-sized mastodon blocklist, which in this case mostly includes instances that definitely deserve it. I recognize only a few dubious choices in there, and none that are completely indefensible.

    @db0@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    The instances in our blocklist are based on the fediseer. It’s mostly CSAM, Bigoted and potentiall spam instances.

    @kbal@fedia.io avatar

    The current fediseer censured list seems much larger and correspondingly more problematic in places. You've started out with a good list, hope you exercise due caution in adding to it.

    @db0@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    The fediseer censure list is relative to which instances you’re referencing. There’s no absolute “fediseer censure list”

    @kbal@fedia.io avatar

    Yeah, sorry, I've never really looked at it before. But its web UI just shows them all as one big list. I wouldn't mind seeing a list of those censured by more than 10 instances, or all of a selected group of instances... is that in the API?

    db0, (edited )
    @db0@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    Yes you can do that in the API, as well as filter by tags. You can also select your instance references on the UI

    @aaaaaaadjsf@hexbear.net avatar

    While the piracy community being among the biggest arguably doesn’t make for great optics

    I’d argue otherwise. It is great optics to have a thriving piracy community. It keeps the corporate boot lickers out, and attracts the kind of crowd that we should want on Lemmy.


    While it’s great to have a thriving piracy community, it being one of the only thriving ones inevitably makes potential users associate the platform with it and convinces them to either choose another Reddit alternative or simply avoid the inconvenience of switching platforms. While we may disagree with them, the failure of the Reddit blackout demonstrated that they make up the lion’s share of users from large communities that have yet to materialize here. Better to have many communities with a diversity of opinions than only a handful of echo chambers.

    @flan@hexbear.net avatar

    who cares?


    For me it’s about all the subreddits that didn’t migrate to Lemmy, and the ghost town feeling caused by only having 55,000 monthly users versus Reddit’s 850 million. With Lemmy’s active user count slowly dropping instead of rising, everything needs to be done to bring more redditors to Lemmy, whether they are supporters of piracy or not.


    Yeah. Lemmy’s entire population is about as large as some of the smaller gaming subreddits. Even /r/mildyinteresting has over 200k subscribers (4x as big as Lemmy), and that subreddit is a misspelling of /r/mildlyinteresting.

    @flan@hexbear.net avatar

    before there was reddit there were message boards and these message boards tended to be pretty small and niche. They would have low thousands of users, if that. I don’t think having low user counts is something to be afraid of - especially for sites run and paid for by volunteers.

    Zedstrian, (edited )

    Message boards like that have dedicated userbases for their subject matter though, something that is missing on Lemmy for most subject matters. Since I’d like to be on Lemmy for more than just, for my interests at least, a piracy message board, more users are needed to build interest in communities that weren’t promoted by a subreddit.


    But a federation is fragmentation. If the only thing that doesn’t help reddit is another centralized system, then that’s really just a claim that private ownership of the internet is good, actually, so long as we like the owners.

    @ReveredOxygen@sh.itjust.works avatar

    I assume they mean more like what’s happening on Mastodon, where instances mass defederate other instances for not having the same instances defederated

    @sabreW4K3@lazysoci.al avatar

    A few of the bigger instances have been very open about the fact that they're anti-piracy, anti-porn, etc and removing this community is par for the course with such a stance.

    What does that mean for the average user? It means there's more incentive to move to better instances. It's when instances have such a monopoly on users and communities that people should not only move, but advocate for other people moving to smaller instances.

    Also a major benefit of not being federated by large instances is that there's less surface area for search engines and thus resources last longer.

    Arcturus, (edited )

    Imo the issue here is that how Lemmy works right now, or maybe just its apps, seems to have the trend of pushing most people onto the largest instance(s) like .world

    If the point of the Fediverse is to have a decentralized userbase, that trend needs to be reversed.

    Even if we give .world admins the benefit of the doubt and say they got in legal trouble or something this time, having a userbase properly spread across many instances would prevent that instance from being the obvious target.


    imo when the devs get tired of .ml being the second cousin and not the biggest or most well-liked instance, they’ll change their website to not surface by size and popularity so much.

    @sabreW4K3@lazysoci.al avatar

    You’re not wrong. But people are lazy. They want to go where everyone is and have FOMO they’ll miss something good by not being on the biggest instance.


    Instance checks out lol


    hexbear alt


    Another reason why I like Fediverse

    If Lemmy.world would have full control over it, this community would just get banned, but there's more and it is still accessable from all other places


    Yeah, just like when reddit changed their rules to ban DNM.

    Such a waste.

    @Oha@lemmy.ohaa.xyz avatar

    Would be a good time to finally leave .world behind. That instance is way too big

    @Aquilae@hexbear.net avatar

    .world is just the worst parts of Reddit. Even fucking Reddit hasn’t banned r/Piracy (yet)

    Wes_Dev, (edited )

    Why would Reddit ban it? It’s an easy way for them to collect users’ IP addresses for their corporate overlords.

    D61, (edited )

    The optics of a potentially publicly traded company (what ever happened with the Reddit IPO thing?) openly having a “how to steal other companies copyrighted work” forum is more of a negative than IP farming with no method to actually do anything useful with the IP addresses.


    Huh. I hadn’t thought about that. That’s not a bad point either.

    @Tak@lemmy.ml avatar

    I think Reddit would have to tackle the mountains of porn too for those optics.

    D61, (edited )

    Porn is less of a legal liability than copyright claims is my guess.

    Also… like… if somebody is dumping money into Reddit as a user of Reddit, which is more likely to make them stop: killing the piracy forums or the porn forums?

    Tak, (edited )
    @Tak@lemmy.ml avatar

    It’s not about the legal liability and more that publically traded corporations only want profit. Reddit would need to cater to advertisers who would not like all the porn, it’s why Tumblr and Imgur removed the porn.

    D61, (edited )

    Specifically, the executives and shareholders want their Publicly Traded Shares of company stock to be increasing in value. Advertisers are good for getting long term holders of the stock to keep holding and buying, but everybody else is looking to quietly pump up the numbers and sell what they can without upsetting the apple-cart.

    I’d bet a shiny metal dollar that after the IPO starts, the porn subs will slowly start being winnowed down. Give it a few years and if any exist they will be private.

    @Blaze@dormi.zone avatar

    Reddit IPO thing?

    Planned for this week

    @Aquilae@hexbear.net avatar

    Fair point

    @Jennykichu@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    Most of the “communities” are just endless meme reposts like reddit,

    @TacoButtPlug@sh.itjust.works avatar

    It definitely has that Front Page feel. I straight up just blocked .world after they took a pro Meta stand.


    It hasn’t banned it, but they turned it into a meme community, which can be worse than being banned.

    Arcturus, (edited )

    Why are people joining .world to begin with? The entire point of this is to decentralize. Joining the by far largest instance beats the entire purpose.

    Join smaller ones like lemmy.one, lemmy.club, lemmings.world, lemmy.zip etc. We might need to start specifically recommending against .world and for general purpose instances like those.

    Also, funny how even reddit allows r/Piracy but not .world lol

    @bazingabrain@hexbear.net avatar

    by far largest instance

    You mean hexbear? Because weve been around for years before these loser shitlibs showed up


    Hexbear is at the top by quality, not quantity 😔

    @QuietCupcake@hexbear.net avatar

    I think it still has highest number of posts and comments per day or something? It’s no longer the highest number in terms of users, but there is some basic metric of activity where hexbear still is quantifiably at the top. But anyway you’re right about the quality, that’s what’s important.


    My instance is somewhat small so I’m not guilty :D

    yukichigai avatar

    Also, don't put all your eggs in one basket: diversify, diversify, diversify. Make a main account, but have more on at least one other instance. Instances go down for maintenance, software gets updated, owners change moderation policies, so on. If you can't get to Lemmy through your main, use your secondary.

    Personally I use lemmy.sdf.org as my secondary. It's run by a bunch of retro-enthusiast Unix nerds who more care about the functionality of the tech than anything else. No blocked communities there, and AFAIK they haven't defederated from any instance outside of ones that were hacked/compromised. That does not mean you can just go there and be a shitbird though, they do have standards.


    Yeah, I was cool with sitting on lemmy.world until they did something that I wasn’t cool with.

    I’m not loyal to them, or anyone else. The more choice, the better.


    why? because it feels safer to join a big and longer lasting instance than a random one with almost no users. such small instances can vanish from one day to the bext. i once created a account on such a small instance and not even a week later it was wiped from earth, taking my account with it. so it’s no wonder people chooser rather bigger instances.

    @zarkanian@sh.itjust.works avatar

    If you join a small instance, the chances are higher that it will a) be poorly maintained and b) fold quicker, forcing you to find another instance to join and re-subscribe to all your communities.

    @db0@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    so long as you’re regularly exporting your profile, moving instances isn’t a big deal anymore.


    The whole point is most people want simplicity, not a chore.

    db0, (edited )
    @db0@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    convenience, freedom, price, safety. Choose 2

    @Emperor@feddit.uk avatar

    For most users, price and convenience. That’s been made very clear over and over again.

    db0, (edited )
    @db0@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    Sure, but eventually the lack of freedom and security drives them away when the service enshittifies thoroughly.


    That’s what we like to think. Facebook, Google, kinda shows us most users are perfectly happy to continue taking abuse, though


    Facebook has been losing users for years though.


    Fortunately anyone using Lemmy is likely not one of those “most users”


    As lemmy becomes mainstream, those users will become the average user here. Eternal September is just the way of things

    @db0@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    With social media companies, they seem unassailable, until the trust thermocline is breached, and then they collapse all at once.


    Exporting what, now?

    @bilb@lem.monster avatar

    I run my own instance that technically does have open registration, but I can’t really recommend anyone actually sign up to use it. It’s not running on very powerful hardware, and my commitment to keeping it running 24/7 is “as long as it stays convenient and interesting.” There are probably many, many of those. But there are a good collection of second and third tier instances now as well, I’m not to worried about .world’s popularity so long as they don’t do something like switch to a federation allow-list rather than a block list.

    @db0@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    If by open registration, you mean without approval, I strongly recommend you add an approval step, due to spam.

    @bilb@lem.monster avatar

    I’m aware of the risk, but so far the captcha seems to have prevented any mass sign-up, and none of the few other existing accounts so far have any activity. That said, since I have no intention to support a user base anymore, I probably should close it anyway.

    @db0@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    I mean, depending on your costs, running your own instance has benefits of control.

    @bilb@lem.monster avatar

    Agreed, and I don’t intend to stop at the moment. When I wrote “close it” I meant registration, sorry about the ambiguous language.


    Because they actually just want to still be on reddit.

    @JohnnyCanuck@lemmy.ca avatar

    Why are people joining .world to begin with?

    Because how it works when you first join is very confusing, and why you would choose any particular server is not clear at all.

    Also, people want to join something that is bigger and more active because it feels like it would be better (more stable, more content, etc.)


    In all fairness I applied to 5 Lemmy instances when the Reddit downfall started, including .ca and .world. .ml to date is still the only one to have processed my application. It may have been due to lots of applications at the time but the sheer fact my application is still pending on the other 4 instances leads me to use the one that actually works as opposed to the first one I chose.

    spyd3r, (edited )
    @spyd3r@sh.itjust.works avatar

    Everyone should leave that instance, the admin and the mods on that instance are big time thought police and will find excuses in their vague rules to delete your posts and eventually ban you if your views go against the grain.


    Banning users with certain “opinions” isn’t a bad thing on its own, but on .world that grain seems to be the corporate-bootlicking grain of Reddit.

    @SSJ2Marx@hexbear.net avatar

    Joining the by far largest instance beats the entire purpose.

    There’s kind of a tension here between Lemmy’s design and what makes most people join social media websites. Most people want the biggest, most centralized website.

    @halm@leminal.space avatar

    And instead they get the entire network no matter what instance they sign up for. Well, somewhat less than the entire network, apparently…

    (I say this knowing full well how many think they’re “on the internet” even though they never leave Meta’s corporate web)

    @Blaze@dormi.zone avatar

    Sync had Lemmy.world as the default instance to register a new account (might still be the case, I’m not sure). One of the factors for sure.


    So does Voyager, Raccoon, and Eternity. Everything is just defaulting to it and it’s infuriating.


    Trying to think of any place that didn’t/doesn’t default to them


    Maybe boost? I’m not certain as I logged my first account on liftoff


    The dev really needs to change that then.

    Perhaps have a system of selecting randomly from a set of hand-picked general purpose instances at sign-up, where having less people gives it a higher chance of being picked (if it’s of at least a certain size of course, to prevent spam etc)

    @Blaze@dormi.zone avatar

    Agree, but easier said than done


    I’m a programmer and it really is quite easy to implement lol

    @Blaze@dormi.zone avatar

    The issue is not about the implementation, but the filter: which criteria do you use to select instances that are eligible for the pool of instances? I’m genuinely asking because I think it takes some time to have a look on instances for people to make the best choice.


    You’re overthinking it. Select a few of the popular ones and be done with it

    @sudoreboot@slrpnk.net avatar

    Because they have no basis on which to decide where to go. It’s like buying toothpaste but there are hundreds of options, none of which you know anything about, so you get whichever seems most popular. It minimises the risk of ending up with something which is unpopular for good reasons.

    doom_and_gloom, (edited )
    @doom_and_gloom@lemmy.ml avatar


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  • aaaaaaadjsf,
    @aaaaaaadjsf@hexbear.net avatar

    the most similar instance to reddit, culture-wise.

    Why would anyone want that? The whole point of being on Lemmy is to get away from Reddit

    @synae@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    Some people were forced away from Reddit and don’t subscribe to that idea (yet?) - maybe they will understand that after being here for some time, but I know when my reddit app stopped working I just wanted something to fill the void

    @kugmo@sh.itjust.works avatar

    People want lefty reddit circle-jerk, but don’t want to use the official app or mobile website.


    Lemmy.world is also notoriously mismanaged and has had dubious privacy issues in the past, such as their Discord situation regarding user messages

    Nom, (edited )

    dubious privacy issues

    They’re also federated with threads so I wouldn’t be surprised at all. I’m a fool for sticking around in there as long as I have.


    What happened to the messages in their Discord?


    What I heard was a bot to send in ip from certain instances

    somethingchameleon, (edited )

    I think it’s fine to have a main instance, as long as that main instance isn’t gung-ho about censorship like lemmy.world has become.

    Although I definitely agree with recommending against joining lemmy.world.

    Such a shitty decision by biased mods and useful idiots. They deserve to lose power as a result.

    @AssortedBiscuits@hexbear.net avatar

    Also, funny how even reddit allows r/Piracy but not .world lol

    Imagine being even more of a corporate simp that Reddit lmao

    rambaroo, (edited )

    I don’t disagree at all but I can kind of understand why a lemmy instance would block piracy communities. Reddit has many millions of dollars and a squad of lawyers to back them up, lemmy admins don’t.


    Lemmy is confusing enough for people who are not used to its idea. Everybody new and with FOMO immediately went for the bigger instances.

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